(江苏专用)2017届高考英语二轮专题复习练习:第二部分专题七 动词时态和语态第二部分-查字典英语网
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(江苏专用)2017届高考英语二轮专题复习练习:第二部分专题七 动词时态和语态第二部分

发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.(2017·四川绵阳模拟)China________a sharp increase in the number of aged people over the past decade.

  A.had seen


  C.will see

  D.has seen

  答案 D [句意:最近十年中国老龄人口数量急剧上升。根据时间状语over the past decade可知应用现在完成时,故选D项。]

  2.(2017·陕西西工大附中二模)Don't call me up at this time tomorrow, for I________an important test.

  A.will take

  B.am taking

  C.have been taking

  D.will be taking

  答案 D [句意:明天这个时候不要给我打电话,我那时正在参加一个重要的考试。根据上下文和时间状语“at this time tomorrow”可知,此处应用将来进行时,故选D项。]

  3.(2017·开封It is heard that the cloth which________well________well in our city.

  A.is washed; sells B.washes; is sold

  C.is washed; is sold

  D.washes; sells

  答案 D [句意:听说在我们的城市,好洗的布料卖得很火。表示主语内在的特征、性质或所处的状态而不是强调动作本身,一般用主动形式表示被动含义,故选D。]

  4.(2017·北京海淀区3月测试)I________toward the door to go outside when suddenly Jim opened it.

  A.was walking


  C.had walked


  答案 A [句意:我正朝门口走要出去时吉姆突然打开了门。根据句意和opened可知,此处应用过去进行时,故选A项。]

  5.(2017·重庆名校联考)The manager got to the company in a hurry, only to find that he________his laptop back at home.

  A.would leave

  B.was leaving

  C.has left

  D.had left

  答案 D [句意:经理匆匆忙忙来到公司,结果发现他把他的笔记本电脑忘在家里了。根据语境,“忘记”这个动作发生在“到D项。]

  6.(2017·湖南十三校联考)—You seem to have had a wonderful winter holiday!

  —Yes. Really warm days during the Spring Festival. My parents and I________to several tourist spots.

  A.are driving


  C.have been driving

  D.will drive

  答案 B [句意:——你这个寒假似乎玩得很愉快!——是的。春节期间天气很暖和,我和父母开车去了几个旅游景点。根据语境,此处描述的是过去的客观事实,应用一般过去时,故选B项。]

  7.(2017·渭南三模)—Ring me at six tomorrow morning, will you?

  —Why that early?I________then.

  A.have slept

  B.have been sleeping

  C.will sleep

  D.will be sleeping

  答案 D [句意:——明天早晨六点给我打电话,好吗?——为什么那么早?那个时候我还在睡觉呢!本题的关键是then,本题的then指代的是“at six tomorrow morningD项。]

  8.(2017·成都一中模考)In addition to the farming they________since the 1990s, the Smiths have started a small business.

  A.have done

  B.had been done

  C.were doing

  D.have been doing

  答案 D [句意:除了从20世纪90年代就开始一直从事的农业,史密斯一家还做起了小生意。have been doing是现在完成进行时,表示从过去某个时间就开始一直持续到现在,并且还将持续下去的动作,故选D。]

  9.(2017·成都外国语学校模拟)—Haven't I told you that you should be home earlier?

  —Yes, but I________home earlier than I usually do.

  A.was coming

  B.will come


  D.had come

  答案 C [句意:——我没告诉你应早回家吗?——是的,但是我这次回家比平常早。说话时已经回家,是过去发生的事,应用一般过去时。]

  10.(2017·福州一中质检)—Could you tell me where you're working now, Tony?

  —In the new development zone. But I________in a computer company for five years.

  A.have worked

  B.had worked

  C.was working


  答案 D [句意:——托尼,你能告诉我你现在在哪里工作吗?——在开发区,但我曾在一家电脑公司干过5年。从空格前面的句子可知,在电脑公司工作是过去之事,应用一般过去时。]

  11.(2017·湖南部分学校期中联考)She is the youngest in the family. She always________the biggest apple.

  A.has got



  D.was getting

  答案 B [句意:她是家中最小的孩子,她总是最受宠。由always可知表示经常性的动作,故用一般现在时。]

  12.(2017·北京西城模考)—When are you leaving for Chicago?

  —As soon as I________the project.

  A.are completing


  C.will complete


  答案 D [句意:——你什么时候去芝加哥?——我一做完这项工程就去。此处as soon as引导时间状语从句,用一般现在时表示将来。]

  13.(2017·西安市二模The hotel in the town wasn't particularly good, but I________in many worse hotels.

  A.was staying


  C.would stay

  D.had stayed

  答案 D [句意:这个镇上的旅店不是特别好,但是我曾经在很多更差的旅店住过。从前面的句子可知在更差的旅店住是“过去的过去”,应用过去完成时,D。]

  14.(2017·山西大学附中模拟)—It's so cold here! Why not close the door?

  —Sorry. It________.I'll have it repaired as soon as possible.

  A.won't shut

  B.won't be shut

  C.doesn't shut

  D.isn't shut

  答案 A [句意:——这里太冷了,为什么不关上门?——很抱歉,门关不上,我会尽快找人来修理。won't 与某些动词连用,表示主语所处的状态,而非强调动作本身,一般用主动形式表示被动含义。]

  15.(2017·宝鸡高三模拟)Look at that little boy wandering about—perhaps he________his mother.

  A.will lose

  B.is losing

  C.had lost

  D.has lost

  答案 D [根据那个小男孩徘徊的现象,推知他可能是找不到妈妈了,故用现在完成时表示过去发生的事情对现在的影响。]


  Welcome to our school.I'd like to introduce you to plans for our school.A lot of work __1__(do) in the past few years.The library __2__(complete) and is ready for use.But we still have to do more work.A new biology lab __3__(build)this year.But we don't have enough money for the equipment.Students in all grades __4__(collect) money.The money which is collected __5__(spend) on new equipment.At present,a plan __6__(make) for a party at the end of the term,at which wonderful performances __7__(put)on.

  The gardens of the school __8__(improve) this year.New trees __9__(plant) which will soon give shade in summer.The whole school __10__(paint) during the summer holidays.In fact,our school is becoming more and more beautiful.

  答案 1.has been done 2.has been completed 3.is being built 4.are collecting 5.will be spent 6.is being made 7.will be put 8.are being improved 9.are being planted 10.is going to be painted


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