2017届高考英语一轮复习随堂演练:1-3-5canada—“the true north”-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习随堂演练:1-3-5canada—“the true north”

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.The ship sank and all the passengers __________(在船上)ended up in the river.

  2.Australia has a long ________(传统)of country music.

  3.The differences between these two pictures are very ______(微小的).

  4.The mountains in the ________(边疆)area are as beautiful as a painting.

  5.The good manners of the little girl are really __________(给人深刻印象的).

  6.I wonder if there is a nice restaurant ________(附近的).

  7.In some developing countries, more and more people are moving to ________(都市的)areas.

  8.Now we can even make long ________(远程)phone calls on the Internet.

  9.There are many fallen leaves on the ground, __________(证实)that fall has come to this area.

  10.Columbus reported back that he had discovered the American ________(大洲).


  1.aboard 2.tradition 3.slight 4.border 5.impressive

  6.nearby 7.urban 8.distance 9.confirming



  1.You are only ________ (slight) underweight for your height.

  2.This story is about a ________ (westwards) flight around the world.

  3.The overall ________ (measure) of this hall is 800 square metres.

  4.The town's water comes from the ________ (surround) hills.

  5.We could just see the outline of the house through the ________ (misty).

  6.Hearing the sound the children were ________ (terrify) out of their senses.

  7.His collection of paintings is the most ________ (impress).

  8.I am very ________ (please) with the quality of your work.

  9.He became ________ (wealth) through hard work and careful saving.

  10.Do you like ________ (tradition) Chinese art using brush and ink?


  1.slightly 2.westward 3.measurement 4.surrounding

  5.mist 6.terrified 7.impressive 8.pleased 9.wealthy



  1.He managed ________ (survive) the financial crisis by cutting down on the daily expense.

  2.They were shocked at the fact ________ the whole town lay in ruins.

  3.________ (surround) by mountains and rivers, the city looks very beautiful.

  4.The belief ________ we could win the game made us cheerful.

  5.There were a lot of grass coming up, ________ (confirm) spring had arrived.

  6.It's ________ (approximate) midnight when we got home.

  7.He won three

  gold medals at the Olympic Games, ________ was a wonder.

  8.It was at midnight ________ the snow began to fall.

  9.Catching sight ________ the beautiful scenery, she felt relaxed.

  10.Weather ________ (permit), we will go camping tomorrow.


  1.to survive manage 后跟不定式形式作宾语。

  2.that that 引导同位语从句,无意义,也不充当任何句子成分。

  3.Surrounded the city 与 surround 之间为被动关系,故用过去分词形式作状语。

  4.that that 引导同位语从句,无意义,也不充当任何句子成分。

  5.confirming 现在分词作伴随状语。

  6.approximately approximately 大约。

  7.which which 引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语。

  8.that It was...that...强调句型。

  9.of catch sight of 看见。

  10.permitting weather permitting 相当于 if weather permits, 为独立主格结构。


  Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian were on a trip to Canada to visit their cousins on the Atlantic coast. __1__ than take the aeroplane all the way, they took the train from west to east __2__ Canada. The thought that they could cross the whole continent was __3__ (excite).

  Canada is the second __4__ (big) country in the world. People say Vancouver is Canada's most beautiful city __5__ (surround) by mountains and the Pacific Ocean. On the coast north of Vancouver, it is so wet there that the trees are __6__ (extreme) tall.

  That afternoon aboard the train, the cousins settled __7__ in their seats. They knew cowboys from all over the world compete in the Stampede. Many cowboys had a gift __8__ riding wild horses. They also learned that most Canadians lived __9__ a few hundred kilometres of the USA border and the population was only __10__ (slight) over thirty million.


  1.Rather 2.across 3.exciting 4.biggest 5.surrounded

  6.extremely 7.down 8.for 9.within 10.slightly


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