2017届高考英语一轮复习随堂演练:1-3-2healthy eating-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习随堂演练:1-3-2healthy eating

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.He lost his ________ (平衡)and hurt himself when going downstairs.

  2.This picture book can best satisfy children's __________(好奇心)about nature.

  3.A person's life is ____________(有限的), but his love is lasting.

  4.Some movies ______(结合)education with entertainment.

  5.As I said before, we need to focus on ________(顾客)and their needs.

  6.You should know your ________(强项) and weaknesses before applying for a job.

  7.A healthy ________(饮食) should contain all the necessary vitamins.

  8.In order to lose ________(重量),you must say no to fast food.

  9.He ________ (叹息) deeply after learning that he had lost the contest.

  10.The newly­built park will ________(使受益)the people living there.


  1.balance 2.curiosity 3.limited 4.combine

  5.customers 6.strengths 7.diet 8.weight 9.sighed



  1.The team won at last because these players made a very good ________ (combine).

  2.All bills that are paid in cash will be ________ (discount) by three percent.

  3.There are still some ________ (weak) in the legs, but her general condition is good.

  4.It's very important to have a ________ (balance) diet for us.

  5.Will you content my ________ (curious) and tell me how much it cost?

  6.You could see from his face that he was ________ (lie).

  7.I've never been to so mysterious a place with so beautiful ________ (scene).

  8.I have only a ________ (limit) knowledge of this subject.

  9.The ability to keep calm is one of his ________ (strong).

  10.It is known to all that fresh air and good food are ________ (benefit) to the health.


  1.combination 2.discounted 3.weaknesses 4.balanced

  5.curiosity 6.lying 7.scenery 8.limited 9.strengths



  1.He is curious ________ what contains in the bag.

  2.No one could do any ________ (well).

  3.________ (tire) of the same meal at home, he decided to eat out.

  4.I can't stand ________ (sleep) with a loud noise going on.

  5.I wish I ________ (can) fly freely like a bird in the sky .

  6.He is fond ________ swimming

  while I am keen ________ running.

  7.The other day Tom ________ (come) across his friend on the beach.

  8.It's bad manners to spy ________ others or glare ________ others.

  9.The man had to be on ________ diet to lose weight.

  10.Don't be particular ________ food. It's bad for your health.


  1.about be curious about 对……好奇。

  2.better 否定词与形容词或副词的比较级连用,表最高级含义。

  3.Tired tired of 厌倦……。

  4.sleeping stand 后跟动名词连用。

  5.could I wish...从句用虚拟语气。

  6.of; on be fond of 喜欢;be keen on 喜欢。

  7.came the other day 与一般过去时连用。

  8.on; at spy on 偷看……;glare at 怒视……。

  9.a on a diet 在节食。

  10.about be particular about 对……挑剔。


  Wang Peng ran a restaurant which was always full of __1__ (custom) by lunch time. But one day, a strange thing happened that few people came to his restaurant. Soon he found that people went to a newly­opened one called Yong Hui's __2__ (slim) restaurant. __3__ (curious) drove him into Yong Hui's, where he was given a menu. To his surprise, he found that the food there was simple and the prices were high. But Yong Hui told the customers that they would lose __4__ (weigh) by eating there. He couldn't have Yong Hui __5__ (get) away with telling lies, so he threw down the menu and went to a library. After __6__ (do) some research, he realized that Yong Hui's restaurant didn't serve people with enough energy­giving food. __7__ the other hand, Wang Peng's menu had little __8__ (protect) food. Since neither of them was providing a __9__ (balance) diet, it was clear that they ought __10__ work together to serve healthy food.


  1.customers 2.slimming 3.Curiosity 4.weight

  5.getting 6.doing 7.On 8.protective 9.balanced



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