2016届高考(北师大版)英语一轮复习:第一部分模块复习方略 必修一 1-查字典英语网
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2016届高考(北师大版)英语一轮复习:第一部分模块复习方略 必修一 1

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  A(全员必做)(时间:45分钟 满分:100分)选词并用其适当形式填空,peace,distance,relax,urge,matter,graduate,bore,press,supporthe years,he has spent his spare time on the distance learning on the Internet.aduating from colleges in present situation.

  6.We had a peaceful afternoon without the children.

  7.Schools are under pressure to raise test scores.

  8.Let’s help and support each other and together create a better world.

  9.It doesn’t matter if you do not understand a single word at first.

  10.Having suffered such heavy pollution already,the river can’t be cleaned up.完成句子a is very busy at the moment(目前),work taking up(占据)most of his time.(宁愿忍受)being far away from his home rather than become(也不愿成为)a couch potato. important thing is what(重要的是)a man does,not what he says.,they got so excited that(如此激动以至于)they cried out.(认为生活充满了……)challenges and chances are designed for(为……而设计)those hard­working people.,the moment his alarm clock goes off(他的闹钟一响),he gets up and starts a busy day.(第一个到达)the office and the last one to leave(最后一个离开)it.,Li Hua said he couldn’t succeed without the support from(没有来自……的支持,不能成功)his parents,relatives and good friends.联句成篇(选用练习Ⅰ、Ⅱ中的句子,根据语篇中的提示加以改写,完成语篇翻译)李华目前很忙,工作占据了他大部分时间。他认为生活中充满了挑战,机会是为那些勤奋的人而设计的。因此,他宁愿忍受远离家乡的痛苦,也不愿做一个终日懒散在家的人。每天闹钟铃一响他就起床,开始忙碌的一天。他经常是第一个到达并最后一个离开办公室的人。下班后他会听听音乐以放松自己,也会打开电视收看资讯。然而,他对电视连续剧不感兴趣,因此很少转换频道(用so...that连接)。数答案 Li Hua is very busy at the moment,work taking up most of his time.In his opinion,life is filled with challenges and chances are designed for those hard­working people,so he prefers to suffer from being far away from his home ,the moment his alarm clock goes off,he gets up and starts a busy day.He is often the first one to get to the office and the last one to leave it.After work he either listens to music to relax himself or switches on the TV to watch news.However,he is so bored with the TV series that he seldom switches over.Over the years,he has spent his spare time on the distance learning on the Internet.,being the manager of his department,Li Hua said he couldn’t succeed without the support from his parents,relatives and good friends.阅读理解,Raghu Makwana lost his legs.He had to walk with the support of his hands.A long time back,a few friends took a walk on the street with the inspiration to do a small act of kindness.One of his kind behavior is the Tulsi Project.Whenever he learns of a family with some arguments or even violent abuse(辱骂),Raghu courageously walks in to spread good cheer and gifts them a tulsi plant.Most of these are complete strangers.Sometimes ;sometimes he’ll share stories.To start 2011,Raghu gave birth to one of his dreams.When he lived out on the streets,he often felt deeply moved by others on the streets who had even less than him.,and that day had arrived for him.He put together a team of five everyday folks (one of whom is blind),who would make small sacrifices in their own lives to support delivery of hand­cooked meals for some of the absolutely neglected people on the streets.They appropriately named it“Tyaag Nu Tiffin”(Food of Sacrifice).Every day at 12∶30 PM and at 730 PM,Raghu starts off on his hand tricycle to deliver the food.It’s the same food he himself eats,but he won’t eat it until he has finished his round of offerings.In a recent feature in ,Raghu notes:“I’m not doing anything great.I’m not on a mission to change the world.God has been very kind to me in my struggle to survive.Now it is my turn to repay the kindness by helping other needy human beings.”解题导语 失去双腿的Raghu为了帮助那些比他更不幸的人,开展了一个名为“奉献食物”的活动,借此献出爱心回报社会。rguments EXCEPT

  . [考查细节理解。由第一段的第五句到第七句可知,Raghu看到有的家庭出现争吵或者家庭暴力的时候,他就会向他们传播愉快情绪,送他们一株圣罗勒,有时还D项“唱特殊的歌曲”没有提到。]2.What thing made Raghu first have a dream of helping others?

  A.Seeing some people showing kindness to others.

  B.Seeing some people have less than him.

  C.Losing his legs for a serious disease.

  D.Learning of a family with arguments.

  B [考查细节理解。由第一段的最后两句话可知,当Raghu在街上行走时,发现一些人比他更不幸,他很受触动,就产生了一个帮助他人的念头,故选B。]

  .elivered different food from what he ate

  C [考查细节理解。由第二段的第四句“Every day at 可推知,Raghu只送午饭和晚饭,A项错误;由第二段第二句中的“support delivery of hand­cooked meals for some of the absolutely neglected people on the streets”可知,B项错误;根据第二段的第五句“It’s the same food he himself eats,but he won’t eat it until he has finished his round of offerings”可知,他送的食物和他自己吃的是一样的,D项错误,但是他直到送完这一圈饭后自己才吃,故选C。]

  .Raghu is not satisfied with society at present

  B.Raghu sees himself as a hero to change the world

  C.Raghu wants to be a great person in the future

  D.Raghu knows the meaning of repaying and appreciation

  D [考查推理判断。由第二段中的“God has been very kind to me in my struggle to survive.Now it is my turn to repay the kindness by helping other needy human beings”可知,Raghu认为上帝给了他足够的恩赐,所以他要通过帮助那些需要帮助的人来回报,这说明了他懂得了感恩和回报的意义所在。故选D。] Tricycle

  B.A Disabled but Great Person

  C.Many People in Poverty

  D.The Tulsi Project

  A [考查标题判断。由全文内容可知,Raghu失去了双腿却勇于献出爱心帮助别人,回报社会,所以A项为最佳标题。]The local rulers have explored all the conventional ways to get traffic moving again,including higher prices for parking,fuel and insurance.But at a recent conference in Hamburg,Hussain Lootah said that the city may adopt a more strict approach:setting an income level for vehicle ownership.,but mayors of other big cities ,including complete car bans in inner cities.But the efforts may not be enough to reduce traffic and pollution.The problems will only get worse:the number of vehicles sold globally each year will grow from around 80 million today to more than 100 million by the end of the decade,according to IHS Automotive.There are already a handful of car­free communities around the world.But these are typically small and often tourist destinations that seek to create a throwback in time,such as Sark Island,in the English Channel.The largest ear­free urban area is probably Venice,where it is impossible to build roads and bridges to link the more than 100 small islands the city sits on. city access to“green”machines,such as battery­electric vehicles.Hamburg is perhaps the furthest along.vercome.Michael Bloomberg,New York’s former mayor,tried twice to introduce a jam charge for much of Manhattan,but his plans were rejected by state lawmakers.解题导语 本文主要讲述的是迪拜的交通管理问题overnment tries to improve its local incomes.

  B.Dubai government tries to solve traffic problems.

  C.Dubai government tries to reduce prices for parking.

  D.Dubai government tries to offer more insurance to locals.

  B [主旨题。根据第二句和最后一句话可知答案。]inner cities are not made.

  C [细节题。根据第二段最后两句话:But the efforts may not be enough to reduce traffic and pollution.The problems will only get worse:the number of vehicles sold globally each year will grow from around 80 million today to more than 100 million by the end of the decade,according to IHS Automotive.我们很容易判断这两句话是因果关系。] of cars.

  D.Its government law on car free.

  A [细节题。根据第三段最后一句话:The largest ear­free urban area is probably Venice,where it is impossible to build roads and bridges to link the more than 100 small islands the city sits on.到处是岛屿,无法开车,所以说是自然条件决定的。] [细节题。根据本段第二句话可知答案:Some cities are considering ways to limit central city access to“green”machines,such as battery­electric vehicles.注意limit...to...的用法。]阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或:I am so


  (relax).I just finished the story I was working on for our creative writing course.:I haven’t quite finished mine yet.I had trouble


  (get)past the beginning.:How come?:Well.I was really happy to be writing a detective story.But


  the first few pages,I just couldn’t write any more.:The same thing happened to me.I thought it meant I lack


  (image).:Well,Professor Wilson said it’s pretty common for writers to get


  (stick)like that.:You went to talk to


  about it?:Actually,I went to ask for more time to finish the assignment.


  instead she gave me some advice is just write anything


  comes into my head even if it doesn’t make any sense,sort of warm­up exercise.:That is


  (real)interesting.:Well,her methods seem to have worked for me. I


  (write)most of the story,and I should be able to hand it in on time.答案 1.relaxed 2.(in)getting 3.after 4.imagination 6.her 7.But 8.that 9.really(自主选做)(时间:45分钟 满分:100分)完形填空,my family moved to the US.I started getting ear infections


  .My parents couldn’t pay for the


  .I went deaf in my right ear and was


  with 50 percent hearing in my left,which later


  .My doctors


  that I would be completely deaf by now.

  There was always


  on in my house and I got interested in DJ.I e­mailed a well­known New York City DJ when I was 25,“I know you


  challenges.How about teaching a deaf person to deejay?”He wrote back the next day,“


  the challenge.”He tutored me twice a week for two years,helping me develop correct


  .,I wouldn’t tell the club managers I was deaf.I would just


  ,introduce myself,and start playing music.At the end of the night,someone would say,“Oh,here’s the


  .”When I told them I couldn’t hear,they were always so

  12.Sometimes I would bring doctor’s


  because they wouldn’t believe me.


  people started calling me“that Deaf DJ”,and the name


  .,I set up one speaker facing my left side,my good ear,and I can feel the


  of the song and the crowd goes


  .I also use software that turns the music into lines of color on a computer screen.,and I go to elementary schools for the deaf and talk to the students


  and believing in themselves.I’m


  with the parents.I tell them,“My


  to you is to let your kids chase their dreams.I’m a deaf DJ,so why not?”解题导语 这是一篇记叙文。作者因病而几乎听不见了,但他自强不息,找到了自己喜爱的音B.curiouslyfrequently

  D [语境表示作者的耳朵感染了,根据前面的started和选项看,这里应用frequently表示频率,意为“经常地”,故选D。] [作者的家人没钱支付治疗的treatment“治疗”,符合语境。settlement“和解,协议”;solution表示“解决方法”;support“支持,抚养”。]A.daught

  B.abandoned [这里说的是作者在患病之后的处境,leave后接介词短语作宾补,表示“使某人处于某种状态”:作者的左耳的听力剩下50%。故选C。] [根据上文可知,作者左耳的听力只剩50%,这里说的是20%,因此这里表示听力在下降,故用drop“下降”。reduce在这里应该用被动语态;add“增加”;rise“上升”,均不符合语境。] [这里表示医生对作者将来情况的预测,因此选B表示“预测,预言”。A“注意到”;C“得知”;D“评价”,都不符合语境。] [语境说作者对DJ感兴趣,故选C“音乐”。作者家里经常播放音乐。] [根据空格后面的“How about teaching a deaf person to deejay”及下文作者跟这个著名的DJ学习可知,语境表示“我知道你喜欢挑战”,故选A“喜欢”。] [作者在电子邮件中说自己是个失聪的人,想学做DJ,再由下文中的“He tutored me twice a week for two years”可判断应选D“接受”:接受挑战。] [语境表示这个著名的DJ帮助作者培养正确的播放技巧,故用technique表示“技巧,手法”。] [语境说“作自我介绍,然后开始播放音乐”,根据动作的连贯性可知,这里应用show up表示“出现,露面”。故选C。A“建筑,张贴”;B“充满,装满”;D“收拾,整理”,均不符合语境。] [晚上音乐播放结束之check)A“决窍”;C“荣幸”;D“麻烦”,均不符合语境。]ed

  D.surprised [作者当DJ很出色,当客人听他说自己失聪了时就会因为不相信而显出惊讶的表情,故选D“惊讶的”。] [上文说客人们不相信作者说的话,这里应表示作A“证明书”。B“建议”;C“用法说明”;D“疗法”,均不符合语境。]ally



  B [根据故事情节的发展看,这里应用eventually“最终,最后”。最后人们就开始叫作者“那个失聪的唱片播放员”。] [语境表示从此人们就一直用这个名字来称呼作者,故用stick“(名字)被继续使用”。B“突然想到”;C“打击,危害”;D“传送”,均不符合语境。]A.gentleness

  B.experience [语境表示作者虽然听不见,但他能感受到他播放的那些歌曲所渗透的力量,故用energy“能量”。A“温和”;B“经验”;D“多元文化”均不符合语境。] [作者是在俱乐部当DJ,因此他播放的音乐要能调动观众的热情,故用crazy“疯狂的,狂热的”。A“富有想象力的”;B“敏感的”;C“平静的”,均不符合题意。] [根据“believing in themselves”可知,这里应用motivation“ [本段说的是作者对那些失聪的小学生进行励志教育,这里说的是他很受孩子父母的欢迎。] [这里是作者给孩子的父母提出的建议,故选B。]阅读理解Modern living is resulting in more people becoming disconnected from the natural world,at the expense of our health and well­being.

  Most concern is centred around children,who are missing out on opportunities afforded to previous generations,ones as simple as climbing trees or getting their knees dirty.In the modern world,the adults of the future are displaying the symptoms of“nature­deficit (缺少) disorder”.The term was made up by Richard Louv,author of ,he said that over the past few decades the way children understood and experienced nature had“changed greatly”.“Today,kids are ,their intimacy (亲密) with nature,is fading.That’s exactly the opposite of how it was when I was a child,”said Mr.Louv.He admitted that nature­deficit disorder was“by no means a medical diagnosis”.,author of the report Reconnecting London’s Children with Nature, agreed that the term does not have any meaningful clinical basis.“My idea is that regular contact with nature is part of a balanced diet of childhood experiences.If children do not have those experiences then they are not going to thrive to the same degree as if they did,”Tim Gill added.“They are also likely to grow up not caring about the world around them.”

  “Forest schools”are a type of outdoor education in which children visit forests,learning social and living skills.They are intended to offer children regular opportunities to develop confidence and independence through hands­on learning in a woodland environment.They have appeared to have a beneficial effect on children with emotional or behavioural problems.

  Play England is an organization that focuses on giving children access to free play areas.“We believe that kids should be outside playing for a good proportion of the day because it is how they can stay happy,less stressed and healthy,”said Play England director Cath Prisk.,she added:“Research showed that parents think taking their kids to the park is something you do as a rare treat instead of something you do routinely.”解题导语 本文为说明文。研究发现现代生活方式减少了儿童与大自然接触的机会,很多儿童患有“大自然缺失症”。“大自然缺失症”对孩子的身心,Richard Louv

  . a lot of time playing in the open air

  C.read a lot of books about nature

  D.was curious about wildlife

  B [推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Today,kids are ,”可以推断,Richard Louv小时候经常在户外玩耍。] children with nature­deficit disorder grow up,they will probably

  . [细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句可知,患有“大自然缺失症”的孩子长大后很可能对周围的世界漠不关心。]? A、B和C项属于这两项技能,D项则不属于。]n the last paragraph can be replaced by“

  ”. [词义猜测题。根据该句中的“instead ofa rare treat”可推断,routinely是“常规地,日常地”之意,故选A。]任务型阅读the office?Try these tips for a healthier,less stressful workday.


  For upper­body strength:stand a yard or move ,with your feet together.Place your palms on the edge of the desk a shoulder’s width apart.Lower your chest to the edge of the desk,and push back up.Remember to breathe out on the way up.Do 20 times.(美人鱼)at work.,stretching your right side.Make sure to keep your shoulders down as you bend.Hold for 10 seconds.


  Take hold of your left wrist over your head with your right hand and stretch the other way.Repeat five times on each side.ur chair and reach your left hand behind your back,between your shoulder blades(肩胛骨),palm out.Then reach your right hand up toward the ceiling,bend it down,and try to touch your left hand.


  Hold for 10 seconds.If not,grab onto your shirt and keep practicing.Switch arms and repeat.

  ●The wooden leg.

  For lower­body strength:sit in your chair,extend one leg out straight in front of you and hold for two seconds.Then raise it up as high as you can,and hold it


  ●The magic carpet ride.

  This works your core and arms.


  Then place your hands on the armrests,suck in your gut(内脏)and raise yourself a few inches above the seat,using your belly muscles and hands.Hold for 10 to 20 seconds.Rest for 30 seconds.Repeat five times.,great!,legs crossed and feet on the seat.gain.

  答案 CFDAE


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