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发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  (favorite -----fundamental)

  I. 单词拼写

  1. —What’s your f_________ color?

  —I like blue best.

  2. Jerry is very thin; she is as light as a f________ to carry.

  3. Christmas is one of the main f__________ in Europe.


  About 40 million f

  visited the US last year; they’re mostly from European countries.


  As a f

  business traveler, I have spent many nights in hotel rooms.


  Mother Kissed his f

  (前额) and cheeks.


  We do not have the f

  to do just what we like.


  The f

  (前任的)US president will give us a speech.


  Many people have trouble sleeping after a long f



  Fifty f

  (渔民)were killed in the thunderstorm.

  II. 介词填空

  1. The bird feeds

  mice and other small animals.

  2. Do you feel

  another drink?

  3. The slaves bravely fought

  their freedom.

  4. Can you figure

  how to do it?

  5. Don’t forget to fill

  the application form.

  6. Jessie is fluent

  English and French.

  7. She tried to focus her mind

  her work.

  8. Joe’s quite fond

  Lily, isn’t he?

  9. All our drinks are free

  artificial colorings.

  10.The stores were filled


  III. 单项选择

  1. —I feel so bad about upsetting your plans. -Oh,

  .It really doesn’t matter.

  A. come on

  B. forget it

  C. go ahead

  D. it depends

  2. Would you mind going to

  the kids from school?

  A. carry

  B. fetch

  C. take

  D. obtain

  3. We can advise the manager, but in the end, it is he who has the


  A. female

  B. fond

  C. final

  D. don’t fit

  4. The jacket’s fine, but the trousers


  A. are fit

  B. aren’t fit

  C. fit

  D. don’t fit


  The instructions very carefully when filling in the form.

  A. Follow

  B. Following

  C. Followed

  D. To follow

  6. Because of

  competition ,prices of food are likely to drop.

  A. federal

  B. fierce

  C. friendly

  D. fundamental

  7. It

  wonderful to lie on the beach and enjoy the sunshine.

  A. feels

  B. felt

  C. feeling

  D. is to feeling

  8. It’s

  in this house. Can’t I turn on the heating?

  A. freezing cold

  B. frozen cold

  C. freezing coldly

  D. frozen coldly

  9. He hopes his wife can come back and make a


  A. foggy

  B. fierce

  C. fresh

  D. flexible


  , everything

  all right in the end.

  A. Fortunate; worked out

  B. Fortunately; worked out

  C. Fortunately; figured out

  D. Fortunately; figured out

  IV. 选词填空











  1. Police

  that there may be further terrorist attacks.

  2. The entrance

  to the park have gone up by 50%.

  3. He said a

  named Leroy was the best pilot.

  4. Cole is the most famous expert in the

  of engineering.

  5. The driver was

  $300 for careless driving.

  6. Corey was always a

  believer in God.

  7. You can’t

  me –I know he’s already given you the money.

  8. According to the weather

  , it’s going to stay hot for the rest of the week.

  9. The alarm system was not

  when the paintings were stolen.

  10.Love and trust should

  the basis of a marriage.

  V. 句子翻译

  1. 你害怕什么?


  2. 他忘记关灯了.。 (forget)

  3. 由于政治原因他被迫离开了祖国。(force)

  4. 他把报纸叠起来递给了我。(fold)

  5. 我不能把注意力集中在工作上。(focus)

  6. 你们的结婚日期定了没有? (fix)

  7. 这个大学由亨利建于1840年。(found)

  8. 血从他额头上的伤口流出来。(flow)

  9. 他不适合这个工作。(fit)

  10. 汤姆还没有读完这本小说。(finish)


  I. 单词拼写

  1. favorite

  2. feather

  3. festivals

  4. foreigners

  5. frequent

  6. forehead

  7. freedom

  8. former

  9. flight

  10. fishermen

  II. 介词填空

  1. on

  2. like

  3. for

  4. out

  5. in

  6. in

  7. on

  8. of

  9. of

  10. with

  III. 单项选择

  1 – 5 BBCDA

  6 – 10 BAACB

  IV. 选词填空

  1. fear

  2. fees

  3. fellow

  4. field

  5. fined

  6. firm

  7. fool

  8. forecast 9. functioning 10. form

  V. 句子翻译

  What are you frightened of?

  He forgot to turn off the lights.

  He was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons.

  He folded the newspaper and handed it to me.

  I can’t focus my attention on my work.

  Have you fixed a date for your wedding?

  The college was founded in 1840 by Henry.

  Blood flowed from a cut on his forehead.

  He does not fit the job.

  Tom hasn’t finished reading the novel.


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