2016届高考英语一轮复习课件:第一部分模块复习方略 必修四 Unit11(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2016届高考英语一轮复习课件:第一部分模块复习方略 必修四 Unit11(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Ⅱ.完成句子 1.Seeing the happy scene(看到快乐场景)of children playing in the park,I’m full of confidence in the future of our country. 2.Mo Yan,a most widely­read writer,takes a complete new approach to describing(描述……的方法)China’s rural and folk culture. 3.Professor Wang has employed himself in researching(一直忙于研究)the wildlife protection in the recent five years. Ⅲ.多维演练 1.demand (1)用所给词的适当形式填空 The manager demanded that the work (should)be finished(finish)within three days. (2)完成句子 ①The captain demanded to know(要求知道)what was going on. ②He demands that I(should)leave at once(我马上离开). ③It’s impossible to satisfy everyone’s demands(满足每个人的需要). 2.blame (1)用所给词的适当形式填空 —Tom’s still angry with me. —You are to blame(bame). How dare you call him a liar! He’s the last person to lie(lie). (2)一句多译 他们把失败归咎于乔治。 ①They blamed the failure on George. ②They blamed George for the failure. ③They thought that George should take/bear the blame for the

  failure. (3)用blame的相关短语完成小片段 He ①was blamed for(因……被责备)the car accident,but he ②blamed it on(把它归咎于)others. As a matter of fact,it is he,not others,that ③is to blame for(该为……承担责任)it. 3.employ (1)介词填空 ①The boss employed a pretty girl as his secretary. ②She has been employed in making preparations for the press conference all morning. ③We are emplying ourselves/employed in prepairing for the coming exam. (2)用employ的适当形式填空 ①How many workmen do you employ at your factory? ②Will and Joe were busily employed in painting the house. ③To our relief,computers,far from getting rid of jobs,can create employment. ④The employers often give the job to whoever they believe has work experience with a strong sense of duty. ⑤To improve the working efficiency,the boss allows the employees to have a coffee break. ⑥It is said that he has been employed in a computer company since graduation. (3)完成句子 ①She is employed as a secretary in the firm. 她受雇于那家公司当秘书。 ②He employed ten workers to sell computers. 他雇用了十名工人卖电脑。

  ③He is employed in writing a novel on China’s reform. 他在忙着写一部关于中国改革的小说。 4.attempt (1)用所给词的适当形式填空 —You need to start exercising again,I guess. —Well,I have been attempting(attemp)to eat less recently. But as you know,my mother is such a good cook. (2)选词填空(attempt/manage) ①The box was heavy but he managed to carry it. ②He attempted to open the back door but it was locked,too. (3)单句改错 ①Any attempt leaving early is against regulations. leaving→to leave ②He managed to speak but was told to be quiet. managed→attempted (4)完成句子 ①They attempted to finish the task before July. 他们试图在七月以前完成这项任务。 ②She made an attempt to swim across the river. 她试着游过这条河。

  1.in favour of支持,赞同 [教材原句] Since then,the law and the public opinion have been less in favour of the paparazzi and their jobs. 从那时起,法律和公众舆论就不怎么支持狗仔队以及他们的工作了。 ①Generally,I am in favour of the inclusion.(2017·湖北高考书面表达) 一般来说,我支持这种包含。 ②Everyone present at the meeting was in favour of what he put forward. 与会的每个人都支持他的提议。 in one’s favour有利于某人 do sb.a favour = do a favour for sb.

  帮某人忙 ask a favour of sb.

  请某人帮个忙 owe sb.a favour

  欠某人一份情 ③Could you do me a favor and turn off the hot water? 你能帮个忙把热水关掉吗? ④The exchange rate is in our favour at the moment. 目前汇率对我们有利。 [链接高考] (2011·湖北高考改编)When asked about their opinions about the schoolmaster,many teachers

  would prefer to see him step aside in favor of(支持)younger men. 2.consist of由……组成,由……构成 [教材原句] Some advertisements consist of pictures or the words of experts to show people how good the products are. 一些广告中含有一些图片或专家说的话,以便告诉人们该产品如何好。 (1)be composed of /be made up of 由……组成 (2)consist in = lie in

  在于 (3)consistent adj.

  一致的;持续的 be consistent with

  与……一致 be consistent in

  在……方面一致 ①The force would be composed of troops from NATO countries. 这支军队将由来自北约国家的部队组成。 ②Success consists in the ability to continue efforts through failures.(2017·福建高考书面表达) 成功在于通过失败的不懈努力的能力中。 ③What you say now is not consistent with what you said last week. 你现在说的话与你上星期说过的话不相符。 【名师指津】 consist of与consist in不用进行时态,也不用被动语态。 3.stand out突出,显眼 [教材原句] Modern advertisements must stand out in a world full of competition by combing the highest standards of design with ideas linked to the products to make them more attractive. 通过最高水平设计加上更具吸引力的产品理念,现代的广告必须在充满竞争的世界里脱颖而出。 ①Our daughter is a great dancer;she stands out above the rest. 我们的女儿是一个不错的舞者,她从许多舞者中脱颖而出。 stand for是……意思,代表;支持;象征 stand by sb./sth.

  支持某人;遵守某事 stand up for

  为……辩护;支持 stand up to

  经受得住;抵抗 ②We stand for a peaceful settlement of the international dispute. 我们一贯主张和平解决这一国际争端。 ③This cloth is designed to stand up to a lot of wear and tear.这种布料十分耐用。 ④As a matter of conscience,he doesn’t feel that he can stand up for the President any longer. 凭良心讲,他认为他无法再支持总统了。 [学以致用] Ⅰ.介、副词填空 1.The shop is called the Dixie PIT,which stands for Power in Transition. 2.She is the sort of person who stands out in a crowd. 3.Dinners usually consist of meat or fish with vegetables followed by dessert,fruit and coffee. 4.Personally,I’m not in favor of the propasal he put forward. 5.The council at last gave us permission to go ahead with our building plans. 6.Reporters were soon on the scene after the accident.

  Ⅱ.多维演练 1.favour短语(完成句子) ①May I ask a favour of(请……帮个忙)you? ②That is why I am not in favour of(赞成)the plan. ③You may be certain that the situation is in our favour(对我们有利). 2.consist短语 (1)完成句子 ①New Zealand is a country lying off the eastern coast of Australia,consisting of two big islands(包括两大岛屿)and many smaller ones. ②True education does not consist in(在于)simply being taught facts. ③Our deeds must consist with(与……一致)our words. (2)句型转换 ①The United Kingdom is made up of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. →The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. ②Your problem lies in lacking efficient methods. →Your problem consists in lacking efficient methods. ③What the newspaper reported doesn’t agree with the facts. →What the newspaper reported isn’t consistent with the facts. 3.stand短语 (1)介、副词填空 ①I won’t stand by and see them suffer like that. ②What do the five Olympic rings stand for? ③The white sail stands out against the dark sea. ④We stand up for the cause of liberty and justice.

  (2)完成句子 ①He is a person who always stands by(遵守)his promise. ②His drawing was the best and it stood out(突出)among the others. ③Will this car stand up to(经得起)winter conditions here?

  1.AIDS is another problem of great concern so sex education and health care administration

  are extremely important.

  艾滋病是另一个深受关注的问题,所以性教育和健康护理机构非常重要。 (1)句中of great concern是“of+n.”结构,表示“非常重要的”。 ①It is of great importance to prevent the house price going up. 抑制房价上涨是非常重要的。 (2)“of+n.”结构在句中常作表语、定语或宾语补足语,说明事物的性质或状态,通常用在正式场合或书面语中,其用法如下: ●of(+great,no,little,some,much)+抽象名词(value,importance,use,help,interest,significance,benefit,necessity等),这类名词一般可转化为其相应的形容词形式。 ② Doing morning exercises is of benefit to your health. =Doing morning exercises is benefical to your health. 做早操对你的健康有利。 ●of(+different,the same,similar,a)+分类名词(kind,type,sort,shape,size,colour,length,depth,width,weight,height,age,date等)。 ③The twin sisters are of the same/a size and the shirt fits each of them exactly. 这对双胞胎姐妹的身材一样,这条裙子两个人穿都非常合适。 ●of(+good,bad,nice,fine,serious等)+性质名词(quality,character,characteristics,feature等)。 ④ New Zealand grape wine is of high quality and is sold all over the world. 新西兰葡萄酒质量好,行销全世界。 2.However,not all advertising is about selling products and services for a profit. 然而,并非所有的广告都是为谋求利润而推销产品和提供服务的。 该句中not all ...为部分否定,意为“并非都……”。 ①Life is not all beer and skittles. (谚)人生并非尽是乐事。 (1)英语中的all,both,each,every,everybody,everything,complete,completely,always,whole,wholly,entirely,altogether等具有总括意义的代词、形容词和副词与否定词not连用,构成部分否定,表示“不都,并非都”的意思。 ②All is not gold that glitters. (谚)闪光的未必都是金子。 (2)英语中的no,none,never,nobody,nothing,neither,no one,nowhere,no more,no longer等表示否定意义的词与肯定式谓语一起使用构成全部否定。 ③Nothing in the world

  is difficult

  if one sets his mind to it. (谚)世上无难事,只怕有心人。

  [链接高考] (2017·新课标全国卷Ⅱ改编)It’s an either­or situation—we can buy a new car this year or we can go on holiday but we can’t do both. [学以致用] Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.—The exam was easy,wasn’t it? —Yes,but I don’t think everybody could pass it. 2.It is said that the wool produced in Australia is of high quality. Ⅱ.句型转换 1.Each hour,each minute,each second is very valuable for us. →Each hour,each minute,each second is of great value for us. 2.All the people present didn’t agree with you. →Not all the people present agreed with you. 3.A heavy snowstorm is likely to fall this evening. →It is likely that a heavy snowstorm is going to fall this evening. 4.Both of you haven’t passed the exam.(改为全部否定) →Neither of you has passed the exam. 5.None of us was allowed to go there.(改为部分否定) →All of us were not allowed to go there.

  被动语态与动名词 单句语法填空 1.Was it holding(hold)the international conference that made the city the focus of this area? 2.—Can you think of another good idea? —This is the best approach I can imagine to accomplishing(accomplish)the work ahead of schedule. 3.We didn’t know he had attended the important lecture because no one told him about

  there being(be)a lecture the following day. 4.John Wood,an Internet blogger,discovered that Samsung had been criticized(criticize)for not protecting its workers from a dangerous chemical used on its phones. 5.—I told you to bring a dictionary with you before school was over. —I am sorry,but this morning I was in such a hurry that I forgot being reminded(remind)of that. 【短语归纳】 1.stand for 代表,支持 2.in favour of

  赞同,支持 3.consist of

  由……组成 4.stand out

  突出,显眼 5.as long as

  只要 6.be made up of

  由……组成 7.be used to

  习惯于 8.be linked with/to

  与……相关联 9.comment on

  发表意见 10.owe ... to ...

  把……归功于…… 11.go ahead with

  继续干 12.participate in

  参与,参加 13.help out

  帮忙做事,摆脱困境 14.in detail

  详细地 15.come down to

  结果是 16.look forward to

  盼望,希望 Ⅲ.经典原句默写 1.Their belief is that this is the only way for many of these nations to escape their painful pasts. 他们的信念是:这是许多这样的国家摆脱痛苦过去的唯一办法。 2.By doing this,they hope to make people forget that someone is trying to sell them something! 他们希望这样做会使人们忘记有人正在向他们推销商品! 3.However,not all advertising is about selling products and services for a profit. 然而,并非所有的广告都是为了赢利而推销商品和服务的。 4.According to research published by Leeds University yesterday,people don’t mind bad language on television as long as it is not used in programmes watched by children. 据利兹大学昨天发表的一项研究称,电视中的不良语言,只要不用于儿童节目,人们并不介意。 5.At the last minute,he jumped out of the truck,hurting his ankle... 最后时刻,他从卡车上跳了出来,伤着了脚踝……

  1.demand vt.要求,请求;需要n.要求;需求(量),需要 [教材原句] Reforms have been demanded by people from all over the world. 全世界的人们都要求变革。 (1)demand to do sth.要求做某事 demand sth.of /from sb.

  向某人要某物 demand that ...要求……[从句用(should+)动词原形] (2)meet/satisfy one’s demands

  满足某人的需要 make demands on

  对……提出要求;需要…… in demand

  非常需要的;受欢迎的 ①My father came down and demanded to know what was going on. 我父亲从楼上下来要求知道正在发生什么事情。 ②The government is trying to do everything possible to satisfy the people’s demand for higher living standards. 政府正在采取一切可能的措施,以满足人民提高生活水平的要求。 ③The teacher demanded that the students (should)be on time to each class. 这位老师要求学生们准时到达各自班级。 【名师指津】 (1)sth.demand doing/to be done.“需要做某事”。类似用法的动词有want,need,require等。 (2)demand后不接不定式作宾语补足语,即不说demand sb.to do sth. [链接高考] (2017·全国卷Ⅱ改编)The Harry Potter books are quite popular;they are in great demand(需求量很大)in this city.

  2.blame vt.责怪,归咎于n.过失,责备 [高考佳句] On the other hand,teenagers lose their patience continually when parents blame them for dropping the towel in the bathroom,not cleaning up their room or refusing to do the shopping at the supermarket.(2017·广东高考完形填空) 另一方面,当父母因孩子在浴室乱扔毛巾,不打扫房间或拒绝去超市购物而责备他们时,孩子会逐渐失去耐心。 ①He who blames one to his face is a hero,but he who backbites is a coward. (谚)当面责人是英雄,背后中伤是懦夫。 (1)blame sb.for(doing)sth.因做了某事而责备某人 blame sth.on ...

  把某事归咎于…… be to blame(for ...)

  应(为……)承担责任;该(为……)受责备(不定式用主动语态表示被动含义) (2)take the blame for sth.

  对某事负责任 put/lay the blame for sth.on sb.

  把某事的责任推到某人身上 ②Don’t keep blaming your little sister for your bad behaviour. 不要总是把你的不良行为怪在你的小妹妹身上。 ③Still others lay the blame on the Americans,complaining that pounds have piled on thanks to eating too much American­style fast food.(2017·湖北高考阅读C) 仍旧有一些人把责任推到美国人身上,抱怨由于吃了太多的美国式快餐而增加了好几磅的体重。 ④It is believed that more than one person may be to blame for the mine accident. 大家认为许多人都对这次矿井事故负有责任。 3.employ vt.雇用;聘请;使忙于;使从事于 [经典例句] None but a wise man can employ leisure well. (谚)唯智者善于利用空闲。

  (2)employ oneself in(doing)sth. = be employed in(doing)sth.

  从事于/忙于(做)某事 be employed to do sth.  受雇做某事 ①Lose not time;be always employed in something useful;cut off all unnecessary actions. (谚)不要浪费时间,做些有益的事情,停止一切不必要的行动。 ②More scientists are being employed in studies to develop new medicines. 更多的科学家正在从事开发新药的研究。 ③Can’t we employ someone as an assistant to help deal with all this paperwork? 我们不可以雇一位助理来协助处理这些文书工作吗? ④He is employing himself in compiling a dictionary of English idioms. 他正忙于编写一本英语习语词典。

  【联想归纳】 表示“忙于(做)某事”的词汇还有哪些?请补全。 ①be busy(in)doing sth. ②be busy with sth. ③be occupied with sth. ④be engaged in(doing)sth. ⑤be employed in(doing)sth. 4.attempt

  vt.& n.尝试,试图 [教材原句] But sometimes,the paparazzi go too far in their attempt to get the best photographs. 但是有的时候,狗仔队为了获得最有卖点的照片做得很过分。

  (2)in an attempt to do sth.

  为了做某事 make an attempt to do sth.

  企图做某事 at the first attempt

  第一次尝试 (3)attempted adj.

  未遂的 attempted murder


  ①A fool attempting to be witty is an object of profoundest pity. (谚)蠢人装聪明,实在最可怜。 ②The old couple had set aside other feelings in an attempt to hold the family together. 老两口把别的感情都撇在一边,设法把这个家庭捏在一起。 ③He made an attempt/attempted to pass the exam,but it was too difficult. 他试图通过考试,但考试太难了。 5.pretend vt.假装;装作 [高考佳句] And I realized he had been doing what music teachers always stress:concentrate on the music and pretend the others aren’t there.(2017·福建高考完形填空) 我意识到他一直在做音乐老师总强调的东西:集中注意力于音乐,假装别的一切都不存在。 ①Remember,they love money,so just pretend like you own a goldmine and you’re in the club. —TITANIC 只要你装得很有钱的样子他们就会跟你套近乎。 ——《泰坦尼克号》 pretend that ... 假装……

  ②The boy pretended to be sleeping when his mother entered the room. 当他妈妈走进房间时,那男孩假装正在睡觉。 ③Although he didn’t know the answer,he pretended to have known it. 尽管他不知道问题的答案,但是他假装早就知道了。 6.approach n.接近,逼近,走近;方法,步骤;途径,通路vt.& vi.接近;靠近;接洽;要求;着手处理 [高考佳句] However,some approaches are more successful than others.(2017·广东高考完形填空) 然而,某些方式比另外一些方式更加成功。 ①As people approach old age,their energy may diminish. 接近老年时,人的精力就衰退了。 (1)the approach of ... ……的来临,……的临近 the approach to sth.

  做某事的方法;去某处的通道 make an approach to sth./sb.

  对……进行探讨;和某人打交道 (2)approach sb.about/for sth.

  向某人要求某事 approach sb.about doing sth.

  要求某人做某事 ②We have made approaches to them with a view to establishing a business relationship. 我们已设法接近他们,希望建立业务关系。 ③Did Mary approach you about lending her some money? 玛丽找你商量过借钱给她的事吗? 7.conclude vt.做出结论;结束;结束时说 [教材原句] Leeds University concluded that people made a distinction between bad language used in programmes for adults,and those meant for children. 利兹大学得出结论说,人们辨别得出成人影片中的脏话和儿童影片中脏话的区别。 ①Researchers conclude that the French tend to stop eating when they feel full.(2017·陕西高考阅读C) 研究者们推断:当感觉饱时,法国人会立刻停止进食。

  conclude from sth.that ...

  从……中得出/推断 出…… conclude sth.with sth.

  以……结束…… to conclude

  总而言之,最后 to be concluded

  (连载的文章)下期(次)登完 ②We can conclude from the results that the experiment was a failure. 从结果我们可以得出结论:这项实验失败了。 ③We concluded the meeting at eight o’clock with a prayer. 我们在8点钟以祈祷结束了会议。 ④To conclude,I remind everyone of the question once again. 最后,我再一次提醒大家注意这个问题。 [链接高考] (2017·浙江高考改编)When the group discussion is nearing its end,make sure to conclude it with important points. 8.scene n.场面,场景;风景;景色,景象 [高考佳句] An actor and actress stood in front of the scene so that they looked as if they were at the water’s edge on an island.(2017·新课标全国卷阅读C) 一个男演员和女演员站在场景的前面,这样他们看起来就像站在一个岛的水边。 ①The police caught the suspect at the scene of the crime. 警察在犯罪现场抓住了嫌疑犯。

  on the scene 在场;出现;到场 on the spot

  当场;立刻;在危险中 ②A police officer came on the scene to search into the circumstances. 有个警官来到现场调查情况。 【辨析比较】 scene,scenery,sight,view 试一试 选择以上单词填空 ③Arriving at the top of the hill,we were faced by a most impressive scene. ④The West Lake is remarkable for its scenery. ⑤There is a lovely view from this window. ⑥The Great Wall is one of the most breath­taking sights in the world. 辨一辨 scene 可数名词。指具体的、局部的或一时的景色,可以是自然形成的,也可以是人工造成的。还可表示“场面,场景;事发现场和地点;(戏剧)场景” scenery 总称,指一个国家或某一地区的整体自然风景。常作不可数名词 sight 侧重指旅游观光的风景,包括城市景色或自然风光景色。也指人造景物或奇特的景色,常用复数。还可表示“视觉;视野” view 多指从远处或高处即从某一角度所看见的景色。还可表示“意见;观点” [间考词汇] 1.delighted adj. 高兴的,愉快的 be delighted to do sth.高兴做某事 be delighted at/by/with

  对……感到高兴 I’m delighted to make your acquaintance,Mrs Baker. 贝克太太,我很高兴与您相识。 2.willing adj.愿意的,乐意的 be willing for sb.to do sth. 愿意某人做某事 be willing to do sth.

  乐意做某事 Nothing is impossible to willing mind. (谚)有志者事竟成。 3.respect

  vt. 尊敬,尊重 n. 尊重,敬意;方面 respect sb.for sth.因某事尊敬某人 show respect for

  对……表示尊敬 out of respect

  出于尊敬 When visiting another country,you should be aware of those differences and respect them.(2017·重庆高考完形填空) 当我们参观到别的国家时,你要注意到那些文化差异并尊重这些差异。 4.suitable adj.合适的

  You’d better pick up some words suitable to the occasion. 你最好挑选一些适合这一场合的言辞。 [学以致用] Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.On seeing the gift they wanted,the kids screamed with delight. 2.Mike pretended to be preparing(prepare)lunch when mother stepped in the kitchen. 话题四 世界与环境 话题词汇 1.pollutev.污染 2.peace

  n.和平 3.protect

  v.保护 4.civilized

  adj.文明的 5.benefit

  n.益处;利益 6.attract one’s attention

  吸引某人注意力 7.take action

  采取行动 8.in need of

  需要 9.It is universally acknowledged that...


  满分佳作 (2017·山东实验中学诊断)假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Bill来信询问你家乡是否有雾霾(smog)、情况如何。请按下面提示写一封电子邮件。 1.感谢他的关心; 2.简要介绍本地雾霾情况以及给人们生活带来的危害; 3.人们已认识到雾霾为天气的危害,正采取各种措施减少其发生。 注意:1.词数:120~150; 2.开头结尾已经给出,不计入文字总数。 Dear Bill, I’m glad to receive your letter.Thank you for your caring for the weather and my health.

  Yours sincerely, Li Hua 【范文赏析】 Dear Bill, I’m glad to receive your letter.Thank you for your caring for the weather and my health.Now I’d like to tell you something about the smog. Since last winter,the smog has occurred a lot of times.①It has done great harm to our daily life.Some people would rather stay at home for fear of the poisonous air caused by the smog. Smog­related diseases get more and more people to hospital.What’s worse,more traffic accidents happen and a lot of flights have to be put off. ②Fortunately people have reallized the great harm and the importance of protecting the environment.Effective measures are being taken to reduce the smog.People are supposed not to go to work by car.But to me,I will go to school by bike or on foot,and will tell whomever I meet to protect the environment as possible as they can.Would you like to tell me some good ideas?I’m looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Hua A.完成句子  (1)你一旦到达张家界,就会被那里美丽的山峦所吸引。 Once you got to Zhangjiajie,you would be attracted by the beautiful mountains. (2)从上面的图画可知,如果我们不注意保护环境,就很难过上幸福的日子。 Based on the above pictures,we can see that we can hardly live a happy lif if we pay no attention to protecting the environment. B.句型转换 (1)用harm的形容词改写句① It is harmful to our daily life. (2)用“It is+adj.+that”句式改写句② It is fortunate that people have realized the great harm and the importance of protecting the environment. Ⅰ.重点单词识记 1.

  /ə'feə/ n.事情,事件 2.

  /'waIdspred/ adj.广泛的 3.

  /rI'fɔːm/ n.& vt.改革,改良 4.

  /dI'mɑ ː nd/ vt.要求,请求 5.

  /həʊst/ n.& vt.主办(国、机构、城市);主人;主办 6.

  / ː æplI'keIʃən/ n.申请(书);应用 7.

  /'pʌblIʃ/ vt.出版,发行 8.

  /'InsIdənt/ n.事件,事情 9.

  /ə'raIz/ vi.发生,出现 affair widespread reform demand host application publish incident arise 10.

  /bleIm/ vt.责怪,归咎于 11.

  /'wIlIŋ/ adj.愿意的,乐意的 12.

  /ə'tempt/ vt.& n.尝试,试图 13.

  /'ætItju ː d/ n.态度,看法 14.

  /prI'tend/ vt.假装 15.

  /rI'spekt/ n.& vt.尊敬,尊重 16.

  /ˌdIsə'ɡriːmənt/ n.意见不一;分歧 17.

  /'suːtəbəl/ adj.合适的 18.

  /ə'prəʊtʃ/ n.方法,方式 19.

  /kən'tempərəri/ adj.当代的 blame willing attempt attitude pretend respect disagreement suitable approach contemporary 20.

  /ˌkɒntrI'bjuːʃən/ n.贡献,捐助 21.

  /kən‘kluːd/ vt.做出结论;


  n.结论 22.

  /'Inəsənt/ adj.天真无邪的,单纯的;无罪的 23.

  /'neIʃən/ n.国家;民族→

  adj.全国(性)的 24.

  /bI'liːf/ n.信仰;信心;信任→

  v.相信,信任;认为 25.

  /ə‘naʊns/ vt.宣布, 宣告→

  n.宣告,宣布;通知 contribution conclude conclusion innocent nation national belief believe announce announcement 26.

  /'evIdəns/ n.证明,证据→

  adj.明白的,明显的 27.

  /ˌeksplə‘neIʃən/ n.解释, 说明→

  v.解释,说明 28.

  /'ænəlaIz/ vt.分析→

  n.分析 29.

  /Im'plɔI/ vt.雇用→

  n.失业 30.

  /'feIvə/ n.赞同;恩惠→

  adj.赞成的;有利的 31.

  /In‘kʌrIdʒmənt/ n. 鼓励→


  adj.受到鼓舞的 evidence evident explanation explain analyse analysis employ unemployment favour favourable encouragement encouraging encouraged 32.

  /'ædvətaIz/ vt. 为……做广告→

  n.广告 33.

  /kənˌsIdə'reIʃən/ n.必须考虑的事→

  vt.考虑;认为 34.

  /hɑːmfəl/ adj.有害的→

  n.& v.危害,伤害 35.

  /‘feIθfəli/ adv.忠实地, 真诚地→

  n.信任,信仰 36.

  /ˌIntə‘rʌpt/ vt.& vi.打断; 打扰→

  n.打断;打扰 advertise advertisement consideration consider harmful harm faithfully faith interrupt interruption Ⅱ.重点短语识记 1.As long as(只要)biomass is produced continuously—with only as much grown as is used—the“battery”lasts forever.(2017·大纲卷阅读E) 2.Bryson and Paxman stand for(代表)common misconceptions about the weather­speak among the English.(2017·重庆高考阅读E) 3.He explained his job experience and educational background in detail(详细地). 4.I’m all in favour of(支持)equal pay for equal work. 5.I believe that dress will make you stand out(显眼)in a crowd. 6.The school consisting of(由……组成)5,000 students is attached to Hefei Normal University. 7.After the rain stopped,the men went ahead with(开始做)their work of digging up the street. 8.I am familiar with his work and look forward to(盼望)hearing his views on literary and artistic creation.


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