2017届高考英语(牛津译林版)一轮复习课时提升作业:(二) 必修1 Unit 2 Growing pains-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语(牛津译林版)一轮复习课时提升作业:(二) 必修1 Unit 2 Growing pains

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  必修1 Unit 2


  Ⅰ. 单项填空

  1. Knowledge and learning are important if we want to be successful but they may also ________ our thinking.

  A. directB. limitC. changeD. improve

  【解析】选B。考查动词词义辨析。句意: 如果我们要想成功, 知识和学问是重要的, 但是它们也可能限制我们的思考。direct指引, 指导; limit限制; change改变; improve提高。根据句意选择B项。

  2. —Alice, you are supposed ________ part in the party in time.

  —Sorry, but I had an unexpected visitor.

  A. to take B. to have taken

  C. to be taking

  D. taking

  【解析】选B。句意: ——爱丽丝, 你本应该及时参加晚会。——对不起, 我临时有客人来访。be supposed to have done表示“本该做某事, 但实际未做”, be用一般现在时。


  (2017·苏州模拟)—He hasn’t finished his work yet.

  —Well, but he is ________ .

  A. supposed to do B. supposed to have

  C. supposed to

  D. supposed to be

  【解析】选B。句意: ——他还没有完成工作。——嗯, 他本应该完成的。答句是省略结构, 完整形式为: Well, but he is supposed to have finished his work. 。变式题和原题的共同点是在对话中设题。区别在于: 原题中be supposed to have done用于完整的句子中, 而变式题中采用省略结构, 在省略的不定式结构中如含有助动词have, 要保留have。本题难度要大于原题。

  3. (2017·湖南省师大附中模拟)The courses at this university are quite popular and have attracted hundreds of students, ________ about half are teenagers.

  A. in which

  B. of whom

  C. by which

  D. for which

  【解析】选B。考查非限制性定语从句。句意: 这所大学的课程很受欢迎, 已经吸引了成百上千的学生, 其中一半是青少年。将定语从句还原about half of them are teenagers, 先行词指人, them换成whom。

  4. (2017·苏北四市模拟) ________ she gets home, she always turns on the TV first, except when it is very late.

  A. Now that B. While

  C. Since

  D. Every time

  【解析】选D。句意: 每次到家, 她总是先打开电视, 除非时间很晚了。every time“每次”, 引导时间状语从句。其他选项不符合句意。

  5. (2017·福州模拟)I broke my relationship with John because he always found ________ with me.

  A. error B. mistake

  C. fault

  D. failure

  【解析】选C。考查名词辨析。句意: 我中断了和约翰的关系, 因为他总是对我吹毛求疵。find fault with挑剔, 对……吹毛求疵, 为固定短语。error错误; mistake错误; failure失败。

  6. In the supermarket foreign names of the products got ________ , and I was confused about what to buy.

  A. picked up B. showed up

  C. mixed up

  D. fixed up

  【解析】选C。句意: 在超市里, 商品的外文名字被弄混了, 我很迷惑, 不知买什么好。mix up“混合, 混淆”, 符合句意。pick up“捡起, 拾起”; show up“出现, 到场”; fix up“修理”。

  7. As a child, I used to be left alone at home. But ________ I was hungry, I was able to find enough food prepared for me by my mother.

  A. whatever

  B. whenever

  C. wherever

  D. however

  【解析】选B。考查状语从句。句意: 我小时候经常一个人待在家里, 但是无论我什么时候饿了, 总是能找到妈妈为我准备的足够的食品。whenever引导让步状语, 意为“无论何时”; however“无论以什么方式”; whatever“无论什么”; wherever“无论何处”。

  8. (2017·常州模拟) ________ the rain falling so hard, it becomes more and more difficult to carry on the rescue work.

  A. Since

  B. As

  C. With

  D. For

  【解析】选C。句意: 由于下着大雨, 继续实施救援工作变得越来越艰难。with后接复合宾语, 本句中作状语, 表示原因。since, as, for也表示原因, 后面应接句子, 不合语境。

  9. (2017·南京模拟)My daughter stared at me, angrily, ________ I were her wicked stepmother. A. even if B. only if

  C. if only

  D. as if

  【解析】选D。考查状语从句。句意: 女儿生气地瞪着我, 好像我是她邪恶的后妈一样。as if似乎, 好像; even if即使; only if只要; if only要是……就好了。


  I can still remember the first day ________ I spent at school ________ it were yesterday.

  A. that; even ifB. which; even though

  C. /; as if

  D. when; as though

  【解析】选C。考查定语从句和状语从句。句意: 我仍然能记得我在学校度过的第一天, 就好像发生在昨天一样。定语从句中spent缺少宾语, 故用which或that, 也可以省略; as if/though好像, 引导表语从句或方式状语从句; even if/though即使, 引导让步状语从句。

  10. The boss ________ during working hours, and all the workers ________ in that company.

  A. forbids smoking; are forbidden to smoke

  B. forbids to smoke; are forbidden to smoke

  C. forbids smoking; forbid from smoking

  D. forbids to smoke; are forbidden from smoking

  【解析】选A。考查forbid的用法。句意: 老板禁止在工作时间吸烟, 所有的工人都不准在公司吸烟。forbid后可接动名词作宾语, 表示禁止做某事; forbid sb. to do sth. /forbid sb. from doing sth. “禁止某人做某事”。

  11. His mother insisted ________ him, but his grandmother insisted he ________ nothing to do with the matter.

  A. on punishing; should have

  B. be punished; had

  C. on punishing; had

  D. be punished; should have

  【解析】选C。句意: 他的母亲坚决要惩罚他, 但他奶奶却坚持认为他和这件事无关。根据题意可知, 前半句中insist表示“坚决要求”, 后接介词on; 后半句中insist表示“坚持某种事实”, 宾语从句中的动词用陈述语气。

  12. (2017·南京模拟)To cut down PM 2. 5 is a tough task. Cities have to consider economic development while ________ air pollution.

  A. dealing with

  B. mixing up

  C. getting over

  D. going through

  【解析】选A。考查动词词组。句意: 降低PM 2. 5是一项艰巨的任务。各城市在应对空气污染时还得考虑经济的发展。deal with应对, 对付; mix up混淆, 弄乱; get over“克服(困难)”; go through“经历, 通过”。

  13. —Why do you look so blue?

  —My son’s behaviour in school greatly ________ me.

  A. damaged B. annoyed

  C. confused

  D. defended

  【解析】选B。考查动词。句意: ——为什么你看上去这么沮丧? ——我儿子在学校的表现让我很恼火。annoy“使生气, 发怒”; damage“损害, 破坏”; confuse“困惑, 不解”; defend“辩解, 保护”。

  14. In order to get started in this career, I’m willing to accept any position ________ I can show my abilities.

  A. where B. which

  C. when

  D. that

  【解析】选A。考查定语从句。根据句意和句子结构分析可知: where引导定语从句并在定语从句中作地点状语, 所以选A。

  15. In the past week the professor along with his assistants ________ on the project day and night to meet the deadline.

  A. has been working B. were working

  C. have been working

  D. was working

  【解析】选A。考查时态与主谓一致。句意: 在过去的一个星期, 教授和他的助手们为了赶工期日夜工作扑在这个项目上。the professor是句子的主语, 根据时间状语In the past week和day and night可知用现在完成进行时。

  Ⅱ. 阅读理解

  Though Malala Yousafzai is 17, she does not use Facebook or even a mobile phone so that she can’t lose focus on her studies. She spent her summer vacation flying to Nigeria to campaign for the release(释放)of girls caught by the extremist Islamist group Boko Haram, but also worrying about her grades, which recently took a worrisome dip. She faced President Obama about American drone policy(无人机政策)in a meeting last year, but finds it difficult to make friends with her fellow students in Birmingham, England.

  “I want to have fun, but I don’t quite know how, ”she wrote in the edition of her autobiography for young readers.

  On Friday, Ms. Yousafzai became the youngest winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and she was called out of her chemistry class to hear the news.

  Ms. Yousafzai began campaigning for girls’ education at the age of 11, three years before she was shot by the Taliban. The prize she received on Friday accepts what she has taken on, but also shows expectations to her: Can she truly influence the culture of her home country of Pakistan, which she cannot even visit because of threats to her safety, and where many people see her as a tool of the West?

  And in an interview last August, Ms. Yousafzai said that she rarely watched television and deleted the Candy Crush game from her iPad to prevent a growing addiction. As a child in Pakistan, she had access to only a handful of books, she said, but one was a biography of Dr. King, giving her an early sense of what one activist could accomplish.

  In a brief speech in Birmingham on Friday, she called the prize “an encouragement for me to go forward and believe in myself. ”


  1. Where is Malala studying now according to the passage?

  A. In America.  

  B. In Pakistan.

  C. In the U. K. .

  D. In Switzerland.

  【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第一段的but finds it difficult to make friends with her fellow students in Birmingham, England可知, 她现在正在英国的伯明翰上学。

  2. Which of the following is RIGHT about Malala according to the passage?

  A. She is a good friend of President Obama.

  B. She doesn’t have a mobile phone or computer.

  C. She was once caught by the extremist Islamist group. D. She once fought for girls’ education.

  【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第四段的Ms. Yousafzai began campaigning for girls’ education at the age of 11可知, 她11岁时开始参加维护女童受教育权益的活动, 故选D。

  3. Which of the following can best describe Malala Yousafzai?

  A. Self-disciplined and brave.

  B. Brave and boring.

  C. Determined and optimistic.

  D. Easygoing and humorous.

  【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据文章内容可知, 她不上Facebook, 很少看电视, 玩游戏, 就连手机也不用, 以免自己在学业上分心或上瘾。这说明她很自律(self-disciplined)。她乘机前往尼日利亚, 为被极端伊斯兰组织“博科圣地”(Boko Haram)绑架的女孩获释而奔走, 另外, 她直面奥巴马总统, 批评美国的无人机政策, 这说明她很勇敢。由此可知选A。

  4. This passage is aimed at telling us ________ .

  A. Ms. Yousafzai became the youngest winner of the Nobel Peace Prize

  B. what Ms. Yousafzai has contributed to the world

  C. how a girl got the Nobel Peace Prize

  D. reading a biography of Dr. King can help a person succeed

  【解析】选A。推理判断题。这篇文章旨在告诉我们马拉拉·优萨福扎伊成为了诺贝尔和平奖的最年轻获奖者, 并且介绍了她的一些情况。

  Ⅲ. 任务型阅读

  请阅读下面短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。

  注意: 每个空格只填一个单词。

  Do you know your uneasy adolescent might be experiencing teen depression? Of course. Teen depression isn’t just bad moods and occasional sadness—it’s a serious problem that affects every aspect of a teenager’s normal life. The negative effects can lead to problems, such as smoking, violence and even suicide. But depression can be treated. So if your teen’s unhappiness lasts for more than two weeks and he or she displays other symptoms of depression, it may be time to seek help from a health doctor. There are multiple reasons why a teenager might become unhappy. For example, teens can develop feelings of worthlessness over their school performance. And unsatisfied family life can have a major effect on how a teen feels. Sometimes, teen depression may result from environmental stress. But whatever the cause, when friends or family—or things that the teen usually enjoy—don’t help to improve his or her sadness or sense of isolation, there’s a good chance that he or she has teen depression.

  There are certain signs when teenagers are suffering from teen depression. Often, kids with teen depression will have a noticeable change in their thinking and behavior. Kids with teen depression may have a change in eating habits. Teenagers are likely to eat too much or not to eat enough for long periods of time, which should not be mistaken for an eating disorder. Parents should distinguish this change from eating disorders.

  Changing in sleeping habits is another indication of adolescent depression. All teenagers love to sleep. However, a sudden change in sleep behavior for no good reason is what parents should be paying attention to.

  A reduction of favorite activities, such as sports or chatting with friends, is another sign that cannot be neglected. If a teenager loves a sport and during the middle of the season suddenly decides to stop, there is a reason to be concerned about this change.

  When teenagers suffer from depression, they easily get annoyed or react badly to negative things. They may become defiant as there is potential depression. The depressed teenagers may get into rude or offensive remarks as well as fighting.

  Making statements of despair is another sign. They have no hope for their studies, their life and their future. This is very serious since it is estimated that every year approximately 10 teenagers from every 100, 000 commit suicide.

  How is it treated? Here are methods, including medications and psychotherapy. Family therapy may be helpful if family conflict is contributing to the depression. The depressed teens will also need support from teachers. Occasionally, hospitalization may be required for teenagers with severe depression.

  Title Teen Depression

  Introduction ◆It is a condition that makes teenagers unhappy for a long time and prevents them from living a(n)(1) ________ life.

  ◆Teen depression can cause serious problems.

  ◆It is important for a teen whose depression symptoms last over two weeks to(2) ________ a health doctor.

  (3) ________ ◆Worthless school performance

  ◆Unsatisfied family life

  ◆Environmental stress

  Phenomena Changes in behaviors and feelings◆Teenagers(4) ________ to overeat or eat less for long when suffering from depression, and parents should tell the(5) ________ between this change and an eating disorder.

  ◆Depressed teenagers change their sleeping habits suddenly

  (6) ________ a good reason.

  ◆A teenager who suddenly stops his favorite sport might be depressed.

  ◆Showing(7) ________ reactions to things and becoming defiant.

  ◆Making offensive(8) ________ and getting into fighting.

  ◆Depressed teenagers feel(9) ________ for life, study and future.

  Solutions ◆Medications and psychotherapy are common methods.

  ◆Family or school therapy may also be helpful.

  ◆Hospitalization for those severe patients is also a(n)

  (10) ________ .

  【文章大意】本文谈论的是青少年压抑的话题, 并且分析了其产生的原因、现象以及解决办法。

  1. 【解析】normal 原词重现。根据第一段的句子“. . . it’s a serious problem that affects every aspect of a teenager’s normal life. ”可知青少年感到压抑会影响他们的正常生活, 故填normal。

  2. 【解析】consult/see 信息转换。根据第一段最后一句“So if your teen’s unhappiness lasts for more than two weeks and he or she displays other symptoms of depression, it may be time to seek help from a health doctor. ”可知, 压抑状况持续超过两星期的青少年就要去看医生。consult意为“咨询”, see a doctor“看医生”为固定搭配。

  3. 【解析】Causes/Reasons 原词重现。根据第二段第一句“There are multiple reasons why a teenager might become unhappy. ”得出答案。

  4. 【解析】tend 信息转换。由第三段“Teenagers are likely to eat too much or not to eat enough for long periods of time, which should not be mistaken for an eating disorder. ”可知, 青少年感到压抑的症状之一就是很可能很长一段时间吃得太多或太少, be likely to do转换成tend to do, 故填tend。

  5. 【解析】difference 信息转换。根据第三段最后一句“Parents should distinguish this change from eating disorders. ”中distinguish. . . from. . . 转换成tell the difference between. . . and. . . , 意为“把……与……区分开来”。

  6. 【解析】without 信息转换。根据第四段句子“. . . a sudden change in sleep behavior for no good reason is what parents should be paying attention to. ”中for no good reason转换成without a good reason, 故填without。

  7. 【解析】negative 原词重现。根据第六段第一句“When teenagers suffer from depression, they easily get annoyed or react badly to negative things. ”可知感到压抑的青少年会表现出消极的反应。

  8. 【解析】remarks/comments 原词重现。根据第六段最后一句“The depressed teenagers may get into rude or offensive remarks as well as fighting. ”可知, 压抑的青少年会说一些冒犯的话。

  9. 【解析】hopeless 词性转换。根据第七段第二句“They have no hope for their studies, their life and their future. ”可知, 他们对学习、生活和未来不抱希望, have no hope转换feel hopeless。

  10. 【解析】requirement/necessity/must 信息及词性转换。根据最后一段的最后一句“Occasionally, hospitalization may be required for teenagers with severe depression. ”可知如果病情严重必须住院。此处需要用名


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