2016届高考(北师大版)英语一轮复习:第一部分模块复习方略 必修五 15-查字典英语网
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2016届高考(北师大版)英语一轮复习:第一部分模块复习方略 必修五 15

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  A(全员必做)(时间:45分钟 满分:100分)选词并用其适当形式填空benefit, urge, suspect, adapt, access, ignore, assume, lack, instruct

  1.The police suspected him of giving false evidence in the court.

  2.It resulted from the fact that many people lack the awareness of environmental protection.

  3.As a result,people in many cities have no access to fresh air.,it is assumed that stress is caused by too much work.,the government should set up new laws to urge people to drive less.,her daughter turned a deaf ear to the instruction given by her teacher.,people shouldn’t ignore the problem of air pollution.ation.

  10.The local school has just acquired new equipment,which makes teachers and students delighted.完成句子(据报道) the problem of haze tends to (倾向于) become worse.2.To improve the problem of air pollution,some scientists put forward (提出) a suggestion.,the majority approve of their suggestion (同意他们的建议).tomed to driving to work (已经习惯开车上班) every day,which results in air pollution.,because she can speak five foreign languages aside from English (除了英语之外).(坦白说),their coach was not satisfied with their performance at the 12th games of PRC.(总之),it is our duty to protect our earth.(上涨).联句成篇(选用练习Ⅰ、Ⅱ中的句子,根据语篇中的提示加以改写,完成语篇翻译)据报道,雾霾的问题越来越严重,这是因为许多人缺乏环保意识。他们习惯于每天开车上班,这导致了大气污染。因此,许多生活在都市的人接触不到新鲜空气。为了改善空气污染问题,一些科学家提出了一个建议,如果必要的话,政府应该出答案 It is reported that the problem of haze tends to become worse.It resulted from the fact that many people lack the awareness of environmental protection.They have been accustomed to driving to work every day,which results in air pollution.As a result,people in many cities have no access to fresh air.To improve the problem of air pollution,some scientists put forward the suggestion that if necessary,the government should set up new laws to urge people to drive less and ride bikes more.To the satisfaction of the scientists,the majority approve of their suggestion.Obviously,nobody can deny that riding is beneficial not only to reducing air pollution but also to building up our bodies.In conclusion,to live a healthy life,people shouldn’t ignore the problem of air pollution and it is our duty to protect our earth.

  Ⅳ.阅读理解,and blogging is an important part of it now.Every person who uses the Internet today knows what a blog is,but have you ever wondered what exactly the word“blog”stands for?There have been various full forms that have been suggested for blogs,but the original meaning is said to be“Weblog”.ing,starting a new webpage was a boring process and took plenty of time.As time went by this process got easier and shorter,and pretty soon it was just a matter of a click.The history of blogging tells the story of how it has become easier and simpler to start your own webpage,and even your own website.After the term“Weblog”was coined(创造)in 1997 by Jorn Barger,it was regularly used in circles that were familiar with the Internet.,Peter Merholz broke down the term“Weblog”into“we blog”.This term soon became popular and blog began to be used more as a verb.To blog came to mean to creat or edit your web log.By 2003 the ,which was later acquired by Google,and this interface(界面)made it possible for everyone with Internet access to create their own blog.All in all,it stands for the coming of new Internet technology.esents.It is an online journal of sorts that has given millions of people around the globe an opportunity to explore their creative writing abilities.You’re free to write what you please,and it is the choice of the readers if they read it or ignore it.Blogging is a revolution that has changed the literary habits of the world,and has brought every single person a bit closer.解题导语 本文是一篇社会文化blog的发展历程。? B.Webpage. [细节理解题。由文章第一段中的最后一句可知blog一词最初的意思是Weblog。所以选A。]

  .gging was quite popular

  D.the blog was short and simple

  B [推理判断题。由文章第二段中的“a boring process and took plenty of time”可以推测出在网络发展起始阶段创建网页不是容易的事情。所以选B。]

  .when the Interact first began functioning

  B.immediately after Jorn Barger created it in 1997

  C.after Peter Merholz broke down the term“Weblog”into“we blog”

  D.after the Oxford English Dictionary included it in its 2003 version

  C [细节理解题。由文章第三段中的前三句可知在Peter Merholz把Weblog拆分成“we blog”后,blog开始被用作动词,意为”创立或编辑网络日志”。所以选C。] broke down the term“Weblog”into“We blog”

  d.a software,Blogger,made it possible for everyone to create their own blog,b,c,d


  D.a,c,d,b [细节排序题。根据文章第二、三段的内容可知这些事件发生的先后顺序。故选D。]guage student there are several reasons why learning about cultural aspects is important and fun.One is interest.Knowing about the way people behave makes your reading more interesting.Another reason is usefulness.

  If you are going to have a conversation with native speakers of a language you learn,you need to know the sort of topics that interest them once you get past “Hello”.You need to know something about their favorite sports,the current (现时的) government of the country where the language is spoken,current fashions in clothes and outstanding national events in recent times,to mention a few.uage.Languages are one channel through which different cultures present their ideas both within themselves and in contact with others.The fact that a language does not have the same range of words as another language does not mean that they do not value those things as much.

  Whether or not your main intention to learn a language is to learn about people抯 cultural backgro unds or to deal with a degree course,you will be learning about it indirectly from various sources about culture like the coursebooks,films,the news,literature or even travel brochures (手册).You could make a long list just by thinking of all the things that are important to the culture such as customs that go back centuries,architecture,traditional ceremonies,the way people relate to each other in families,the value that are important to a society,the sense of humour that people share,movies,music and art.All these cultural aspects are important to language learners if they want to get a better understanding of the language itself.

  解题导语 本文分析了为什么对于学语言的学生而言,学习这种语言的文化是非常重要的。tioning interesting topics in their culture.

  D [推理判断题。根据第二段的内容可推知,谈论他们文化中的一些有趣的话题有助于你与当地人交流。]It is a channel through which people present their ideas.

  C.It values people’s ideas and thoughts to a certain degree.

  D.It deals with the relationship between thoughts and language.

  B [细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“Languages are one channel through which different cultures present their 可知,选B项。]

  . [段落大意题。最后一段共有三句话:第C项是该段的大意。]r this passage?

  A.What is a culture about

  B.Why do we learn culture

  C.What to learn in a culture

  D.How to learn about culture

  B [标题As a language student there are several reasons why learning about cultural aspects is important and fun.”可知,应选B项。]阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。


  (devote)policeman named Zhong Wen(Jackie),


  works so hard that he doesn’t have time for his family.


  his job,his daughter Miao Miao(played by Jing Tian)becomes rebellious(反叛的)and is in a relationship with bar owner Wu Jiang(played by Liu Ye).Miao Miao asks Zhong to meet her on her boyfriend’s bar,not


  (know) that she’s being used by Wu Jiang to get his father.Wu Jiang then hostages the bar’s customers and asks for the freedom of Fu,a


  (crime)captured by Zhong years ago. that


  (physical),he had a hard time with the film


  he did the fight scenes with real wushu fighters.,not stuntmen(特技替身演员),”Jackie Chan revealed.“So,


  didn’t know how to control their strength when we


  (film)the fight sequences.Those were rock­hard and solid kicks.”,


  (bring)by Megavision Inc,was in cinemas on January 22.答案 1.devoted 2.who 3.in 4.knowing 5.criminal 7.because 8.they 9.were filming (自主选做)(时间:45分钟 满分:100分)完形填空,Miss Ellis arrived at class with a young woman and two girls.“Today I have brought Cinderella and Snow White with me.They are


  by Cruela,their stepmother (继母).” Such a(n)


  certainly suggested they could expect something interesting that day,and that the teacher had done


  lesson preparation.

  When everyone was


  , and Mrs.Cruela was preparing to speak,all the lights went out.In the


  two loud slaps (拍打) could be heard,and a few seconds


  both Cinderella and Snow White could be heard crying.Just then,the


  came on and everyone could see the two girls weeping.“Who did that?” asked Miss Ellis.Without


  , all the children pointed at the stepmother.Mrs.Cruela


  ,but at that moment the lights went off (重击声) resounded around the


  , and Clara and Phillip began crying.When the lights came on again,the two were weeping and looking


  ,who everyone was


  accusingly.The stepmother began to speak again,saying she was


  , but again the lights went out.


  , this time it took only seconds for the lights to come back on.


  saw Cinderella and Snow White were running towards Charlie and Robert,with their


  raised,ready to hit the children.Seeing this,all the children asked Cruela to


  them.In reality she was a very nice,kind woman,who didn’t know what to do with her rebellious (反叛的) stepdaughters,who she



  they went...

  “And that’s what I wanted to teach you all today,” said Miss Ellis.“Let us not make judgments based on prejudice and


  appearances like race,beauty,or 解题导语 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。在一位老师的课堂上,当灯熄灭后,大家听到两声拍打的声音,大家都猜测是继母打的孩子。而事实并非如此,是老师故意安排的,旨在告诉学生:不要因人的外表、种族、姓名而对人有偏见。B.accompanied [句意:她们由她们的继母Cruela陪伴(accompany)。introduce“介绍”;follow“跟随”;recommend“推荐”。]rection

  B.explanation [句意:这样一个介绍(introduction)可以肯定地说今天又有有趣事情要发生。direction“指导”;explanation“解释”;preparation“准备”,均不符合语境,故排除。根据上文中“They are...stepmother(继母).”可知,是在做介绍。]few

  A [句意:而且老师做了充分的(enough)准备。与下文故事发生、发展过程以及最后一段第一句“And that’s what I wanted to teach...”相呼应,可推知,老师是故意安排这件事,因此做了充分的A符合文意。] [句意:当每个人都坐好后……enter、leave表示“进入、离开”没有被动形式,ask表示“问”,均不符合语境。] [句意:在黑暗(darkness)中,大家听到了两声拍打的声音……与上文中“all the lights went out”相照应。] [句意:几秒钟之后(afterwards),大家听到了Cinderella和Snow White哭了。根据语境可知,答案B“……之后,后来”符合文意。] [句意:就在这时,灯(lights)亮了,每个When the lights came on again”相呼应,故答案A符合文意。] [句意:毫不犹豫地(Without hesitating),所有的孩子都把矛头指向了继母。此处与最后一段中“Let us not make judgments based on prejudice...”相照应,此处指孩子们都带着偏见。A符合文意。] [句意:Cruela摇了摇头。与下文中“In reality she was a very nice,kind woman...”相照应,此处指Cruela夫人否认孩子们的猜想。故答案D符合语境。wave“挥手”,不符合语境,故排除。] [句意:两声重重的声音回响在教室里(classroom)。由本文第一段第一句中“at class”可知,事情发生在学校的教室里,故答案D符合语境。]closely

  C [句意:当灯再次亮起时,两个女孩正在哭泣,并生气地 (angrily) 看着她们的继母……与下文中“...who everyone was

  accusingly”,孩子们accuse(指控)相呼应,故答案C符合文意。] [句意:……每个人都责怪地指着(point at)那个继母。与上文中“all children pointed at the stepmother”相照应,故答案A符合语境。] [句意:继母开始说话了,说她是无辜的(innocent)。与下文中“In reality she was a very nice,kind woman...”相照应,故答案B符合文意。]

  B.Then [句意:然而(However),这次仅数秒中灯又打开了。与前几次开灯、熄灯形成对比,同时也是老师为了让学生们看清事情的真相,故意这么做的。] [句意:大家(Everyone)每一个人都看见Cinderella和Snow White正在朝Charlie和Robert奔来……与上文中“who everyone was

  accusingly”相呼应。] [句意:……举arms),准备打他们。与下文中“ready to hit the children”相照应。] [句意:看到这些,所有的孩子都请求Cruela原谅(forgive)他们鲁莽的判断。根据上文所讲的内容可知,孩子们判断失误了,因此期望能够得到原谅。]B [句意:事实上,Cruela非常好、心地善良,但是她不知道该如何教育她非常喜爱的那两个叛逆的继女……与上文中“In reality she was a very nice,kind woman...”相照应。]B.whenever



  C [句意:这两个女孩儿无论去哪里都会惹事。由went可知,此处指到任何地方,故答案C符合文意。] [句意:我们不能根据自己的一些偏见或者表面上的(surface)一些东西,如:种族、美貌甚至名字而轻易下结论。根据appearance可知,是指表面上的,故答案B符合文意。historical“历史的”;temporary“暂时的”;pretended“假装的”。]阅读理解,1899 in Oak Park,Illinois,where he was raised.He died on July 2,1961 in Ketchum,Idaho,where he committed suicide.,and won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954.He published seven novels,six short story collections,and two non­fiction works.Three novels,four collections of short stories,and three non­fiction works were published after his death.,Hemingway worked for a few months for ,before leaving for the Italian front to enlist(入伍)in World War Ⅰ and become an ambulance driver where he was wounded in 1918 and returned home.Hemingway’s experiences in wartime formed the basis for his novel ,which was published in 1929.,the first of his four wives.The couple moved to Paris,where he worked as a foreign journalist,and fell under the influence of the modernist writers and artists of the 1920s called“Lost Generation”.,Hemingway’s first novel,was published in 1926.,this marriage was also unsuccessful and the couple divorced after Hemingway returned from the Spanish Civil War where he had been a journalist,and after which he wrote ,Martha Gellhorn in 1940.They separated when he met Mary Welsh in London during World War Ⅱ.e publication of The Old Man and the Sea,one of his masterpieces,in 1952,Hemingway went on safari(长途to Africa,where he was almost killed in two plane crashes that left him in pain or ill health for much of the rest of his life.In 1959 Hemingway moved from Cuba to Ketchum,Idaho,where he put an end to his life in the summer of 1961.解题导语 本文是一 [细节理解题。由文章第二段的最后两句可知他生前出版了七部小说,死后出版了三部小说,共计十部小说。所以选C。]

  . [细节理解题。由文章第三段的前两句可知他的小说well to Arms是以他一战时的经历为基础写的。所以选C。]

  . [推理判断题。由文章第四段的第一句和第五段的第一句可知海明威与第一任妻子的婚姻持续了六年。所以选B。]ght order that Hemingway created his novels?

  a.A Farewell to Arms

  b.The Sun Also Rises

  c.For Whom the Bell Tolls

  d.The Old Man and the Sea



  D.b,a,c,d [排列顺序题。根据文章的说明可知四部小说创作的先后顺序。故选D。]短文改错,if they have much money or large possessions,they will happy.They believe that they will be able to do anything what they want to if they have much money.While other people may think that they should be in good healthy,and enjoy whatever they like.Some people wish to have many wealth from their parents.On this way they don’t have to work hard,and they can own lots of things.,I don’t think money means happiness.We can’t buy such things like health and knowledge with money,what makes me happy,for I can do much for mankind with knowledges.Although different people value happiness differently,but my happiness stands with reasons.

  答案 Happiness meanmeans different things to different people.For some people,if they have much money or large possessions,they will to if they have much money.While other people may think that they should be in good healthyhealth,and enjoy whatever they like.Some people wish to have manyOnIn this way they don’t have to work hard,and they can own lots of things.,I don’t think money means happiness.We can’t buy such things like,what,for I can do much for mankind with knowledges,but

  my happiness stands with reasons.


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