2017届高考英语一轮复习随堂演练:1-5-1great scientists-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习随堂演练:1-5-1great scientists

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.The doctor is well­known for having ________(治疗)some people of the deadly disease.

  2.Richardson ________(推断出)from his studies that equality between the sexes is still a long way off.

  3.The army was well­trained and well­armed, and had little difficulty ________(击败)the enemy.

  4.The ________(建设)work of the theatre is supposed to be completed within the year.

  5.Employees are expected and required to ________(参加) team meetings.

  6.The president became too __________(热心的) over a big navy.

  7.The scientists are doing ________(科学的) research on the rats.

  8.His injuries were ________(严重的)and he was rushed to hospital.

  9.It's difficult to ________(操纵) the machine.

  10.He is intensely ________(谨慎的) not to make mistakes in spelling.


  1.cured 2.concluded 3.defeating 4.construction

  5.attend 6.enthusiastic 7.scientific 8.severe

  9.handle 10.cautious


  1.Astronomy is the ________ (science) study of the sun, moon, stars and other heaven bodies.

  2.Your information is inaccurate and your ________ (conclude) is therefore wrong.

  3.We agreed with his acute ________ (analyse) of the political situation.

  4.Nothing is more ________ (value) than time, but nothing is less valued.

  5.Our cook's sudden ________ (announce) that she was leaving took us quite by surprise.

  6.He became a ________ (construct) worker after he left school.

  7.The Chinese people have made a great ________ (contribute) to the whole world.

  8.I put forward a plan but he did not appear ________ (enthusiasm) about it.

  9.The leadership of the ________ (move) are in agreement on this issue.

  10.That painful experience makes them ________ (caution) in the future.


  1.scientific 2.conclusion 3.analysis 4.valuable

  5.announcement 6.construction 7.contribution

  8.enthusiastic 9.movement 10.cautious


  1.He was suspected ________ stealing the money.

  2.I don't know who is ________ (blame) for the messy room.

  3.He suggested I ________ (set) aside some time for exercise.

  4.The Greens had their milk ________ (deliver) to the door every day.

  5.Who is responsible ________ this accident?

  6.He was taken ________ by the false advertisement.

  7.The party came to ________ end at midnight, which was ________ great success.

  8.He was strict ________ his son and he was also strict ________ his own work.

  9.With her eyes ________ (fix) on the TV screen, she didn't notice me standing by.

  10.He made great progress, ________

  his parents felt proud.


  1.of be suspected of怀疑……。

  2.to blame be to blame该受责备。

  3.(should) set suggest...从句中用虚拟语气(should) do。

  4.delivered their milk与deliver之间为被动关系,故用过去分词形式作宾补。

  5.for be responsible for对……负责。

  6.in take in欺骗。

  7.an; a come to an end结束;a success一件成功的事。

  8.with; in be strict with sb.对某人严格; be strict in sth.对某事严格。

  9.fixed her eyes与fix之间为被动关系,故用过去分词形式作宾补。

  10.of which feel proud of以……自豪,故用of which 引导定语从句。


  John Snow was a famous doctor in London. In his time cholera was the __1__ (dead) disease. So John Snow made up his mind to help ordinary people __2__ (expose) to cholera. At that time, no one knew its cause or cure. He knew it would never be __3__ (control) until its cause was found. He thought people got attacked by this disease __4__ (absorb) into their bodies. He tried to prove this. So when another outbreak hit London in 1854, he gathered information and made a map, marking where all the dead people had lived. It was valuable. And finally he __5__ (conclusion) that the water was __6__ (blame). Then John Snow looked into the source of water. He found all the deaths were __7__ (link) to the polluted water. So he was able to announce with certainty that __8__ (pollute) water carried the virus. To prevent this __9__ happening again,

  John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies __10__ (examine) and new methods of dealing with polluted water be found. Finally “King Cholera” was defeated.


  1.deadly 2.exposed 3.controlled 4.absorbed

  5.concluded 6.to blame 7.linked 8.polluted 9.from

  10.(should) be examined


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