【备战2016】高考英语典型试题精粹 专题十二 状语从句-查字典英语网
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【备战2016】高考英语典型试题精粹 专题十二 状语从句

发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  专题十 状语从句


  1.(2017·山东卷)I don't really like the author, __________ I have to admit his books are very exciting.

  2.(2017·重庆卷)Half an hour later, Lucy still couldn't get a taxi ________ the bus had dropped her.

  3.(2017·北京卷)________ the forest park is far away, a lot of tourists visit it every year.

  4.(2017·江苏卷)Lessons can be learned to face the future, ________ history cannot be changed.

  5.(2017·浙江卷)Cathy had quit her job when her son was born ________ she could stay home and raise her family.

  6.(2017·陕西卷)No________ had Mo Yan stepped on the stage than the audience broke into thunderous applause.

  7.(2017·安徽卷)The meaning of the word “nice” changed a few times ________ it finally came to include the sense “pleasant.”

  8.(2017·湖南卷)You will never gain success ________ you are fully devoted to your work.

  9.(2017·陕西卷)The young couple, who returned my lost wallet, left ________ I could ask for their names.

  10.(2017·四川卷)I'll be out for some time. In ________ anything important happens, call me up immediately.

  11.(2017·江西卷)It was the middle of the night ________ my father woke me up and told me to watch the football game.

  12.(2017·辽宁卷)One can always manage to do more things, ________ full one's schedule is in life.

  13.(2017·北京卷)I took my driving license with me on holiday, in ________ I wanted to hire a car.

  14.(2017·天津卷)________ small, the company has about 1,000 buyers in over 30 countries.

  15.(2017·重庆卷)________ we have enough evidence, we can't win the case.

  16.(2017·山东卷)Mark needs to learn Chinese ________ his company is opening a branch in Beijing.

  17.(2017·山东卷)________ I have to give a speech, I get extremely nervous before I start.

  18.(2017·江苏卷)In the global economy, a new drug for cancer, ________ it is discovered, will create many economic possibilities around the world.

  19.(2017·湖南卷)You must learn to consult your feelings and your reason ________ you reach any decision.

  20.(2017·安徽卷)It's much easier to make friends ______ you have similar interests.

  21.(2017·四川卷)He is so busy. He cannot afford enough time with his son ________ he wants to.

  22.(2017·江西卷)She says that she'll have to close the shop ________ business improves.

  23.(2017·陕西卷)I have heard a lot of good things about you ________ I came back from abroad.

  24.(2017·辽宁卷)Leave your key with your neighbour in ______ you lock yourself out one day.

  25.(2017·课标全国卷Ⅰ)I don't believe we've met before, ________ I must say you do look familiar.

  26.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ)I had hardly got to the office ________ my wife phoned me to go back home at once.

  27.(2017·北京卷)—Look at those clouds!

  —Don't worry. ________ it rains, we'll still have a great time.

  28.(2017·天津)Everything was placed exactly ________ he wanted it for the graduation ceremony.

  29.(2017·福建卷)It is hard for the Greek government to get over the present difficulties ________ it gets more financial support from the European Union.

  30.(2017·湖南卷)________ hard you try, it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat.


  1.although/though 句意:虽然我不得不承认这位作家的书很令人兴奋,但是我真的不喜欢他。根据句意可知此处表示让步,故填although/though“虽然,尽管”。

  2.where 句意:半个小时之后,露西在下公交车的地方仍然打不到出租车。通过分析可知本句缺少引导地点状语从句的连词,所以填where。

  3.Even though/Even if/Though/Although 句意:尽管森林公园很远,每年还是有很多游客前去游览。根据句意填even though/even if/though/although“尽管,虽然”。

  4.though/although 句意:虽然历史不能被改变,但是可以学习经验来面对未来。通过分析可知设空处引导让步状语从句,所以填though/although“虽然,尽管”。

  5.so that/in order that 句意:Cathy在她儿子出生时就已经辞去了工作,以便她能够待在家里抚养孩子。根据句意填so that/in order that引导目的状语从句。

  6.No sooner 句意:莫言一走上台,观众就爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。分析句子结构(主句的谓语动词用过去完成时且主谓为部分倒装)可知,此处是no sooner...than...(一……就……)的固定句式,故填 sooner。

  7.before 句意:“nice”这个单词的含义在它最终包含“令人愉快的”含义之前经过了多次变化。根据句意填before。

  8.unless 句意:除非你全身心地投入到工作中,否则你永远也不会获得成功。根据分析可知设空处引导条件状语从句,又根据句意可知填unless。

  9.before 句意:那对年轻的夫妇归还了我丢失的钱包。我还没来得及问他们的名字,他们就已经走了。根据语境可知,作者在问他们名字之前,他们已经走了,故填before。

  10.case 句意:我出去一会儿,万一有任何重要事情发生,立即给我打电话。根据句意可知设空处为一种假设的情况,所以填In case“万一”。

  11.when 句意:半夜,我的父亲把我叫醒并告诉我来看足球赛。根据语境可知,设空处引导一个时间状语从句,表示“当……的时候”,故填when。

  12.however/no matter how 句意:一个人总能设法做更多的事情,无论他生活中的时间安排得有多满。however无论多么,引导让步状语从句时相当于no matter how。

  13.case 句意:度假时我随身带着我的驾驶证,以防我要租车。in case以防。

  14.Although/Though 句意:这家公司虽然小,但它在30多个国家有大约1,000个客户。根据句意判断,前后是转折关系,故填Although或Though。

  15.Unless 句意:除非我们有足够的证据,否则我们不能胜诉。unless除非。

  16.since/now that/as/because 句意:马克需要学习汉语,因为他的公司正准备在北京开一家分公司。考查原因状语从句,所以填since/now that/as/because。

  17.Whenever/No matter when 句意:无论何时我不得不进行一个演讲,在开始前我都会感到特别紧张。whenever无论何时,引导让步状语从句时相当于no matter when。

  18.wherever/no matter where 句意:在全球化的经济中,治疗癌症的新药无论在哪里被发现,都将在全世界范围内创造出很多赚钱的机会。空格处引导让步状语从句,表示“无论在哪儿”,故填wherever或no matter where。

  19.before 句意:在做任何决定之前,你必须学会兼顾自己的情感和理智。before 在……之前。

  20.when 句意:当你们有相似兴趣的时候,交朋友就容易多了。when当(某种条件出现)时会(产生某种状况)。

  21.even if/though 句意:他非常忙,抽不出足够的时间来陪他的儿子,尽管他想去陪他。even if/though即使/尽管。

  22.unless 句意:她说如果生意还没有起色的话,就不得不把店关掉。根据语境可知,此处应该是表达商店关门的条件,即if business doesn't improve,故用unless(=if...not)。

  23.since 句意:自我从国外回来以来,已听到不少关于你的好事情。空格前的句子使用了现在完成时,空格后是过去时,符合since “自从……以来”的用法。

  24.case 句意:把钥匙留给邻居以防有一天你把自己锁在外面。根据句意填in case“以防”。

  25.although/though 句意:尽管我不得不说你看起来确实面熟,但是我认为我们之前没有见过面。although/though虽然,尽管,引导让步状语从句。

  26.when 句意:我刚到办公室,妻子就打电话让我回家。根据句型hardly...when...一/刚……就……可知填when。

  27.Even if/Even though 句意:——看那些云彩!——别担心,即使下雨,我们也会玩得很开心。根据句意可知填Even if/Even though。

  28.where 句意:为了毕业典礼,他把一切都放在了他想放的地方。根据was placed(被放在)可知其后为地点状语。

  29.unless 句意:除非从欧盟获取更多的财政支持,否则希腊政府很难克服目前的困难。unless除非。

  30.However/No matter how 句意:不管你多么努力,如果不减少食量,想要减肥会很难。设空处引导让步状语从句,根据空后的副词hard可知空格处应填However或No matter how。


  1.(2017·安徽安庆二模)________ there was no conclusive evidence, most people thought he was guilty.

  2.(2017·山东威海期中)Have you ever met a man who is always the centre of attention ________ he goes?

  3.(2017·北京东城统一检测)We climbed higher ________ we might see the scenes better.

  4.(2017·江苏苏锡常镇四市调研一)A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure ________ he begins to blame somebody else.

  5.(2017·陕西宝鸡质检二)On the Spring Festival, there was less air pollution ________ fireworks were forbidden.

  6.(2017·山东潍坊一模)Tom had been studying French hard for nearly three years ________ he mastered it.

  7.(2017·太原测评)Some of my workmates prefer to send to our QQ group ________ news they've got.

  8.(2017·北京海淀期末练习)The new policy allows a couple to have a second birth ________ either is an only child.

  9.(2017·北京朝阳期中)Anyone can get into the club, ______ he is a member there.

  10.(2017·南京一模)There can be no equality of opportunity ________ everyone follows the rules at their own game.

  11.(2017·重庆联合测试)I had not believed in loving somebody at first sight ________ I met Lydia on Valentine's Day two years ago.

  12.(2017·河南开封第一次摸底)—Was it in front of the museum ________ you were visiting it inside?

  —Sure. But when I went out of the museum, my car was gone.

  13.(2017·福建厦门质检)—Look! Mum, I've been offered a bonus of $300.

  —Really? Well, keep it ________ it is safe.

  14.(2017·山东青岛质检)We need some more facts and figures ________ we make the final decision.

  15.(2017·郑州第一次质量预测)How can you expect to learn anything ________ you spend all your time playing computer games?

  16.(2017·福州质量检测)The so­called Asia­Pacific century will make no sense ________ China develops.

  17.(2017·辽宁五校第一协作体联考)—When did you run into Mary?

  —It was three days ago ________ I was doing shopping in the supermarket near my home.

  18.(2017·南昌一模)—Won't you talk to your brother any longer?

  —No. ________ he apologizes to me for his rudeness.

  19.(2017·陕西质量检测一)I took my ID card with me on holiday, in ________ I wanted to live in a hotel.

  20.(2017·昆明第一次调研)Mary's favorite is fruit, ________ kind it is.


  1.While 句意:虽然没有令人信服的证据,但大多数人都认为他有罪。从题干中的no conclusive evidence 与后面的guilty 看,这里表示转折,因此用while 引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管,虽然”。

  2.wherever 句意:你见过他无论走到哪里都是人们关注的焦点的这样一个人吗?根据句意可知此处为地点状语从句,且表示强调语气,故用wherever “无论哪里”。

  3.so that 句意:我们爬得更高一些,以便我们可以更好地欣赏景色。根据句意可知,空后的从句表示目的,所以要用so that “以便”。

  4.unless 句意:人可以失败很多次,但他不是一个失败者,除非他开始责怪别人。从句意可知,应用unless 引导从句,表示“除非”。

  5.where 此处为地点状语从句,表示“在禁放烟花的地方,空气污染较少”,故应使用where 引导该地点状语从句。

  6.before 句意:在掌握法语之前,汤姆努力地学了将近三年。before “在……之前”。

  7.whatever 句意:我的一些同事不管得到什么消息都喜欢发到我们的QQ群里。空后接的是不可数名词news,结合句意可知应填whatever。

  8.if 句意:如果夫妇二人有一人是独生子女的话,新政策允许他们生第二胎。这里用if 引导条件状语从句,表示“如果”。

  9.so long as 句意:只要是会员,任何人都可以进入俱乐部。这里用so long as 表示“只要”。

  10.unless 句意:除非每个人在他们自己的游戏中都遵守规则,否则就不可能有公平的机会。unless 表示“如果不,除非”,符合句意。

  11.before 句意:我从来不相信一见钟情,直到两年前的情人节我遇到了Lydia。根据主从句的时态和句意可知,这里应用before 引导时间状语从句,表示“在……之前”。

  12.when/while 句意:——当你在博物馆里参观的时候,你的车在博物馆的前面吗?——当然了。但是当我从博物馆出来的时候,我的车就不见了。when/while 意为“当……的时候”,引导时间状语从句,符合句意。

  13.where 此处表示把它放在安全的地方,应用where 引导地点状语从句。

  14.before 句意:在作出最后决定之前,我们需要更多的事实和数据。这里用before 引导时间状语从句表示“ ……之前”。

  15.when 句意:既然你把时间都用来玩电脑游戏了,你怎么能指望学到东西?这里用when 引导状语从句,描述某种情况,意为“考虑到,既然”。

  16.unless 句意:除非中国发展了,不然所谓“亚太世纪”就没有任何意义。这里用unless 与前面的no呼应,表示“除非……”,引导条件状语从句。

  17.when 句意:——你是什么时候碰到玛丽的?——是三天前我在家附近的超市买东西的时候。run into “偶然遇见,碰到”。此处是强调句的省略形式,补充完整后是:It was three days ago when I was doing shopping in the supermarket near my home that I ran into Mary., 空处引导时间状语从句,应用when。

  18.Unless 句意:——你不再和你的弟弟说话了吗?——是的。除非他为他的无礼向我道歉。unless “除非,如果不”,符合语境。

  19.case 句意:我度假的时候随身带着我的身份证,以防万一我想住旅馆。这里用in case 引导目的状语从句,表示“以防万一”。

  20.whatever 句意:玛丽的最爱是水果,不管是哪一种。此处用whatever “无论什么”,修饰名词kind。


  1.Jim is in good shape physically ________ he doesn't take much exercise.

  2.Take action today ________ you won't miss your windows of opportunity next time.

  3.My daughter would like to have her photos taken ________ lies a lake.

  4.It will be another 50 years ________ our country is expected to reach the level of a medium developed country.

  5.—Mom, what did the doctor say?

  —He advised me to live ________ the air is fresher.

  6.John is as good as his word. ________ he makes a promise, he will keep it.

  7.We'll never get to the station on time ________ we run as fast as we can.

  8.One important aim of our school is to prepare us for the future ________ we can face all the challenges with confidence.

  9.House prices are usually high ________ famous schools lie.

  10.________ you are unable to deal with it, perhaps we should ask someone else for help.

  11.It will be another two years ________ I graduate from high school.

  12.It is five months ________ I left my hometown.

  13.He was about to go to school ________ a strong wind began to blow.

  14.Hardly had I got home ________ the heavy rain poured down.

  15.We will go for a picnic tomrrow ________ it is sunny.

  16.He won't change his mind ________ you can persuade him.

  17.I will set down your telephone number in ________ case I forget it.

  18.________ he goes, he will take his pet dog with him.

  19.________ I meet with trouble, my parents will help me out.

  20.I'm willing to live ________ the air is free from pollution.


  1.even if/though 句意:虽然吉姆锻炼得不多,但他身体很好。根据句意可知,空处前后出现了转折,因此填even if/though “虽然”,引导让步状语从句。

  2.so that/in order that 句意:今天就行动起来,这样下次机遇之窗向你打开时你就不会错过了。根据句意可知应填so that 或 in order that 表示目的。

  3.where 句意:我女儿想在有湖的地方拍照。分析句子结构可知,句子缺少地点状语,故用where 引导,表示“在……地方”。

  4.before 句意:再过50年,我们的国家预计达到中等发达国家的水平。根据句型:it will be+一段时间+before...“还要多久才……”可知填before。

  5.where 句意:——妈妈,医生怎么说?——他建议我住在空气较清新的地方。

  6.Once 句意:约翰说话算话,一旦许诺,他就会遵守。考查时间状语从句。once “一旦”,用来引导时间状语从句。

  7.even if/though 句意:即使我们尽可能快跑,我们也不会准时到达车站。even if/though 即使。

  8.so that/in order that 句意:我们学校的主要目的之一就是让我们将来做好准备以便我们能够充满信心地应对所有的挑战。so that/in order that 为了。

  9.where 句意:有名校的地方,房价通常很高。

  10.Since/Now that 句意:既然你不能处理此事,或许我们应该求助于别人。since 或 now that 意为“既然”,引导原因状语从句,表示双方都知道的原因。

  11.before It will be+时间段+before...,意为“再过……就……”。

  12.since It is+时间段+since...句型。

  13.when be about to do...when...正要做……这时(突然)……。

  14.when Hardly...when...句型,意为“刚一……就……”。

  15.if if 引导条件状语从句,意为“如果”。

  16.unless unless 引导条件状语从句,意为“如果不”。

  17.case in case 引导条件状语从句,意为“万一”。

  18.Wherever wherever 引导让步状语从句,意为“无论哪里”。

  19.Whenever whenever 引导步状语从句,意为“无论何时”。

  20.where where 引导地点状语从句,意为“……的地方”。


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