2016届高考英语一轮复习课件:第一部分模块复习方略 必修三 Unit7(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2016届高考英语一轮复习课件:第一部分模块复习方略 必修三 Unit7(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  There were many students taking part in the different activities of the Science and Technology Festival this year. 今年有很多学生参加了本次科技节的各项活动。 易混句式比较:There be sb./sth. to do sth.表示“有某人/某物将要做某事”。 There are no words to express the full measure of my gratitude. 任何语言都无法表达我的感激之情。 2.Our boat survived,and I was trying to recover when my elder brother put his mouth close to my ear,and screamed out the terrifying word “Whirlpool!” 我们的船获救了,我正竭力从恐惧中回过神来,就在这时,哥哥把他的嘴放到我的耳朵旁,大声说出那个令人胆战心惊的词“漩涡”。

  (1)be doing ...when ...表示“正在……,这时……”,when在此句中意为“这时突然,就在这时”,是个并列连词。 (2)常见的类似结构还有: be about to do/on the point of doing ... when ...  正要……这时…… had just done ...when ...

  刚做了……这时…… ①I was about to give up when my father came and encouraged me to keep going,(2017·福建高考书面表达) 就在我马上要放弃时,我的父亲来了,并鼓励我维持下去。 ②They had just covered three miles when they realized they left their IDS at home. 他们刚走了三英里,突然他们意识到他们的身份证忘在家里了。

  [链接高考] (2011·浙江高考改编)One Friday,we were packing to leave for a weekend away when my daughter heard cries for help. [学以致用] Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.This computer is worse than that one you bought last year,but it costs twice as much. 2.She had just finished her homework when her mother asked her to practise playing the piano yesterday. Ⅱ.完成句子 1.We were having a meeting when someone broke in. 我们正在开会,这时有人闯了进来。 2.①The earth is forty­nine times as big as the moon. ②The earth is forty­nine times the size of the moon. ③The earth is forty­nine times bigger than the moon. 地球是月球的49倍大。

  3.What a wonderful novel!I have never read a more moving one. 多么好的一本小说啊!我从未读过比这更感人的了。 4.He had just finished his work when his boss called him. 他刚完成他的工作,这时老板就给他打来电话。 5.Time permitting,I’ll go to drop in on you. 时间允许,我就顺便去看你。

  定语从句(Ⅱ);形容词和副词的比较 单句语法填空 1.Sarah Brightman,who will fly to space in 2017,is the first woman to fly there in the field of music. 2.I’m always busy with my work,so occasions are quite rare when I can spend the whole day with my kids. 3.Compared with that article,this article is longer(long)but not as good. 4.—How did your final examination go? —I couldn’t feel any better(good)about it! And my parents have been proud of me,too. 5.This article may shock some sensitive readers,to whom I offer my apologizes in advance. 6.—Do you know anything about the twins,Jane and Mary? —Yes,but only a little. Jane is the more(much)beautiful of the two sisters.

  阅读理解解题样板(一) 文学与艺术类 [精读语篇](新课标全国卷Ⅱ阅读理解B) In 1947 a group of famous people from the art world headed by an Austrian conductor decided to hold an international festival of music,dance and theatre in Edinburgh.The idea was to reunite Europe after the Second World War. It quickly attracted famous names such as Alec Guinness,Richard Burton,Dame Margot Fonteyn and Marlene Dietrich as well as the big symphony orchestras(交响乐团).It became a fixed event every August and now attracts 400,000 people yearly. At the same time,the “Fringe” appeared as a challenge to the official festival.Eight theatre groups turned up uninvited in 1947,in the belief that everyone should have the right to perform,and they did so in a public house disused for years. Soon,groups of students firstly from Edinburgh University,and later from the universities of Oxford and Cambridge,Durham and Birmingham were making the journey to the Scottish capital each summer to perform theatre by little­known writers of plays in small church halls to the people of Edinburgh. Today the “Fringe”, once less recognized,has far outgrown the festival with around 1,500 performances of theatre,music and dance on every one of the 21 days it lasts.And yet as early as 1959,with only 19 theatre groups performing,some said it was getting too big. A paid administrator was first employed only in 1971,and today there are eight administrators working all year round and the number rises to 150 during August itself.In 2004 there were 200 places housing 1,695 shows by over 600 different groups from 50 different countries.More than 1.25 million tickets were sold. [题目试做](建议用时:7分钟) 40.What was the purpose of Edinburgh Festival at the beginning? A.To bring Europe together again. B.To honor heroes of World War Ⅱ. C.To introduce young theatre groups. D.To attract great artists from Europe. 41.Why did some uninvited theatre groups come to Edinburgh in 1947? A.They owned a public house there. B.They came to take up a challenge. C.They thought they were also famous. D.They wanted to take part in the festival. 42.Who joined the “Fringe” after it appeared? A.Popular writers. B.University students. C.Artists from around the world. D.Performers of music and dance. 43.We may learn from the text that Edinburgh Festival

  . A.has become a non­official event B.has gone beyond an art festival C.gives shows all year round D.keeps growing rapidly [读文样板] 一、理清文章脉络 这是一篇记叙文。1947年一群艺术界的著名艺术家在一位奥地利指挥家的带领下,决定在爱丁堡举办国际艺术节来使整个欧洲在二战后再团结起来。没想到这个艺术节得到了许多人的青睐,并迅速发展。 第一段:介绍爱丁堡艺术节及其目的。 第二段:介绍它吸引了许多著名人物和乐团,成了一个固定的节日。 第三段:介绍了8个剧组在未经邀请的情况下参加了这次艺术节。 第四段:介绍大学生加入了这个艺术节。 第五、六段:介绍了该节日从不被承认,最后发展成为盛大的艺术节。

  二、破解阅读障碍 (一)怎样破解生僻词汇 1.uninvited adj.未被邀请的 破解方法:利用构词法。un­(否定前缀)+invited(受到邀请的)= uninvited 2.outgrow v.随长大而改变 破解方法:利用构词法。out­(前缀,表示“超过;胜过”)+grow(生长)= outgrow 3.house n.房屋 vt.给……提供场地;给……提供房屋 破解方法:熟词新义。原文:In 2004 there were 200 places housing 1,695 shows ...此处housing为现在分词短语作定语,指可以为1 695次演出提供场地。house在此被用作动词,指“给……提供场地”。 (二)怎样破解长难句 译文:不久,一批批的学生,首先是来自爱丁堡大学的学生,接着便是牛津、剑桥、达勒姆和伯明翰大学的学生,每年夏天来到苏格兰首府,在小教堂中为爱丁堡人表演一些不太为人所知的作家的戏剧。 [解题样板] 40.起初爱丁堡艺术节的目的是什么? 信息源 选项特征 A.为了让欧洲重新团结起来。 第一段最后一句 合理推断 B.为了纪念二战中出现的英雄人物。 文中未提及 无中生有 C.为了推出年轻的剧团。 第三段及第四段 曲解文意 D.为了吸引欧洲伟大的艺术家。 第二段第一句 曲解文意 [分析] A 根据第一段最后一句“The idea was to reunite Europe after the Second World War.”可知该项活动的目的是将二战后的欧洲重新团结起来,故选A。 41.在1947年,为什么一些未被邀请的剧团来到了爱丁堡? 信息源 选项特征 A.他们在那里拥有公共房屋。 第三段最后一句 曲解文意 B.他们来接受挑战。 第三段第一句 曲解文意 C.他们认为自己也很有名。 文中未提及 无中生有 D.他们想参加这个节日。 第三段第二句 合理推断 [分析] D 根据第三段第二句话后半句中“...in the belief that everyone should have the right to perform,and they did so in a public house disused for years.”可知一些没被邀请的剧团想参加艺术节,故选D。

  [分析] B 根据第四段可知,是来自许多大学的学生参加了“Fringe”,故选B。 42.“Fringe”出现后,谁加入了它? 信息源 选项特征 A.有名的作家。 第四段 曲解文意 B.大学生。 第四段 合理推断 C.世界各地的艺术家。 第四段未提及 无中生有 D.音乐舞蹈表演者。 第四段未提及 无中生有

  [分析] D 根据最后两段所列举的一些数字可以推断出节日规模在不断增长,故选D。 43.我们从文章可以得知,爱丁堡艺术节

  。 信息源 选项特征 A.已成为非官方的事情 最后一段 曲解文意 B.已经超越了艺术节 第五段 曲解文意 C.成年累月地演出 第五段 曲解文意 D.在快速发展 最后两段 合理推断 [阅读积累] 一、考纲重点词汇复现 1.head v.带领;领导;朝……方向前进 eg.The research group headed by Dr. Johnson is faced with a lot of difficulties. 以约翰逊博士为首的研究小组面临着很多困难。 2.attract

  v.吸引 3.as well as

  也;不仅……而且……;和……一样好 eg.These children are prepared for the disappointments as well as the joys of life. 这些孩子不仅准备享受生活的乐趣,而且也准备经受生活中的失意。 4.event

  n.事件;(体育)比赛项目 eg.This is a great event that concerns the future of our company. 这是关系到我们公司前途的大事。 5.challenge

  n.挑战 eg.Every challenge in your life helps you to grow and move forward. 生活中的每一个挑战都在帮助你成长和前进。 6.turn up

  出现;露面;把……音量放大 7.belief

  n.相信;信念;信仰 eg.There is nothing more natural than a child’s belief in his parents. 没有任何事情比孩子对他父母的信赖更为自然。 8.perform

  v.演出;表演 9.recognize

  v.认识;认知;认出 10.employ


  二、文中小语法 There be sb./sth. doing sth. 原句:a paid administrator was first employed only in 1971,and today there are eight administrators working all year round and the number rises to 150 during August itself.In 2004 there were 200 places housing 1,695 shows by over 600 different groups from 50 different countries. 点拨:上面两句皆为there be结构,其中现在分词在句中作定语,相当于定语从句(working相当于who are working;housing相当于which house)。又如: [间考词汇] 1.participate vi. 参加,参与 participate in(doing)sth. 参加(做)某事 participate with sb.in sth.

  与……分担;同某人一起参与某事 The teleconference allows you to hear the presentation and participate in discussion. 这个电话会议能够使您听到讲座和参与讨论。 2.apologise vt. 道歉 apologise to sb.for(doing)sth. 因(做)某事向某人道歉 apologise to sb.that ...

  向某人道……歉 She apologized for the mistake and gave us a spare VIP room on the top floor.(2017·广东高考语法填空) 她因这个错误而道歉并在顶层给了我们一间空闲的贵宾房。 3.discount n.折扣,减价v.打折 get/offer discount得到/提供折扣 at a discount

  打折扣 4.measure vi.& vt.(长度、数量)为;测量n.(常加­s)措施,办法 be measured by/in用……来衡量/计算 take measures to do sth.

  采取措施做某事 make sth. to one’s measure

  按照某人的尺寸做 ①Measure is treasure.(谚)适度是宝。 ②It is high time that we should take some measures to protect endangered animals. 我们是时候采取措施保护濒临灭绝的动物了。 5.recognise vt.辨认出;承认;公认 be recognised as/to be被公认为/承认是…… recognize sb’s voice

  听出某人的声音 How many years does it take to be recognised as a native of one’s country of birth? 要用多少年才能认定一个人是出生在这个国家的本地人? [学以致用] Ⅰ.完成句子 1.The policeman signed to the driver to stop(示意司机停下)his car. 2.The Great Wall is such a well­known tourist attraction(如此著名的旅游胜地)that millions of people pour in every year. 3.Most children at school hope that they can participate in activities(参加活动)that appeal to them after class instead of just doing their homework. 4.I have arranged for Tom to pick up(安排汤姆开车去接)the experts at the airport. 5.Don’t let yourself be persuaded into buying(被别人说服去买)things you don’t want. 6.The mayor presented him with(颁发给他)a gold medal at an official city reception. Ⅱ.多维演练 1.ban (1)选词填空(ban/forbid) ①After the accident,he was banned from driving alone. ②Our school forbids us to bring cell phones to school. ③Swimming is banned/forbidden in this river. (2)英汉互译 ①People are banned from smoking in many public places in England. 在英国许多公共场所禁止吸烟。 ②While there is a global ban on nuclear testing,a few countries are still doing experiments on nuclear weapons. 虽然在全球禁止核试验,但仍有少数国家在进行核武器实验。 2.escape (1)介词填空 It was reported that four men escaped from prison yesterday. (2)选词填空(flee/escape/get away) ①Parks provide people with a place to amuse themselves and to escape their busy lives for a while. ②The bank robbers used a stolen car to get away. ③Bill was forced to flee his country. (3)一句多译 我们很幸运,没有受到处罚。 ①We were very lucky to escape punishment. ②We were very lucky to escape being punished. 3.survive (1)用survive的适当形式填空 ①As far as I know,the only survivor of the big fire survived his wife by 10 years. ②In my opinion,it will greatly increase your chances of survival. (2)完成句子 ①He felt lucky to have survived the war. 经历那场战争幸存下来,他感到很幸运。 ②Some strange customs have survived from earlier times. 有些奇怪的风俗从古代沿袭下来。 ③She will probably survive me by many years. 有可能她会比我多活好多年。 (3)翻译句子 ①他作为唯一幸存者幸免于那场交通事故。 He survived the traffic accident as the only survivor. ②他活得不长,甚至没有活过他的父亲。 He didn’t survive long,and even didn’t survive his father.

  (4)句式升级 用while作连词把(3)中①、②合并为一个主从复合句。 While he survived the traffic accident as the only survivor,he didn’t survive long,and even didn’t survive his father.

  1.get into trouble陷入麻烦,陷入困境 [经典例句] Don’t copy my work or we’ll both get into trouble.(牛津P1896) 不要抄我的作业,不然我们两人都会有麻烦的。 (1)get sb.into/out of trouble 使某人陷入/摆脱困境 make trouble

  制造麻烦,捣乱 in trouble


  (3)have trouble with sth./(in)doing sth.

  在(做)某事方面有麻烦/吃力①If we can’t keep to the schedule,we’ll be in trouble. 如果我们不按时完成计划,我们就要倒霉了。 ②We must thank you for taking the trouble to make us a meal. 我们应该谢谢你,麻烦你为我们烧饭。 ③Don’t misunderstand us;we are here to help,not to make trouble. 别误解我们的意思,我们是来帮忙的,不是惹麻烦的。 [链接高考] (2017·上海高考改编)When Peter speaks in public,he always has trouble thinking of(想到) the right things to say. 2.make it to到达(to为介词) [教材原句] Eric set sail once again,this time with 25 ships,of which only 14 made it to Greenland. 埃里克又开始航行,这次他率领25艘船,最终只有14艘抵达了格陵兰岛。 make it获得成功;准时到达(尤其在困难情况下);幸免于难;渡过难关 ①I’ve been having violin lessons every two weeks,but I think I’ll make it every week from now on. 我一直是每两个星期上一次小提琴课,但是我想从现在起每个星期都上课。 ②I’m really sorry,but I won’t be able to make it on Sunday after all. 真的很抱歉,我星期天根本赶不到。 [链接高考] (2017·浙江高考改编)An average of just 18.75 cm of rain fell last year,making it the driest year since California became a state in 1850. 3.in search of寻求,寻找(通常在句中作表语或状语) [教材原句] Not long after Eric the Red had landed in Greenland,a man called Biarni set sail from Iceland in search of Eric’s party. 埃里克·雷德登上格陵兰岛后不久,一个叫比阿尼的人就从冰岛起航寻找埃里克一行人。 (1)in one’s search for寻找 (2)search sth./sb.

  搜查某物或搜身 search for sb./sth.

  搜寻某人或某物 search A for B

  为了搜寻B而搜查A ①Errors,like straws,upon the surface flow;he who would search for pearls must dive below.—John Dryden (名言)错误像稻草,漂浮在水面。欲觅珍珠者,须往水下潜。——约翰·德莱顿 ②The police left no stone unturned in their search for the missing child. 为了寻找这个失踪的儿童,警察使用了千方百计。 4.pick up取,接载;营救,搭救;拾起,捡起;收听(节目);无意中学到;廉价买到;恢复健康;情况好转 [高考佳句] Peter drove to Ann’s house to pick up his dog,and saw Thomas and Jack crying in the window.(2017·山东高考阅读A) 彼得驾车前往安的家去接回他的小狗,却看到托马斯和杰马在窗户里哭泣。 [一词多义] 写出下列句中pick up的含义 ①She soon picked up French when she went to live in France.(非正式途径)学会,获悉 ②My radio made in Shanghai can pick up BBC very clearly.收听,收到 ③He is beginning to pick up after the operation,which delights his family.恢复健康 ④She kept picking up magazines and putting them down again.拾起 ⑤The bus stops regularly to set down and pick up passengers.(开车)接载 [链接高考] (2017·四川高考改编)It’s surprising that your brother picked up Russian so quickly—he hasn’t lived there very long. [学以致用] Ⅰ.选词填空 watch out, make one’s living, in search of, make it to, get into trouble, pick up 1.Maybe we can make it to this Tembo Valley before lunchtime. 2.The old couple made their living by fishing on the sea every day. 3.He went in search of a doctor for his sick wife. 4.Are you all watching out? The Queen will come this way in a few minutes! 5.Some people blamed Harry when he got into trouble,but Joe stood by him. 6.The economy is finally beginning to pick up again.

  Ⅱ.多维演练 1.trouble短语 (1)用trouble短语的适当形式填空 ①Last weekend I went downtown and I had trouble finding somewhere to park. ②Driving after drinking alcohol is asking for trouble. ③He often helps those who are in trouble. ④My boy is always making trouble at school,which makes me upset. (2)英汉互译 ①多亏了你及时提醒,否则我们就会惹大麻烦了。 But for your timely warning,we would have got into great trouble. ②She is always ready to do everything she can to help those in trouble. 她总是乐于尽力帮助有困难的人。

  2.make it(完成句子) ①Few of the trainee footballers make it to the top. 足球受训人员中没有几个能达到顶级水平。 ②If we run all the way,we should make it. 如果我们一路跑着去的话,我们能赶得上。 3.search短语 (1)介词填空 ①Dogs have a very good sense of smell and are often used to search for survivors in an earthquake. ②He went in search of a doctor for his sick wife. (2)一句多译 村民们正在寻找那个失踪的孩子。 ①The villagers are in search of the missing child. ②The villagers are in the/their search for the missing child. ③The villagers are searching for the missing child.

  1.It’s three times as big underwater. (冰山)水下部分是水上部分的三倍大。 这是一个倍数表达法的常用句型,结构为:倍数+as+形容词/副词原级+as ... ①This tree is three times as tall as that one. 这棵树是那棵树的三倍高。 常见的倍数表达法: (1)A+谓语+倍数+the size(length,width;depth ...)of+B. (2)A+谓语+倍数+形容词/副词比较级+than+B. (3)A+谓语+倍数+as+形容词/副词原级+as +B. ②The Yangtze River is almost twice longer than the Pearl River. 长江差不多是珠江两倍长。 ③The newly broadened square is four times the size of the previous one. 新扩建的广场是未扩建时的四倍大。

  【名师指津】 倍数表达中,一倍用once,两倍用twice,三倍及三倍以上用“数词+times”来表示。 [链接高考] (2017·安徽高考改编)It’s said that the power plant is now twice as large as(两倍大) what it was. Ⅲ.经典原句默写 1.What if somebody in my group isn’t doing any work? 如果我们团队有人啥活都不干怎么办? 2....so it’s good to learn how to do it now. ……所以现在学会如何做是很好的。 3.I couldn’t have said it better myself. 我本人是不会说的比这更好的。 4.They achieved this long before Columbus ever set

  sail. 在哥伦布启航以前他们早就完成了这些。 5....but he was blown off course and found himself in an unknown land,from where he eventually reached Greenland. ……但是他被吹离了航线,他发现自己在一个不知名的小岛上,从那里他慢慢地到达了格陵兰。 6.Leif followed Biarni’s directions and sailed to what is believed to be the coast of present­day Canada. 利夫按照比阿尼所说的方向航行到了现在认为是加拿大海岸的地方。 7.Some fish can produce sounds almost twice as loud as your speaking voice! 有些鱼发出的声音是你说话声音的两倍! 8.As you can see,I did escape. 正如你知道的,我确实逃脱了。

  1.arrange v.安排;准备;整理;排列 [高考佳句] Tourists arranged by travel companies tend to stay at big foreign­owned hotels,buying few local products.(2017·陕西高考信息匹配) 由旅游公司安排的旅行者通常会呆在外企旅馆中,很少会买本地的产品。

  (1)arrange to do sth.安排做某事;整理;布置 arrange for

  为……做准备(安排) arrange for sb./sth.to do sth.

  安排某人/物做某事 arrange with sb.about sth.

  与某人商定某事 (2)arrangement n.

  整理;布置;安排 make arrangements for

  为……做好安排 ①I have arranged with the neighbours about taking care of the cat. 我已和邻居们商量好照顾猫咪的事情。 ②Her parents are busy arranging for her wedding ceremony. 她的父母正忙着为她的婚礼做准备。 ③We have made all the arrangements for the conference that will be held next week. 我们已做好下周召开会议的全部筹备工作。 【名师指津】 不能说arrange sb.to do ...,且arrange后跟that从句时,从句用虚拟语气“(should+)do”。 ④He arranged that the meeting (should)be put off for a week. =He arranged for the meeting to be put off for a week. 他已安排好将会议延期一周。 2.sign n.符号;标志;手势;征兆,迹象vt.签署;示意;打手势 [高考佳句] When hunting season opened,we put a sign at the end of our driveway asking hunters not to shoot our pet grouse.(2017·四川高考完形填空) 当打猎的季节来临,我们在车道尾挂起标牌,请求人们别猎杀我们的宠物松鸡。 (1)sign of/that ...……的迹象/征兆 (2)sign(to sb.)to do sth.

  示意(某人)去做某事 sign up/on(sb.)

  报名,注册,签约雇用(某人) ①An evening red and a morning grey is a sign of a fair day. (谚)晚霞红如火,晓色青如灰,定是晴朗天。 ②The hotel manager signed to the porter to pick up my case. 旅馆经理示意行李工替我拿箱子。 ③The company has signed on/up three top models for the fashion show. 为了时装表演,公司签约聘请了三名顶级模特儿。

  3.persuade vt.说服,劝服;使相信 [高考佳句] My family persuaded me that a holiday might be just what the doctor ordered,so off I went.(2017·安徽高考完形填空) 我的家人劝我说:度假或许正是医生所嘱托的东西,所以我就出发去参加作者会了。

  (3)persuade sb.of sth.

  使某人信服 persuade that ...

  使(人)信服…… ①Nobody can persuade him to leave the office,in addition to his son,a lovely child. 没人能劝他离开办公室,除了他的儿子,一个可爱的幼儿。 ②We persuaded him out of lending his money to that untrustworthy man. 我们说服了他,不让他把钱借给那个不能信赖的人。 【辨析比较】 persuade sb.to do,try to persuade sb.to do,advise sb.to do 试一试 选择以上词语完成下列小片段 ③At first,many friends advised him to see a doctor,but he refused.Later his wife tried to persuade him and also failed.Who else can persuade him to do so? 最初,很多朋友都建议他去看医生,但是他拒绝了。后来,他妻子试图说服他,也失败了。还有谁能说服他去看医生呢? 辨一辨 persuade sb.to do 强调劝说并达到成效,即说服 try to persuade sb.to do 试图说某人做某事, 强调过程 advise sb.to do 建议某人做某事,不涉及最后的结果 【联想归纳】 persuade sb.into/out of doing sth.表示“说服某人做/不做某事”。与其相似的短语还有哪些?请补全。 ①talk sb.into/out of doing sth. ②argue sb.into/out of doing sth. [链接高考] (2017·新课标全国卷改编)If she doesn’t want to go,nothing you can say will persuade(会说服) her. 4.ban vt.禁止n.禁止,禁令 [高考佳句] Fining drivers who are in areas where cars have been banned can also tend to encourage them to leave their cars behind.(2017·山东高考阅读表达) 在禁止车辆通行的区域的被罚司机也能鼓励他们少开车。 (1)ban doing sth.禁止(做)某事 ban sb.from(doing)sth.

  禁止某人(做)某事 (2)a ban on sth.

  对……的禁令 lift the ban on ...

  解除对……的禁令 put/place a ban on sth.

  宣布禁止…… ①China should ban Japanese from going to the Diaoyu Islands for a so­called test. 中方应该禁止日本人去钓鱼岛进行所谓的检测试验。 ②The police banned their demonstrating in the park. 警察禁止他们在公园里集会示威。 ③The government has lifted the ban on buying and selling gold. 政府已经取消了买卖黄金的禁令。

  5.present vt.讲演;演示;给予,赠送;提出;介绍,引见n.现在,目前;礼物adj.出席的,在场的;现在的,目前的 [高考佳句] Guest speakers will also present prizes to the students.(2017·新课标Ⅰ阅读A) 应邀发言者也将为学生们颁奖。 ①No time like the present.(谚)只争朝夕。 (1)present sb.with sth.=present sth.to sb. 把某物交给/颁发/授予某人 present sb.to sb.

  把某人介绍/引荐给某人 (2)at the present time = at present 目前,现在 for the present

  就现在来说,暂时 up to the present

  至今 (3)be present at


  ②I am pleased to present you with this small gift. 我很高兴将这件小礼物赠送给你。 ③It is said that a number of local personalities will be present at the meeting tomorrow. 据说明天一些当地名人将出席会议。

  【名师指津】 present用作形容词,作“现在的,目前的”讲时,常作前置定语;作“出席的,在场的”讲时,常作后置定语。 【一言串记】 Everyone present at the meeting presented their views,and they were all presented with a beautiful present. 出席会议的每个人都提出了自己的观点,并得到了大会颁发的一份精美的礼物。 6.attract vt.吸引,引起……的注意;使喜爱;引起……的好感(或爱慕) [高考佳句] First he opened a shop and then he put up a sign outside the shop to attract customers.(2017·浙江高考阅读A) 首先他开了一家店然后在商店外放了一张牌子来吸引顾客。 ①Like attracts like.(谚)物以类聚。 (1)attract sb.to sth./sb. 把某人吸引到…… attract one’s attention/interest

  吸引某人的注意/兴趣 (2)attraction n.

  吸引人的事物,吸引力 (3)attractive adj.

  有魅力的,吸引人的 be attractive to sb.

  对某人有吸引力 ②When you’re attracted to someone it just means that your subconscious is attracted to their subconscious,subconsciously. -Sleepness in Seattle 当你被某个人吸引时,那仅仅是意味着你俩在潜意识里相互吸引。 ——《西雅图不眠之夜》 ③The scenery in Switzerland is very attractive to the tourists from the whole world. 瑞士的风景对来自全世界的游客都很有吸引力。

  [链接高考] (2011·江苏高考改编)Thousands of foreigners were attacted to(被吸引到) the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened. 7.escape vi.逃脱,逃跑;被忘掉,被忽视n.逃走,逃脱 [高考佳句] That particular day,my brother and I sat through both movies twice,trying to escape the heat. 在那个特殊的日子,我和弟弟坐在影院里把两部影片连看了两场,试图以此逃避热浪。 ①Little thieves are hanged,but great ones escape. (谚)窃钩者诛,窃国者侯。 (1)escape from/out of ... 从……中逃脱 escape(doing)sth.

  避免/逃脱(做)某事 (2)make one’s escape

  逃走 a narrow escape


  ②Bill pretended to be a cleaner,which helped him to escape from enemy’s prison. 比尔装成清洁工,这帮助他逃出了敌人的监狱。 ③He escaped being killed in the explosion because he had not gone to work. 他因没有去上班而逃过了在那次爆炸中丧生。 ④It’s a wonder that he had/got a narrow escape from the car accident. 他在这次车祸中死里逃生真是个奇迹。 【熟词生义】 选择句中escape的含义 ⑤Put a lid on to prevent heat escaping. A.泄漏 B.被忽视 C.逃脱 答案 A 【名师指津】 escape作名词,表示抽象意义的“逃跑”时,是不可数名词;表示具体的一次“逃跑”时,是可数名词。 8.survive vi.幸存,生存下来vt.幸免于,幸存;比……活得长 [高考佳句] It was so popular that it survived long after women were admitted as full students to St Andrews in 1892.(2017·湖北高考阅读C) 它很受欢迎,以至于在1892年妇女得以作为全日制学生进入圣安德鲁斯大学后,它又存在了好久。 (1)survive sb.(by three years) 比……活得长(3年) survive sth.

  幸免于……;从……中活过来 survive from ...

  从……存活下来;流传下来 (2)survival n.


  幸存物,残存物 survivor n.

  幸存者,生还者 ①In its day,it was one of the greatest books to survive from the ancient world. 在它的日子里,那是从古代世界幸存下来的最伟大书籍之一。 ②The man survived his wife by five years,during which he lived in a small house. 那个男子比他妻子多活了五年,在此期间他一直住在一所小房子里。 话题三 日常活动 话题短句 1.My best friend went abroad. 我的挚友出国了。 2.He sent me a book as a gift. 他送我一本书作为礼物。 3.It always reminded me of him. 我一看到它就想起他 4.I found my book missing. 我发现我的书丢了。 5.I searched everywhere for it,but in vain. 我找遍了所有地方,但是徒劳。 6.I sat in the classroom. 我坐在教室里。 7.I felt sad.我感到难过。 8.I wondered what I could do to get my lost book back. 我想知道我怎样才能找回丢失的书。

  热身体验 1.使用状语从句和定语从句连接1、2、3句 Before my best friend went abroad,he sent me a book as a gift,which always

  reminded me of him. 2.使用the moment连接4、5句 The moment I found my book missing, I searched everywhere for it,but in vain. 3.使用分词短语连接6、7、8句 I sat in the classroom,feeling sad and wondering what I could do to get my lost book back.

  选用“after I played basketball,but,before my best friend went abroad,you can’t imagine,unfortunately”过渡词句衔接成文。 Before my best friend went abroad,he sent me a book as a gift,which always reminded me of him.Unfortunately,my book was gone after I came back from the school playground.

  You can’t imagine how regretful I was to take the book there.I had planned to take it back after I played basketball.The moment I found my book missing,I searched everywhere for it,but in vain.I sat in the classroom,feeling sad and wondering how I could do to get my lost book back.

  Ⅰ.重点单词识记 1.

  /ə'reindʒ/ vt.安排,准备 2.

  /saIn/ n.手势;符号 3.

  /I'ventʃʊəli/ adv.最终,终于 4.

  / prezənt'deI/ adj.当今的,现代的 5.

  /di ː d/ n.行为,行动 6.

  /'lektʃə/ n.讲授,演讲 7.

  /bæn/ vt.禁止 8.

  /'hændl/ vt.对付 9.

  /dI'pɑ ː tmənt/ n.部,系,局,部门 arrange sign eventually present­day deed lecture ban handle department 10.

  /sə'lu ː ʃən/n.解决办法;答案 11.

  /prI'zent/ vt.演示;讲演;n.礼物 12.

  /ə'trækt/vt.吸引 13.

  /dIs'kaʊnt/ n.折扣,减价 14.

  /trIk/ n.戏法,把戏 15.

  /'meʒə/ vi.& vt.(长度、数量)为;测量;n.措施,方法 16.

  /leŋθ/ n.长度,长 17.

  /I'skeIp/ vi.逃脱,逃跑 18.

  /skriːm/ vi.(因恐惧、疼痛、兴奋等)尖声大叫 solution present attract discount trick measure length escape scream 19.

  /sIŋk/ vi.下沉;沉没 20.

  /'ɒpəzIt/ n.对立的人(物);反义词 21.

  /dI'beIt/ n.辩论,争论 22.

  / dIsə'ɡriː/vi.不同意,意见不合 23.

  /pɑː'tIsIpeIt/ vi. 参加→

  n.参加 24.

  /I‘væljʊeIt/ vt.评估, 评价→

  n.评估,评价 sink opposite debate disagree participate participation evaluate evaluation 25.

  /'æktrIs/ n.女演员→





  n.行动,行为;实行 26.

  /kə'lekʃən/ n.收集,收取→

  vt.收集,收取 27.

  /'fraItnIŋ/ adj.令人惊恐的,骇人的→


  n.恐惧,害怕 28.

  /Ik'splɔːrə/ n.探险家→

  vt.探险,探索 actress actor act active activity action action collect frightening frightened fright explorer explore 29.

  /pə'sweId/ vt.说服,劝服→

  n.说服,劝服 30.

  /ə'pɒlədʒaIz/ vi.道歉→

  n.道歉 31.

  /pə'luːt/ vt.使污染→

  n.污染 32.

  /In‘telIdʒəns/ n. 智力,理解力→

  adj.有灵性的,聪明的 33.

  / enə'dʒetIk/ adj. 有活力的→

  n.活力,精力 34.

  /dIs'kʌvəri/ n.发现→

  vt.发现 persuade persuasion apologise apology pollute pollution intelligence intelligent energetic energy discovery discover 35.

  /'terIfaI/ vt.令人感到恐惧→



  n.恐怖,恐惧 36.

  /sə'vaIv/ vi.幸存,生存下来→

  n.幸存者 37.

  /rI'kʌvə/ vi.恢复正常;康复→

  n.恢复正常,康复 38.

  /'rekəɡnaIz/ vt.辨认出→

  n.认出,识别,认可 terrify terrifying terrified terror survive survival recover recovery recognise recognition Ⅱ.重点短语识记 1.According to(根据)the designer,the Lampbrella would move at a relatively low speed,so as not to cause harm to the pedestrians.(2017·山东高考阅读C) 2.I’ve made a living(谋生)looking for the best deals and exposing(揭露)the worst tricks.(2017·新课标全国卷Ⅰ阅读A) 3.In those days,the area looked quite different—it was covered with(覆盖)tall trees and the swamp was a crystal­clear river.(2017·江西高考阅读A) 4.In addition to(除了)these traditional activities,we have a wider range of choices such as travelling and visiting our relatives or friends.(2017·辽宁高考书面表达) 5.Even though he couldn’t swim,he managed to make it to(到达)the river bank with his friends’ help. 6.The company got into trouble(陷入困境)early on,when a major order was cancelled. 7.Birds are flying to the south in search of(寻找)the winter sun. 8.Watch out(小心)!There are some snakes in the forest. 【短语归纳】 1.participate in参加 2.on one’s own

  独自地;独立地 3.fill out

  填写 4.set sail

  起航 5.according to

  根据,依照 6.deal with

  处理;对付 7.make sense

  有道理,有意义 8.in addition to

  除……以外还有 9.get into trouble

  陷入麻烦,陷入困境 10.make it to

  到达 11.in search of

  寻找,寻求 12.make a living

  谋生 13.watch out

  注意 14.all at once

  突然,忽然 15.pick up

  取,接载 16.be covered with


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