【3年高考2年模拟】2016届高三英语一轮复习课件 Module 1 Life in the Future-查字典英语网
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【3年高考2年模拟】2016届高三英语一轮复习课件 Module 1 Life in the Future

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  (3)For the first time in years,she felt    her life. 多年来第一次她觉得生活掌握在自己的手里。 (4)I am    —what would you like me to do? 我听从您的吩咐——你想让我干什么?  答案    (1)should not leave    (2)took command of    (3)in command of     (4)at your command 3 attach Senior citizens and people with disabilities will be able to go anywhere in the world using high-tech cameras attached to their head.把一个高级相机 系在头上,老年人和有残疾的人就可以去世界的任何地方。 (教材原句P 2)  考点释义 There was a nice little present for everyone,with a suitable poem attached to it. 每个人都有一份小小的礼物,礼物上面带着一首相符合的诗。 Good advertisements often use words to which people attach positive mean- ing. 好的广告经常会使用那些人们赋予了积极意义的词汇。  活学巧用 完成句子: (1)You’ll be     this department until the end of the year.Next year you will be rearranged.

  你要在这个部门工作到年底,明年会给你重新安排。 (2)Mr.Smith opened the letter and found a list of his employees          the letter. 史密斯先生打开信,发现里面还附带着一份自己员工的名单。 (3)Parents     education.They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift. 父母们都非常重视教育,他们会尽自己最大的努力给孩子们那份无价的 礼物。

   答案 (1)attached to (2)was attached to (3)attach much/great importance to 4 shape “By the year 2000,housewives will probably have a robot shaped like a box...”“到2000年时,家庭主妇可能会有一个形状像盒子的机器人… …” (教材原句P9)  考点释义

  形象记忆   Our behavior is often shaped by little pressures around us,which we fail to recognize.(2017 重庆 阅读理解 E) 周围的少许压力会经常塑造着我们的行为,这一点我们没有认识到。 A few months in the country will put him in good physical shape again.在乡 下住几个月就会使他的身体恢复健康。  活学巧用    完成句子: (1)A new road,     (形状像)an L,is being built in our town. (2)You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly              (变形). (3)A plan is beginning to     (形成)in my mind. (4)It’s not what we do once in a while that    (塑造我 们的生活),but what we do consistently.

   答案    (1)shaped like 句意:我们镇上正在修建一条呈“L”形的新 路。 (2)out of shape 句意:你一直坐在我的帽子上,现在它已严重变形了。 (3)take shape 句意:一个计划开始在我的脑子里形成了。 (4)shapes our life 句意:并不是我们偶尔做的事而是我们一直在做的事 才塑造了我们的生活。 5 run out In the future,care for the environment will become very important as earth’ s natural resources run out.将来,因为地球上的自然资源濒临枯竭,关爱环 境将变得非常重要。 (教材原句P2)  考点释义    发散思维     Guess who I ran into this morning in the street? 你猜今天上午我在大街上遇到谁了? She ran over her notes before giving the lecture. 讲课之前,她浏览了一下讲稿。  活学巧用    用合适的介词或副词填空: (1)Food supplies in the flood-stricken area are running    .We must act immediately before there’s nothing left. (2)—OK,I’ve had enough of it.I give up. —You can’t run     your responsibilities. (3)If you run    any problem when you arrive at the airport,give me a ring. (4)Some companies are reported to have stopped production,having run           raw materials.  答案    (1)out 句意:在那个遭受洪水袭击的地区食物供应快用完了,我 们必须在彻底用完前立即采取行动。 (2)away from 句意:——好了,我已经受够这个了。我要放弃了。—— 你不能回避自己的责任。 (3)into 句意:如果你到达机场时遇到麻烦,给我打个电话。 (4)out of 句意:据报道一些公司因为原料用完而停产了。  高分靓句     例句:由于战争,加沙地带的人们害怕他们的食物很快会用完。 Because of the war,people in Gaza fear that their food will run out soon. 仿写:钱这么快就会花完,你会感到很惊讶的。所以事先做一个计划是值 得的。                                                                                                                                               答案 You will be surprised how quickly you run out of the money,so it is

  worthwhile to make a plan in advance. 6 rely on We will also have to rely more on alternative energy,such as solar and wind power.我们也将不得不更多地依赖替代能源,如:太阳能和风能。 (教材 原句P2)  考点释义 While advertisements are of great help,I don’t think we should entirely re- ly on them. 尽管广告对我们非常有帮助,但是我认为不能完全依靠它们。 In a year he collected reliable information on 1,600 shoes.(2017 广东 阅读 理解 D) 一年后他在1,600双鞋上搜集到了可靠的信息。

   活学巧用    英译汉: (1)Today we rely heavily on computers to organize our work.                                                                                                                                                   (2)He is the first person you can think of to rely on,for he is always willing to help out whoever is in trouble.                                                                                                                                                     (3)I have been convinced that the print media are usually more accurate and more reliable than television.                                                                                                                                    (4)Everybody likes to work with whoever is reliable and easy to get on with.                                                                                                                                                       答案    (1)现在我们很大程度上依靠电脑来安排我们的工作。 (2)他是那种你第一个想到值得信赖的人,因为他总是乐意帮助那些遇到 困难的人。 (3)我相信印刷媒体通常要比电视更准确、可靠一些。 (4)人们都愿意和那些值得信赖的和容易相处的人共事。 7 free of charge All forms of recreation...will be provided free of charge by the city.各种形 式的娱乐……都将由这个城市免费提供。 (教材原句P2)  考点释义    发散思维 Each passenger is allowed 30 pounds of luggage free of charge. 每个旅客可以免费携带30磅的行李。 In many states of America,a neighbor may charge you with playing your ra- dio too loudly. 在美国的很多州,邻居可能因为你收音机声音太大而控告你。

   活学巧用 完成句子: (1)The chief engineer was    directing the building of the subway. 总工程师负责指挥地铁的修建工程。 (2)When the manager goes out for vacation,the company is always left           his secretary.


  (3)Those young men     by the police    causing a distur- bance in the neighborhood. 那些年轻人因为在社区引起了骚扰而受到了警方的指控。 (4)—     did the guy     to fix your bicycle? —I don’t remember,but it was quite a lot. ——那个家伙为给你修自行车要了多少钱?——我记不住了,反正很多。  答案 (1)in charge of (2)in the charge of (3)were charged;with (4) How much;charge you  高分靓句     例句:我们需要一个充满智慧的人来负责这个项目。 We need a man full of wisdom to take charge of the project. 仿写:应该鼓励学生们管理好自己的学习,而不是只依赖他们的老师。                                                                                                                                              答案 Students should be encouraged to take charge of their own learn- ing,rather than just depending on their teachers. 8 carry out ...as doctors carry out operations from thousands of miles away...……因为 医生能够在几千里以外进行手术操作……(教材原句P2)  考点释义   My question is how to carry out the plan. 我的问题是怎么实施该计划。 Determined to carry out the plan on time,they will make careful preparations. 决心要按时完成该项计划,他们会做出精心的准备。  活学活用    完成句子: (1)I felt it very difficult    the work all by myself. 我觉得仅靠我自己完成这项工作很困难。 (2)Before the Hope Project    in this poor area,students here had no access to education. 在希望工程在这个贫困地区实施前,这儿的孩子无法接受教育。  答案    (1)to carry out    (2)was carried out  高分靓句     例句:我们相信他是诚实的,所以决定依靠他来完成这项密令。 Convinced of his honesty,we decided to depend on him to carry out the se- cret order. 仿写:我们想听一下你对我校正在实施的改革是怎么想的。                                                                                                                                                 答案 We want to hear what you think about the reform being carried out

  in our school. 9 not all表部分否定 Not all predictions come true.并不是所有的预言都能变为现实。 (教材原 句P9)  考点释义 表示部分否定的结构有:   Both of the sisters are not here. 并非姐妹俩都在这里。 I don’t know all of them. 我并不认识他们中所有的人。  活学巧用    完成句子: (1)     children will be successful in the job for which they are being trained. =    children will    be successful in the job for which they are be- ing trained.

  并不是所有的孩子都会在他们为之培训的工作中取得成功。 (2)     student in our class    good at English. =    student in our class    good at English. 我们班并不是每个学生都擅长英语。 (3)I haven’t read     his novels. 他的两部小说我并没有都读过。  答案    (1)Not all;All;not    (2)Not every;is;Every;isn’t    (3)both of 将来进行时 1.He has promised me that upon my arrival he    (wait)for me at the air- port. 2.This time next week I’ll be on vacations,probably I    (lie)on a beau- tiful beach. 3.—Will you be able to see Jennifer’s parents when the first class is over?

  —I am afraid not.I    (attend)a lecture on British literature in the hall. 4.— Shall we meet for a drink next Saturday morning?

  — Sorry.I    (see)a friend off at the airport then. 5.Don’t phone Tom at two o’clock this afternoon,when he    (attend) a meeting. 单元语法答案 1.will be waiting 句意:他答应我,我一到达他就会在机场等我。 2.will be lying 句意:下周这个时候我就去度假了,或许我就会躺在美丽 的海滩上了。 3.will be attending 句意:——第一节课结束后你能见一下Jennifer的父 母吗?——恐怕不能。那个时候我正在大厅里听关于英国文学的讲座 呢。 4.will be seeing 句意:——我们下周六上午一起喝一杯行吗?——抱 歉。那个时候我正在机场为一个朋友送行。 5.will be attending 句意:今天下午2点不要给汤姆打电话,那个时候他正 在参加会议。

  单元课前检测 语言点用法过关 栏目索引

  单元课前检测 语言点用法过关 栏目索引 课标卷外研版 英语 Module 1 Life in the Future Ⅰ.重点单词 1.     adj.& n.供选择的(事物) 2.     n.罪行;犯罪      n.罪犯;犯人 adj.犯法的 3.     n.预测;预言      vt.预测;预言      adj.可预见的

  单元课前检测 4.     n.资源;财力 5.     vi.依靠;依赖      adj.可靠的;值得信赖的 6.     n.担子;负荷      vt.下载 7.     vt.& n.逮捕 8.     n.& v.命令;指挥;掌握 9.     v.& n.转换;开关 10.     adv.确定地;无疑地      adj.明确的;确定的 11.     adv.最后;终于 12.     n.形状;外形 vt.(使)形成;塑造 13.     adj.混凝土制的;具体的 14.     adj.冒险的;危险的      n.冒险;危险 15.     adj.太阳的 16.     n.目录 17.     n.娱乐;消遣 18.     adj.乐观的

  Ⅱ.重点短语 1.     肯定;确切地 2.     依靠;依赖 3.     (某物)用完;耗尽 4.     除去;除掉;摆脱掉 5.     免费 6.     用完/耗尽某物 7.     即将过时;即将被淘汰 8.     首先 9.     实施;执行;贯彻 10.     对……乐观的 Ⅲ.重点句型 1.I am    busy enjoying my life now    worry about the future! 我现在忙于享受生活,而无暇为未来担忧! 2.    garbage problems,the city will load huge spaceships with waste materials... 为了摆脱垃圾问题,该市会把垃圾装在大型飞船上…… 3.No one knows     ,and     is a risky business.

  没有人确切知道,并且做预言是一件危险的事。   1.When building    (material)cost more,the price of houses increases. 2.This middle school is    (attach)to a teachers’ college. 3.Many people are pushing for the use of    (alternate)energy sources for fear that natural resources will run out some day. 4.Whoever provides useful evidence for the    (criminal)will be reward- ed 5,000 yuan. 5.The girl swims well despite her    (disable). 6.You can’t     (prediction)everything.Often things don’t work out as

  you expect. 7.There was such a long queue waiting for the tickets and    (eventual) we gave up. 8.We should value and make better use of our natural     (resource). 9.Captain Cook    (command)that all the goods be thrown into the sea. 基础知识题组答案 Ⅰ.重点单词 1.alternative 2.crime;criminal 3.prediction;predict;predictable 4.resource 5.rely;reliable 6.load;download 7.arrest 8.command 9.switch 10.definitely;definite 11.eventually 12.shape 13.concrete 14.risky;risk 15.solar 16.catalogue 17.recreation 18.optimistic Ⅱ.重点短语 1.for sure 2.rely/depend on 3.run out 4.get rid of 5.free of charge  6.use up 7.on the way out 8.for a start 9.carry out 10.be optimistic about Ⅲ.重点句型 1.too;to 2.To get rid of 3.for sure;making predictions 单句填空题组答案 1.materials 句意:当建筑材料价格上涨时,房价也会上涨。 2.attached 句意:这所中学附属于一所师范院校。 3.alternative 句意:很多人要求使用可替代能源,因为他们害怕有一天自 然资源会耗尽。 4.crime  句意:无论是谁提供关于该犯罪活动的有用的证据都将会得到 五千元的奖励。 5.disability 句意:那个女孩仅管身体有残疾,游泳却很好。 6.predict 句意:不是什么事情都能预测到,事情的结果经常会和你预想 的不一样。 7.eventually 句意:买票的人排起了长队,最终我们放弃了。 8.resources 句意:我们应该珍惜和更好地利用我们的自然资源。 9.commanded 句意:库克船长命令把所有的商品都扔进大海里。 1 alternative alternative adj.替换的,可供选择的,(二者中)选其一的;n.可供选择的东西 (教材原句P2)  考点释义     语言点用法过关   alternatively adv. 二者选一地 As an alternative consider checking into a self-catering flat with its own kitchen. 作为一个可以替换的选择方式,考虑一下入住一个带厨房的自助公寓。 Do you have an alternative solution to the problem? 你有没有别的办法来解决这个问题?  活学巧用    英译汉: (1)To spend the summer vacation,we may go to the mountains,or alterna- tively go to the seaside.                                                                                                                                          (2)John has got a fever these days,and he said he didn’t want to see a doc- tor,but I’m afraid he has no alternative.                                                                                                                                             (3)She had no alternative but to ask for a few days’ leave.                                                                                                                                              答案    (1)这个暑假我们可以去爬山,也可以去海边。 (2)这几天约翰发烧,他说他不想去看医生,但是恐怕他别无选择。 (3)实在不得已,她只好请几天假。

  ...and catalogues will have voice commands to place orders.……并且购物 目录会有声音指令来订货。 (教材原句P2)  考点释义    

  2 command

  形象记忆   Having lived in China for 8 years,Helen has a good command of both Eng- lish and Chinese. 在中国生活了8年了,海伦对英语和汉语都非常精通。 The director commanded that everyone(should)follow his advice.主任要求 每个人都要听从他的建议。  活学巧用    完成句子: (1)The boss commanded that his workers    their offices before dark. 老板命令他的员工们在天黑前不能离开办公室。 (2)The sailors    of the ship from the cruel captain and left him on a deserted island. 水手们从那个残暴的船长手里接管了轮船,把他丢弃在一个荒凉的岛 上。


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