2016届高考(北师大版)英语一轮复习:第一部分模块复习方略 必修五 13-查字典英语网
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2016届高考(北师大版)英语一轮复习:第一部分模块复习方略 必修五 13

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  A(全员必做)(时间:45分钟 满分:100分)选词并用其适当形式填空deserve, predict, gain, devote, require, disable, desire, confirm, strong

  1.Luo Yang devoting his whole life to aviation industry moved all the Chinese.

  2.It is a fact that everybody desires safety,happiness and health.,“No pains,no gains.”Chen Yi ’s company has confirmed that she has gone abroad.

  5.The driver proved to be drunk driving,so he deserved the punishment..

  7.No one can_predict accurately when human beings can settle on the moon.

  8.To our surprise,although running is his strength,he failed in the race.,more and more teenagers hope to be independent of their parents.完成(被指控) drunk driving and put into prison.r concentrates_on (专注于) making more money to support his family.(对……作 the rising housing prices?

  4.The government needs to come_up_with (想出) practical measures to stop drunk driving.,his wife can’t_help_crying (禁不住哭起来).联句成篇(选用练习Ⅰ、Ⅱ中的句子,根据语篇中答案 The_young_driver_concentrates_on_making_more_money_to_support_his_family.However,recently_he_was_accused_of_drunk_driving_and_put_into_prison.Hearing_the_news,his_wife_can’t_help_crying.She_confirmed_that_facing_the_great_work_pressure,he_sometimes_felt_upset_and_drank_some_beer.But_in_the_citizens’_opinion,since_the_young_driver_proved_to_be_drunk_driving,he_deserved_the_punishment.阅读理解When it comes to success in business and success in life,there are few qualities as important as confidence.

  People naturally have different levels of confidence.Some have a higher level of confidence than others do,but even those whose confidence is lacking can learn to build their level of confidence and reach their most important goals.Increasing self­confidence is one of the most common reasons people give for seeking the help of psychologists and other professionals.

  One of the many places where a greater level of confidence is useful is in the workplace.We all know how difficult it can be,for instance,to ask the boss for a raise.This process can be extremely difficult for those who lack confidence in their own abilities.After all,if you are unsure

  abilities,how will you ever convince your boss that you deserve more money for the work you do?,having plenty of confidence in your abilities is important to success.If you are certain of your abilities,chances are that those around you,whether they are your coworkers,your colleagues or your superiors,will see that confidence,and that will help to assure them that you are the best at what you do.

  Being thought of as the person to go to,and being seen as an expert in your chosen field,is naturally very important to success on the job.If you can make yourself the person people go to for guidance and advice,you will help to protect yourself from the ever present danger of downsizing (裁员).After all,if you are a recognized expert in the office,you will be regarded as an indispensable member of the team.,after all,does not mean overlooking the places where you could improve.Knowing what you do well and where you need help will help you enjoy increased success and confidence.解题导语 本文是一篇议论文,主要讲述了自信对于成功的重要性。fidence to success.

  D.The judgment on one’s confidence.

  C [主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章第一段给出了中心论点,即自信对于成功非常重要,以下几段是从不同的方面论证这一观点。故选C。]________. [推D。]ble” in Paragraph 5 probably mean?

  A.Outgoing.B.Attractive. [词义猜测题。根据倒数第二段的内容可知,拥有自信indispensable与C项的意义相近。](传递) in the last paragraph? [推理判断题。最后一段是说:拥有较高的自信并不是说忽略自己进步的空间,知道自己什么地方擅长同时又知道自己什么地方还有待提高,对于成功和自信来说是很有帮助的。因此,作者在此想要表达的是,要对自己的能力做出客观的评价,要有正确的认识。故选D。]cond thought.I just read an article that explains how a 17­year­old passenger on a school bus prevented a traffic accident which would certainly have resulted in passengers’ injuries or maybe even deaths.

  The school bus driver suffered a heart attack while driving students home from school at the end of the day.The driver did not survive,but all of the students on the bus were spared injury by the quick reaction of this brave teen.She steered(驾驶)the bus to safety and then put it in a parking lot.?Probably not!Accidents are accidents,and they cannot all be prevented.But,there are procedures and policies that can be put into practice and may reduce the likelihood of this type of accident.,but they all have one thing in common.These regulations are meant for promoting safety.,like BusBoss that allows you to keep track of various tests and licenses of drivers.With BusBoss,you can track the numbers of the licenses and their expiration dates(截止日期),physicals that are due,criminal background checks,child abuse background checks,immigration status,and so on.You can also keep track of driving violations. point is that you will be better informed to make appropriate decisions regarding students’ safety by having more information available to you.If you are not already using software to keep track of this information,I strongly encourage you to see what BusBoss can do for you.

  解题导语 文章就大家广泛关注的校车安全问题展开了讨论。作者指出使用相关的软件可以更多地了解司机的信息,并鼓励人们尝试着去使用这种软件。,which of the following statements is TRUE?hool bus accident happened when the bus was on the way to school.

  C.A 17­year­old boy immediately stopped the school bus accident bravely.

  D.A 17­year­old girl prevented a traffic accident after the driver suffered a heart attack.

  D [细节理解题。由文章的第一段和第二段的内容可知,一名十七岁的女孩在校车司机突发心脏病的情况下勇敢地采取行动,防止了交通事故的发生。所以选D。]________”. [词义猜测题。根据上文中的“The driver did not surrive,but all of the students”和下文中的“by the quick reaction of this brave teen.She steered(驾驶)the bus to safety and then put it in a parking lot”可知,spare在这里是“使逃脱”的意思。所以选B。]hool bus traffic accidents can be prevented.

  B.None of the school bus traffic accidents can be prevented.

  C.Some measures can be taken to reduce school bus traffic accidents.

  D.There are procedures and policies which can prevent all the traffic accidents.

  C [观点态度题。由文章第三段中的“Accidents are accidents,and they cannot all be prevented.But,there are procedures and policies that can be put into practice and may reduce the likelihood of this type of accident”可知,作者的观点是校车交通事故不可能完全避免,但是可以通过采取措施减小事故发生的可能性。所以选C。] persuade the public to use software to keep track of the drivers’ information.

  D.To advise drivers to find out how they can use the software products like BusBoss.

  B [写作意图题。根据全文内容可知作者写本文的目的是唤起大家(通过了解更多信息)对校车安全的关注。所以选B。]nclude the writer of the passage is most probably a________. [推理判断题。根据第一段和最后一段中表述校车安全的口吻和角度可知作者很可能是一名校长。所以选A。]阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。extreme hike in hot climate is one with challenges that can include rough mountains,severe weather conditions.__1__is important to make sure you are prepared for the conditions.A recreational hike can turn into a nightmare if you don’t have the right clothing.

  Wear a long­sleeved shirt and long pants.Both should be light­colored in order to reflect the sun’s rays.__2__the climate is hot,you will probably spend most of the hike in the short­sleeved shirt and shorts.__3__,you may need protection from the sun and insects,__4__long sleeves and long pants provide.They are also__5__(help)when the temperature drops at night.An ideal option is pants that unzip(拉开……的拉锁)around the knees__6__(become)shorts;they work for multiple conditions and are typically made__7__nylon fabric which dries quickly.__8__(specific)for hiking in hot climates.Waterproof boots do not__9__(breath)well,so avoid them unless you know that you will encounter water on your hike.(宽边的)sun hat.Choose a hat that is light­colored and made from breathable material.Your head is the easiest part of your body for the sun to burn when you are hiking,so be sure it__10__(protect).答案 1.It 2.Since 3.However 4.which 5.helpful 6.to become 7.from 8.specifically 9.breathe (自主选做)(时间:45分钟 满分:100分)完形填空een living in the US for 11 years,most recently in South Bend,Indiana,so I speak and hear English all the time.But I often want to__1__Hindi,my first language,and one of the__2__languages of India.,this year,before I left America to spend the summer with my family back in India,I promised I would__3__read Hindi language books and speak mostly in Hindi.__4__it hasn’t been that easy to do.,I__5__to buy a short story collection by a famous Hindi writer,Munshi Premchand.I went to a well­known bookseller in my hometown,Lucknow,the heartland of the Hindi language,but I learned that it only__6__books in English now.At another__7__,the shopkeeper pointed out an__8__corner—that’s where they kept their Hindi books.

  I bought one and took__9__to a top cafe next door.But the__10__and the cashier only wanted to__11__in English,no matter__12__I tried to speak Hindi. I was__13__in India,I went to an English school where students were__14__for speaking in Hindi.Speaking broken Hindi was__15__a matter of pride.My parents wanted me to be fluent in English,because it came with the promise of a good__16__,wealth,and status.

  Now,India’s new Prime Minister,the Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi,__17__civil servants to use Hindi__18__English.They’ve even been urged to communicate in Hindi on Twitter,Facebook and other social media.__19__and walked out of the cafe,__20__,“Where am I going to find someone who won’t speak in English?”解题导语 英语在印度的盛行使这位定居在美国的印度人为他们的母语感到担忧,希望更多的人说印地语。B.speakw

  B [通读全文可知。作者想说自己的母语——印地语。Hindi表示“印地语”。] [“我”常常想说印地语,印度的官方(official)语言之一。] [“我”承诺“我”自己只读印地语的书籍,主要说印地语。] [根据空后的“it hasn’t been that easy to doBut。] [到达印度几天后,“我”去买一部著名的印度作家的短篇小说集。set out to do sth.表示“开始做某事,着手进行”,符合语境。set off“动身,出发,启程”;set aside“对……置之不理”;set up“建立,成立”。] [“我”去了一家著名的书店,但它现在只卖英语书籍。] [前文说作者去了一家著名的书店买印地语的书,因此此处表示作者去了另一家书店。] [上文中的“it only__6__books in English now”暗示印地语的书在书店遭遇冷落,因此被置于孤独的角落中。isolated表示“孤独的,孤立的”。] [“我”买了一本书,带着这本书到了隔壁的一个顶级咖啡馆中。it指代上文提到的那本书。] [本句中的the cashier”暗示空格处指的是服务员。] [但是服务员和收银员只想用英语交流(communicate)。]B.when



  C [不管“我”怎么尽力说印地语,他们只说英语。no matter how=however引导让步状语从句。]13.A.growing up

  B.bringing up [本句中的“I went to an English school”说明作者在印度长大。]wed

  D.interested [由上文的“English school”和下文中的“Speaking broken Hindi was__15__a matter of pride”可知,那个时候,学生说印地语会被罚款。fine表示“对……处以罚款”。] [因为学校不鼓励学生说印地语,所以说不好印地语简直就是一件光荣的事。] [与本句中的“wealth and status”相应的词应是career“职业,事业”。] [下文中的“They’ve even been urged to communicate in Hindi”说明,这位印度的新总理想让公务员说印地语。] [印instead of)英语。] [作者在咖啡馆里看书,因此喝完咖啡后离开咖啡馆。]ing

  D.thinking [“我”想到哪儿才能找到不说英语的人呢?此处指作者走出咖啡馆时思考的问题,故选thinking。]阅读理解

  Product:Neuro­Natural Sleep (90 tablets) Price:FREEty:________bottle(s) Buy now!*Promote deep sleep and improve sleep patterns.

  *Eliminate the need for addictive sleeping pills.

  *Support the health of your brain and nervous system.

  Do you know that 60 million Americans,nearly one fifth of the total US population,are regularly suffering from insomnia?,insomnia can seriously damage your body’s physical,mental and emotional health.Study finds that lack of sleep will cause your immune system to weaken with consequential increases in skin problems,depression,headaches and slower recovery time from injuries and wounds.

  If you’re tossing and turning in bed every night while the rest of your family are sleeping peacefully,what should you do? DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT TAKING SLEEPING PILLS as they could very easily become addictive.There’s a natural alternative.This is Neuro­Natural Sleep!,a natural supplement specifically designed to aid sleep patterns,was developed for those people who need extra support to achieve a good night’s sleep.Neuro­Natural Sleep contains 49 ingredients.In the Neuro­Natural Sleep we use:(提取物) including Valerian,Hops and Passion Flower extracts...(氨基酸) such as D­Phenylalanine and L­Threonine...,Vinpocetine,Huperzine A and Resveratrol...,more importantly,sleep more deeply and more satisfactorily.Besides,it also helps your body to regenerate needed energy and process nutrients necessary for good health.,once a night,2 hours before bedtime.an be caused by many different factors.This product may or may not work for you.We cannot guarantee that it will help cure or treat your insomnia,but it may help you achieve improved sleep patterns.If you are not feeling the benefits of this product after the first 3 weeks,please let us know and we’ll give you a full refund (全额退款).解题导语 本文为应用文,是一则关于天然安神舒眠片的网上广告。,________.pping

  C.you can be given a free gift

  D.you can pay less for shipping

  B [细节FREE SHIPPING for orders $60+”可知,订购超过60美元,免邮费。每瓶药37.95美元,两瓶总价为75.9美元,超过了60美元,可免邮费,故B项正确。]t________. [细节理解题。根据文中的“Eliminate the need for addictive sleeping pills.”及“There’s a natural alternative.This is Neuro­Natural Sleep!”可知,天然安神舒眠片不会使人上瘾,故A项正确。]________. [细节理解题。通读全文可知,A、B、D三项作用文中均有提及,只有C项“保持体形”这一作用文中并没有提到。],how long does a bottle of Neuro­Natural Sleep last? [细节理解题。根据文中的“Neuro­Natural Sleep (90 tablets)”和“Neuro­Natural Sleep is advised at 2 tablets a time,once a night”可知,天然安神舒眠片每瓶90片,患者每晚服用两片,故一瓶可服用一个半月左右。]任务型阅读,the Italians are fashionable and the Germans are serious.Are these just stereotypes or is there really such a thing as national character?__1__(企业家)in the UK found that 70% felt that their efforts were not appreciated by the British public.Britain is hostile(敌意的)to successthey said.It has a culture of jealousy(嫉妒).__2__Jealousy is sometimes known as the“green—eyed monster”and the UK is its home.ntly tested this idea.They gathered a group of people together and gave each an imaginary amount of money.__3__Those given a little were given the chance to destroy the large amount of money given to others—but at the cost of losing their own.Two thirds of the people tested agreed to do this.

  __4__.But there is also opposite evidence.The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development recently reported that the UK is now the world’s fourth largest rk longer hours than anyone else in Europe.So the British people are not lazy,either.__5__.It hardly seems worth following their example.If they were more friendly,people would like them more.And more people want to be like them.in the end is the winner.

  C.As a result,the survey said,entrepreneurs were“unloved,unwanted and misunderstood.”,can it affect how a nation succeeds or fails?,others a great deal.y complain that nobody loves them.

  G.It is not true that British people are born jealous of others’ success.

  解题导语 本文讲述的英国国民对待企业家的态度,大多数国民对企业家有妒忌心理。 [此句是对下文的提示。] [此句是对这一段落的总结概括。] [调查活动内容的一部分,根据上下文可知。] [承上启下的作用。] [企业家抱怨没有人理解他们。]


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