2017课堂扫描高三英语一轮复习学案(牛津译林版):M8 Unit 4 Films and film events-查字典英语网
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2017课堂扫描高三英语一轮复习学案(牛津译林版):M8 Unit 4 Films and film events

发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编












  1. We admire(钦佩) Mr Yang very much because he’s _________.

  2. Mr Green has been doing some _________ on teaching these days.

  3. We’ve got no more _________ about the money at the moment..

  4. Jayce is very _________ of using computers.

  5. The following information may be _________ to readers.

  6. Put the books back on the _________ when you finish reading them.

  7. Take what you want and throw the _________ away.

  8. Several people were seriously _________ in the accident.

  9. At least 80 people were _________ to death when the bus caught fire.

  10. All the students have to take part in a talk about road _________ this afternoon.


  plenty of,

  think about,

  what if,

  in public, not ... in the slightest,

  come out, let ... down, get along with,

  worry about,

  come up with

  1. Don’t hurry. We have _________ time to catch the train.

  2. I think my new classmates are all very easy _______.

  3. _________ the house catches fire?

  4. Your sister really gets no need to _________ her weight.

  5. Don’t worry, Xiao. I won’t _________ you _________. I’ll try my best.

  6. Miss Brown’s new book will _________ in two weeks.

  7. The Twains are _________ where they are going for a vacation.

  8. Mrs Brown always praises her children ________.

  9. Someone had better _________ a good solution fast.

  10. Such books do _________ interest me _________.


  (A) 选用in front of, in the front of 填空。

  1. The bus driver asked the old woman to sit _________ the bus.

  2. Parents shouldn’t use bad language _________ children.

  (B) 选用other, another, else填空。

  3. Do you have anything _________ to say for your-self?

  4. Mr Li has two sons. One is a doctor; the _________ is an engineer.

  5. Saying is one thing; doing is _________.

  6. —Who _________ has been to the History Mu-seum?

  —Wang Li has.


  1. Susan, make, like, friends, would, you, to, with


  2. I, another, buy, if, dictionary, I, would, you, were


  3. for, in, is, life, our, us, necessary, volunteering


  4. an, last, contest, English, important, speech, there, was,



  5. about, bad, do, friend, if, said, someone, some-thing, what, would, you, your



  1. 我一点也不想熬夜打牌了。

  I don’t want to stay up playing cards _______ _______ _______.

  2. 我同桌愿意倾听别人,而不愿谈论她自己。

  My deskmate _____ _____ _____ _______

  others ______ _______ _______ herself.


  We _____ _____ _____ our homework again just now because we made many mistakes.


  Any magazine _____ _____ ______ _______

  of the reading-room without permission.


  _______ _______ _______ _______ if you _______ an injured bird?


  1. What should we do if the bus is late again?

  _______ _______ the bus is late again?

  2. Xiao Li said he couldn’t follow the foreign reporter in the slightest.

  Xiao Li said he _______ follow the foreign reporter _______ _______.

  3. I would like to stay in front of TV rather than go out shopping.

  I would like to stay in front of TV _______ _______ _______ out shopping.

  4. I’m too tired to go any farther.

  I’m _______ tired _______ I _______ go any farther.

  5. We can hardly decide what we will do next.

  _______ _______ for us to decide _______ _______ _______ next.


  What would you do if you disagreed with your parents?

  It’s hard to believe it, but your parents were once kids, too. It might seem that they don’t u_________(1) you and disagree with you, but don’t g_________(2) up talking about your ideas with them. Remember that they don’t really want to make things d_________(3) for you. Your parents c_________(4) about you, but sometimes it’s just hard for them to see your points of view e_________(5).

  The parents’ job is to look out for you and keep you s_________(6) until you’re old enough to take care of yourself.

  Usually, kids who quarrel with their parents learn to get a_________(7) with them in the end. This is especially true if kids talk to their parents about how they feel and w_________(8) is important to them. Keep in mind, though, that it isn’t always easy and it抣l t_________(9) time and ha lot of patience. Talking to your parents about your opinions i_________(10) of yelling(叫喊) at them will also make them listen to you a little more closely.


  一、1. knowledgeable

  2. research

  3. worries

  4. confident

  5. helpful

  6. shelf / shelves

  7. rest

  8. hurt

  9. burned / burnt

  10. safety

  二、1. plenty of

  2. to get along with

  3. What if

  4. worry about

  5. let; down

  6. come out

  7. thinking about

  8. in public

  9. come up with

  10. not; in the slightest

  三、1. in the front of

  2. in front of

  3. else

  4. other

  5. another

  6. else

  四、1. Would you like to make friends with Susan?

  2. If I were you, I would buy another dictionary.

  3. Volunteering is necessary for us in our life.

  4. There was an important English speech contest last week.

  5. What would you do if someone said something bad about your friend?

  五、1. in the slightest

  2. would rather listen to; than talk about

  3. had to do

  4. can’t be taken out

  5. What would you do; saw

  六、1. What if

  2. couldn’t; at all

  3. instead of going

  4. so; that; can’t

  5. It’s hard; what to do

  七、1. understand

  2. give

  3. difficult

  4. care

  5. easily

  6. safe

  7. along

  8. what

  9. take

  10. Instead


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