2017届高考英语一轮复习随堂演练:1-6-5the power of nature-查字典英语网
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2017届高考英语一轮复习随堂演练:1-6-5the power of nature

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.He lay on the ground ________(未有知觉的).

  2.They ________(惊慌)at the bad news.

  3.My deskmate was ________(任命)Chairman of the Students' Union of our school last month.

  4.We waited for news with a growing sense of __________(着急).

  5.It's hard to ________(评价)her as a singer.

  6.We cannot ________(保证) the punctual arrival of trains in foggy weather.

  7.The flight was ________(取消)owing to the heavy fog.

  8.I was really sorry when he ________(挥手)us goodbye. We wanted him to remain here.

  9.If someone loves you, express your ________(感激).

  10.It also has great ________(潜力)for development.


  1.unconscious 2.panicked 3.appointed 4.anxiety

  5.evaluate 6.guarantee 7.cancelled 8.waved

  9.appreciation 10.potential


  1.________ (compare) with natural forces, humans are sometimes weak.

  2.All the children listened to his ________ (adventure) in the mountains.

  3.________ (unfortunate), in spite of great efforts we made, we failed to carry out our project.

  4.When I was a child, I used to go ________ (bathe) in the river.

  5.We were ________ (bore) with his story; he has repeated it again and again.

  6.The ________ look on his face showed the news was very ________ (excite).

  7.“How long am I going to stay?” she whispered ________ (anxious).

  8.The view from the top of the mountain was most ________ (impress).

  9.They had a long ________ (discuss) about the problem.

  10.Tianshan is home to a great ________ (diverse) of plants and animals.


  1.Compared 2.adventures 3.Unfortunately 4.bathing

  5.bored 6.excited;exciting 7.anxiously 8.impressive

  9.discussion 10.diversity


  1.He was about to go to sleep ________ a cry for help came nowhere.

  2.________ (work) hard all day, he felt too tired to move.

  3.The sudden earthquake took the villagers ________ surprise.

  4.He escaped ________ (kill) in the big fire.

  5.They found themselves ________ (trap) in the coal mine.

  6.It was on a sunny day ________ they got married.

  7.She rushed downstairs, only ________ (find) the hostess lying unconscious on the floor.

  8.I saw some women ________ (chat) in the shade when I passed by.

  9.They were bathing in the lake ________ a strong wind swept across the surface of the lake.

  10.My uncle went to the seaside, ________ he enjoyed a pleasant holiday.


  1.when be about to do...when...正要做某事……这时……。

  2.Having worked work动作先于主句动作发生,故用having done作状语。

  3.by take sb. by surprise使某人大感意外。

  4.being killed escape后跟动名词,该处具有被动含义,故用being done作宾语。

  5.trapped themselves与trap之间为被动关系,故用过去分词作宾补。

  6.that It was...that...强调句型。

  7.to find only后跟不定式作结果状语,表示意外结果。

  8.chatting see sb. doing sth.看见某人在做某事。

  9.when sb. was doing sth. when...某人正在做某事这时……。

  10.where 先行词为地点名词,定语从句中缺状语,故用where引导。


  I'm a volcanologist. I travel to unusual places and meet interesting people from all over the world. I'm never __1__ (bore).

  Having collected and __2__ (evaluate) the information of volcanoes, I help other scientists to predict the information about volcanoes, but unfortunately, we cannot move people's homes __3__ of the way, and many houses have been covered with lava or burnt __4__ the ground.

  I'll never forget my first sight of an eruption. Red hot lava was __5__ (fountain) hundreds of metres into the air, __6__ was an absolutely __7__ (fantasy) sight. We scientists wore special clothes and slowly made our way to the edge of the crater and looked down into the red, boiling centre.

  I am still __8__ (amaze) at volcanoes' __9__ (beautiful) as well as their potential __10__ (cause) great damage.


  1.bored 2.evaluated 3.out 4.to 5.fountaining

  6.which 7.fantastic 8.amazed 9.beauty 10.to cause


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