浙江省2017高考英语二轮复习 单项选择(49)-查字典英语网
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浙江省2017高考英语二轮复习 单项选择(49)

发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 4

  My classroom

  The Second Period

  课堂学案 While-lesson Learning


  1.There are eighteen

  c_________ in our grade (年级)

  2.There are t_________ months(月份) in a year.

  3.There are many pictures on the w_______

  4.On the T

  , there are some boxes of chalk and a brush (几盒粉笔和一个粉笔擦)

  5.We clean our classroom every day, so(因此)our classroom is very c________ every day.

  6.In the classroom , there is a teacher and fifty s__________.

  7.I sit in front of (在…前面)Tom , so Tom sits b ________ me .

  8.There is an a_____ room in our school, I like drawing(绘画) pictures there.

  9.The moon is round like(圆圆的像) a b______

  10.All the mobile phones(手机) have eleven n____________

  二.用“there is /there are


  1.______________ a map of China on the wall.

  2. _____________ some posters

  on the wall.

  3.______________ a map of China and some posters on the wall.

  4.____ __________ some posters and a map of China on the wall.


  1. 门后有一只猫。

  2. 在讲台上有十八本书。


  4. 墙上有十三张画和一张海报。


  1. is, a, bag, there, the, on, chair


  2. four, on, there, the, wall, are, blackboards


  3. my, in, is, art, an, room, there, school


  4. ball, boxes, and, five, are, one, there, the, desk, on


  5. is, a, twenty, there, and, students, teacher, in, classroom, the

  ______________________________________________________________ .


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