2017课堂扫描高三英语一轮复习学案(牛津译林版):M6 Unit 3 Understanding each other-查字典英语网
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2017课堂扫描高三英语一轮复习学案(牛津译林版):M6 Unit 3 Understanding each other

发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1. Going to the beach for vacation is r___________.

  2. I think it’s d____________ to trek through the Amazon jungle of Brazil.

  3. If you go to Changchun in December, you need to p___________ some warm clothes.

  4. For my next vacation, I want to go s___________ interesting.

  5. Could you please p___________ me with some information about your vacation spots?

  6. Don’t worry about it. Take it e___________, please.

  7. Could you t___________ this English sentence into Chinese?

  8. In Western countries, people usually go to c___________ on Sundays.

  9. There are not many things in the box. It’s l___________. I can carry it by myself.

  10. We know during National Day Beijing is t_________. Many people go there for vacation.


  plan on, come true , go on vacation, in general, thousands of

  1. Your dream ____________, hasn’t it?

  2. I’m ____________ going to Tokyo next month.

  3. There are ____________ students in our school.

  4. ____________, Singapore is a nice place.

  5. —Where would you ____________ this summer?



  1. He has a wife and five children to provide ____________.

  2. I’d like to sail __________ the Pacific.

  3. The soldier trekked ____________ the forest.

  4. My school is five kilometers away ____________ my home.

  5. I dream ____________ going to the moon one day.

  6. All her classmates are friendly ____________ her.

  7. Singapore lies ____________ the south of Asia.

  8. You can get around the city ____________ subway.

  9. Danny, you are just in time ____________ the trip.

  10. Will you please give me some suggestions ____________ vacation spots?


  1. I’d like to go to a place where I can swim. (对画线部分提问)

  _________ _________ you _________ to go?

  2. I’d like to visit the city again some day. (改为一般疑问句)

  _________ _________ like to visit the city again some day?

  3. This is the book. I bought this book two days ago. (合并为一句)

  This is the book _________ _________ _________ two days ago.

  4. The weather is always warm at these places. I like them. (合并为一句)

  I like these places _________ the weather _________ always warm.

  5. We will be late for the meeting unless we hurry up. (改为同义句)

  We will be late for the meeting _________ we _________ _________ _________.

  6. They were expected to be here an hour ago, but they haven’t come till now. (改为同义句)

  They were _________ _________ be here an hour ago, but they haven’t come till now.

  7. Lucy decided that she would not go on vacation alone. (改为简单句)

  Lucy decided _________ _________ go on vacation alone。

  8. I feel like going to bed. (改为同义句)

  I would _________ _________ go to bed.

  9. The Internet can provide us with the latest news. (改为同义句)

  The Internet can _________ the latest news _________ us.

  10. Hi, Lucy, why don’t you have a picnic with us this Sunday? (改为同义句)

  Hi, Lucy, why _________ _________ a picnic with us this Sunday?


  1. 上周我爸爸曾考虑买一台电脑。

  My father _________ _________ a computer last week.

  2. 我们应该保持教室干净。We _________ _________ _________ keep our classroom _________.

  3. 他好像已经回家了。

  _________ _________ that he has gone home.

  4. 我的梦想是当一名职业篮球运动员。

  My dream is

  _________ _________ a professional basketball player.

  5. 陆涛希望有一天能去法国。

  Lu Tao _________ _________ _________ to France some day.

  .六、“would like” 句型转换

  1. Do you want to have some water? (改为同义句)

  _________ you _________ _________ _________ some water?

  2. We’d like to buy some oranges. (改为一般疑问句)

  _________ you like to buy _________ oranges?

  3. I’d like to go to the Great Wall this weekend. (对画线部分提问)

  _________ _________ you _________ to go this weekend?

  4. Would you like to go out for a walk with me? (作肯定回答)

  Yes, _________ _________ _________

  5. I’d like you to help Xiao Nan with his math. (对画线部分提问)

  _________ _________ you _________ to help Xiao Nan with his math?



  ) 1. —John, will you please _______ the blackboard now? It’s your duty.


  A. not clean

  B. not to clean

  C. to clean

  D. clean


  ) 2. Would you like _______

  swimming with me?

  A. go

  B. going

  C. to go

  D. goes


  ) 3. —I hope ______

  go there with us, Jim and Tom.

  —We’ll be glad to.

  A. you to

  B. you can

  C. them to

  D. they can


  ) 4. —Would you like to go to the cinema with me?


  A. Yes, I must

  B. Yes, I can

  C. Yes, I may

  D. Yes, I’d like to


  ) 5. —Would you like to play basketball with us?

  —Yes, I’d love to. _______

  I’m afraid I have no time.

  A. So

  B. But

  C. Or

  D. And


  1. We hope to seeing Huangguoshu Falls some day. ___________________

  2. Don’t plan on drive a car in this mountain area.


  3. I’d like to go anywhere relaxing.


  4. Many tourists spent their vacation to visit the Forest of Steles in Xi’an.


  5. What’s the place where you’d like to visit this winter?



  A: Good afternoon, madam! 1.___________________?

  B: I’d like to spend my holiday abroad.

  A: OK. 2.___________________?

  B: I haven’t decided which to visit. I just want to relax.

  A: 3.___________________?

  B: Singapore is too hot. Any other good place?

  A: What about England?

  B: I’ll think about it. 4.________________________?

  A: It’s neither too hot nor too cold all the year round.

  B: OK. Thank you very much.

  A: 5.___________________.


  一、1. relaxing

  2. dangerous

  3. pack

  4. somewhere 5. provide

  6. easy

  7. translate

  8. church

  9. light

  10. touristy

  二、1. has come true

  2. planning on

  3. thousands of

  4. In general

  5. go on vacation

  三、1. for

  2. across

  3. through

  4. from

  5. of / about

  6. to

  7. in

  8. by

  9. for

  10. on

  四、1. Where would; like

  2. Would you

  3. which / that I bought

  4. where; is

  5. if; don’t hurry up

  6. supposed to

  7. not to

  8. like to

  9. provide; for

  10. not have

  五、1. considered buying

  2. are supposed to; clean

  3. It seems

  4. to be

  5. hopes to go

  六、1. Would; like to have2. Would; some

  3. Where would; like 4. I’d like to 5. Who would; like

  七、 1-5 DCBDB

  八、1. seeing→see

  2. on→to / drive→driving

  3. anywhere→somewhere

  4. to visit→visiting

  5. where→which / that


  1. Where would you like to spend your holiday

  2. Which country would you like to visit

  3. How / What about visiting Singapore / Why not consider visiting Singapore

  4. What’s the weather like there / How is the weather there

  5. You are welcome


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