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发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  语法专练十一 代词和介词高考题组 1.(2017大纲全国,25)—Who’s that at the door? — is the milkman. 2.(2017山东,4)Susan made clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself. 3.(2017福建,21)In some countries,people eat with chopsticks,while in ,knives and forks. 4.(2017浙江,3)An average of just 18.75 cm of rain fell last year,making the driest year since California became a state in 1850. 5.(2017安徽,24)You can ask anyone for help. here is willing to lend you a hand. 6.(2017陕西,21)I’d appreciate if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come. 7.(2017四川,1)She’d lived in London and Manchester,but she liked and moved to Cambridge. 8.(2017北京,23)Jane is in a hurry because the train to the airport leaves half an hour. 9.(2017重庆,7)She drove so fast at the turn that the car almost went the road. 10.(2017福建,22)Our club is open to everyone regardless age,sex or educational background. 11.(2017浙江,10)While staying in the village,James unselfishly shared whatever he had with the villagers without asking for anything return. 12.(2017浙江,12)Facing up to your problems running away from them is the best approach to working things out. 13.(2017陕西,14)The Scottish girl blue eyes won the first prize in the Fifth Chinese Speech Contest. 14.(2017课标Ⅱ,14)It’s an either-or situation—we can buy a new car this year or we can go on holiday but we can’t do . 15.(2017重庆,31)Recycling is one way to protect the environment;reusing is . 16.(2017安徽,27)This project requires close teamwork. will be achieved unless we work well together. 17.(2017四川,2)The traffic on the main streets has a longer green signal than on the small ones. 18.(2017江西,23) can be good at something for 40 years if he doesn’t love it. 19.(2017课标Ⅰ,34)It was a real race time to get the project done.Luckily,we made it. 20.(2017课标Ⅱ,11)A serious study of physics is impossible some knowledge of mathematics. 21.(2017北京,26)I have an appointment Dr.Smith,but I need to change it. 22.(2017山东,34)The Smiths are praised the way they bring up their children. 23.(2017浙江,14)It will be a big help if you go to the store and get what we need for dinner. the meanwhile,I’ll set the table. 24.(2017福建,29)Mrs.Smith finds it hard to clear up the mess,as her children are always the way whenever she tries to. 25.(2017辽宁,25) behalf of everyone here,I wish you a pleasant journey back to your country. 26.(2017全国Ⅰ,31)Larry asks Bill and Peter to go on a picnic with him,but of them wants to,because they have work to do. 27.(2017全国Ⅱ,9)Sarah made to the airport just in time to catch her plane this morning. 28.(2017江苏,23)Sophia waited for a reply,but came. 29.(2017辽宁,28)If you’re buying today’s paper from the stand,could you get for me? 30.(2017浙江,5)Studying Wendy’s menu,I found that many of the items are similar to of McDonald’s. 31.(2017福建,26)China has been pushing the reform of public hospitals the benefit of all its citizens. 32.(2017浙江,6) all the animals I’ve ever had,these two dogs are the most sensitive to the spoken word. 33.(2017浙江,14)Brown said he was by no means annoyed; the contrary,he was glad to be able to make himself clearly understood. 34.(2017陕西,11)An agreement seems to be impossible because the majority of the committee members are it. 模拟题组 1.(2017安徽江南十校联考,28)Wherever he is,he makes a rule to give his mother a call every day. 2.(2017山东临沂3月质检,1)—Which of those ties do you like best? — .They are all too expensive and don’t go well with my new suit. 3.(2017山东潍坊一模,4)As Mrs.Roosevelt put ,I’d rather light a candle than complain about the darkness. 4.(2017安徽蚌埠三校期中,22)—Which of the three ways shall I take to the village? — way as you please. 5.(2017浙江重点中学协作体摸底,7)I’ve always wanted an MP5 and I’ve just saved enough money to buy . 6.(2017山西第二次诊断,25)—Given one more week,I’ll get ready. —Then we’ll have a dinner out to celebrate your success. 7.(2017安徽马鞍山质检,30)I clapped my hands happily admiration of the pilot’s beautiful flight on the air show. 8.(2017甘肃河西五市一联,8)Don’t you think this shirt is too tight the shoulders? 9.(2017甘肃河西五市一联,11) the phenomenon of “bystander effect” in the Yueyue event,most Chinese strongly believe that there still exist love and warmth in people’s hearts. 10.(2017湖北八市3月调考,30)We can be a smart shopper by choosing for value,not for looks; other words,choose good quality goods with plain packages. 11.(2017湖北荆州质检Ⅱ,30)The closer the blood relationship between two people,the closer they are in intelligence.If we take two unrelated people random,their degree of intelligence might be completely different. 12.(2017江苏扬州中学质检,30)The science of computer, which rapid progress has been made in recent years,plays a very important role in our daily life. 13.(2017安徽师大附中二模,23)Don’t you think that the little red house looks so beautiful the green woods? 14.(2017安徽江淮十校联考,30)As is widely received,outdoor activities help children learn out of curiosity,which, turn,promotes creativity. 15.(2017浙江温州十校联考,8)Contrary  what I had previously thought,my new biology teacher turned out to be a rather interesting person. 高考题组 1.It 句意:——门口的那个人是谁?——是送牛奶的人。考查代词用法。用以指代不明性别的人时常用it。 2.it 句意:苏珊清楚地向我表明,她希望自己开始一种新生活。句中that she wished to make...是真正的宾语,空格处应为形式宾语,故用it。 3.others 句意:在一些国家,人们用筷子吃饭,而在另外一些国家,人们用刀叉吃饭。some...others...表示“一些……,另一些……”。 4.it 句意:去年加利福尼亚全年的平均降雨量只有18.75厘米,使得这一年成为加利福尼亚1850年建州以来最干旱的一年。本题考查代词的用法。此处it代指前面的last year以避免重复。 5.Everyone/Everybody 句意:你可以找任何人帮忙。这儿的每一个人都愿意帮助你。根据上下文逻辑可知此处表示“这里的每个人”故答案为everyone或everybody。由于设空处后为is,故all(所有人)不符合。 6.it 句意:假如你提前让我知道你是否会来,我将不胜感激。考查代词。I’d appreciate it if...属于固定句式,表示“假如……我将不胜感激”。 7.neither 句意:她在伦敦和曼彻斯特居住过,但是她不喜欢这两座城市,然后搬到剑桥了。由表示转折的连词but可知该空应该表示否定意思,题干中提到两个地名(London,Manchester),故答案为neither。 8.in 句意:简很着急,因为去飞机场的火车半小时后就发车了。“in+一段时间”用于表示将来的句子中,意为:在……之后。 9.off 句意:她在转弯处开得如此快,以至于车差点偏离公路。off 离开,偏离。 10.of 句意:我们的俱乐部对所有人开放,不分年龄、性别和教育背景。regardless of不管,不顾。 11.in 句意:在村庄停留期间,James无私地和村民分享他所拥有的一切,不要求任何回报。in return作为回报。 12.rather than/instead of 句意:面对你的问题而不是逃避它们才是解决问题的最好办法。rather than/instead of 而不是。 13.with 句意:在第五届汉语演讲比赛中,那位有着一双蓝色眼睛的苏格兰姑娘获得了一等奖。with表示“具有”。 14.both 句意:这是二者择其一的局面——我们要么今年买辆新车,要么去度假,但是不能二者兼顾。both用于否定句表示部分否定,意为“并非两者都”。 15.another 句意:(废品)回收是保护环境的一种方式,而循环利用是保护环境的另外一种方式。another再一,又一。 16.Nothing 句意:这项工程要求紧密的团队合作,如果我们不能很好地一起工作,我们将会一事无成。根据句意可知设空处应为表示否定的nothing。 17.that 句意:主街道上的绿色信号灯的时长要比小道上的长。首先将题干改为:The traffic on the main streets has a longer green signal than the traffic on the small ones.然后考虑用that代替特指的不可数名词“the traffic”,以避免重复。 18.Nobody 句意:如果不是热爱一件事的话,没有人会40年来一直做得那么好。本题考查不定代词的用法。 19.against 句意:完成这项工程真的是在与时间赛跑。但幸运的是,我们成功了。against 在此处为“与……竞争”之意。 20.without 句意:没有一定的数学知识,进行严肃的物理学研究是不可能的。without “没有”。 21.with 句意:我和Smith博士有一个约会,但是我需要改一下。have an appointment with sb.与某人有约会、预约。 22.for 句意:史密斯夫妇因为他们培养孩子的方式而受到了赞扬。根据语境可知,此处表达夫妇二人受赞扬的原因,应该用介词for。 23.In 句意:如果你能去商店买来我们晚餐所需要的东西,这将是一个巨大的帮助。同时,我将摆餐具。in the meanwhile同时。 24.in 句意:史密斯太太觉得很难把杂乱的东西收拾好,因为无论她什么时候试图整理,她的孩子们总是碍手碍脚。in the way/in sb.’s way妨碍。 25.On 句意:我代表这儿的每一个人,祝你们的回国旅程愉快。on behalf of为固定词组,意为“代表”。 26.neither 句意:Larry让Bill和Peter跟他一起去野餐,但是他们俩都不想去,因为他们都有工作要做。根据表转折关系的but及后面的内容可知,空格处应该表示否定且指代的是两者(Bill和Peter),故答案为neither,指“两者都不”。 27.it 句意:今天早上萨拉及时到达了机场,正好赶上飞机。本题考查it的用法。make it 为固定搭配,意为:成功做某事,准时到达。 28.none 句意:索菲娅等待答复,但一个都没有。none没有一个。 29.one 句意:如果你从报亭买今天的报纸,你能帮我买一份吗?考查不定代词的基本用法。one用来替代前面出现的单数名词,表示泛指,相当于a/an+单数名词,以避免重复。在本题中one替代a paper。 30.those 句意:认真看了Wendy的菜单后,我发现许多东西和麦当劳的相似。设空处需要的名词为the items,故用those替代。 31.for 句意:为了所有公民的利益,中国一直在推行公立医院的改革。for the benefit of为了……的利益。 32.Of 句意:在所有我养过的动物中,这两只狗对语言最敏感。此处of用来表示范围,意为“在……之中”。 33.on 句意:布朗说他一点儿都不生气,正相反(on the contrary),他很高兴能把自己的意思表达清楚。 34.against 句意:达成一致意见看来是不可能了,因为大多数委员会成员都对此表示反对(against)。模拟题组 1.it 句意:无论他在哪里,他把每天给妈妈打个电话变成了习惯。it在此句中作形式宾语,真正的宾语为to give his mother a call every day。 2.None 句意:——那些领带你最喜欢哪条?——都不喜欢。它们都太贵了,并且和我的新西服也不很配套。根据句中的best(最高级),all(三者或三者以上都)可知设空处表示三者或三者以上都不,故答案为none。 3.it 句意:正如罗斯福太太所说的,与其抱怨黑暗,不如点燃蜡烛。此题考查固定搭配:as sb.put it “正如某人所说的”。 4.Any 句意:——这三条路我走哪条路可到达那个村庄?——你可以走任何一条路。根据题干中的three ways及句意,可知语境指三者中的任何一个,any表示三者或三者以上中的任何一个,符合句意,故为答案。 5.one 句意:我一直想要一个MP5,而且刚刚攒够了买一个的钱。本空用one替代泛指的单数名词an MP5,以避免重复。 6.everything 句意:——再给我一周时间,我会准备好一切。——到那时我们会出去吃饭以庆祝你的成功。everything:每件事,一切,符合句意。 7.in 句意:我高兴地拍着手对飞行员在航空表演的出色飞行表示钦佩。in admiration of为固定短语,意为:对……表示钦佩。 8.across 句意:难道你不认为这件衬衫在肩部太紧吗?across the shoulders横跨肩部。 9.Despite 句意:尽管在悦悦事件中出现“旁观者效应”现象,但大部分中国人坚信在人们的心中仍然存在爱和温暖。despite尽管,不管。 10.in 句意:我们通过选择有价值的而不是选择好看的商品可以成为一名聪明的购物者,换言之,要选择包装简单但质量好的商品。in other words换言之。 11.at 句意:两个人的血缘关系越近,他们的智商越接近。如果我们随意挑出无亲属关系的两个人,他们的智力水平可能会完全不同。at random为固定搭配,意为:随意,随机。 12.in 句意:最近几年,计算机科学发展很快,它在我们的日常生活中起着非常重要的作用。本题以定语从句的形式考查了介词。先行词为the science of computer,将先行词代入定语从句后为:Rapid progress has been made the science of computer in recent years.“make progress in...”为固定短语,意为:在……方面取得进步,故答案为in。 13.against 句意:难道你不觉得那座小红房子在绿色树林的衬托下显得很美丽吗?against在……的衬托下。 14.in 句意:户外活动有助于孩子们出于好奇而学习,这反过来又促进了他们的创造力,这一观点被人们广泛接受。in turn转而,反过来又。 15.to 句意:与我原来的想法相反,我的新生物老师原来是一个非常有趣的人。contrary to与……相反。


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