2016届高考英语一轮复习(外研版)考点规范训练:必修4 Module 3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communication-查字典英语网
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2016届高考英语一轮复习(外研版)考点规范训练:必修4 Module 3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communication

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  考点规范练21(必修4 Module 3)


  Even if you are saying and doing the right things at your job and in your personal life,you could be making a bad impression on everyone with what you don’t say.That’s because much of our reactions to others are based on body language.If your body language is communicating a negative message,that’s the message you could be sending,regardless of what actual words come out of your mouth.

  What are negative messages sent via body language?Things like having arms folded across your chest can show hostility(敌意).Lack of eye contact can indicate shiftiness(奸诈的).An unsmiling face could communicate a variety of things,like anger,disappointment,or sadness,depending upon what other facial expressions are included.

  Want to know what body language communicates?Watch a TV show or a movie without the sound off,and see how much you can figure out of the plot,or at least you can get a sense of what is going on.

  However,many of the clues that indicate negativity could also be the result of nervousness or other issues.For example,somebody who doesn’t make eye contact could simply be nervous.The same goes with a not-so-warm handshake.Or,someone folding his arms could simply be more comfortable with the arms that way,not realizing what the arms’ position sends.Someone who doesn’t smile could be self-conscious about her teeth.At any rate,the person who sends off bad body language may not even realize that they’re doing it.

  Unfortunately,some people who do recognize what body language communicates are scam(骗局)artists.They may have the firmest handshake,the shiniest smile,and make the greatest eye contact to convince others of their sincerity,because they know how much this non-verbal communication plays a part in communicating sincerity.Yet people fall for it,because their body language seems sincere. 

  But what if you’re in the opposite situation?If you’re not sure what your body language is communicating,ask a trusted friend for help.You can also concentrate on standing up straight and sitting up straight,if posture(姿势)is a problem.Practicing in front of a mirror can help you get rid of bad habits.Remember to smile and nod if needed.And try to learn how to relax.Before you know it,you will be sending more positive messages with your body language.

  1.A serious face could indicate a lot of different information  . 

  A.especially anger and disappointment

  B.together with the arms folded across

  C.together with other facial expressions

  D.depending on others’ facial expressions

  2.The underlined expression “fall for it”(Paragraph 5)probably means “ ”. 

  A.be taken in B.be fully used

  C.be used to it D.like it soon

  3.A not-so-warm handshake may represent  . 

  A.fear B.excitement

  C.confidence D.nervousness

  4.We can learn from the last two paragraphs that  . 

  A.only smile and nod can send positive messages

  B.people can use body language to their advantage

  C.you may not know if you send positive messages

  D.smile is certain to show that someone is sincere


  Body language is the quiet,secret and most powerful language of all!It speaks  1  than words.According to specialists,our bodies send out more  2  than we realize.In fact,non-verbal communication(非言语交际) takes up about 50% of what we really  3 .And body language is particularly  4  when we attempt to communicate across cultures(文化).Indeed,what is called body language is so  5  a part of us that it’s actually often unnoticed.And misunderstandings occur as a result of it. 6 ,different societies treat the  7  between people differently.Northern Europeans usually do not like having  8  contact(接触) even with friends,and certainly not with  9 .People from Latin American countries, 10 ,touch each other quite a lot.Therefore,it’s possible that in  11 ,it may look like a Latino is  12  a Norwegian all over the room.The Latino,trying to express friendship,will keep moving  13 .The Norwegian,very probably seeing this as pushiness,will keep  14 —which the Latino will in return regard as  15 . 

  Clearly,a great deal is going on when people  16 .And only a part of it is in the words themselves.And when parties are from  17  cultures,there’s a strong possibility of  18 .But whatever the situation,the best  19  is to obey the Golden Rule:treat others as you would like to be  20 . 

  1.A.straighter B.louder

  C.harder D.further

  2.A.sounds B.invitations

  C.feelings D.messages

  3.A.hope B.receive

  C.discover D.mean

  4.A.immediate B.misleading

  C.important D.difficult

  5.A.well B.far

  C.much D.long

  6.A.For example B.Thus

  C.However D.In short

  7.A.trade B.distance

  C.connections D.greetings

  8.A.eye B.verbal

  C.bodily D.telephone

  9.A.strangers B.relatives

  C.neighbours D.enemies

  10.A.in other words B.on the other hand

  C.in a similar way D.by all means

  11.A.trouble B.conversation

  C.silence D.experiment

  12.A.disturbing B.helping

  C.guiding D.following

  13.A.closer B.faster

  C.in D.away

  14.A.stepping forward B.going on

  C.backing away D.coming out

  15.A.weakness B.carelessness

  C.friendliness D.coldness

  16.A.talk B.travel

  C.laugh D.think

  17.A.different B.European

  C.Latino D.rich

  18.A.curiosity B.excitement



  19.A.chance B.time

  C.result D.advice

  20.A.noticed B.treated

  C.respected D.pleased


  There are many cities through the UK that are very popular with visitors from around the world.The cities are usually more attractive to 1.  who want high-class accommodation(住宿) 2.  all the modern equipment.Liverpool was highly popular 3.  the 1960s,mainly because of the high interest in football at that time.There is 4. museum with many pieces from around the world,and a great musical history in the city mainly because of the well-known pop group The Beatles.York is a very historical city with the building of William the Conqueror still 5. (stand).Of course as well as all the historical value,the city 6.(have) an upland area of great scenic beauty where you can go on a hike. 

  There are also lots of destinations for those who want more rural surroundings.For example,the Cotswold,sometimes 7. (call) the heart of England,is very popular for hiking and mountain biking.Lakeland is another popular 8. (mountain)area that can offer all of land activities and water sports.As for the accommodation,it is still possible to stay somewhere that is modern 9.  but old and traditional outside.That is another reason 10.  people choose to spend their holidays in these areas. 


  One rainy day while I was walking home with one of my friend,a truck came to a stop besides us.The driver put the window down and offered us a umbrella because he found we were wet through.I stood there and couldn’t believe in that a complete stranger is so thoughtful.The man insisted,so I grateful accepted the offer,thanked him and watched the truck disappear down the road.This man might need the umbrella himself,and he preferred to give it to everyone else.It was a lesson to us that it was possible give without expect anything in return.



  1.C 根据第二段最后一句内容可知,不苟言笑的脸可以传达很多信息,如愤怒、失望、悲伤,取决于相伴随的其他的表情(换句话说,它和别的表情一起才能传递明确的信息)。

  2.A 结合前面的句意可知,这一句的意思是:然而人们会轻易上当,因为他们的体态语让别人觉得似乎是真诚的。

  3.D 由第四段第一句及所举例子可知答案。

  4.B 由第五段内容可知,有的人知道体态语可以传递假的信息,所以试图用笑和热情的握手等让人知道他们是真诚的;最后一段提到,记住要笑、点头和放松,它们可以传达积极的信息。由此可知,人们可用体态语为自己的目的服务。to one’s advantage“对……有利”。

  .1.B speak指说话的方式,根据第一句判断此处说明身势语的作用之大,所以应选B项,表示“身势语比语言更响亮,即身势语胜于言辞”。

  2.D send out意为“发出,放出”,身势语发出的不是“声音”“邀请”或“感情”,而是“信息”,所以选用messages。

  3.D hope意为“希望”;receive意为“收到”;discover意为“发现”;mean意为“意指,表示……的意思”。根据句意判断应选D项,此处句意为“非言语交际实际上占了我们所表达的意思的50%”。

  4.C 根据连词“And”可知该句继续说明身势语的作用,所以应选C项,此处句意为“当我们试图进行跨文化交际的时候,身势语尤为重要”。

  5.C 该句仍然说明身势语的重要性,所以选用much强调程度,此处句意为“身势语是我们生活中很重要的一部分”。

  6.A 下文举例说明身势语造成的误解,所以选A项。

  7.B 下文讲述了北欧人与拉美人交谈时身体保持的距离,所以选B项。

  8.C 根据下文可知北欧人通常不喜欢身体接触,所以选C项。

  9.A 此处选用strangers与前面的friends对应。

  10.B 拉美人则是另一种情况,所以选B项,表示“另一方面”。

  11.B 下面描述的是北欧人和拉美人交谈的情况,所以选B项。

  12.D 由于拉美人习惯身体接触,而北欧人却不习惯,所以交谈中不断躲闪着,看起来就像拉美人在追逐北欧人一样,因此选用following。

  13.A 拉美人想要通过身体接触表示友谊,必然会不断地向对方靠近,所以选用closer。

  14.C 拉美人想要靠近,北欧人则想要躲开,所以选C项表示“向后倒退”。

  15.D 北欧人的躲闪必然会使拉美人误以为“冷漠”或“不礼貌”,所以选D项。

  16.A 根据上文北欧人与拉美人交谈的例子以及下文的words themselves判断,此处应选用talk。

  17.A 此处句意为“当对方是来自不同的文化(背景)的时候”,所以选A项。

  18.C 文化背景不同,更有可能产生“误解”,所以选C项。

  19.D 下文的黄金法则显然是一种“建议”,所以选用advice。

  20.B 根据前面的treat判断此处应用其被动语态形式,所以选B项,此处句意为“按照你想要被对待的方式对待别人:己所不欲,勿施于人”。

  .1.those 2.and/with 3.in/during/throughout 4.a 5.standing

  6.has 7.called 8.mountainous 9.inside 10.why

  .One rainy day while I was walking home with one of my ,a truck came to a stop

  us.The driver put the window down and offered us

  umbrella because he found we were wet through.I stood there and couldn’t believe


  that a complete stranger

  so thoughtful.The man insisted,so I

  accepted the offer,thanked him and watched the truck disappear down the road.This man might need the umbrella himself, he preferred to give it to

  else.It was a lesson to us that it was possible

  give without

  anything in return.


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