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发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  天天循环背❽ C+话题·世界与环境 Ⅰ.高频课标词汇微情景集中识记

  根据汉语提示填入以字母c开头的单词的适当形式,然后背诵微情景,熟记以c开头的课标词汇。 【初级词汇情景】

  I don't like to have dinner at the ordinary __1__(食堂,餐厅).I like to have my dinner in a small café,especially in a cafeteria.Yesterday I took a cab (taxi),not a carriage or a cart there.There are many categories of vegetables in the center hall,such


  cabbages,cucumbers,__2__(胡萝卜),etc.What's more,before your dinner,you can take some candies,cheese,cookies.If you have time,you can __3__(咀嚼)a piece of chicken,drink a cup of coffee,or eat a piece of cream chocolate.All the customers needn't pay for it in cash;they can use their credit cards in a __4__(文明的)way.It is really comfortable there with candles lighted and music being played.

  我不喜欢去普通的大餐厅吃饭,我喜欢在一个小餐厅吃饭,尤其是自助餐厅。昨天我就乘出租车去了,不是乘的四轮或两轮马车。在中心大厅有很多种蔬菜,像卷心菜、黄瓜、胡萝卜等。另外,饭前你可以吃些糖果、奶酪、小甜饼,如果你有时间,你还可以嚼块鸡肉,喝杯咖啡,或吃块奶油巧克力。所有顾客不必现金付讫,都可以文明地用信用卡。在那里点着蜡烛,播放着音乐,真是惬意。 自我校对 1.canteen 2.carrots 3.chew 4.civilized


  A ceremony of celebration in the central park is being held by people who caught cancer.A captain who __1__ (关心) himself with medical work founded an international campaign to cancel all kinds of the bad medicine to take care of them.In this __2__ (条件),they will be certain to be cured.


  自我校对 1.concerned 2.case


  熟读或背诵下列句子,体会该词不同的词性与词义,感悟其用法。 1.cover:From the cover of the magazine,I know it covers a wide range of problems. 从该杂志的封面我就知道它涉及许多方面的问题。 2.credit:To his credit,he credited much of his success to the famous expert. 值得赞扬的是,他把他的成功归功于那位著名的专家。

  3.cross:Crossing the street carelessly made his mother cross with him. 穿过马路时漫不经心使他妈妈很生气。

  4.damage:He was ordered to pay damages totaling $30,000 for damaging the cultural relic. 因损坏文物,他被责令支付总额为30 000美元的赔偿金。 5.deliver:The doctor refused to deliver a speech because she had to deliver a baby soon. 这名医生拒绝发表演讲,因为她马上要接生婴儿。



  (2017·江苏卷)请根据你对以下两幅图的理解,以“Actions Speak Louder than Words”为题,用英语写一篇作文。

  参考词汇:banner(横幅) stump(树桩)







  3.作文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。 Actions Speak Louder than Words _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

  【佳作赏·诵】 Actions Speak Louder than Words

  Earth Day is a day when we show our concern about our planet,which is now suffering much damage.However,different people may celebrate it in different ways,just like what the pictures show us.The man in Picture 1 is only trying to put up a banner on a lonely tree around which are many stumps.On the contrary,in Picture 2 the couple are planting trees happily.

  What the pictures tell us is that actions speak louder than words.If we want to protect our earth,instead of going on cutting down trees and just talking in vain,it's our actions that make

  a big difference.

  Things are the same in our daily life.Some people often complain about others' bad behaviours on the road,while they themselves refuse to obey traffic rules.Some may care about their own interests,and even do harm to others even if they constantly advocate doing voluntary work to help the poor.Therefore,just remembering actions speak louder than words is not enough.We should take practical steps if we want to achieve a certain goal.


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