浙江省2017高考英语二轮复习 单项选择(6)-查字典英语网
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浙江省2017高考英语二轮复习 单项选择(6)

发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编






  1.用不定代词someone/somebody, anyone/anybody和no one/nobody谈论人物

  2.用不定代词something, anything, nothing和none谈论事物

  一, 重点难点





  1.anyone是不定代词,意为 “任何人”,相当于anybody,常用于否定句和疑问句中.而

  someone或 somebody 常用于肯定句中.

  2. 不定代词还有 something, nothing, everything, anything, nobody 等.不定代词做主语时, 谓语动词用单数形式.

  *Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.

  3. none

  也是不定代词,意为 “没有人,没有事”, 与no one 意思相近.

  none 可与of连用, 而no one 不能; none可表示人或物, 而no one 只可表示人;

  none 做主语时,谓语代词可以用单数,也可以用复数, 而no one 做主语时,谓语动词只能用单数.




  ) 1.?_____of them knew about the accident because it has been already reported on TV.

  A. Each ?

  B. None ?

  C. Everyone??

  D. Everybody


  ) 2.?Sorry, I can’t ________ you my bike because _________ is wrong with it.

  A. borrow, something?? B. lend, anything?

  C. lend, something???? D. borrow, nothing

  ( ?? ) 3.I lost his wallet. I didn’t feel like talking to ________.

  A. anything?

  B. nothing?

  C.nobody????D. anybody

  ( ?? ) 4. I wanted to buy a story book but there were ________ left in that bookstore.

  A. anyone?? B. no one?????C. none?????D. nothing


  )5. —Mum, can I have


  to eat? I’m hungry.

  —Sorry, there is ______in the fridge. You can go downstairs to buy


  A. anything; nothing; something

  B. something; none; anything

  C. something; nothing; something

  D. anything; none; something


  Discussion: Discuss the usage of the indefinite pronouns.




  I couldn’t _______________________________________________ to give you.


  He looks

  _______________________________________________our school.


  There is __________________________________________ in the fridge.


  It __________________________________________________.


  Does _____________________________________________________


  I ______________________________ to ___________________________


  Has __________________________________________________________?


  How to use the indefinite pronouns?_______________________________________



  1. I can’t hear _____________. What about you?

  2. There is ___________________ on the floor. Would you pick it up?

  3. Did _____________ go roller-skating with you last Sunday?

  4. If you need____________, just let me know and I will try to help you..

  5. Why don’t you ask___________ to help you finish the work?

  6. Don’t worry. There’s ______________wrong with your eyes. You need more rest.

  7. Shall we get ___________ frozen to drink? It’s too hot today.

  8. I had ___________ to tell you, but I forgot what it was.

  9. -----How many students have been to the USA? -------_______________


  Children born after the 1980s take photos with colourful films while children before the 1980s use black and white ones. However, I have special feelings about colours.

  ?When I was young, the teacher in the kindergarten asked me what colour I likedbest. I answered quickly without thinking it over “I like green because it’s the colour of Chinese army which represents bravery.” When I was in the middle school, I was affected

  by the lover of literature (文学) and little by little enjoyed them. During that time, I bought many black jackets and white blouses. After leaving school, I set foot on the society.

  I was amazed at the colourful world. It was quite different from that in the books. I wondered what colours fit me best. Maybe it was grey. When I was in my forties, I liked white or pink lily (百合). Different colours have its characteristics. Colours themselves are less important than the ones in different times and different places

  1. What kind of films did people use in the 1980s?


  2. Why did the writer like green when he was young?


  3. Why did the writer love black and white during the time in the middle school?

  4. 将文中划线部分翻译成中文


  5.?????? 将文中斜体部分翻译成中文





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