浙江省2017高考英语二轮复习 单项选择(11)-查字典英语网
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浙江省2017高考英语二轮复习 单项选择(11)

发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. ______ world’s largest retailer, Wal-Mart, has opened its _____ third store in Beijing, which means the firm now has 52 stores in China.

  A. The; a

  B. A; a

  C. The; the

  D. The; /

  2. The 13th International Sand Sculpture Festival, with the _____ “Disneyland in Sand Sculpture,” will open on Saturday in Zhoushan in east China’s Zhejiang Province.

  A. subject

  B. theme

  C. topic

  D. project

  3. A turning point won’t appear suddenly because there must be a certain process _____ many factors lead to the change.

  A. which

  B. what

  C. where

  D. that

  4. Water quality _____ the coast of the Bohai Bay has been becoming worse, due to huge waste carried by rivers into the sea.

  A. off

  B. on

  C. in

  D. at

  5. China’s star hurdler LiuXiang seized the silver medal at the World Championships while his competitor Dayron Robles of Cuba was disqualified for _____ LiuXiang.

  A. holding up

  B. holding down C. holding back

  D. holding out

  6. _____ the house is empty, memories flood my mind of a time when it was filled with life.

  A. Since

  B. Unless

  C. As if

  D. Even though

  7. —Do you think it wise for Chinese mothers to try to do everything for their children?

  —No, that’s _____ they are mistaken.

  A. where

  B. when

  C. in which

  D. what

  8. Helping others is a habit, _____ you can learn even at an early age.

  A. it

  B. that

  C. what

  D. one

  9. Working hard is not only a _____ of great success, but it is among the essential requirements.

  A. sign

  B. signal

  C. mark

  D. guarantee

  10. Cambridge is admitting students who, _____, cannot write grammatical English.

  A. bright as they are

  B. bright as are they

  C. bright although they are

  D. as they are bright

  11. The problem is not _____ so easy as you think. It’s far from being settled.

  A. hardly

  B. nearly

  C. almost

  D. rarely

  12. _____, the bus started at once.

  A. The signal had been given

  B. The signal to be given

  C. The signal given

  D. When the signal giving

  13. He paid for a seat, when he _____ have entered free.

  A. could

  B. would

  C. must

  D. may

  14. All countries need _____, timely and reliable climate information as well as high quality climate services, as they will benefit the whole mankind.

  A. believable

  B. accurate

  C. particular

  D. abstract

  15. —You may find the key to the maths problem on page 107.

  —Ah, it’s so simple. I wonder why I _____ of that.

  A. hadn’t thought

  B. haven’t thought

  C. didn’t think

  D. wasn’t thinking

  16. —_____ the woman with the baby come over? We have a seat here.

  —Thank you, sir. Actually I do have my seat here. But my baby likes to look out of the window.

  A. Would

  B. Shall

  C. Must

  D. May

  17. The Ministry of Education is _____ primary and middle school students to perform one hour of physical exercise a day, which will be a major criterion for evaluating schools.

  A. requiring

  B. requesting

  C. demanding

  D. commanding

  18. Either you or one of your students _____ to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.

  A. has

  B. have

  C. are

  D. is

  —Jimmy had a lot of parties recently.

  —Yes, that might _____ why he didn’t do well on that test.

  A. sum up

  B. push for

  C. account for

  D. make sense of

  —Do you allow your son to go to any Internet café on holidays?

  —_____ not!

  A. Extremely

  B. Thoroughly

  C. Absolutely

  D. Completely


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