上海市2016届高三英语一轮核心词汇复习:第23课时《 storm~television》-查字典英语网
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上海市2016届高三英语一轮核心词汇复习:第23课时《 storm~television》

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  ( storm---television )

  I. 单词拼写


  ----Where is the station?

  -----Sorry. I am a s__________ here myself.

  2. Before choosing a career you should know your personal s ______ and weakness..


  The TV sex education program is aimed at t______ not adults.


  Modern t _______ makes it possible for people to live longer than before.


  Dead leaves floated on the s _______ of the water.


  My possessions were a s_______ (衣箱)clothes and books.


  A brief s _______ (概要) is given on a separate sheet.


  Tom is a regular customer in the s ________ (超市)


  If you drink some water, it will make the pills easier to s _____(吞咽).

  10. These sausages are really t ________(可口的).. Where did you buy them?

  II. 介词填空.

  1. All ______a sudden, the lights went out.

  Your computer is far superior _____mine.

  No one knows ________sure what really happened.

  I have absolutely no sympathy ________ students who get caught cheating in exams.

  Were you successful ________ persuading him to change his mind?

  Millions of people are struggling ______survival.

  Janet’s been ______a lot of stress since her mother’s illness.

  Tom looked up _____surprise as Dale walked in .

  The palace is surrounded _____a high wall.

  10.Why don’t you come over _____supper on Friday?

  III. 单项选择

  1. ----What would you like?

  ------Steak or chicken would ______.

  A. suit me fine

  B. be fit

  C. be suitable

  D. be good

  2. The ______ of this experiment were all men aged 18—35, and they were asked to write down how they felt during the test.

  A. students

  B. subjects

  C. surgeons

  D. strengthen

  3. Suddenly an idea ______ me and I

  found it would be a perfect solution to our problem.

  A. submitted

  B. struck

  C. sucked

  D. subscribed

  4. They suggest _____ to a lawyer before I do anything.

  A. me talk

  B. me to talk

  C. my talking

  D. I will talk

  5. ---You said you’d have finished by today.

  ----I said


  A. not a such thing B. such a not thing C. such no thing

  D. no such thing

  6. The health expert ____the importance of a balanced diet.

  A. stressed

  B. strengthened C. struggled

  D. supported

  7. The meeting ____take place on Tuesday, but we have had to delay it.

  A. was subject to

  B. was supported to C. was sure to

  D. was suited to

  8. Peter was suspected _____government secrets to the enemy.

  A. to give off

  B. of giving off C. to give away

  D. of giving away

  9. As we all know, the dove is a _____of peace.

  A. symbol

  B. system

  C. sign

  D. symptom

  10.Roger _____painting for a while, but soon lost interest.

  A. took on

  B. took in

  C. took up

  D. took over

  IV. 选词填空

  Sweep, wear, success, straight, target, swing, suspend, tease, task, strengthen

  The experiment was a big __________: the professor got what he wanted.

  The road was dead___________ and it had no bends at all.

  Our friendship has steadily ______________ over the years.

  I didn’t mean to make you mad: I was only __________.

  Ann had the ______________of preparing the agenda for meetings.

  I set myself a ___________of learning 20 words a week. I hope I can achieve the goal.

  Let your arms _______ as you walk .

  Put some ice on you injured knee before it _________up.

  The long fluorescent tubes were ___________ from the ceiling.

  10. Dad _____not to smoke again, but mum didn’t believe his promise.

  V. 中译英

  在学习方面我爸爸对我要求很严格。 strict








  她把信撕成碎片, 扔进垃圾箱里。tear

  他们谈话的声音很低, 我听不到他们在说什么。Talk


  I. 单词拼写

  1 .stranger

  2 . strengths

  3 . teenagers

  4 . technology

  5 . surface

  6 . suitcase

  7 . summary

  8 .supermarket 9 . swallow

  10 . tasty



  1 . of

  2 . to

  3 . for

  4 . for

  5 . in

  6 .


  7 . under

  8 . in

  9 . by

  10 .for



  1 - 5 . ABBCD


  - 10 . ABDAC

  IV. 选词填空

  1 .


  2 . straight

  3 . strengthened

  4 . teasing

  5 .


  6 .


  7 . target

  8 . swing

  9 . suspended 10 . swore

  V. 句子翻译


  Dad is very strict with me in my studies.


  They succeeded in finding a cure for headache.


  Dad suffers from a bad back.

  The show is not suitable for your children.

  She worked as a librarian before switching to journalism.

  Ben supplied the police with the names of those involved in the crime.

  We strongly support your plan.

  The child has a talent for music.

  She tore the letter into pieces and threw them in the bin.

  10 . They were talking in low voices, and I couldn’t catch what they are saying.


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