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发布时间:2017-04-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  People think children should play sports. Sports are fun, and playing with others. However, playing sports can have __1

  effects on children. It may produce feelings of poor self-respect or aggressive behavior in some children. According to research on kids and sports, 40,000,000 kids play sports in the US. Of these, 18,000,000 say they have been __2

  at or called names while playing sports. This leaves many children with a bad __3

  of sports. They think sports are just too aggressive.

  Many researchers believe adults, especially parents and coaches, are the main _4

  of too much aggression ill children's sports. They believe children _5 _ aggressive adult behavior. This behavior is then further strengthened through both positive and negative feedback. Parents and coaches are powerful teachers because children usually look up to them. Often these adults behave aggressively themselves, sending children the message that__6

  is everything. Many parents go to children's sporting events and shout _7 _ at other players or cheer when their child behaves _8__. As well, children arc even taught that hurting other players is _ 9 or are pushed to continue playing even when they are injured _10 , the media makes violence seem exciting. Children watch adult sports games and see violent behavior replayed over and over on television.

  As a society, we really need to 11

  this problem and do something about it. Parents and coaches _12

  should act as better examples for children. They also need to teach children better__13

  . They should not just cheer when children win or act aggressively. They should teach children to _14 _ , themselves whether they win or not. Besides, children should not be allowed to continue to play when they are injured. If adults allow children to play when injured, this gives the message that


  is not as important as winning.


  ) 1. A. restrictive

  B. negative

  C. active

  D. instructive


  ) 2. A. knocked

  B. glanced

  C. smiled

  D. shouted


  ) 3. A. impression

  B. concept

  C. taste

  D. expectation


  ) 4. A. resource

  B. cause

  C. course

  D. consequence


  ) 5. A. question

  B. understand

  C. copy

  D. neglect


  ) 6. A. winning

  B. practicing

  C. fun

  D. sport


  ) 7. A. praises

  B. orders

  C. remarks

  D. insults


  ) 8. A. proudly

  B. ambitiously

  C. aggressively

  D. bravely


  ) 9. A. acceptable

  B. impolite

  C. possible

  D. accessible


  ) 10. A. By contrast

  B. In addition

  C. As a result

  D. Afterall


  ) 11. A. look up to

  B. face up to

  C. make up for

  D. come up with


  ) 12. A. in particular

  B. in all

  C. in return

  D. in advance


  ) 13. A. techniques

  B. means

  C. values

  D. directions


  ) 14. A. respect

  B. relax

  C. forgive

  D. enjoy


  ) 15. A. body

  B. fame

  C. health

  D. spirit



  1. B.根据句中的however可知此处是表示了语意的转折,那么就要选择一个表示否定、消极的意义的词,所以选择negative。restrictive是“受约束的,限制的”,active是“积极的”,instructive是“有教育意义的”,都不合题意。

  . D.此处的shout at和后面的call names构成并列关系,容易选出。

  . A.根据句意“这会给孩子留下不好的印象”,leave impression是“留下印象”的意思。

  . B.根据句意知“很多研究人员认为,成年人,尤其是父母和教练,是在孩子的运动出现很多攻击/侵略行为的起因”,导致某事发生的原因用cause,其他三项意思不合句意。

  5. C.根据上下文可知,“他们认为孩子在模仿/复制成年人的行为”,故选择copy。

  . A.据上下文知道,大人们经常是有意无意地把这样的信息传达给孩子,那就是“在运动中取胜就是一切”,所以,选择winning。

  . D.在运动中对其他的选手,即对手当然是insults(辱骂/侮辱的言行)。

  . C.大人们常因为自己的孩子在运动中表现出进攻性、侵略性动作时就为之欢呼、加油。

  . A.同样,孩子们甚至被教导到伤害对手是可以被接受的,所以选择acceptable, impolite是“不礼貌的”,possible是“可能的”,accessible是“易接近的”,均不合题意。

  . B.这里是又说到了另外的一个方面,即media的作用,所以,此处要填in addition。

  . B.此处考查短语意思辨析。face up to是“面对,直面”的意思,符合句意。look up to是“尊重”的意思,make up for是“弥补,补偿”的意思,come up with是“提出,提供,赶上”的意思,都不合句意。

  . A.此处填in particular表示“尤其”,强调尤其是父母或教练应当给孩子们树立起好的榜样。in all是“总共”,in return是“作为报答,作为回报”,in advance是“提前”的意思,都不合此处意思。

  . C.根据句意,“父母或教练应该教给孩子更好的价值观”,而不是“技术、手段、方向”。

  . D.enjoy oneself 是固定搭配,意为“过得愉快”,其他三项意思不符。

  . C.根据句意“如果大人们告诉孩子受伤了也要继续进行运动,他们就给了孩子这样的信息,即:生命健康不如获胜重要”,所以此处要选择health,而不是body(身体),fame(名誉),spirit(精神)。

  Everyone knows about straight-A students. We see them frequently in TV situation comedies and in movies like Revenge(复仇) of the Nerds. They get high grades, all right, but only by becoming dull laborers, their noses always stuck in a book. They are not good at social communication and look clumsy when it comes to sports.

  How, then, do we account for Domenica Roman or Paul Melendres?

  Roman is on the tennis team at Fairmont Senior High School. She also sings in the choral group, serves on the student council(学生会) and is a member of the mathematics society. For two years she has maintained A's in every subject. Melendres, now a freshman at the University of New Mexico, was student-body president at Valley High School in Albuquerque. He played soccer and basketball well, exhibited at the science fair, and meanwhile worked as a reporter on a local television station. Being a speech giver at the graduation ceremony, he achieved straight A's in his regular classes, plus bonus points for A's in two college-level courses.

  How do super-achievers like Roman and Melendres do it? Brains aren't the only answer. "Top grades don't always go to the brightest students," declares Herbert Walberg, professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, who has conducted major studies of super-achieving students. "Knowing how to make the most of your innate(天赋的) abilities counts for more. Much more."

  In fact, Walberg says, students with high I.Q.s sometimes don't do as well as classmates with lower I.Q.s. For them, learning comes too easily and they never find out how to get down.

  Hard work isn't the whole story, either. "It's not how long you sit there with the books open," said one of the many A students we interviewed. "It's what you do while you're sitting." Indeed, some of these students actually put in fewer hours of homework time than their lower-scoring classmates.

  The kids at the top of the class get there by mastering a few basic techniques that others can readily learn.

  The “nerds” can probably be __________.

  dull bookworms lacking sports and social skills

  successful top students popular with their peers

  students with certain learning difficulties

  born leaders crazy about social activities

  What can we conclude from the first paragraph?

  Most TV programs and films are about straight-A students.

  People have unfavorable impression of straight-A students.

  Everyone knows about straight-A students from TV or films.

  Straight-A students are well admired by people in the society.

  Some students become super-achievers mainly because ________.

  they are born cleverer than others

  they worker longer hours on study

  they make full use of their abilities

  they know the short cut to success

  What will be talked about after the last paragraph?

  The interviews with more students.

  The role I.Q. plays in learning well.

  The techniques to be better learners.

  The achievements top students make.

  What can we infer from the passage?

  Students needn’t work hard on study any more.

  The brightest students can never get top grades.

  Top students certainly achieve all-around developments.

  Students with average I.Q.s can become super-achievers.

  【参考答案】1—5 A B C C D


  The Coalition for the Homeless is an organization that seeks to address the needs of the homeless population in the United States. It is a network of offices, some of which provide food and houses for the homeless population, and some of which fight for the passing of laws that of over two hundred million people living in the United States, up to three million are homeless—and the number is still growing. Since the late 1970s,fast rising house prices, large cuts in government supported housing programs, and economic recession(经济衰退)have made it impossible for many Americans to meet housing costs. Sadly, this has resulted in a number of persons being forced to leave their homes and/or unable to find new affordable homes. According to another research, families with children appear to be the fastest-growing part of the homeless population, making up 39% of it. The old idea of a homeless person, that of the single man who gets drunk all the time, is no longer true. A much lager part of the population now finds itself homeless. Even worse, once a person becomes homeless, he often finds it impossible to find a job, since most employers require anyone who wants a job from them to provide a home address on a job application.


  ) 1. The word “address” in the first line probably means


  A. talk about

  B. deal with

  C. fight for

  D. write to


  【解析】:猜测词义题。由后文It is a network of offices, some of which provide food and houses for the homeless population, and some of which fight for the passing of laws that of over two hundred million people living in the United States,可得出选B。


  ). How many people are homeless in the U.S. according to the Coalition studies?

  A. 39% of the population.

  B. 200 million people.

  C. About 3 million people.

  D. About one-fifth of the population.


  【解析】:细节题,由up to three million are homeless可得出C。


  ). Homeless people often have difficulty finding a job because


  A. they have no home addresses

  B. they mostly have a drinking problem

  C. they aren't supported by government programs

  D. they often don't have enough work experience


  【解析】:细节题,由he often finds it impossible to find a job, since most employers require anyone who wants a job from them to provide a home address on a job application.可知。


  ). What is the main cause of the rising number of the homeless in the U.S.?

  A. The passing of new housing laws.

  B. The fast growth of family size.

  C. The slow construction of houses.

  D. The ever-rising price of housing.


  【解析】:细节题,由fast rising house prices, large cuts in government supported housing programs, and economic recession(经济衰退)可知选D。


  According to the US government, wind farms off the Pacific coast could produce 900 gig watts of electricity every year. Unfortunately, the water there is far too deep for even the tallest windmills (see picture) to touch bottom. An experiment under way off the coast of Norway, however, could help put them anywhere.

  The project, called Hywind, is the world’s first large-scale deepwater wind turbine(涡轮发电机).Although it uses a fairly standard 152-ton,2.3-megawatt turbine, Hywind represents totally new technology. The turbine will be fixed 213 feet above the water on a floating spar(see picture),a technology Hywind’s creator, the Norwegian company StatoilHydro, has developed recently. The steel spar, which is filled with stones and goes 328 feet below the sea surface, will be tied to the ocean floor by three cable(缆索);these will keep the spar stable and prevent the turbine from moving up and down in the waves. Hywind’s stability(稳定性)in the cold and rough sea would prove that even the deepest corners of the ocean are suitable for wind power. If all goes according to plan, the turbine will start producing electricity six miles off the coast of southwestern Norway as early as September.

  To produce electricity on a large scale, a commercial wind farm will have to use bigger turbines than Hywind does, but it’s difficult enough to balance such a large turbine so high on a floating spar in the middle of the ocean. To make that turbine heavier, the whole spar’s to design a new kind of wind turbine, one whose gearbox(变速箱) sits at sea level rather than behind the blades (see picture )

  Hywind is a test run, but the benefits for perfecting floating wind-farm technology could be extremely large. Out at sea, the wind is often stronger and steadier than close to shore, where all existing offshore windmills are planted. Deep-sea farms are invisible from land, which helps overcome the windmill-as-eyesore objection. If the technology catches on, it will open up vast areas of the planet’s surface to one of the best low-carbon power sources available.


  ) 1. The Hywind project uses totally new technology to ensure the stability of _______.

  A. the cables which tie the spar to the ocean floor

  B. the spar which is floating in deep-sea water

  C. the blades driven by strong and steady sea wind

  D. the stones filled in the spar below the sea surface


  ) 2. To balance a bigger turbine high on a flatting spar, a new type of turbine is to be designed with its gearbox sitting ____________.

  A. on the sea floor

  B. on the spar top

  C. at sea level

  D. behind the blades


  ) 3. Wide applications of deepwater wind power technology can ____________.

  A. solve the technical problems of deepwater windmills

  B. make financial profits by producing more turbines

  C. settle the arguments about environmental problems

  D. explore low-carbon power resources available at sea



  63.细节题。 根据题干定位到原文第二段倒数第二句。从”Hywind’s stability in the cold and rough sea would prove that even the deepest corners of the ocean are suitable for wind power”得出答案B为正确。

  64.细节题。 根据题干定位到原文第三段最后,得出答案C是正确的。



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