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发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  根据汉语提示填入以字母p开头的单词的适当形式,然后背诵微情景,熟记以p开头的课标词汇。 【初级词汇情景】

  At present,some politicians point out that


  (污染) takes place in transport partly.The environment plays an important role in physical and mental health.They plan to


  (说服) passengers to participate in it,__3__

  (执行) the policy and pay for it.Therefore,plenty of pavements should be picked out for the passers-by,__4__

  (病人) in particular.Without permanent permission,__5__

  (私人的) cars cannot drive.__6__

  (就个人而言),I am pleased with the pleasant news.


  21 P+话题·资讯事件类记叙文

  目前,一些政治家指出污染在某种程度上发生在交通运输环节上。环境在人们的身心健康方面起着重要作用。他们打算说服乘客参与进来,执行该政策并为此买单。因此,大量的人行道应当为路人,尤其是病人标识出来使其醒目。如果没有长期的许可,私家车不得上路。就我个人而言,我对此消息感到满意。 自我校对 1.pollution 2.persuade 3.perform

  4.patients 5.private 6.Personally


  After the new president and the new premier came into __1__ (统治),they have made a series of precious political policies on __2__ (提供) enough professional positions to decrease the pressure of getting a job,protecting the environment and preventing it from being polluted,controlling the increase of population,preserving __3__ (个人的) possessions,cancelling all kinds of privileges,ensuring pension in particular and so on.Our leaders prefer to see the procedures and results rather than the phenomena.And we ordinary people should participate in all the programs positively and take pains to carry out them.

  新任总统与总理当权后,制定了一系列宝贵的政治政策,关于提供足够的职业岗位来减轻就业压力,保护环境防止其不受污染,控制人口增长,保护个人财产,取消各种特权,尤其确保养老金等。我们的领袖更看重的是过程与结果而不是现象。我们普通老百姓应该积极参与各项活动,努力完成它们。 自我校对 1.power 2.providing 3.personal


  熟读或背诵下列句子,体会该词不同的词性与词义,感悟其用法。 1.shape:The economy is in good shape and it will shape our future. 经济形势很好并且将会影响我们的未来。 2.sharp:Please come here at 7 o'clock sharp,because there is a sharp increase in number in the stadium. 请在七点整到这儿,因为该体育馆人数将会急剧增长。

  3.shoulder:I can't imagine how the weak shoulders can shoulder the heavy pressure of life. 我无法想象那么弱小的肩膀如何能承担如此重的生活压力。 4.sound:The government sounded a alarm that: “Without a sound mind,one can't have a sound health”. 政府发出警报:没有健康的精神,就没有健全的体魄。 5.stand:The saleswomen working at the food stand can't stand the behaviors of the police. 在小吃摊工作的售货员不能忍受这些警察的行为。







  2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

  【佳作赏·诵】 Dear Tom,

  Thanks for your email,but first I'd like to make an apology,for I forgot to reply to you in time.That's because I have been busy making preparations for my final exams.In your email,you asked me about my plans for the coming summer vacation.Now I'd like to tell you my arrangements.

  What I first want to do is do some voluntary work so that I can contribute to my neighbourhood,my city and even my country.As you know,I'm into travel,so I intend to visit some famous places of interest especially Mount Huang,which is said to be the most beautiful mountain in China.More importantly,doing a part-time job is my second choice where not only can I enrich my work experience but I can also make some money so that I can buy some books to read.

  What do you think of my plan?At last I'd like to express my sincere apology to you again.Wish you a happy summer vacation. Yours, Li Hua

  1.本话题常用词汇速览 apologize,write back,plan,summer vacation,prepare for,final exams,reason,part-time job,travel,do volunteer work 2.本话题常用句式速递 I'd like to make an apology for my not writing back to you in time. It's really a good choice to pay a visit to some famous places of interest.


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