2016届高三英语一轮模块复习课件:第二部分 话题语汇日积月累 Unit8课件 (北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2016届高三英语一轮模块复习课件:第二部分 话题语汇日积月累 Unit8课件 (北师大版)

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 8 话题语汇日积月累 相关单词 1. ancient


  2. Greek

  adj./n. 希腊(人)的;希腊/语 3. volunteer

  n.志愿者 4. Greece

  n.希腊 5. homeland

  n.祖国 6. athlete

  n.运动员 7. champion

  n.冠军 8. championship

  n.锦标赛 9. coach

  n.教练员 10. judge

  n.裁判 11. spectator n.观众 12. swift

  adj.迅速的 13. track

  n.跑道 14. physical

  adj.物理的;身体的 15. ground/field n.场地 16. playground n.操场,运动场

  17. event

  n.事件,大事 18. performance

  n.表现 19. stadium

  n. (露天大型)体育场 20. applaud

  v.鼓掌欢迎,热情称赞 相关短语

  1. compete in sth.在……方面竞争 2. take part in sth.参加 3. gold medal 金牌 4. stand for 代表主张 5. eager for competition 渴望竞争 6. a close game 势均力敌的比赛 7. improve skills 提升技能 8. bid for the Olympic Games 申办奥运会 9. on a regular basis 定期地 10. be admitted as sb.作为……被接受 11. compete with/against sb.与……竞争 12. a good spectator 一位文明观众 13. as a matter of fact 事实上 14. record holder 记录保持者

  15. be allowed to do 被允许做某事 16. break the record 打破记录

  17. run against sb.和……比赛

  18. general health 大众健康 相关句子 1. We watched the football match on live television.我们看了电视实况转播的足球赛。

  2. The 2008 Olympic Games held in Beijing turned out to be a great success. 2008年在北京举行的奥运会是一届成功的奥运会。 3. Every competitor wanted to win the first place.每位参赛选手都想得第一名。

  4. The 2008 Olympics were held

  in Beijing, which

  is a great honour to us.

  2008年的奥运会在北京举行,这是我们极大的荣誉。 5. All the players compete for honor as well as

  gold medals.运动员们为金牌而战也为荣誉而战。

  6. Fuwa,the official mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, carry a message of

  friendship,peace and good wishes from China to children all over the world. 福娃是北京2008年第29届奥运会吉祥物,它们向世界的孩子们传达友谊、和平和良好的祝福。 7. We all had to take part in

  the training run, with nobody excepted.我们大家都得参加跑步训练, 无人例外。

  8. David will replace Mike

  in next week’s tennis competition.大卫将代替迈克参加下周的网球赛。 9. Shooting, originated as a means of survival, developed into

  a sport only in the late 19th century.射击, 原先是一种生存手段, 只是到了十九世纪晚期才发展成一种运动项目。

  10. Women were first allowed to

  compete in the Olympic shooting only in 1968.到了1968年才允许女子参加奥运射击项目。 语篇模块

  Shooting, simply a means of making a living, developed into a kind of sport at the end of

  the 19th century. It first appeared in the 1896 Olympic Games. Canceled in 1904 and in 1928, the sport returned to

  the Olympics in 1932. It was not until 1968 that

  women were first allowed to compete in

  Olympic shooting. Now, with its steady development, shooting includes 17 events, while only 3 in 1896.

  汉语大意:射击,原来只是一种谋生手段,于19世纪末发展成为一项体育运动。1896年第一次成为奥运项目。这一体育项目1904年和1928年中断,1932年又重返奥运会。直到1968年才第一次允许妇女参加这一奥运比赛项目。随着该项目的稳步发展,1896年奥运会只有三项射击项目,现今已有17项了。 * * * *


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