2016届高考英语一轮复习课件:第二部分 语法专项专练课件:专题一 派生词(北师大版)-查字典英语网
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2016届高考英语一轮复习课件:第二部分 语法专项专练课件:专题一 派生词(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  5.They also keep their hands visible at the table and their elbows off the table.


  () 答案 1.充足的;富足的 2.奇怪的 3.有益的 4.友好的 5.可见的 Ⅱ.语篇填空 A:用所给单词的适当形式完成下列短文 Lucy likes talking and everybody says she is 1.________(communicate).She is 2.________(act) in answering the teachers’ questions and from time to time her classmates find her answers quite 3.________(impress) and 4. ________(accept). Of course,not every student likes her,but she has many friends who think Lucy is a 5. ________(create) and 6.________(help) girl.For example,she once led a 7. ________(home) child to her home and made the child her younger sister.Besides,she spent 8.________(count) hours caring for a sick neighbor until she was well again.She is 9. ________(friend) to those who have difficulty with their subjects.All in all,Lucy is the most 10. ________(fame) girl in her school. 答案 1.communicative 2.active 3.impressive 4.acceptable 5.creative 6.helpful 7.homeless  8.countless 9.friendly 10.famous B:运用所学构词知识完成下列短文 Our journey was far­reaching amongst______________________(雪封的) mountains where no________(说英语的) people live.The local people are________(相貌好看的),________(随和的) and________(勤劳的).Our hostess was________(年老的),________(白发苍苍的) and________(被太阳晒伤的).She gave me________(自家做的) yaks milk cake,looking________(自足的) as I enjoyed this rare treat although very________(著名) and________(广泛流传)around here.I was exhausted when I fell into the________(准备好了的) bed she prepared for me. 答案 snow­covered/capped;English­speaking;good­looking;easy­going;hard­working;old­aged;white­haired;sun­burnt;home­made;self­satisfied;well­known;wide­spread;ready­made


  1.前缀­en+形容词→动词 enrich v.丰富 enlarge v.变大;增大;扩大 2.形容词+­en→动词 shorten v.缩短

  widen v.加宽 3.­fy结尾的动词 simplify v.简化

  classify v.归类 4.­ize结尾的动词 realize v.认识到

  popularize v.普及 [学以致用] Ⅰ.阅读下列句子,写出画线部分的意思 1.Extracurricular activities enable the students to know how to apply the knowledge learned in the textbooks.() 2.The two countries are trying their best to normalize_their_relationship.

  () 3.Some think that studying abroad can broaden_their_horizons.() 4.You will horrify the baby if you speak too loudly.() 答案 1.使能够 2.使关系正常化 3.拓宽视野 4.使惊惧 Ⅱ.用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Try your best to________(memory) these new words. 2.The question must be________(simple) so that we can find out a solution to it. 3.It costs a lot of money if we plan to________(pure) the waste water. 4.He________(quick) his steps to arrive home earlier. 5.You can________(large) your vocabulary if you keep on memorizing some new words every day. 答案 1.memorize 2.simplified 3.purify 4.quickened 5.enlarge 四、否定词缀 1.表示否定意义的前缀 un­不,非 unable不能够 unlucky不幸的 dis­不,非 dishonest不诚实的 discontinuous不连贯的 in­不,非 inactive不活跃的 incorrect不正确的 im­不,非 impatient不耐烦的 impossible不可能的 ir­不,非 irregular不规则的 irresponsible不负责任的 il­不,非 illogical 不合逻辑的 illegal非法的 non­不,非 nonexistent不存在的 nonstop直达的;连续不断的 mis­错误 mislead误导 misunderstand误解 dis­+动词(意义相反) dislike不喜欢 disagree不同意 un­+动词(意义相反) uncover揭开 undress脱衣服 2.表示否定意义的后缀 名词+­less→否定意义的形容词 use n. 用处;用途

  useless adj.无用的 hope n. 希望

  hopeless adj.没有希望的;绝望的 home n.家

  homeless adj.无家可归的 [学以致用] Ⅰ.阅读下列短文,写出画线单词的意思 A 1.misconception was that the high temperature caused the big fire.However,Miss Wang knew it was not the true story.So she insisted that the government should make the truth known to the public.When Miss Wang knew that her appeal was 2.disallowed,she felt rather 3.disappointed.She decided to 4.disclose the truth: it was human errors that were to blame for the terrible disaster.She wanted to tell the public about the coldness of some officials.She believed that the truth must be 5.uncovered now. 1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________  5.________ 答案 1.错误观念 2.驳回;不准许 3.失望的;沮丧的 4.揭露 5.揭露;揭发

  Ⅱ.语篇填空(用所给单词的适当形式完成下列短文) The speech seemed to be 1.________(stop) and the listeners became very 2.________(patient).When the speaker said that oil was 3.________(renew) and that the best way to solve the problem was not to make cars and buses to force people to go to work or school on foot,the audience thought it was 4.________(practice) and 5.________(bear) to listen to him any longer.They 6.________(believe) that the world would go smoothly without these modern transportations.They also thought that the speaker was 7.________(responsible) to make such a statement without thinking it carefully and his speech would cause some 8.________(understand).So most of the listeners chose to leave,shouting loudly and angrily. 答案 1.nonstop 2.impatient 3.non­renewable  4.impractical 5.unbearable 6.disbelieved 7.irresponsible 8.misunderstandings

  五、正确使用派生词 1.动词、介词、冠词、物主代词等词类后一般接名词或动名词。如果所给单词是其他词类,就要将其改为名词,并注意名词数的变化。 (1)Do you know the depth (deep) of the river? (2)His carelessness (careful) resulted in the terrible accident. (3)He is one of the scientists (science) who support this theory. 2.动词、介词后一般接名词或动名词。所给单词为动词,就要看该动词是否有名词形式。如果有名词形式,就用其名词形式。如果该动词没有名词形式,就用其动名词形式。此外,如果所给动词有名词形式,就要看其后有无宾语。如果后有宾语,用动名词形式;后无宾语,则用名词形式。 (1)Please pay attention (attend) to your handwriting. 动词attend本身有名词形式attention,所以不用动名词attending。 (2)His arrival (arrive) made the situation worse. 动词arrive本身有名词形式arrival,所以不用动名词arriving。 (3)The teacher was angry at my coming (come) late. 动词come没有名词,所以用动名词coming。 (4)Thank you for your help (help). Thank you for helping (help) me. (5)I was happy because of his appreciation (appreciate). I was happy because of his appreciating (appreciate) my speech. 上面两组句子中,helping与appreciating后都带有宾语,故用动名词。help与appreciation后没有宾语,故用名词形式。 3.动词前后、形容词前后可有副词。如果所需词为副词时,还要考虑副词级的变化。 (1)The boy ran quickly (quick) to school. (2)“What’s that?”Father shouted angrily (angry). (3)The little girl is extremely (extreme) eager to know the result of the exam. (4)Your composition is badly (bad) organized.Please do your writing exercise more attentively (attend) next time. (5)You’re driving too fast. Can you drive a bit more slowly (slow)? 4.名词前面一般可有形容词修饰语。如果所需词为形容词时,还要考虑形容词级的变化。 (1) What’s the widest (width) river in the world? (2)The stronger (strength) we become,the more modest we should be. [学以致用] Ⅰ.用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Mary was very________at the news,so she looked________at her husband,her eyes full of________.(sad) 2.He________football very well and he was one of the best________in yesterday’s football match.(play) 3.Look!How________Kate is laughing!She seems to be the________girl in the world.(happy) 4.To our________,the headmaster was very________with our report.(satisfy) 5.Edison was a great________.During his life he had many________.(invent) 6.I should________my task and make it________to finish it.(simple) 7.The boy having the________of being half starved________,never to be seen again.(appear) 8.The police________the pot and________a plot against the President.(cover) 9.You are so________to help me. Thank you for your________.(kindly) 10.Everything is becoming________than before and many college students had to work to make some money for their college________.(expend) 答案 1.sad;sadly;sadness 2.played;players 3.happily;happiest 4.satisfaction;satisfied 5.inventor;inventions 6.simplify;simpler/simple 7.appearance;disappeared  8.discovered;uncovered 9.kind;kindness 10.more expensive;expenses Ⅱ.语篇填空(用所给单词的适当形式完成下列短文) A group of robbers dug their way into the basement of a bank in Paris and emptied almost 200 private 1.________(safety). They entered the Credit Lyonnais branch using building 2.________(equip) to dig holes and destroy walls on Saturday night.They tied up a 3.________(secure) guard and spent the next nine hours robbing the bank. One 4.________(investigate) described the 5.________(rob) as a“6.________(profession) job”.The robbers came in at about 22∶00 on Saturday and left at 7∶00 on Sunday.They entered through the basements of the

  7.________(neighbour) building,digging through a series of tunnels and making a hole into a wall of 80cm thick to get into the bank,which was having building works at the time.When they left,the robbers set the place on fire to 8.________(move) any trace of evidence,switching on the anti­fire system and flooding the building.9.________(fortune),the guard escaped 10.________(harm). It is difficult to estimate the total value of what was stolen as only the bank’s clients (储户) know the content of their private safes. 答案 1.safes 2.equipment 3.security 4.investigator 5.robbery 6.professional 7.neighbouring 8.remove 9.Fortunately 10.unharmed


  语法专项专练 专题一 派生词  在新课标全国卷的语法填空题中,有涉及单词的形式变化的题目。此外,新考纲要求考生掌握3 000多个英语单词。因此,掌握常用派生词的构词方法不仅能帮助同学们做好语法填空题,还能帮助同学们扩大词汇量,为同学们在高考中稳操胜券奠定基础。 一、名词后缀

  1.动词+­ion/­tion/­sion→名词(表示动作或动作过程) correct v.改正;纠正  correction n.改正 celebrate v.庆祝

  celebration n.庆祝;庆祝会 conclude v.完成;结束

  conclusion n.结论;结束 2.动词+­er/­or→名词(表示从事某种职业或进行某种活动的人) drive v.驾驶开车;驱赶

  driver n.司机;驾驶员 gather v.聚集;采集

  gatherer n.收集者;采集者 conduct v.指挥;管理

  conductor n.指挥;售票员

  3.动词+­ment→名词 punish v.惩罚

  punishment n.惩罚 4.动词/形容词+­th→名词 warm adj.温暖的

  warmth n.温暖 grow v.生长

  growth n.生长 5.形容词+­y→名词 difficult adj.困难的

  difficulty n.困难 honest adj.诚实的

  honesty n.诚实 6.形容词+­ness→名词 kind adj.善良的

  kindness n.善良

  7.动词+­ance→名词 annoy vt.使烦恼

  annoyance n.生气;烦恼 8.­ship结尾的名词(表示身份;关系;资格) member n.成员; 会员

  membership n.会员资格 professor n.教授

  professorship n.教授身份 9.­ing结尾的名词 garden n.花园

  gardening n.园艺 greet v.打招呼;问候

  greetings n.问候

  [学以致用] 语篇填空(用所给单词的适当形式完成下列短文) A From the 1.________(express) on Mary’s face,he knew he left a bad 2.________(impress) on her and if she won the 3.________(elect) to become chairman of the Environment 4.________(organize),he could not get her 5. ________(permit) to join it although he was willing to do his bit to rid the world of 6. ________(pollute) and to help people enjoy a better earth.When he was wondering how to change this embarrassing situation,he got 7.________(inspire) from his wife’s words.Yes,he should try his best to win the election and become chairman himself with his 8.________(determine) to work for the organization.“My dear,you are really a wonderful 9.________(help)!I’m sure I will be the 10. ________(win) of the election.”He said to his wife excitedly. 答案 1.expression 2.impression 3.election  4.Organization 5.permission 6.pollution 7.inspiration 8.determination 9.helper 10.winner B It was really a hard time when Li Ping first came to the United States.His 1.________(earn) could hardly cover the expenses,so when his wife gave 2.________(bear) to their second daughter,they could not afford enough nutrition food.Soon,poor nutrition caused the 3.________(die) of the poor baby.4.________(lonely) was another problem because they had no 5.________(relate) or friends there.Thanks to his 6.________(brave) and 7.________(persevere),he managed to gain the 8.________(citizen) of the United States and in the end he had his permanent 9. ________(settle).He always tells his children like this: Perseverance leads to 10.________(happy) and success. 答案 1.earnings 2.birth 3.death 4.Loneliness 5.relations 6.bravery 7.perseverance 8.citizenship 9.settlement 10.happiness 二、形容词后缀

  1.常见形容词后缀 (1)名词+­al→形容词(表示“有……属性”,“与……有关”) agriculture n.农业

  agricultural adj.农业的 (2)动词+­ive→形容词 decide v.决定;下决心 decisive adj.决定性的;关键的 (3)动词+­able→形容词(表示“能够”,“适于”,“值得”) change v.变化;兑换 changeable adj.易变的;变化无常的 (4)名词 +­ful→形容词 care n.小心;关心

  careful adj.小心的;仔细的 (5)名词+­less→形容词(意思与原名词相反) care n. 小心;关心

  careless adj.粗心的 (6)名词+­ly→形容词 friend n.朋友

  friendly adj.友好的 (7)名词+­y→形容词 dirt n.污物;脏物

  dirty adj.脏的 (8)名词+­ous→形容词 danger n.危险

  dangerous adj.危险的 2.复合形容词的构成 (1)形容词+­ing分词

  easy­going随和的 (2)形容词+名词+­ed

  kind­hearted善良的;好心的 (3)名词+­ed分词

  water­covered被水覆盖的 (4)副词+­ed分词

  well­written写得好的 (5)数词+名词+­ed

  three­legged三条腿的 [学以致用] Ⅰ.阅读下列句子,写出画线单词的意思 1.Where the birds were most abundant,people believed there was an ever—lasting supply and killed them by the thousands.


  () 2.Strangely enough,after the trial,the Ashleys asked Mumbet to come back and work for them as a paid employee.



  3.Similarly,it can be helpful to encourage children to greet the beneficial influence of positive peer groups.


  () 4.Then I heard a friendly voice saying,“You can share my table.”




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