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发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  根据汉语提示填入以字母m、n开头的单词的适当形式,然后背诵微情景,熟记以m、n开头的课标词汇。 【初级词汇情景】

  Nowadays,being mad about computer games is meant to be the


  (主要的) challenge to marriage.A great many magazines start to collect


  (素材) to make up for the


  (误解) for it.As a matter of fact,it is necessary to take


  (措施) to match the machine and life.In the meanwhile,we should bear in mind that marriage should be returned to


  (正常) in a mild manner.


  19  M&N+话题·热点话题(3)——健康生活

  当今,人们普遍认为痴迷电脑游戏是对婚姻的最大挑战。许多杂志开始搜集素材来弥补人们对此产生的误解。事实上,有必要采取措施把机器和生活结合起来。与此同时,我们应当记住婚姻应该以一种温和的方式恢复正常。 自我校对 1.major 2.materials 3.misunderstanding 4.measures 5.normal


  The modest minister of Malaysia __1__ (提到,说起) that they didn't report the news of airplane of MH370 the moment (minute) it was __2__ (丢失) on monitor,merely worrying about causing a mess.Now his government makes up its mind to find it,and makes the loss to a minimum level,and some ministries of Malaysia have been inspecting the chief pilot's __3__ (现代的) flat,finding a model plane,but they haven't found any murdering motivations.

  谦逊的马来西亚总理谈到他们没有在MH370在监视器上一消失就报道消息,仅仅是因为担心引起人们的混乱,现在他的政府下决心找到它,使损失降到最小,马来西亚的一些部门已在检查机长的现代化的公寓,发现一个飞机模型,但是他们没有发现任何谋杀动机。 自我校对 1.mentioned 2.missing 3.modern


  熟读或背诵下列句子,体会该词不同的词性与词义,感悟其用法。 1.promise:He always carries out his promise,so he promises to be a good leader. 他总是履行诺言,所以他有望成为一名杰出的领导人。 2.raise:As ordinary people's awareness raises,cloning has raised their objection. 随着普通大众意识的增长,克隆问题引起了他们的反对。

  3.reach:The moment I reach New York,I will reach him by phone. 我一到达纽约,马上电话联系他。 4.read:Please read the passage again,otherwise you can't read the writer's thoughts. 请将该段落再读一遍,否则你不能领会作者的思想。




  请以Smoking is harmful为题,写一篇100词左右的短文,包括以下内容要点:


  2.分析吸烟的原因(乐趣,提神refresh oneself,酷,成熟的标志);


  4.劝告人们不要吸烟。 _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

  【佳作赏·诵】 Smoking is harmful

  When you are in public places,you will see many smokers,most of whom are young people and even middle school students.It is said that in China smokers are more than 300 million people.

  Why do so many people enjoy smoking?Some think that it is a pleasure;some believe that it can refresh themselves.In fact,smoking is a bad habit.It does great harm to our health,not only to the smoker himself,but also to others.For smokers,it is a great waste of money,and it causes many kinds of diseases.Besides,many fires are caused by careless smokers.

  Today,more and more people are beginning to realize the harm of smoking and decide to give it up.If you are not a smoker,don't start.


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