【名师全程】2011届高考英语总复习 Unit3 名师点津(学案)人教版必修2-查字典英语网
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【名师全程】2011届高考英语总复习 Unit3 名师点津(学案)人教版必修2

发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2017届高考英语总复习名师全程导学案:Unit3 名师点津(新人教版必修二)

  Ⅰ. 单项填空

  1. (2009年高考湖北卷)Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. It may also be good for building.

  A. respect

  B. friendship

  C. reputation

  D. character


  2. While there are some differences in the educational systems in many countries in the world,education is .

  A. regular

  B. universal

  C. logical

  D. normal


  3. (2008年高考四川卷)I haven’t seen Ann for long that I’ve forgotten what she looks like.

  A. such

  B. very

  C. so

  D. too

  解析:选C。句意:我有很长时间没见着安了,我已忘记她长什么样了。so/such. . . that如此……以至于……,即so+adj. /adv. +that,而such+n. +that,long为形容词,故用so。

  4. Maggie has been fortunate to find a job she loves,and ,she gets well paid for it.

  A. sooner or later B. what’s more

  C. as a result

  D. more or less

  解析:选B。句意:Maggie非常幸运找到了她喜欢的工作,而且待遇非常好。sooner or later“迟早”;what’s more“此外,而且”;as a result“结果……”;more or less“或多或少”。根据句意,B项正确。

  5. —Didn’t you have a good time at the party?

  —Of course I did. As a matter of fact,I had such fun that time seemed to so quickly.

  A. go by

  B. go away

  C. go out

  D. go over

  解析:选A。本题考查动词词组。go away离开;go out出去,熄灭;go over过来,温习;go by时间过去,流逝。概括题意应选A项。

  6. Perhaps I’m not quite fit for the job,but ,please let me have a try.

  A. in fact

  B. anyhow

  C. so

  D. otherwise

  解析:选B。anyhow表示“无论如何,即使如此”。in fact“实际上”,otherwise“否则”,so“所以”,均不合题意。

  7. In ,he began to learn Russian,when he was in______.

  A. 1970;the 50’s

  B. the 1970;his 50s

  C. the 1970s;his fifties

  D. 1970s;his fifties

  解析:选C。句意:在20世纪70年代,在他五十多岁时他开始学习俄语。in the 1970s=in the 1970’s“20世纪70年代”,in one’s+数词复数,表示某人多少岁时。

  8. the help of the teacher,the student who wasn’t good at math the difficult problem quickly.

  A. Under;worked out

  B. With;worked on

  C. Under;solved

  D. With;solved

  解析:选D。solve解决。另外“在某人的帮助下”用with the help of sb. 来表达。

  9. The policeman the children to cross the road when the traffic lights turned green.

  A. let

  B. made

  C. signalled

  D. called

  解析:选C。signal sb. to do sth. 示意某人做某事。句意为:当交通灯变绿时警察向孩子们做手势,让他们过马路。由let/make sb. do sth. 可排除选项A、B;call命令,不符合题意。

  10. Nowadays,no single country can successfully

  the global problems alone.

  A. make use of

  B. deal with

  C. come up with

  D. go through

  解析:选B。deal with处理,对付。make use of利用;come up with提出;go through经历,遭受。

  Ⅱ. 阅读理解


  (2009年皖北协作区联考)Certain people make you feel comfortable when they are around. You spend an hour with them and feel as if you’ve known them half your life. These people have something in common. And once we know what it is,we can try to do it ourselves.

  How is it done?Here are several skills that good talkers have. If you follow the skills,they will help you put people at ease,and make friends with them quickly.

  First of all,good talkers ask questions. Almost anyone,no matter how shy they are,will answer a question. One well­known businessman says,“At business lunches,I always ask people what they did this morning. It’s a common question,but it will get things going. ”From there you can move on to other matters sometimes to really personal questions. And how they answer will let you know how far you can go.

  Second,once good talkers have asked questions they listen for the answer. This point seems clear,but it isn’t. Your questions should have a point and help to tell what sort of person you are talking to. And to find out,you really have to listen carefully.

  Real listening means certain things. First it means not to change the subject of conversation. If someone sticks to one topic,you can take it as a fact that he’ll be really interested in it. Real listening also means not just listening to words,but to tones(语调)of voice. If the voice sounds dull,then,it’s time for you to change the subject.

  Finally,good talkers know well how to deal with the occasion of parting. If you’re saying good­bye,you may give him a firm handshake and say,“I’ve really enjoyed meeting you. ”If you want to see that person again,don’t keep it secret. Let people know what you feel,and they may walk away feeling as if they’ve known you half their life.

  【解题导语】 文章介绍了什么样的人可称为good talkers及good talkers所具备的各种品质。

  1. In the passage,the author mainly .

  A. introduces some skills of good talkers

  B. persuades us to become good talkers

  C. teaches us how to begin a conversation

  D. describes the kinds of good speakers

  解析:选A。主旨大意题。文章第二段段首引出话题How is it done?然后用四段内容介绍要成为good talkers四个方面的技巧,由此可以推断A项正确。

  2. Asking questions might be quite a good way


  A. to make more and more new friends

  B. for you to begin your business talks

  C. to get the conversation going well

  D. to make a lasting impression on others

  解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第三段引用一位知名商人说的话“. . . It’s a common question,but it will get things going”可知,提问题可能是一个让谈话得以顺利进行的好方法。

  3. It can be inferred from the passage that good talkers

  A. always speak in a gentle way

  B. never talk too much or too little

  C. are good at making any topic interesting

  D. know how and when to change the topic

  解析:选D。推理判断题。第五段涉及转换话题时的三句话“If someone sticks to one topic,you can take it as a fact that. . . If the voice sounds dull,then,it’s time for you to change the subject. ”由此推断出,good talkers知道如何及何时转换话题,其他选项内容文章没有涉及。

  4. From the passage,the author implies you’ll like to stay with certain people because .

  A. they know how to get along with others

  B. you can often get much help from them

  C. they are always glad to do anything for you

  D. they will never get you into trouble

  解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章开头第一句话“Certain people make you comfortable when they are around. ”可知,作者暗示你会喜欢和某些人呆在一起是因为他们都知道怎样与人相处。


  When the lazy days of summer arrive and the schedule is packed with swimming,camp,and family vacations,it can be a challenge to find time for learning. But kids’ reading skills don’t have to grow cold once school’s out. Here are some ways to make reading a natural part of their summer fun.

  Explore your library. Visit your local library to check out books and magazines that your kids haven’t seen before. Many libraries have summer reading programs,book clubs,and reading contests for even the youngest borrowers. With a new library card,a child will feel extra grown­up checking out books.

  Read on the road. Going on a long car trip?Make sure the back seat is stocked with favorite reads. When you’re not at the wheel,read the books aloud. Get some audiobooks(many libraries have large selections)and listen to them together during driving time.

  Make your own books. Pick one of your family’s favorite parts of summer—whether it’s baseball,ice cream,or the pool—and have your child draw pictures of it or cut out pictures from magazines. Stick the pictures onto paper to make a booklet and write text for it. When you’re done,read the book together. Reread it whenever you like!

  Keep in touch. Kids don’t have to go away to write about summer vacation. Even if your family stays home,they can send postcards to tell friends and relatives about their adventures. Ask a relative to be your child’s pen pal and encourage them to write each week.

  Keep up the reading habits. Even if everything else changes during the summer,keep up the reading routines around your house. Read with your kids every day—whether it’s just before bedtime or under a shady tree on a lazy afternoon. And don’t forget to take a book to the beach!Just_brush_the_sand_off_the_pages—it’s_no_sweat!

  【解题导语】 这是一篇说明文,介绍了暑假期间父母如何为孩子安排阅读。

  5. The purpose of the passage is to .

  A. encourage parents to read

  B. give advice on raising kids

  C. raise a good summer reader

  D. suggest places for vacations


  6. If you drive on a long trip in summer,you can .

  A. visit the local library and join book clubs

  B. borrow some audiobooks to listen to

  C. keep in touch with friends by sending postcards

  D. read your own picture books with your son


  7. By saying“Just brush the sand off the pages—it’s no sweat”,the author means .

  A. taking away the sand on the book is very difficult

  B. a special book is needed when you’re reading on the beach

  C. one can remove the sand on the book with a brush easily

  D. there’s no trouble reading even on the beach


  8. Who are the intended readers of the passage?

  A. Parents.

  B. Students.

  C. Teachers.

  D. Editors.

  解析:选A。推理判断题。本文几次出现your kids,your child,由此推断其对象是父母。


  (2010年江苏扬州中学月考)In recent years many countries have been faced with the problem of how to make their workers more productive. Some experts believe that the answer is to make jobs more varied. Do more varied jobs lead to greater productivity?There is something to suggest that while variety certainly makes the worker’s life more enjoyable,it does not make him work harder. So variety is not important.

  Other experts feel that giving the worker freedom to do his job in his own way is important and there is no doubt that this is true. The problem is that this kind of freedom cannot easily be given in the modern factory with its complicated machinery which must be used in a fixed way. Thus while freedom of choice may be important,there is very little that can be done to achieve this.

  Another important consideration is how much each worker contributes to the product he is making. In most factories the worker sees only one small part of the product. Some car factories are said to be experimenting with having many small production lines rather than a large one,so that each worker contributes more to the production of the cars on his line. It would seem then that the degree of workers’ contribution is important.

  To what extent does more money lead to greater productivity?The workers themselves certainly think this is important,but perhaps they want more money only because the work they do is so boring. Money just lets them enjoy their spare time more. A similar argument may explain demands for shorter working hours. Perhaps if companies succeed in making workers’ jobs more interesting,they will neither want more money,nor will shorter working hours be so important to them.

  【解题导语】 如何提高工人的生产效率一直是近年来许多国家关注的问题,本文作者论述了影响工人生产效率的几个因素。

  9. Which of the following things will not increase productivity?

  A. Making jobs more varied.

  B. Giving workers freedom to do their jobs in their own way.

  C. Increasing workers’ contribution to production.

  D. Longer working hours.


  10. The last sentence in this passage means that if companies manage to make workers’ jobs more interesting,


  A. they will want more money

  B. they will demand shorter working hours

  C. more money and shorter working hours are important

  D. more money and shorter working hours will not be so important to them


  11. In this passage,the writer tells us


  A. how to make workers more productive

  B. possible factors leading to greater productivity

  C. more money leads to greater productivity

  D. how to make workers’ jobs more interesting


  12. The writer of this passage is probably a .

  A. teacher

  B. worker

  C. manager

  D. physicist



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