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发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项Many skilled young people are being forced into part-time and unskilled work, the report says. It warns of a "crisis" with more than six million people so disillusioned they have given up looking for work. The ILO(International Labor Organization)wants governments to make job creation a priority. It wants more training schemes, and also tax breaks for employers.

  "The youth unemployment crisis can be beaten but only if job creation for young people becomes a key priority in policymaking and private sector investment picks up significantly," said Jose Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, executive director of the ILO's employment sector.

  Since 2007, the number of young people without jobs has risen by four million - up from less than 12%, the Global Employment Trends for Youth Report says. Almost 13% of people aged between 15 and 24 - or almost 75 million - have no work, although this is slightly down on its peak in 2009.

  In the European Union, one in five young people are looking for work, the report claims. Some 27.9% of youths were unemployed in North Africa last year ?a rise of five percentage points on 2010. In the Middle East, the figure stood at 26.5% in the report's regional breakdown. Even in East Asia, perhaps the most economically active region, the unemployment rate was 2.8 times higher for young people than for adults, the report said.

  But, the ILO report reveals, the true picture of youth unemployment is even more pessimistic. Many young people are extending their time in higher education because they cannot find jobs. Others are taking part-time unskilled work because they cannot find work in the fields they trained for.

  The ILO says that more than six million young people worldwide have given up looking for work and are becomingly increasingly detached from society. By not using their skills they are losing them, the report says, and if there is no improvement in the jobs market soon, they may be not only unemployed, but unemployable.

  The ILO suggests offering tax breaks to businesses hiring young people and offering more

  programmes to help kick-start careers.

  63. Which of the following is true according to Jose Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs?

  A. Since 2007, the number of young people out of job has risen to 4 million.

  B. Nearly 13% of the young people have no work.

  C. Job creation should be made a key priority in policymaking.

  D. The youth unemployment rate can never go down.

  64. The various figures in paragraph 3 and 4 were used to show_________.

  A. The employment situation is serious only in the European Union

  B. The global youth employment situation is depressing

  C. East Asia enjoys a high youth employment rate

  D. Compared with the situation in 2009, the youth employment in 2007 is slightly better

  65. According to ILO, the following are caused by high youth unemployment rate except__________.

  A. The government calls on young people to take up whatever job is available

  B. Many young people are making their time in higher education longer

  C. Some young people are taking part-time unskilled work

  D. Many young people have given up looking for work

  66. The ILO offered many solutions to the crisis of youth unemployment, including___________.

  a. making job creations a priority

  b. more training schemes

  c. encouraging public investment

  d. tax breaks for employers

  e. offering more entrepreneurship programmes to help start careers

  A. a b c e

  B. b c d e

  C. a c d e

  D. a b d e



  阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项The issue of privacy versus openness is a paradox, particularly when it comes to the American home. “Lots” or “yards” (gardens) can be large and many are not enclosed by the walls, fences or hedges so popular in other cultures. Similarly, “window treatments” frame the window. but the use of European-style net curtains to screen out nosy neighbors is rare. In the same style, first-time visitors to an American home may be proudly given the full tour; even walk-in closets and en suite bathrooms are not considered off-limits. They may also be encouraged to help themselves to a soda from the fridge. All this gives an impression of openness.

  Yet Americans do value their personal space and privacy. A Brazilian expatriate (侨民) who dropped in on her usually friendly Connecticut neighbors unannounced got the clear impression she should have called first. Similarly while a typical suburban home features large, shared areas, such as an open-plan kitchen and family room or “den”, ample private space is also allowed in the floor plan. A visit to a family home in the evening would likely find the family members dispersed, each independently watching TV, on the phone, surfing the Internet, or otherwise recharging batteries in the privacy of their own bedroom.

  American individualism, expansiveness, and abundance are expressed in lifestyle. Despite the fact that the average household size has declined over the past thirty years from3.1 people to 2.6 people per household, the average size of a new family home increased during the same period from 1,500 to 2,200 square feet.

  A common observation is just how outsized everything is. The beds are king-sized, the TVs have giant screens, the burgers are “whoppers (庞然大物),” appliances are “industrial” size. The largest popcorn or soda at the movies can be “supersized.” Closets are “walk in,” and some cars are the size of a military vehicle.

  67. The passage suggests that Americans___________.

  A. are rich enough to afford large size houses and luxurious electricity appliances

  B. are very shy when talking about keeping their privacy and their personal space

  C. would like to express their lifestyles in public to show them off

  D. enjoy openness as well as individualism although they seem to contradict each other

  68.Why can we say that American individualism, expansiveness, and abundance are expressed in their lifestyle?

  A. Because the average size of a new house has increased during the past thirty years.

  B. Because Americans often use European-style net curtains to screen out nosy neighbors.

  C. Because many houses are equipped with walk-in closets.

  D. Because the house size, outsized household furniture and independent living habits have proved it.

  69. The underlined phrase in the passage means___________.

  A. filling a battery with electrical power

  B. recovering your strength and energy by resting for a while

  C. changing your batteries again

  D. obtaining new batteries because old ones are running out

  70. According to the passage, if you drop in on an American family which is usually friendly to you in the evening, you____________.

  A. will be deeply impressed by their family get-together scene

  B. will be invited to a party which is well-prepared

  C. will find family members scattered, and enjoying themselves individually

  D. will be warmly welcomed even if they don’t get informed of your visit earlier



  请认真阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

  “Kevin, we are getting a divorce,” said my mother. My heart plunged. I was 9 years old and I thought that my life was going to


  . My brother and I were going to move with my mother to southern California. My dad was to


  in New Jersey because of work. My family was splitting apart.

  Now that my mom is a single parent, I do my own


  , make dinner and do extra chores around the house.


  it was hard at first, I now recognize the positive


  that this responsibility had on me. My mother gave me these chores and duties so that I would learn to become


  and trustworthy.

  I strive to display these


  in all aspects of my life, and have seen the benefits. When I was only 11 years old, my


  told me that he was selecting me as soccer team captain because of my determination and ability to get my teammates to


  themselves. We lost the championship, but I won the


  play award for keeping my team together.

  I am always


  to be an individual and not participate in anything that I feel is wrong. I am, for example, extremely proud of my decision not to drink alcohol.


  , I don’t feel the need to drink to have fun, and I stand by my decision even when others try to



  My mom and dad both found new


  and happily remarried. I am


  close to my father, even though he lives 4,800 km away. I thought my parents’ divorce was going to be the worst thing that


  happened to me. Ironically (讽刺的是), it turned out to be the


  . I wasn’t willing to let it ruin my life without putting up a fight, and


  was my family.

  At age 9, I struggled with the confusion and


  of divorce. Today, at age 16, I understand that


  can bring opportunity and success, and that hard work, determination and self-control can turn your worst time into your best time.

  36. A. fall apart

  B. give away

  C. pick up

  D. take off

  37. A. drop

  B. remain

  C. call

  D. break

  38. A. housework

  B. farming

  C. cooking

  D. laundry

  39. A. Although

  B. Because

  C. If

  D. Since

  40. A. attitude

  B. experience

  C. effect

  D. situation

  41. A. self-centered

  B. self-absorbed

  C. self-disciplined

  D. self-concerned

  42. A. skills

  B. difficulties

  C. emotions

  D. qualities

  43. A. father

  B. headmaster

  C. brother

  D. coach

  44. A. enjoy

  B. teach

  C. prove

  D. push

  45. A. fierce

  B. fair

  C. close

  D. decisive

  46. A. determined

  B. reminded

  C. relieved

  D. amazed

  47. A. Fortunately

  B. Surprisingly

  C. Personally

  D. Consequently

  48. A. cheat

  B. pressure

  C. please

  D. delight

  49. A. families

  B. jobs

  C. kids

  D. partners

  50. A. still

  B. not

  C. rarely

  D. less

  51. A. never

  B. even

  C. ever

  D. almost

  52. A. best

  B. worst

  C. busiest

  D. first

  53. A. so

  B. such

  C. as

  D. neither

  54. A. pain

  B. memory

  C. significance

  D. emergency

  55. A. barriers

  B. families

  C. parents

  D. Routines


  36.选A,父母离异了,我感觉我的生活要崩溃了。Fall apart 崩溃





  41.选C,和trustworthy并列,表示一种好的人的品质,只能选C了,self-disciplined 自律。

  42.选D, 承接上文,我努力在我生活的各个方面展示这些品质,并且有着一些收获。


  44.选D, 参照上题。

  45.选B, fair play award 公平竞赛奖


  47.选C,personally 就个人而言,我不想喝酒寻乐,即使在别人迫使我喝酒的时候,我都能坚持自己的决定。



  50.选A,still 依然。我依然和父亲非常亲密,尽管我们相隔很远。

  51.选C,ever 曾经:我过去认为父母离婚对我来讲是曾经发生过的最糟糕的事。然而实际情况证明是它是最好的,根据ironically可知上下句意思相反。






  Brandon Craggs




  cerebral palsy (大脑性麻痹). Doctors told his parents that the boy would always be too __1___to take part in sporting events, __2__

  major competitions.

  But the youngster from Wolverhampton has proved doctors ___3__ by winning a major championship. Mum Helen who works as a technician said Brandon had always been extremely

  __4__ and that his __5__ resulted from his never giving up. She said,

  “He had problems with his fine movement and had weak __6__. We were really sad when we were told by doctors that he might never walk __7__ and they warned us he would be clumsy when __8__ sports. But we did exercise his weak ankles and he __9__ the orthopaedic boots (矫形靴) everyday for around three years.

  His dad has always loved __10__ and when Brandon was five he would walk around behind his dad. Brandon had his first __11__ when he was seven and just absolutely __12__ it.


  was recently crowned winner of the Wolverhampton Schools Championship—__13__ the golfers who were five years his senior.

  After years of physiotherapy(物理疗法) he can now walk without problems - although he does __14__ from hearing issues in

  both ears. Michael said his son's recent win was __15__.“I gave up my membership at a local golf so I could __16__ more time with him. He has had a lot to __17__in

  the past and he still has

  to go for regular audiograms(听力敏度图) to monitor his hearing loss. It's unbelievable to think

  about where we have gone from __18__ he was just a few months old.

  We are both very proud of what he has __19__.” Mick Woodhouse, organiser of Penn Golf Course, where Brandon __20__ and won, added, “Brandon is a delightful guy and very good player.”

  1.A. clumsyB. comfortable

  C. active

  D. lazy

  2. A. rather than

  B. as usual

  C. let alone

  D. such as

  3.A. right

  B. wrong

  C. clever

  D. brilliant

  4.A. powerful

  B. changeable

  C. determined

  D. careful

  5.A. illness

  B. mistake

  C. failure

  D. success

  6.A. legs

  B. arms

  C. ankles

  D. hands

  7.A. carefully

  B. normally

  C. weakly

  D. disappointedly

  8.A. playing

  B. watching

  C. working

  D. studying

  9.A. carried

  B. wore

  C. brought

  D. took

  10.A. music

  B. volleyball

  C. golf

  D. basketball

  11.A. lesson

  B. business

  C. fortune

  D. operation

  12.A. avoided

  B. refused

  C. praised

  D. loved

  13.A. winning

  B. beating

  C. helping

  D. saving

  14.A. benefit

  B. suffer

  C. learn

  D. prevent

  15. A. available

  B. uncomfortable

  C. unbelievable

  D. unacceptable

  16.A. spend

  B. pay

  C. waste

  D. ruin

  17.A. laugh at

  B. deal with

  C. look for

  D. pick out

  18.A. where

  B. how

  C. when

  D. whether

  19.A. needed

  B. achieved

  C. showed

  D. matched

  20. A. competed

  B. trained

  C. fought

  D. attended

  [文章大意] 本文是一篇记叙文。被医生诊断为不能正常走路的小男孩最终凭着自己的毅力成为了高尔夫球冠军!

  1.A。根据第二段的“they warned us he would be clumsy when __8__ sports”可知答案为A。

  2.C。从上句中的“too__1__ to take part in sporting events”可以推知,男孩连进行体育运动都困难,“更不用说”参加重大比赛。故答案为C。let alone“更不用说,更谈不上”。

  3.B。上文中提到医生说Brandon Craggs 不能参加比赛,而根据空后的“by winning a major championship”可以断定,医生的看法是“错误的”(wrong)。

  4.C。从下文的“never giving up”可推知,此处表达的是他的意志非常坚定。故答案为C。

  5.D。从上文中的“winning a major championship”可知,此处指他的“成功”,所以要用success。

  6.C。根据第8空后面的“But we did exercise his weak ankles”可知,他的“脚踝”有问题。故答案为C。

  7.B。根据医生的判断“He had problems with his fine movement”可以推知,他走路不正常。故答案为B。


  9.B。根据空后的“the orthopaedic boots(矫形靴)”可知,此处要用wore。




  were five


  his senior”可知Brandon的父亲喜欢的是高尔夫球。

  11.A。在Brandon 7岁的时候上了第一节高尔夫球课,并完全爱上了它。故选A。

  12.D。参见上题解析。 love“爱,喜欢”,符合语境。


  14.B。从下文中的“go for regular audiograms(听力敏度图)to monitor his hearing loss”可知,他还有听力问题,所以此处要用suffer from,表示“遭受(疾病,悲伤等)”。



  17.B。在身体不健康的情况下Brandon还能取得那么好的成绩,这就可以说明他在过去的时间里克服了很多困难,所以要用deal with,表示“处理,解决”。

  18.C。从后面的“he was just a few months old”可知,此处是指他的年龄,故应该用when。




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