2016届高三一轮英语模块复习课件:第二部分 话题语汇狂背 话题9课件 (新人教版版)-查字典英语网
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2016届高三一轮英语模块复习课件:第二部分 话题语汇狂背 话题9课件 (新人教版版)

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  汉语大意:随着经济迅速发展和人口增长,城市规模也不断扩大,这既带来了好处同时又产生了问题。由于城市的扩张,当地人民享受着商业的便利,居住条件得到了改善,也吸引了更多的投资。另一方面,当城市扩张时,不可避免地对农田产生不良影响,甚至造成破坏。除了对土地造成各种污染外,野生动植物也处于危险之中,因此,对此我们必须注意。依我看,拆除不用的建筑物在城里可以腾出许多地方,因此不必向外扩张,同时政府应作周密的计划来保护野生动植物,保存自然美景。 * * 话题 9 话题语汇狂背 相关单词

  1. wildlife

  n.野生动植物 2. danger

  n.危险 3. protect

  v.保护 4. protection

  n.保护 5. growth

  n.成长;增长 6. natural

  adj.自然的 7. affect

  v.影响 8. effect

  n.影响 9. peace n.和平;和睦;安宁 10. convenience

  n.方便;便利 11. expand

  v.扩张;扩展 12. expansion

  n.扩张;扩展 13. residential

  adj.居住的 14. attention

  n.注意 15. wild

  adj.野生的 16. advantage

  n.好处;利益 17. disadvantage

  n.弊端 18. beauty

  n.美;漂亮 19. harmonious

  adj.和谐的 20. harmony

  n.和谐 相关短语

  1. bring about 带来;引起(=cause) 2. habitat destruction of animals 动物栖息地的破坏 3. die out 灭亡;逐渐消失 4. tear down 拆掉;拆毁 5. destroy forests 毁坏森林 6. in danger (of) 在危险中;垂危 7.protect…from… 保护…不受…(危害) 8. at a…rate 以……比率 9. endangered animals 濒危动物 10.protect rare animals 保护稀有动物 11. have an effect on 对……产生影响 12. raise the awareness of… 唤醒…的意识 13. take action 采取行动 14. lead to导致(=result in) 15. be concerned about/with 关注;担心 16. pay attention to 注意 17. live in harmony with… 与……和谐相处 18. cut down trees 砍伐树木 19. pour waste water into the rivers 把废水排放到河流里 20. have a bad influence on… 对……产生不良的影响 相关句子 1. Many people are concerned about

  the disappearing of animals and plants. 很多人为动植物的消失而担心。

  2. We should raise the public awareness of

  protecting the wildlife.我们应该唤醒大众对于野生动植物的保护意识。 3. With economic development and population growth, the city size grows larger and larger, which has a bad influence on the farmland. 随着城市的发展和人口的扩张, 城市不断地扩大, 这对农田带来了不良的影响。 4. Many animals are in danger, so we should pay attention to wildlife protection.很多动物都处于危险中, 因此我们应该注意野生动植物的保护。

  5. As a result of

  economic development and population growth, many animals are in danger. 由于经济的发展和人口的扩张, 很多动物面临着危险。 6. If we don’t take action to protect wildlife, they will die out some day.如果我们不采取行动保护野生动物, 有朝一日它们将全部消亡。

  7. People’s overhunting resulted in

  some animals’ dying out.人们的过度捕杀导致了一些动物的灭绝。 8. City expansion brings about both advantages and disadvantages.城市的扩张同时带来了利和弊。

  9. Only in this way can we live in harmony with the animals.只有这样我们才能与动物和谐相处。 10. Only when we protect

  the animals from being harmed will they live in peace here. 只有当我们保护这些动物不受伤害时, 它们才能在这里安宁地生活。 语篇模块

  With economic development and population growth, the city size grows larger and larger, which brings about both advantages and disadvantages. As a result of

  the city expansion, local people are enjoying the convenience of commercial business and their residential conditions have also improved, which leads

  financial investment to pour into the area as well.

  On the other hand, it is unavoidable to have a bad influence on farmland and even result in destruction of it when a city expands. In addition to all kinds of pollution done to the land, wildlife, is in danger and therefore, all these ought to be paid attention to.

  In my opinion, tearing down unusable buildings can spare many areas inside the city, so it’s unnecessary to expand outside and at the same time, careful planning should be done by the government to protect the wildlife and maintain the natural beauty. * *


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