2016届高考英语一轮复习课件:第一部分模块复习方略 选修八 Unit22(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2016届高考英语一轮复习课件:第一部分模块复习方略 选修八 Unit22(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  The CRF’s produce is “green”,made within the country and divided into 10 lines,with the Alcohol Series being the most popular.The Exotic Series—with Sichuan pepper,red bean(豆),cheese and other flavors—also does well and is fun to taste.And for chocolate snobs,who think that they have a better knowledge of chocolate than others,the Connoisseur Series uses cocoa beans from Togo,Cuba,Venezuela,and Ghana,among others.

  [题目试做](建议用时:7分钟) 44.What is good about chocolate? A.It serves as a suitable gift. B.It works as an effective medicine. C.It helps improve the state of mind. D.It strengthens business relations. 45.Why is Chris Lee able to develop his idea of the CRF? A.He knows the importance of research. B.He learns from shops of similar types. C.He has the support of many big names. D.He has a lot of marketing experience. 46.Which line of the CRF produce sells best? A.The Connoisseur Series. B.The Exotic Series. C.The Alcohol Series. D.The Sichuan Series. 47.The words “chocolate snobs” in Paragraph 3 probably refer to people who ________. A.are particular about chocolate B.know little about cocoa beans C.look down upon others D.like to try new flavors

  [读文样板] 一、理清文章脉络 本文是一篇说明文。巧克力可以调节人的情绪,现在新加坡的CRF公司正在帮你生产出令你满意的巧克力。 第一段:通过对巧克力与人的情绪之间的关系引出新加坡的Chocolate Research Facility公司。 第二段:Chris Lee能够创建CRF的原因。 第三段:介绍CRF

  几种很有风味的巧克力。 二、破解阅读障碍 (一)怎样破解生僻词汇 seasoned adj.经验丰富的 破解方法:利用语境法。根据该词后的“but also head of a marketing department that has business relations with big names such as Levi’s and Sony”可知seasoned与销售有关,说明Lee经验丰富。

  (二)怎样破解长难句 Given that many people’s moods(情绪)are regulated by

  The chemical action of chocolate,it was probably only a matter of time before somebody made the chocolate shop similar to

  a drugstore of Chinese medicine. 译文:鉴于许多人的情绪受巧克力化学作用的控制,或许有人使巧克力店变得像中药店一样只是个时间问题。 [解题样板]

  44.巧克力有什么好处? 信息源 选项特征 A.它可以作为一个合适的礼物。 文中未提及 无中生有 B.它可作为一种有效的药物。 第一段第一句 曲解文意 C.它可以调整人的情绪。 第一段第一句 同义替换 D.加强业务联系。 第二段 曲解文意 [分析] C 根据文章第一句可知,巧克力中的化学成分可以调整人的情绪。 45.为什么Chris Lee能有创建CRF的想法? 信息源 选项特征 A.他知道研究的重要性。 文中未提及 无中生有 B.他向类似的商店学习。 文中未提及 无中生有 C.他有许多知名公司的支持。 第二段第一句 曲解文意 D.他有丰富的市场营销经验。 第二段第一句 合理推断 [分析] D 根据第二段的“that’s because Lee is not merely a seasoned salesperson but also head of a marketing department”可知,Lee创办CRF不仅仅是因为他是一位有经验的销售员,而且还因为他是营销部门的领导,这说明他有很多营销经验。 46.CRF农产品哪一系列销售最好? 信息源 选项特征 A.行家系列。 第三段最后一句 曲解文意 B.异国系列。 第三段第二句 曲解文意 C.酒精系列。 第三段第一句 同义替换 D.四川系列。 第三段第二句 曲解文意 [分析] C 根据第三段第一句的“with the Alcohol Series being the most popular”可知酒精系列销售最好。 47.第三段单词“chocolate snobs”可能指________的人。 信息源 选项特征 A.对巧克力比较挑剔 第三段最后一句 合理推断 B.对可可豆知之甚少 第三段最后一句 曲解文意 C.看不起别人 文中未提及 无中生有 D.喜欢尝试新口味 文中未提及 无中生有 [分析] A 由who引导的定语从句对chocolate snobs的修饰可知,chocolate snobs是指那些自认为对巧克力了解很多的人,所以他们对巧克力比较挑剔。snob“势利小人,自命不凡的人”。故选A。 [阅读积累] 一、考纲重点词汇复现 1.regulatevt.调节,控制,管理 2.a matter of

  ……的事情 eg.Education in the wildness is not

  a matter of money. 荒凉地区的教育不是钱的问题。 3.(be)similar to

  与……相似 eg.Their situation seems to have been very similar to ours. 他们的情况似乎和我们的已经很相似。 4.variety

  n.多样,种类 eg.People study yoga for a variety of reasons. 人们出于各种各样的原因而学习瑜伽。 5.result in

  导致 eg.The crash resulted in the death of 12 passengers. 车祸导致12名乘客死亡。 6.imagination

  n.想象力 7.be divided into

  被分成 8.have a knowledge of

  知道……,了解…… 二、文中小语法 with复合结构 原句:Its founder is Chris Lee who grew up at his parents’ corner store with one hand almost always in the jar of sweets. 点拨:with复合结构的用法 with 复合结构在句中表状态或说明背景情况。该结构常作伴随、方式、原因、条件等状语,with 复合结构也可以作定语。 With machinery to do all the work,they will soon have got in the crops. 理解由于所有的工作都是由机器进行,他们将很快收完庄稼。(作原因状语) The boy always sleeps with his head on the arm. 这个男孩子总是头枕着胳膊睡觉。(作伴随状语) The soldier had him stand with his back to his father. 士兵要他背对着他父亲站着。(作方式状语) With spring coming on,trees turn green. 春天到了,树变绿了。(作时间状语) The man with books in his hand is a respectable teacher. 手里拿书的那个人是一位令人尊敬的老师。(作定语) Ⅱ.多维演练 1.trap (1)完成句子 ①But many people are believed to be_trapped_in the collapsed buildings. 但是仍有许多人被认为困在倒塌的房屋下。 ②Once you fall into a trap,it will not be easy to get out of it. 一旦落入圈套,摆脱它就不那么容易。 ③I was trapped into admitting that I had done wrong. 我被诱骗承认我做错了。

  (2)根据汉语提示完成小片段 正如古时候人们用陷阱诱捕动物一样,彼得给玛丽设了圈套,而她真的中计了。 As ancient people used traps to trap animals,Peter set a trap for Mary and she really fell into it. 2.reserve (1)完成句子 ①The question must be reserved for further consideration. 这个问题必须留待进一步考虑。 ②Customers are advised to make seat reservations well in advance. 建议顾客提前订好座位。

  (2)根据汉语提示完成小片段 —Saturdays are always busy,so it is a good idea to ①reserve a table in advance. —Oh,I forgot to tell you I ②have made a reservation for you.You will ③have a reserved table whenever you get there. ——周六通常都是很忙的,因此提前预订桌位是一个明智的想法。 ——哦,我忘了告诉你了,我已经给你预订好桌位了。无论你什么时候去那儿,都会有给你预留好的桌位。 3.advocate (1)单句改错 ①Our head teacher doesn’t advocate students’ study in the classroom all day.study→studying ②They advocated that everyone donated some money to the earthquake­stricken area.donated→(should)donate (2)根据汉语提示完成小片段 Lots of experts and their parents ①advocate_reducing children’s homework and ②advocate_that children ③should be given more free time. 许多专家及家长主张削减孩子的家庭作业量,并提倡给予孩子更多的自由时间。 4.substitute (1)完成句子 ①Nothing can substitute for the advice your doctor is able to give you. 大夫所能给你的忠告是无可替代的。 ②The coach substituted Smith for Jones. =The coach substituted Jones with Smith. 教练让史密斯上场,换下了琼斯。

  (2)句型转换 It is wise of you to substitute well­trained workers for untrained ones in the assembly line. →It is wise of you to substitute untrained workers with/by well­trained ones in the assembly line. →It is wise of you to replace untrained workers with/by well­trained ones in the assembly line. 5.threaten ①The president threatened to use his veto over the bill. 总统威胁要对这个议案行使否决权。 ②The attacker threatened them with a gun last night. 昨晚袭击者用枪威胁他们。 ③The old man threatened that he would make it public. 那位老人威胁说要公开那件事。 1.lead to引起,导致,造成(后果);通向 [教材原句] Global warming refers to an average increase in the Earth’s temperature that,in turn,leads to climate change. 地球变暖指的是地球平均温度升高,继而导致气候变化。 ①All roads lead to Rome. (谚)条条大道通罗马。

  lead sb.to... 带领……通往,引导某人去…… lead sb.to do sth.

  使得某人做某事 lead a...life

  过着……的生活 ②I want to know what it was that led you to take up acting as a career. 我想知道是什么让你开始从事演艺事业的。 ③Only in socialist countries can the people lead a happy life. 只有在社会主义国家,人民才能过上幸福的生活。 【名师指津】 lead to中to是介词,后跟名词、代词或动词­ing形式。 【联想归纳】 我们学过的表示“引起,导致”的词汇还有哪些?请写出。 ①cause ②result in ③bring about ④contribute to 2.apart from(= aside from)除……以外 [教材原句] Apart from the few found in zoos,pandas live only in the central bamboo forests of Chinese mainland. 除了少数几只大熊猫在动物园里可以看到,它们只生活在中国内地的中心竹园里。 take sth.apart 将……拆开,拆分 tell...apart

  分辨出…… fall apart

  破裂;断裂;散开 ①It is easy to take apart a clock but it is difficult to resemble it. (谚)拆钟容易,重装难。 ②When oil and water mix,they are easy to tell apart. 当油和水混合时,它们容易看出来。 [链接高考] (2011·福建高考改编)Apart from good service,the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dishes. 3.all in all 总的来说 [经典例句] All in all it had been a great success.(牛津P49) 总的来说,那是个巨大的成功。 at all(常用于否定句和条件从句中以加强

  语气)根本;无论如何;一点儿 after all

  毕竟;终究 in all

  总共 first of all

  首先,第一 above all

  首先,最重要的是 ①Don’t blame him.After all,he’s only a child. 别责怪他,他毕竟还是个孩子。 ②Happiness lies first of all in health,as everyone knows. 幸福首先源于健康,这是大家都知道的。 ③Above all,I want to thank all my fans for their support. 首先,我要感谢所有歌迷对我的支持。

  [学以致用] Ⅰ.介、副词填空 1.His theory was ahead of his time so that few people accepted it. 2.Language is the carrier of culture and in turn it’s influenced by culture. 3.Nowadays many teenagers want to break away from their parents and live a life free from being controlled. 4.If you drive this car without a licence,you’ll have to answer for the consequences. 5.Refer to the dictionary when you don’t know how to spell a word. 6.Apart from the occasional visit,what does Alar do for his kids? 7.There is a narrow road leading to the old house. 8.All in all,it has been a pretty bad year for him. Ⅱ.多维演练 1.apart from (1)完成句子 ①You can tell my twin brother and me apart by this mark on my face. 你可以从我脸上的疤痕分辨出我和我的孪生兄弟。 ②If the problem is in the printer,we’ll have to take the whole machine apart. 如果问题出在打印机上,我们将不得不把整台机器拆开。 ③He has a unique genius that sets him apart from other writers. 他的天赋很独特,使他不同于其他作家。 ④To be honest,our relationship has fallen apart. 说实话,我们之间的关系已经破裂了。 (2)选词填空(besides/except/except for/apart from) ①Your compositions were well written except for/apart from a few spelling mistakes. ②Besides/Apart from English,they also study math,physics and chemistry. ③He answered all the questions apart from/except the last one. 2.all短语 (1)完成句子 ①They want to buy a big house,which is peaceful and beautiful.Above_all,it should be comfortable. 他们想买一座漂亮而安静的大房子。最重要的是它要舒服。 ②First_of_all,we must get their support. 首先,我们必须得到他们的支持。 ③All_in_all,we can’t live without computer network now. 总而言之,现在没有计算机网络我们就不能生活。 ④In fact,the boy was not interested in playing the piano at all. 事实上小男孩对弹钢琴一点都不感兴趣。

  (2)根据汉语提示完成小片段 You ①shouldn’t have scolded the boy ②at all.He is a child ③after all.④Above all,he made only two mistakes ⑤in all. 你根本不该责备那个男孩。他毕竟还是一个孩子。最重要的是,他总共才出了两处错。 1.Given this data,it seems that the link between human activities and rising global temperatures is not merely a coincidence. 鉴于这些数据,好像人类活动与正在升高的地球温度之间的联系并不仅仅只是巧合而已。 (1)本句中的given为介词,意为“考虑到,鉴于”,表示原因;还可以表示假设,意为“倘若,假定”。 ①Given their inexperience,they’ve done a good job. 考虑到他们缺乏经验,这工作他们已干得很不错了。 ②Given more attention,the trees could have grown better. 倘若对这些树多加注意,它们会长得更好。 (2)表示“考虑到……”时,given后还可接that从句。 ③Given that you are sick,we’d better put off

  the meeting. 考虑到你生病了,我们最好推迟会议。 (3)given 还可作形容词,意为“规定的,特定的”。 ④They were to meet at a given time and place. 他们定了个特定时间和地点见面。 2.The last few years have seen environmental disasters on a grand scale,and experts are predicting for worse to come. 近几年一些环境灾难大面积地出现,专家们预测更坏的局面即将来临。 (1)句中the last few years作主语,see作谓语,意为“经历;目睹”,这种拟人修辞手法表达既简练又生动。 ①The twentieth century saw two world wars. 20世纪目睹了两次世界大战。

  (2)拟人修辞手法把事物人格化,使本来不具备人的动作和感情的一些动、植物变得像人一样能说能笑。英语中使用拟人修辞手法的句子,主语通常是表示时间、地点或心爱之物,如车、船等的名词;谓语动词常为see,witness,find等。 ②Rome witnessed many great historic events. 罗马城见证了许多伟大的历史事件。

  [学以致用] Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.The temple is still in excellent condition,given that it was built 600 years ago. 2.Given(give)enough time and money,the researchers would have been able to discover more in this field. 3.Our country has seen(see)great changes in the past 20 years,which are the result of reform and opening­up. Ⅱ.完成句子 1.Walking around,I found a wallet lying on the ground. 闲逛的时候,我发现地上有个钱包。 2.Given her interest in children,I am sure teaching is the right career for her. 考虑到她喜欢孩子,我可以肯定教书是最适合她的职业。

  3.Given that he was still a boy,I forgave him. 考虑到他还是个孩子,我就原谅他了。 4.The sandwiches made by my mother are very delicious. 我妈妈做的三明治很好吃。 5.The last decade has seen/witnessed the rapid development of China. 过去的十年见证了中国的迅速发展。 转述结构;被动语态 单句语法填空 1.The child asked his mother if he could go out to play tennis. 2.Do you know your personal details are being gathered(gather)secretly,when you are surfing the Internet from your home? 3.Obama’s financial plan,to be carried(carry)out around the country, is intended to improve the current economic situation. 4.—Where have you been? —I got stuck(stick)in the heavy traffic.Otherwise I would have come(come)here earlier. 5.—It’s so cold here!Why not close the door? —Sorry.It won’t shut(shut).I’ll have it repaired as soon as possible. 阅读理解解题样板(十一) 社会生活类 [精读语篇](新课标全国卷Ⅱ阅读理解C) Given that many people’s moods(情绪)are regulated by the chemical action of chocolate,it was probably only a matter of time before somebody made the chocolate shop similar to a drugstore of Chinese medicine.Looking like a setting from the film Charlie & the Chocolate Factory,Singapore’s Chocolate Research Facility(CRF)has over 100 varieties of chocolates.Its founder is Chris Lee who grew up at his parents’ corner store with one hand almost always in the jar of sweets. If the CRF seems to be a smart idea,that’s because Lee is not merely a seasoned salesperson but also head of a marketing department that has business relations with big names such as Levi’s and Sony.That idea surely results in the imagination at work when it comes to making different flavored(味道)chocolates. Ⅲ.经典原句默写 1.Without these naturally occurring gases,the sun’s rays would bounce back into space leaving the Earth cold and impossible to live on. 如果没有这些自然产生的气体,太阳光将会被反射回太空中去,地球将处于寒冷之中,不适合生命的存在。 2.There has been terrible flooding in Asia,Africa,America and Oceania. 亚洲、非洲、美洲和大洋洲都发生过可怕的洪涝灾害。 3.Global warming refers to an average increase in the Earth’s temperature that,in turn,leads to climate change. 全球变暖指的是地球温度平均增长,继而导致气候变化。 4.However,his work still tends to be criticised. 但是,他的作品还是要受到批评。 1.trap vt.使困住;诱捕;诱骗;使陷入困境n.陷阱;圈套;捕捉机 [教材原句] Because of the greenhouse effect,the Earth is warmed by gases trapped in the atmosphere. 因为温室效应,困在大气层中的气体使得地球气温上升。 ①It’s easy to fall into a trap,but hard to get out again. (谚)堕入陷阱易,脱离陷阱难。

  [一词多义] 写出下列句中trap的词性和含义 ②Grace lost her tail as a baby when she got caught up in a fish trap.(2017·北京高考阅读B)n.捕鱼器 ③The only thing the wolf could do was climbing up to the ground from the trap.n.陷阱 ④It’s no longer possible to trap a sensible man into marriage.vt. 诱骗 ⑤The police set a trap to catch the thief.n.圈套 ⑥Some miners were trapped underground after the collapse.vt.使困住

  (1)trap sb.into(doing)sth. 使某人陷入(做)

  某事的圈套 be/get trapped in

  被困在……中 (2)fall into the trap of doing sth.

  落入……的圈套 set/lay a trap for

  为……设圈套 ⑦The police trapped the criminal into a situation that he could not escape. 警察使罪犯陷入无法逃避的境地。 ⑧He was trapped in the crashed car and couldn’t move his legs. 他被困在撞坏的汽车里,两腿动弹不得。

  【联想归纳】 表示“被困于……中”的短语还有哪些?请补全。 ①be/get locked in②be/get caught in ③be/get stuck in

  ④be/get blocked in 2.reserve vi.储备;保存;保留;预订n.保护区;储备 [高考佳句] The power of imagination need not be reserved for children only.(2017·广东高考阅读A) 想象的力量不必仅仅为儿童保留。 (1)a nature reserve  自然保护区 in reserve

  贮存;备用 (2)reserve sth.for sb./sth.

  为某人/某物保留、预定…… (3)reservation n.

  保留;预订(房间、座位等) make a reservation

  预订(座位、房间等) ①Jiu Zhaigou Valley is a nature reserve located in China’s Sichuan Province. 九寨沟是位于中国四川省的自然保护区。 ②The first three rows of the hall are reserved for special guests. 礼堂的前三排座留给特别来宾。 ③I will call the restaurant and make a reservation in case there’s none left. 我要给饭店打个电话预订以免没有桌位。

  [链接高考] (2017·浙江高考改编)“It’s such a nice place,” Mother said as she sat at the table reserved(reserve)for customers. 3.beyond

  prep.超出(能力,范围等),在……之外,在更远处 [教材原句] In the last few decades,scientists have reached consensus and reported that human beings are causing changes in the Earth’s climate—something previously seen as beyond our control. 在过去的几十年里,科学家一致认为,人类正在造成地球气候的变化——这是一种原来被认为是超出我们控制能力的现象。

  ①The increasing speed of flowering is beyond scientists’ expectation.(2017·四川高考阅读E) 这种花增长的速度超出科学家的预料。 beyond one’s control 超出某人的控制,

  不受某人的控制 beyond one’s reach

  够不着,超出……之外 beyond one’s power/ability

  超出某人的能力 beyond words/description

  无法形容,难以言表 beyond question

  毫无疑问 beyond belief

  难以置信 beyond compare

  无与伦比 ②The beauty of the West Lake is beyond description/ words. 西湖的美令人难以言表。 ③Her performance at yesterday’s concert was beyond compare. 她在昨天音乐会中的表演精彩绝伦。 4.advocate vt.主张,提倡 n.提倡者,拥护者 [教材原句] Experts advocate that each person play their part. 专家们主张每一个人都要发挥自己的作用。 (1)advocate(doing)sth.提倡/拥护/支持(做)某事 advocate that...


  (should+) 动词原形] (2)be an advocate of/for

  ……的提倡者/拥护者 ①The author writes the passage mainly to advocate teaching literature to touch the heart.(2017·江苏高考阅读D) 作者写这篇文章的目的主要是主张教授文学来激起心灵的共鸣。 ②Many experts advocate rewarding your child for good behaviour. 很多专家主张对小孩的良好表现加以奖励。 5.substitute vt.& vi.(用……)替代;取代n.代替品,代用品 [教材原句] After all,there’s no substitute for our Earth. 毕竟,地球是不可取代的。 (1)a substitute for...……的替代者 (2)substitute A for B = substitute B with/by A

  用A代替/取代B substitute for

  代替,取代 ①As the saying goes,in war,there is no substitute for victory. 俗话说:“战争中,胜利是无可取代的。” ②Can you substitute for me at the meeting tomorrow? 明天你替我去开会好吗?

  ③We substitute the red balls for the blue ones,to see if the baby would notice. =We substitute the blue balls with/by the red ones,to see if the baby would notice. 我们用红色球代替蓝色球看是否能够引起宝宝的注意。

  6.means n.方式,方法;手段 [高考佳句] In other words,English weather­speak is a means of social bonding.(2017·重庆高考阅读E) 换句话说,英国人说天气是形成社会亲密关系的一种方式。 ①Choice of the end covers choice of the means. (谚)选择目的包含着选择手段。 a means of(doing)sth. (做)某事的方法 by means of

  通过;用;借助于 by all means


  务必;无论如何 by no means



  ②They were able to position the ships by means of radar. 他们能够用雷达测定船只的方位。 ③You should by all means warn him before he leaves for Singapore. 你务必在他去新加坡之前提醒他。 ④By no means can theory be separated from practice. 理论决不能脱离实践。 【名师指津】 means“方法、方式、手段”,其单复数同形,当means作主语且有every,each等表示单数意义的词修饰时,谓语动词用单数;有some,several,many,few等表示复数意义的词修饰时,谓语动词用复数。 7.threaten vt.威胁,恐吓 [教材原句] They threatened to close our credit lines if we don’t reduce the amount of carbon dioxide we produce. 如果我们不降低排放二氧化碳的数量,他们威胁说将取消我们的信用额度。 (1)threaten sb.with sth. 用某事威胁某人 threaten to do sth.

  威胁要做某事 threaten that...

  威胁…… (2)threat n.

  威胁,恐吓 a threat to sb./sth.

  对某人或某事的威胁 ①The terrorists are threatening to blow up the hijacked airliner. 恐怖分子扬言要炸毁劫持的客机。 ②He tied her up and threatened her with a six­inch knife. 他把她捆起来,拿着一把六英寸长的刀子威胁她。 ③China is a peace­loving country,and we have never been a threat to the world. 中国是一个爱好和平的国家,从来不会成为世界的威胁。 8.adopt

  vt.采用,采纳,收养 [高考佳句] She had just been adopted by a family in town who decided that the best way for her to learn American ways of life was to be with American kids.(2017·北京高考完形填空) 她刚被镇上的一家人收养,这家人决定让她学会美国生活方式的最佳方法是和美国孩子待在一起。 ①She was left an orphan and a poor peasant woman adopted her. 她成了孤儿,一位贫穷的农民妇女收养了她。

  (1)adopt one’s suggestion采纳某人的建议 the adopted son

  养子 (2)adoption n.

  收养;采用 ②After much consideration,the president decided to adopt her suggestion. 总经理再三考虑之后,决定采纳她的建议。 【联想归纳】 adopt与adapt两词词形相近,但意思不同: ①adopt采纳;采用;收养 ②adapt适应;改编;改写 [一言串记] The young couple had no children of their own and adopted an orphan.After a few months,the child came to adapt to his new life. 这对年轻夫妇没有亲生孩子,领养了一名孤儿。几个月过后这个孩子渐渐适应了他的新生活。

  [间考词汇] 1.relevant adj.有关的;贴切的;中肯的 be relevant to

  与……有关 His nationality isn’t relevant to whether he’s a good teacher. 他的国籍与他是否是位好老师无关。 2.coincidence n.巧合,巧事,一致 by coincidence 巧合地 By coincidence,we arrived here at the same time. 凑巧我们同时到达这儿。 3.sacrifice vt.& vi.牺牲,献出 sacrifice sth.for sb. 为某人牺牲某物 sacrifice sth.to do sth.

  为了某事而牺牲某物 He sacrificed a promising career to look after his kids. 他为了照看孩子牺牲了很有前途的事业。 4.seize vt.& vi.依法没收,扣押;抓住;俘获;占领;掌握;理解;(疾病)侵袭,(情绪)支配 seize sb.by... 抓住某人的…… seize on/upon

  抓住(不利用的事物) Seize opportunity by the beard for it is bald behind. —Benjamin Franklin (名言)见了机会就要抓住他的胡子,因为他后面没有头发。——本杰明·富兰杰林

  5.rough adj.粗糙的;艰难的 be rough on

  苛刻地对待 The boss was rough on him,which made him angry. 老板待他很苛刻,这使他很生气。 6.considerate adj.想得周到的,体贴的 be considerate of对……考虑周到/体贴 considerable adj.

  相当大的,相当多的 You really should be more considerate of your neighbors. 你真的应该替你的邻居多想想。

  [学以致用] Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.—Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the coming Asian Games? —By no means(mean).Ours is much stronger than theirs. 2.The sentence,which puzzled John,was also beyond me and we had to turn to our English teacher for help. 3.The mother sacrificed many things to get(get)her daughter a good education. 4.Adopting(adopt)different approaches to the problem,I have been successful. 5.As teachers,we should be considerate(consider)of our students’ feelings.And then they will trust us. 话题八 计划与愿望 话题短句 1.We’ll have a picnic at noon by the side of the lake. 中午时,我们将在湖边进行野餐。 2.We’ll play games in groups in the afternoon. 下午时,我们将分组做游戏。 3.Don’t forget to take photos and make notes. 不要忘记照相和做记录。 4.You’ll take part in the photo contest or the essay contest in our school. 你们将参加我们学校的摄影或者作文比赛。 5.Those want to participate in the visit. 那些人想要参加这次参观。 6.They are supposed to sign up at the Students’ Union before this Friday. 他们应在本周五前到学生会报到。

  热身体验 1.连接1、2句,使其成为含while连接的表示对比的并列句 We’ll have a picnic at noon by the side of the lake,While we’ll play games in groups in the afternoon. 2.连接3、4句,使其成为含because引导的原因状语从句的复合句 Don’t forget to take photos and make notes because you’ll take part in the photo contest or the essay contest in our school. 3.连接5、6句,使其成为含who引导的定语从句的复合句 Those who want to participate in the visit are supposed to sign up at the Students’Union before this Friday. 选用“besides,then,by the way,after arriving there”过渡词语衔接成文。 On May 8,there will be a visit to Zhengzhou Green Expo Garden.We are to gather at 7∶00 am at the school gate and set out twenty minutes later. After arriving there,we’ll spend the whole morning visiting the exhibition areas.Then we’ll have a picnic at noon by the side of the lake,while we’ll play games in groups in the afternoon.Don’t forget to take photos and make notes because you’ll take part in the photo contest or the essay contest in our school. Those who want to participate in the visit are supposed to sign up at the Students’ Union before this Friday.Besides,all the participants are required to bring your lunch as well as the drinking water.By the way,take care during the visit. Ⅰ.重点单词识记 1.

  /træp/vt.使困住;n.陷阱,夹子 2.

  /'prInsIpəI/n.原则,道德准则 3.

  /bI'jɒnd/prep.超出 4.

  /'reIəvənt/adj.有关的 5.

  /rI'fɜː/v.指,意即 6.

  /kəʊ'InsIdəns/n.巧合 7.

  /kən'dem/vt.迫使(某人)陷入不幸的境地;谴责 8.

  /'sækrIfaIs/vt. & vi.牺牲;献出 trap principle beyond relevant refer coincidence condemn sacrifice 9.

  /ˌriː'saIkəl/vt.回收利用 10.

  /‘sʌbstItjuːt/n.代替品,代用品;v.替代 11.

  /'θretn/vt.威胁 12.

  /siːz/vt.依法没收;(用武力)夺取 13.

  /bI'hɑːf/n.代表 14.

  /miːnz/n.方法 15.

  /pə'tenʃəl/n.可能性;潜在性 16.

  /ə'dɒpt/vt.采用 17.

  /'kælkjʊleIt/vt.计算,算出 recycle substitute threaten seize behalf means potential adopt calculate 18.


  n.保护 19.


  n.提倡 20.


  v. & n.变;改变 21.


  adj.分开的;v.分离,分开 22.


  n.建造 reserve reservation advocate advocation changeable change separation separate construct construction 23.

  /kən‘sIdərIt/adj.想得周到的,体贴的 →


  n.考虑 24.


  adj.财务的,金融的 25.



  considerate consideration consider finance financial sharpen sharp Ⅱ.重点短语识记 1.The Green Party hopes to put up

  (许多)candidates in the General Election. 2.Due to circumstances

  (超出……范围)the lecture was cancelled. 3.Too much work and too little rest often

  (导致)illness. 4.The union said that they would

  (采取行动)to defend their members’ jobs. a number of beyond our control lead to take action 5.You will have to

  (负责任)your crimes one day. 6.

  (实际上),I have never been to the Great Wall before. 7.Worse still,the lion could even

  (叼走)the baby in its mouth. 8.Failure to observe all Park rules could

  (导致)being driven out of the Park without refund. (2017·江苏高考阅读A) answer for As a matter of fact carry off result in 【短语归纳】 1.a number of

  一些 2.beyond one’s control

  不受……的控制 3.look ahead

  展望未来,向前看 4.refer to

  指,意即,提到;参考 5.in turn 依次;反过来 6.lead to

  引起,导致 7.take action

  采取行动 8.ahead of

  在……前面 9.apart from

  除……以外 10.answer for

  对……负责任 11.call for an end to sth.

  要求结束…… 12.or else

  否则,不然 13.wrap up

  结束 14.on one’s behalf

  代表 15.for good

  永远 16.carry off

  掠去,夺走 17.all in all

  总的来说 18.result in

  导致 19.earn one’s living

  谋生 20.plug one’s ears

  塞住耳朵 21.as a matter of fact

  实际上 22.break away from



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