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发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  (visual -----zoom)

  I. 单词拼写

  1. Reading is one of the best ways of improving your v__________.

  2. ,Most of the relief work was done by v__________.

  3. The v__________ (航海) from England to India used to take six months.

  4. For more information, visit our w__________ (网站).

  5. Adam w__________ (吹口哨) happily on his way to work.

  6. The girl likes playing v__________ (排球).

  7. “I’ve missed you,” he w__________ (低语) in her ear.

  8. There was w__________ (广泛的) support for the war.

  9. We have offices in over 56 countries w_________ (在全世界).

  10. I love strawberry y__________ (酸奶); it tastes good.

  II. 词性变换

  1. Mary works

  as a __________ (wait) in a restaurant.

  2. The children stayed closely together for __________ (warm).

  3. Each plan has its strengths and _________ (weak).

  4. He left as a poor boy and returned as an extremely __________ (wealth) man.

  5. Fruit and vegetables are sold by ________ (weigh) while eggs are sold by the dozen.

  6. In

  7. A hundred years ago it was ________ (wide) believed that there was life on Mars.

  8. Five lucky _________ (win) will each receive a signed copy of the album.

  9. We had a _________ (wonder) time in Spain.

  10.He came in with a __________ (worry) expression; we knew something was wrong.

  III. 单项选择

  1. Parents should have a _____ in deciding how their children are educated.

  A. voice

  B. sound

  C. accent

  D. tone

  2. Look at the dirty carpet; it really wants _____ .

  A. cleaned

  B. cleaning

  C. to clean

  D. being cleaned

  3. Peter wanted no time _____ himself; he wanted to know all the guests present.

  A. introducing

  B. to introduce

  C. introduce

  D. to be introducing

  4. There are several different ways _____ we can deal with this problem.

  A. which

  B. in that

  C. of which

  D. /

  5. I could get you a job here if that’s _____ you want.

  A. which

  B. that

  C. what

  D. /

  6. _____ I like Carter personally, I don’t think what he’s doing is right.

  A. Despite

  B. While

  C. When

  D. Whatever

  7. –Where on earth have they gone?

  --I wish I _____!

  A. knew

  B. know

  C. will know

  D. to know


  –I _____ if I could borrow your car.

  --Here’s the key.

  A. wondered

  B. will wonder

  C. was wondering D. had wondered


  The sun was shining, _____ it was quite cold.

  A. for

  B. yet

  C. so

  D. despite

  I _____ to apply for a master’s degree at your university. My name is Li Ming and I am going to graduate in July.

  A. wrote

  B. will write

  C. was writing

  D. am writing

  IV. 词组填空

  Write back

  write down

  wake up

  wear out

  win over

  Work on

  work with

  write to

  wash away

  work out

  1. Floods in Bangladesh have _____ hundreds of homes _____.

  2. I’ll _____ you _____ when it’s time to leave.

  3. All this shopping has _____ us _____ and we feel extremely tired.

  4. We’ll be working hard over the next ten days to _____ the undecided voters.

  5. She’s just retired after 38 years _____ children.

  6. He has spent the last two years _____ a book about child care.

  7. Don’t worry. I’m sure everything will _____ in the end.

  8. I sent them a card once, but they never _____.

  9. This is the address. Do you want to _____ it _____?

  10. I’m going to _____ the manager about this.

  V. 句子翻译

  1. 对不起,让你久等了。 (wait)

  2. 我警告过你,不要一个人走回家。(warn)

  3. 她今天穿的是校服。(wear)

  4. 他们热烈欢迎新来的志愿者。(welcome)

  5. 这本书值得一读。(worth)

  6. 这个大厅有18米宽。(wide)

  7. 我不担心他,他能照顾好自己。(worry)

  8. 我们移居巴黎,在那里我们生活了6年。(where)

  9. 不管你愿意不愿意,我都要走了。(whether)



  I. 单词拼写

  1. vocabulary

  2. volunteers

  3. voyage

  4. website

  5. whistled

  6. volleyball

  7. whispered

  8. widespread

  9. worldwide

  10. yoghourt / yogurt / yoghurt

  II. 词形转换

  1. waitress

  2. warmth

  3. weaknesses

  4. wealthy

  5. weight

  6. western

  7. widely

  8. winners

  9. wonderful

  10. worried

  III. 单项选择

  1 – 5 ABADC

  6 -10 BACBD

  IV. 词组填空

  1. washed…away 2. wake…up

  3. worn out

  4. win over

  5. working with

  6. working on

  7. work out

  8. wrote back

  9. write…down 10.write to

  V. 句子翻译

  1. I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.

  2. I warned you not to walk home alone.

  3. She is wearing school uniform today.

  4. They warmly welcomed the new volunteers.

  5. The book is well worth reading.

  6. The hall is 18 meters wide.

  7. I’m not worried about him; he can take care of himself.

  8. We moved to Paris, where we lived for 6 years.

  9. Whether you like it or not, I am going.

  10. He has put on / gained weight since he gave up smoking.


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