2016届高考(北师大版)英语一轮复习:第一部分模块复习方略 必修三 8-查字典英语网
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2016届高考(北师大版)英语一轮复习:第一部分模块复习方略 必修三 8

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  A(全员必做)(时间:45分钟 满分:100分)选词并用其适当形式填空,organize,prepare,confuse,tire,limit,equip,,patience,anxiety,there is a limit to what one person can tolerate.t have a little patience.many sheep.

  7.Teaching can be a tiring and stressful job,but I like it.10.Preparations were started last year for the construction of the university.

  Ⅱ.完成句子(很想去)to Australia in order to experience(为了体验)a culture which differs from(与……不同)ours.(让父母理解了我的想法)and decided to take the plane that took off(出发,起飞)on Sunday flying to Australia.(大量的)wool and woolen goods are exported to(被出口)all over the world.(约定好见面)at the airport at ,but he failed to turn up(出现).(到达澳洲后),I rented a car to go out(为了外出)with a friend.(在去……的路上)Sydney,our car broke down(我们的车坏了)and what’s worse,it ran out of oil(汽油用完了).(给我们提供了一些燃料)and helped us get the car functioning(让车运转起来).联句成篇(选用练习Ⅰ、Ⅱ中的句子,根据语答案 I am anxious to go to Australia in order to experience a culture which differs from ours,but for various reasons my parents wouldn’t like me to travel abroad.Finally I managed to get my idea across to them and decided to take the plane that took off on Sunday flying to Australia.After reaching Australia,I rented a car to go out with a friend.What amazed me is that Australia has so many sheep.It is said that every year large quantities of wool and woolen goods are exported to all over the world.On our way to Sydney,our car broke down and what’s worse,it ran out of oil.Luckily another car turned up soon and it was the warm­hearted driver that offered us some fuel and helped us get the car functioning.We set off again.阅读理解(自拍).Now the British teen is speaking out n started at age 15 and quickly went out of control,leading him to attempt to kill himself due to anxiety that he couldn’t take the perfect selfie.,”he tells ,which eventually led to him being diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder (强迫症).,my education,my health and almost my life,” Bowman explains.,he would cut class three times an hour to take a selfie, and eventually dropped out of school at age 16,at which point his health started to fall apart. “ I would limit myself to an apple and a bowl of rice a day in a bid to be thinner and improve my skin,” he says.omenon that increasing numbers of mental health professionals are recognizing.“Danny’s case is particularly extreme,” says Dr. David Veal. “ It’s a mental health one which can lead to serious problems. ”now receives regular treatment to help him deal with his technology addiction. “I think this kind of thing can happen to anyone,for me it showed itself in selfies;it could be something different for someone else,”he says.解题导语 一位英国少年因为玩自拍过度,一度精神抑郁,有自杀倾向。 [考查推理判断。分析文章第二段可知,Bowman的一切问题,包括焦虑和有自杀倾向都是由迷恋自拍而引起的。]What happened at Bowman’s worst?

  A.His schooling was badly affected.

  B.He took his phone wherever he went.

  C.He had no interest in food.

  D.He asked friends for advice.

  A [考查细节理解。根据文章倒数第四段的第一句可知,在最糟糕的时候,Bowman上课期间也玩自拍,最后,16岁的时候辍学了。故选A。]What does Dr.David Veal think of selfie addiction?

  A.It has no real dangers.

  B.It can be easily controlled.

  C.It can cause serious problems.

  D.It will disappear itself.

  C [考查推理判断。分析文章倒数第二段可知,这位医生认为,迷恋自拍是一种精神问题,会导致严重的后果。]man says in the last paragraph suggests that


  A.technology addiction rarely happens

  B.technology addicition cannot affect everyone

  C.one can easily get rid of technology addiction

  D.technology addiction appears in different forms

  D [考查推理判断题。分析文章最后一段的最后一句可知,Bowman认为,科技上瘾可能发生在任何人身上,但表现形式不尽相同。故选D项。]

  In the winter months the temperature in most of Canada usually stays below 0 ℃. However,in some parts of Canada,such as southern British Columbia,the temperature rarely goes below ,snow will be on the ground from mid­December to mid­March. Though ,it can be very enjoyable. For many Canadians,being active in winter is an important part of enjoying life. There are many outdoor winter activities,including skiing,ice fishing,walking,and skating. Joining in one of these activities may help you appreciate winter and enjoy your time outside in the snow.

  Dressing for winter

  During winter in Canada,you will need warm clothing. If possible,arrive with these items or be prepared to buy them soon after your arrival. You will need:your neck

  ☆a hat that covers your ears

  ☆gloves for your hands

  ☆thick winter coats,pants and sweaters,for example,wearing a T­shirt and a sweater underneath a jacket. If you become too hot,it’s always easier to remove a piece of clothing than to add another. On the West Coast,prepare to dress for cool rainy or snowy weather. You will need: weather and seasons across Canada. You can also contact Related Links,for example,an immigrant­serving organization in the community where you live for more information about dressing for winter. 解题导语 本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了冬季去加拿大旅行可以参加的活动,以及游客在穿戴方面应注意的事项。 [推理判断题。根据第一段可推知,本段的写作目的是为了鼓励读者去加拿大旅行,参加那里举办的各种户外活动。故答案选D。] [细节理解题。根据第一段中的“For many Canadians,being active in winter is an important part of enjoying life.”可知,答案选C。],you’ll prepare the following EXCEPT

  .ow boots and gloves

  A [细节理解题。根据Dressing for winter和Layers keep you warm中“☆”部分的内容可知,A项中的“太阳镜”不是需要准备的户外装备。故答案选A。]

  . to dress like that

  C.the weather there is changeable

  D.the weather is usually very hot

  C [推理判断题。根据第一段中的“In the winter months ... in most of Canada usually stays below 0℃”可排除D项。根据Layers keep you warm部分中的“On the West Coast,prepare to dress for cool rainy or snowy weather.”可推知,C项符合文意;根据Layers keep you warm部分中的“If you become too hot,it’s always easier to remove a piece of clothing than to add another.”可排除A、B两项。](自主选做)(时间:45分钟 满分:100分)完形填空


  and excited.Although I had


  a list of questions I wanted to ask,there were a million others


  through my mind.But later,waiting for one of the most


  men in the world to enter the room,I was ready.When he walked in,his kind smile and the friendly


  set me at my ease at once.

  With so many questions to ask in the 15 minutes available to


  ,I kept wondering what other


  wanted to know.At the same time,I was so grateful that this political


  ,who had to give a speech on the


  in the Middle East an hour and a half after our meeting,had taken time out of his busy day to


  to us.With that in mind,I


  ,which I knew would be the most


  ed face to face with this great man,I


  what a wonderfully gifted individual he was.What was the most


  was that he did not put


  airs—he was a down­to ­earth man.


  with him was very short,my


  with Colin Powell was an inspirational,memorable and eye­opening experience I will


  forever.I can proudly say that Colin Powell taught me that


  our hearts are open to each other,then there is


  standing between the person we are now and the person we want to become.

  解题导语 作者有幸采访了美国前国务卿Colin Powell,短暂的15分钟的采访使作者受益匪浅。 B.fearful [从文章第一句可知,“我”被《青少年文坛》选中去采访美国前国务卿,第一次采访这么重要的人物,“我”既害怕又兴奋。] [在进行采访之前,“我”做足了准备,准备了很多要问的问题。prepare“准备”,符合语境。] [虽然已经准备了一系列想问的问题,但是还有很多问题在“我”脑海中浮现。run through表示“快速穿越,迅速传遍”。] [根据文章第一句中的“former Secretary of State Colin Powell”可知,被采访的对象是世界上最有影响力的人物之一。powerful表示“有影响力的,有权势的”。]ance



  B [根据本句中的“kind smileset me at my ease at once”可知,在作者眼中,这位大人物亲切的微笑和友好的外表让人感到放松。] [15分钟的采访时间是留给采访的小记者们的,因此这里指“我”以及其他的小记者,第10空后的“to us”也是提示。]B.staff



  D [依据文章开头可知,Teen Ink,作者是一名青少年,因此他想知道别的青少年(teenagers)想了解什么。] [在作者眼中,美国前国务卿Colin Powell是一位政治大人物,因此选C项,giant“巨人”。]B.case



  C [在我们见面一situation)做演讲。] [“我”很感激这位政治巨人在百忙中为我们抽出时间。devote“倾注”。] [正是基于这样的想法,“我”专注于这一时刻。take in表示“吸收,领会”;hold upfocus on“集中(注意力、精力等于)”;put down“放下”。根据语境可知选C。] [通读全文可知,这一时刻令作者难以忘怀,memorable“值得纪念的,难忘的”,符合语境。]B.realized



  B [realized)他是一个很有才华的人。] [上文谈到要采访的是美国前国务卿,根据15空后的“he was a down­to­earth man”(他是个务实的,脚踏实地的人)可知,作者感到震惊。]15.A.on

  B.above [令作者感到震惊的是这位伟人从不摆架子。put on airs表示“摆架子”。] [这里指作者与美国前国务卿Powell待在一起的时间是15分钟。] [文章第一段说作者被选中去采访美国前国务卿Powell。] [这次经历让作者难以忘怀,因此他会永远珍惜(treasure)。] [如果我们彼此之间敞开心扉,本句中if引导条件状语从句,表示“如果”。]20.A.nobody

  B.nothing [没有什么(nothing)能成为现在的我们和我们想要成为的人之间的障碍。]阅读理解onto the white dress of a rich and important woman.

  Thirty years have passed,but Odland can not get the memory out of his mind,nor the woman’s kind reaction.She was shocked,regained calmness and,in a kind voice,told the young Odland.“It is OK.It wasn’t your fault.”When she left the restaurant,she also left the future Fortune 500 CEO with a life lesson:You can tell a lot about a person by the way he or she treats the waiter.,it seems to be one of those few laws of the land that every CEO learns on the way up.It’s hard to get a dozen CEOs to agree about anything,but most agree with the Waiter Rule.They say how others treat the CEO says nothing.But how others treat the waiter is like a window into the soul.

  Watch out for anyone who pulls out the power card to say something like,“I could buy this place and fire you,”or“I know the owner and I could have you fired.”Those who say such things have shown more about their character than about their wealth and power.,or at least first wrote it down,is Raytheon CEO Bill Swanson.He wrote a best­selling book called Swanson’s Unwritten Rules of Management.“A person who is nice to you but rude to the waiter,or to others,is not a nice person,”Swanson says.“I will never offer a job to the person who is sweet to the boss but turns rude to someone cleaning the tables.”

  解题导语 本文讲述的作者在一酒店打工时把冰激凌弄到一位贵妇身上,却没受到责备,反而得到了安慰,那位贵妇的话成了许多CEO管理员工的准则,核心就是人与人之间应相互尊重。ed after Odland dropped the ice cream onto the woman’s dress?

  A.He was fired.

  B.He was blamed.

  C.The woman comforted him.

  D.The woman left the restaurant at once.

  C [细节理解题。由第二段第三句可知。“It is OK.It wasn’t your fault.”]of his life lessons from

  . [细节理解题。由第一段、第二段内容可知。],most CEOs have the same opinion about

  . [细节理解题。由第三段第三句but most agree with the Waiter Rule.可知。]

  .ould be nicer to important people

  B.CEOs often show their power before others

  C.one should respect others no matter who they are

  D.CEOs often have meals in expensive restaurants

  C [推理判断题,由全文内容可知。]书面表达假设你参加所在年级的英文写作比赛,请按照要求完成一篇短文:

  1.简要描述上图2.联系实际,表达该图带给你的启示。注意:词数120左右。短文的开头已给出(不计入总词数)。参考词汇:(餐馆食物的)一份portion,an old couple insist on ordering only half of a portion to eat in a restaurant.

  【参考范文】,an old couple insist on ordering only half of a portion to eat in a restaurant. Hearing this,the waiter can’t believe his own ears,with a puzzled look on his face. Seeing this,the old woman explains they order only half not because they haven’t enough money,but because they don’t want to waste. Simple as this picture is,it does show us that we shouldn’t waste although our living conditions have improved.,wasting becomes more of a problem every day. Some pour the remains of a meal when there is still much left. Others simply walk away after washing hands,regardless of the taps still running. If everyone behaved like this,what would our future be like? Also,there is no denying that there are still lots of poor people who need our help desperately.

  So let’s say no to wasting and learn how to save and how to reduce waste. Only in this way can we have a more harmonious and sustainable future.


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