2017届高考英语二轮 专题复习与增分策略 阅读理解5 词义猜测类(课件)-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语二轮 专题复习与增分策略 阅读理解5 词义猜测类(课件)

发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  答案 A by the name of

  in the name of

  under the name of


  hang one’s head



  hang up

  Her mother and father,older brother,her friends, and her dance teacher were present in the audience that day.

  Face up to the hardship bravely and be yourself.

  答案 B 答案


  答案 C 答案 D We’ll continue the race,regardless of the weather.



  stand in stark contrast to

  moving fast all the time,paying too much attenti- on to improving efficiency,sticking to tested me- thods,not developing team spirit among their em- ployees,and having little time thinking about ch- anges

  The firms that pause at key moments to make sure

  they are on the right track perform better and incr- ease sales and incomes.





  答案 B 答案


  I suspected Tom of deliberately forgetting his purse. with


  free of

  handle controls

  predict what other road users will do

  get ready to react to something unexpected

  For the safety of yourself and other

  people,don’t drink and drive










  答案 D 答案 B 答案




  How long have you been engaged?

  go out of one’s way to do...

  in a big way

  The experience of flying kites.

  An event about flying kites when a child and its effects on me and the others.

  答案 C 答案


  答案 C 答案 C 五、词义猜测类



  (1) The underlined word/phrase “...” in Paragraph 2 most probably means


  (2) By “...” (Paragraph 2),the author means


  (3) The word “ ...” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to


  (4) “They” in Paragraph 1 most probably refers to


  (5) The word “that” in Line 3 stands for


  (6) In Line 8 the word “...” could best be replaced by




  (1)注意that is,this is,in other words,namely,that means等过渡词直接引出的同义解释;

  (2)注意and,not only...but also,besides,similarly,likewise,in the same way等过渡词引出的相同或类似的意思;

  (3)注意生词前后的but,however,while,on the contrary等过渡词引出的对立关系;

  (4)注意for example,such as,a case in point is等过渡词引出具体例子来说明或阐述;





  1.(2011·湖北卷·B)Howling,interestingly,is a contagious behaviour.When one wolf starts to howl,very likely others will follow.This is often seen to occur in the morning,as if wolves were doing some sort of “roll call” where wolves all howl together to report their presence.

  58.“Howling...is a contagious behaviour” (in the last paragraph) means


  A.howling is a signal for hunting

  B.howling is a way of communication

  C.howling often occurs in the morning

  D.howling spreads from one to another

  解析 由第二句话可知当一只狼嚎叫时,其他的狼也会跟随,与D选项意思相符。

  2.(2011·四川卷·C)The multi­million pound new Library of Birmingham(LoB) will be the most visible sign of the way the city is accepting the digitalization(数字化) of everyday life.

  Set to open in 2017,the £188m LoB is already beginning to take shape next to the Birmingham Repertory Theatre,with which it will share some equipment.

  As digital media(媒介) is important to its idea,the project is already providing chances for some of the many small new local companies working at the new technologies.

  Brian Gambles,the LoB project director,says it is about giving people the right tools for learning:“The aim is to mix the physical with the digital,providing 24­hour services which can be used through many different ways.It is important to enable us to reach more people,more effectively.”

  49.The underlined part “its idea” in Paragraph 3 refers to the idea of


  A.the equipment

  B.the project

  C.the digital media

  D.the physical library

  解析 词义猜测题。根据its idea所在的语境可推断出。因为对于这个工程(its idea)来说媒介很重要,所以现在这个工程(project)正提供给一些小公司一些机会从事一些新技术的研发工作。



  (2011·浙江卷·D)It was Saturday.As always,it was a busy one,for “Six days shall you labor and do all your work” was taken seriously back then.Outside,Father and Mr.Patrick next door were busy chopping firewood.Inside their own houses,Mother and Mrs.Patrick were engaged in spring cleaning.

  Somehow the boys had slipped away to the back lot with their kites.Now,even at the risk of having Brother caught to beat carpets,they had sent him to the kitchen for more string(线).It seemed there was no limit to the heights to which kites would fly today.

  My mother looked at the sitting room,its furniture disordered for a thorough sweeping.Again she cast a look toward the window.“Come on,girls! Let’s take string to the boys and watch them fly the kites a minute.”

  On the way we met Mrs.Patrick,laughing guiltily as if she were doing something wrong,together with her girls.

  There never was such a day for flying kites! We played all our fresh string into the boys’ kites and they went up higher and higher.We could hardly distinguish the orange­colored spots of the kites.Now and then we slowly pulled one kite back,watching it dancing up and down in the wind,and finally bringing it down to earth,just for the joy of sending it up again.

  Even our fathers dropped their tools and joined us.Our mothers took their turn,laughing like schoolgirls.I think we were all beside ourselves.Parents forgot their duty and their dignity;children forgot their everyday fights and little jealousies.“Perhaps it’s like this in the kingdom of heaven,” I thought confusedly.

  It was growing dark before we all walked sleepily back to the houses.I suppose we had some sort of supper.I suppose there must have been a surface tidying­up,for the house on Sunday looked clean and orderly enough.The strange thing was,we didn’t mention that day afterward.I felt a little embarrassed.Surely none of the others had been as excited as I.I locked the memory up in that deepest part of me where we keep “the things that cannot be and yet they are.”

  The years went on,then one day I was hurrying about my kitchen in a city apartment,trying to get some work out of the way while my three­year­old insistently cried her desire to “go park,see duck.”

  “I can’t go!” I said.“I have this and this to do,and when I’m through I’ll be too tired to walk that far.”

  My mother,who was visiting us,looked up from the peas she was shelling.“It’s a wonderful day,” she offered,“really warm,yet there’s a fine breeze.Do you remember that day we flew kites?”

  I stopped in my dash between stove and sink.The locked door flew open and with it a rush of memories.“Come on,” I told my little girl.“You’re right,it’s too good a day to miss.”

  Another decade passed.We were in the aftermath (余波)of a great war.All evening we had been asking our returned soldier,the youngest Patrick Boy,about his experiences as a prisoner of war.He had talked freely,but now for a long time he had been silent.What was he thinking of—what dark and horrible things?

  “Say!” A smile slipped out from his lips.“Do you remember—no,of course you wouldn’t.It probably didn’t make the impression on you as it did on me.”

  I hardly dared speak.“Remember what?”

  “I used to think of that day a lot in POW camp(战俘营),when things weren’t too good.Do you remember the day we flew the kites?”

  1.Mrs. Patrick was laughing guiltily because she thought


  A.she was too old to fly kites

  B.her husband would make fun of her

  C.she should have been doing her housework then

  D.her girls weren’t supposed to play the boys’ game

  解析 推理判断题。由Mrs.Patrick笑得那么有负罪感,以及文中的描述可知,她认为在自己玩的那段时间里本来是应该做家务的,所以C项正确。

  2.By “we were all beside ourselves”,the writer means that they all


  A.felt confused

  B.went wild with joy

  C.looked on

  D.forgot their fights

  解析 词义猜测题。根据后面的“Parents forgot their duty and their dignity;children forgot their everyday fights and little jealousies.”可知,作者在这里是指大家都忘却了自己原来的身份而全身心地玩,说明所有人都玩得非常高兴,所以B项正确。

  3.What did the writer think after the kite­flying?

  A.The boys must have had more fun than the girls.

  B.They should have finished their work before playing.

  C.Her parents should spend more time with them.

  D.All the others must have forgotten that day.

  解析 细节理解题。根据第七段的描述可知,在放完风筝后没有人再提起这件事,所以作者认为大家都忘记了这件事,故D项正确。

  4.Why did the writer finally agree to take her little girl for an outing?

  A.She suddenly remembered her duty as a mother.

  B.She was reminded of the day they flew kites.

  C.She had finished her work in the kitchen.

  D.She thought it was a great day to play outside.

  解析 细节理解题。作者的母亲在作者拒绝了女儿的要求后提醒她以前他们在一起放风筝的事情,这使得作者同意了女儿的请求,所以B项正确。

  5.The youngest Patrick Boy is mentioned to show that


  A.the writer was not alone in treasuring her fond memories

  B.his experience in POW camp threw a shadow over his life

  C.childhood friendship means so much to the writer

  D.people like him really changed a lot after the war

  解析 推理判断题。作者在文章最后又叙述了the youngest Patrick Boy的事情,其目的在于说明别人也和她一样珍藏着自己的记忆,所以A项正确。



  (1)engage v.吸引

  be engaged忙于……

  be engaged sb.与某人订亲


  (2)get sth.out of the way完成某事


  have a long way to go取得巨大进展


  in the way of就……而言,关于

  1.What do you think made Patrick Boy spend the time in prison?


  1.What’s the main idea of the text?



  (2011·大纲全国卷·E) “I didn’t hear them call my name,”explained Shelley Hennig to Active Teens (AT) as she talked about that exciting moment on national television when she won the honor of Miss Teen USA 2004.“Are you ready?” is what she heard.Then she said,“I shook my head no,and then they said ‘yes’and it was announced again.”

  It was four days after that life changing moment for the seventeen­year­old high school student from Destrehan,Louisiana—she was still on cloud nine.

  “I was so shocked! I never believed that it could actually really happen.” Present in the audience(观众) that day were:her mother and father,older brother,her friends,and her dance teacher.

  Understanding why members of her family and her friends would be there,AT asked why her dance teacher had traveled so far to see her compete (比赛).“She’s always been my role model.I’ve danced with her since I was six.She’s been through so many difficulties and came through them all.I’ve learned to get over bad life’s experiences and learned how to move on because of her.”

  One of those bad life’s experiences for Shelley happened three years ago when her brother Brad was killed in a drunk driving accident.He was 18.She found writing helped her get through the rough days.She said,“I write a lot about my brother.I write a lot,a lot,a lot...”

  As Miss Louisiana Teen,she traveled around the state speaking to teens(青少年)about the dangers of drinking and driving.In her role as Miss Teen USA,Shelley will continue to speak to youth about safe driving,in addition to many other things to help the youth.

  When AT asked Miss Teen USA if she had any advice for our readers,she said,“Don’t let anyone change you.Hang out with people that make you feel good about yourself.That way,it is easy to be yourself.”

  1.What do the words “on cloud nine” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?



  C.very happy

  D.very angry

  解析 词义猜测题。由第一段中“...as she talked about that exciting moment...”可知C项正确。

  2.Shelley takes her dance teacher as a role model mainly because she is






  解析 细节理解题。由第四段“She’s been through so many difficulties and came through them all.”可知答案为A项。

  3.How many children did the Hennigs have according to the text?





  解析 细节理解题。第三段中提到“older brother”,第五段中提到“her brother Brad”以及Shelly Hennig,由此可知the Hennigs共有三个孩子。

  4.What did Shelley often do after she became Miss Louisiana Teen?

  A.She visited drunken drivers.

  B.She gave dance performances.

  C.She made speeches on safe driving.

  D.She helped other teens with their studies.

  解析 细节理解题。由倒数第二段中“As Miss Louisiana Teer,she traveled around the state speaking to teens(青少年) about the dangers of drinking and driving.”可知正确答案为C。

  5.What suggestion does Shelley give to the teens?

  A.Be yourself with the support of friends.

  B.Meet friends whenever possible.

  C.Go easy on yourself and others.

  D.Have a good role model.

  解析 细节理解题。由最后一段Shelley所说的话可知她对青少年的建议是A项。



  (1)call one’s name叫某人的名字

  call sb.names辱骂某人

  by name以名字




  name after

  (2)hang out探出;逗留;闲荡


  hang 闲呆着

  hang ______退缩

  hang on紧紧抓住;耐心等待



  Present in the audience(观众)that day were:her mother and father,older brother,her friends,and her dance teacher.

  1.What’s the main idea of the passage?



  (2011·四川卷·E)In business,there’s a speed difference:It’s the difference between how important a firm’s leaders say speed is to their competitive (竞争的) strategy(策略) and how fast the company actually moves.The difference is important regardless of industry and company size.Companies fearful of losing their competitive advantage spend much time and money looking for ways to pick up the speed.

  In our study of 343 businesses,the companies that chose to go,go,go to try to gain an edge ended with lower sales and operating incomes than those that paused at key moments to make sure they were on the right track.What’s more,the firms that “slowed down to speed up” improved their top and bottom lines,averaging 40% higher sales and 52% higher operating incomes over a three­year period.

  How did they disobey the laws of business physics,taking more time than competitors yet performing better? They thought differently about what “slower” and “faster” mean.Firms sometimes fail to understand the difference between operational speed (moving quickly) and strategic speed (reducing the time it takes to deliver value).Simply increasing the speed of production,for example,may be one way to try to reduce the speed difference.But that often leads to reduced value over time,in the form of lower­quality products and services.

  In our study,higher­performing companies with strategic speed always made changes when necessary.They became more open to ideas and discussion.They encouraged new ways of thinking.And they allowed time to look back and learn.By contrast,performance suffered at firms that moved fast all the time,paid too much attention to improving efficiency,stuck to tested methods,didn’t develop team spirit among their employees,and had little time thinking about changes.

  Strategic speed serves as a kind of leadership.Teams that regularly take time to get things right,rather than plough ahead full bore,are more successful in meeting their business goals.That kind of strategy must come from the top.

  1.What does the underlined part “gain an edge” in Paragraph 2 mean?

  A.Increase the speed.

  B.Get an advantage.

  C.Reach the limit.

  D.Set a goal.

  解析 词义猜测题。根据该短语所在的语境,结合下文可以看出,第二段对两类公司的做法进行了对比,即一味追求速度最终导致低销售、低收入的公司和“慢下来是为了加速”(slowed down to speed up)的公司。而一味追求速度的公司之所以这样做,目的是为了在竞争中取得优势。结合语境反推可知gain an edge的含义。

  2.The underlined part “the laws of business physics” in Paragraph 3 means


  A.spending more time and performing worse

  B.spending more time and performing better

  C.spending less time and performing worse

  D.spending less time and performing better

  解析 推理判断题。根据第三段第一句“How did they...taking more time than competitors yet performing better?”可知,有的公司违背规律,花了比竞争对手多的时间却表现良好。反之,正常规律是花的时间少而表现良好。据此可推断出答案。

  3.What can we learn from the text?

  A.How fast a firm moves depends on how big it is.

  B.How competitive a firm is depends on what it produces.

  C.Firms guided by strategic speed take time to make necessary changes.

  D.Firms guided by operational speed take time to develop necessary team spirit.

  解析 推理判断题。根据文章第四段第一句话“...higher­performing companies with strategic speed always made changes when necessary.”可知,注重战略速度的高绩效的公司在必要时会做出一些调整,故C项正确。

  4.Which could be the best title for the text?

  A.Improve quality? Serve better.

  B.Deliver value? Plough ahead.

  C.Reduce time? Move faster.

  D.Need speed? Slow down.

  解析 主旨大意题。通过对文章的综合考虑可以看出,文章主要围绕战略速度展开论述,最终得出结论:战略速度决定了公司的成败。因此,必要时一定要慢下来做些适当调整。



  (1)regardless of (irregardless of)不管;不顾


  (2)by contrast对比之下

  in contrast /by contrast_____和……对比


  她的观点和其他的同事的形成了强烈的对照。Her views ___________________________ those of her colleagues.

  1.What characteristics does a firm that suffers have?


  1.What is the result of the study?



  (2011·福建卷·A)Driving a car is not just handling controls and judging speed and distance.It requires you to predict what other road users will do and get ready to react to something unexpected.When alcohol is consumed,it enters your bloodstream and acts as a depressant(抑制药),damaging eyesight,judgement and co­ordination (协调),slowing down reaction time and greatly increasing the risk of accidents.Even below the drink driving limit,driving will be affected.

  Alcohol may take a few minutes to be absorbed into the bloodstream and start action on the brain.Absorption rate is increased when drinking on an empty stomach or when consuming drinks mixed with fruit juice.To get rid of alcohol from the body is a very slow process and it is not possible to speed it up with any measures like taking a shower or having a cup of tea or coffee.

  The present Road Traffic Ordinance states clearly that the limit of alcohol concentration is:

  •50 milligrams of alcohol per 100ml of blood;or

  •22 micrograms of alcohol per 100ml of breath;or

  •67 milligrams of alcohol per 100ml of urine(尿液).

  Drivers who cause traffic accidents,or who commit a moving traffic offence or are being suspected of drink driving will be tested.

  Any driver found drinking beyond the limit will be charged.The driver declared guilty may be fined a maximum of HK $25,000 and be sentenced to up to 3 years in prison and punished for 10 driving­offence points;or temporarily banned from driving.

  The same punishment applies to failing to provide specimens(样本) for breath,blood or urine tests without good excuse.

  Drink driving is a criminal offence.Be a responsible driver,think before you drink.For the safety of yourself and other road users,never drive after consuming alcohol.

  1.The first paragraph is mainly about


  A.the introduction of driving skills

  B.the damage of drinking to your body

  C.the effect of drinking on driving

  D.the process of alcohol being absorbed

  解析 主旨大意题。由第一段的“...it enters your bloodstream and acts as a depressant(抑制药),damaging eyesight,judgement and co­ordination (协调),slowing down reaction time and greatly increasing the risk of accidents.”可知,本段主要讲述酒后驾车的影响,故C项正确。

  2.The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to “






  解析 词义猜测题。由前半句“To get rid of alcohol from the body is a very slow process...”可知,后半句表示“采取像淋浴或喝一杯茶或咖啡等的措施来加速这个过程是不可能的”,故it指代process,D项正确。

  3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A.Drinking below the drink driving limit has no effect on driving.

  B.Alcohol is taken in more quickly when drunk with fruit juice.

  C.Having a cup of tea helps to get rid of alcohol from the body.

  D.50 milligrams of alcohol per 100ml of breath is below the driving drink limit.

  解析 细节理解题。由第二段中的“Absorption rate is increased when drinking on an empty stomach or when consuming drinks mixed with fruit juice.”可知B项正确。

  4.A driver suspected of drink driving


  A.should provide specimens for testing

  B.will be forbidden to drive for 3 years

  C.will be punished for 10 driving­offence points

  D.should pay a maximum fine of HK$25,000

  解析 细节理解题。由文章倒数第四段“Drivers who cause traffic accidents,or who commit a moving traffic offence or are being suspected of drink driving will be tested.”可知A项正确。



  (1)suspect v.怀疑

  suspect sb.of...怀疑某人……


  (2)charge v.要价;控告;把……记在账上;充电

  charge sb....=accuse sb....指控某人……

  charge sb.sth.for...卖……收某人多少钱


  in charge of负责

  take charge of负责;管理

  1.Driving a car requires you to________________,to judge speed and distance,to and to______________________________________________.

  1.The best title is:.


  • 大家都在看
  • 小编推荐
  • 猜你喜欢