浙江省2017高考英语二轮复习 单项选择(53)-查字典英语网
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浙江省2017高考英语二轮复习 单项选择(53)

发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Starter Unit 5

  visit my school

  The First Period

  课堂学案 While-lesson Learning



  )1._________ their rulers?

  A: This is

  B: Is this

  C: Are these

  D: These are


  ) 2. Is this a toilet?

  A: Yes, it isn’t.

  B: No, it is.

  C: Yes, it’s

  D: No, it isn’t


  ) 3. How many__________ are there on the table?

  Only one.

  A: apple

  B: an apple

  C: apples

  D: one apple


  ) 4. There are _________ in our school.

  A: a library and a playground

  B: a playground and two libraries

  C: a playground and a library

  D: two libraries and a playground


  ) 5. On the ground floor, there is__________.

  A: a art room

  B: two toilet

  C: an office

  D: some swimming pool


  ) 6. There ________ a hall and two reading rooms in my school.

  A: are

  B: have

  C: is

  D: be


  ) 7. ------What’s on the ________. -------Some books.

  A: teacher desk

  B: teacher’s desk

  C: teachers desk

  D: teachers’ desk


  ) 8. I can see some pictures ________ the wall.

  A: on

  B: in

  C: between

  D: behind


  ) 9. ________ buildings are there in the school?

  A: What

  B: Where

  C: How many

  D: How


  ) 10. _______ is your mother? She is in the garden.

  A: Who

  B: What

  C: Where

  D: How many


  1. There are some flowers on the teacher’s desk. (否定句There _________ _________ flowers on the teacher’s desk.

  2. Are you and your friend American?()




  3. We have six classes in Grade One. (同义句)_________



  __________ in Grade One.

  4. Is there a box on your desk?________________________.(改复为数句句


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