【3年高考2年模拟】2016届高三英语一轮复习课件 Module 2 My New Teachers-查字典英语网
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【3年高考2年模拟】2016届高三英语一轮复习课件 Module 2 My New Teachers

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  单元语法答案 1.buying 句意:他们考虑着买一台电脑,这对他们的工作有很大的帮 助。 2.using 句意:你能想象得到学生们在浴室里竟然用这么多的水吗?那是 我们能够想象出来的唯一一个减少学生们在浴室过度用水的办法。 3.paying 句意:明天我们都有空,于是我提议去参观一下历史博物馆。 而且,我建议我们步行过去。 4.making 只要不是太晚,我不介意你晚些时候作出决定。 5.driving 句意:为了能通过驾照考试,艾丽斯一个月来一直忙着练习开 车。 6.smoking 句意:不允许你在这儿吸烟,因为我们不允许在办公室里吸 烟。 (3)—I just can’t put this new lamp together properly. —     ,dear.Follow the instructions step by step. ——我简直没法把这盏新灯正确安装起来。 ——耐心点,亲爱的。按照说明书一步一步地来。  答案    (1)attend to patients    (2)lost their patience (3)Be patient 2 matter It doesn’t matter if a teacher is not organised.如果老师上课没有条理,这 没关系。(教材原句P11)  考点释义 n.  vi.  Others may say how to dress is a matter of personal freedom,but for busi- nesses it is more about whether to make or lose money.(2017陕西 阅读理解 D) 其他人可能会说如何穿衣是个人自由的事,但是对于商业来说这更多的 是挣钱还是赔钱的问题。 I have always been honest and straightforward,and it doesn’t matter who it is that I’m talking to. 我一直是一个诚实坦率的人,我到底在和谁说话并不重要。  活学巧用    完成句子: (1)And     ,its new owner had no plan to give it the funds it re- quired. 而且,更为糟糕的是,它的新主人没有计划为它提供所需要的资金。 (2)     is not failure itself,but the attitude we have towards it. 真正重要的不是失败本身,而是我们对待失败的态度。 (3)     where charities get their money from;what counts is what they do with it. 慈善机构到底是从哪里得到的钱不重要,重要的是他们用这些钱来干什 么。  答案    (1)to make matters worse    (2)What really matters    (3)It doesn’t

  matter 3 avoid She avoids making you feel stupid!她不会让你觉得自己很傻!(教材原句P 12)  考点释义   A person who avoids exercise is more likely to have illnesses than one who exercises regularly.(2017 天津 阅读理解 D)

  一个不锻炼身体的人比经常锻炼的人更容易患病。 Setting your watch five minutes ahead is an effective way to avoid being late. 把你的表的时间提前5分钟是一个避免迟到的有效的办法。  活学巧用    单句填空: (1)As you already know from high school,your social life will be more pleasant if you avoid    (cause)conflicts,no matter in class,dorm,or elsewhere. (2)It’s reported that Nest Chat allows users to block others when they want to avoid    (disturb).

   答案    (1)causing 句意:正如你从高中了解到的一样,不管是在教室 里、宿舍里或者别的地方,如果你能避免引起矛盾冲突的话你的社会生 活就会更愉快。 (2)being disturbed 句意:据报道,当不想被打扰的时候Nest Chat聊天工 具允许用户阻止别人。考查avoid doing sth.结构。根据语境可知此处 they与disturb之间是被动关系。 4 appreciate Some of our class don’t like her,but most of us really appreciate her be- cause...我们班有些人不喜欢她,但是大多数人是真的感激她,因为……(教 材原句P12)  考点释义 形 象 记 忆   It was a while before Tom could appreciate the joke.(2017江西 阅读理解A) 汤姆要过一段时间才能理解这个笑话的含义。 I’d appreciate it if you could turn the radio down.I’m doing my home- work. 如果你能把收音机声音调小点的话我会非常感激的,我在做作业。  活学巧用    英译汉: (1)Any help from you will be greatly appreciated.Please give me a reply at your convenience.                                                                                                                              (2)I really appreciate your offering to help me with my maths,but I’m afraid that I have no time this week.                                                                                                                                  (3)I appreciated having been given the opportunity to study abroad two years ago.                                                                                                                                                   答案    (1)你的任何帮助我都会非常感激的。请在你方便的时候给我 一个答复。 (2)十分感谢你能主动帮我学数学,可是恐怕这周我没时间。 (3)非常感激两年前给我那次出国学习的机会。 And a few students even admit liking her!而且有一些学生甚至承认喜欢 她!(教材原句P12)  考点释义  

  5 admit 形 象 记 忆   Forty-two percent of people asked admitted they turned to the back of the book to read the end before finishing the story.(2017课标Ⅰ 阅读理解C) 在被问及的人中有42%的人承认在读完小说前就翻到最后看了结尾。 The girls admitted into the company recently have to receive strict training before they start to work. 最近被招入该公司的那些女孩在工作之前必须接受严格培训。  活学巧用    完成句子: (1)He works very hard in order to get himself     (考入)a key u- niversity. 为了能考入重点大学他在努力学习。 (2)At last the man had no choice but    (承认偷了)the computer from the office. 最后这个人别无选择,只好承认从办公室偷了电脑。

  (3)    (被录取)to a university in the USA,international students must have a strong ability in spoken and written English. 要想被美国大学录取,外国学生必须具有很强的英语口语和书面语的能 力。 (4)Henry hurried to the library only to find a notice at the gate,saying “No     (进入)before 12 noon”. 亨利匆匆忙忙赶到图书馆,结果发现大门上有一个通知,通知上写着:“中午12点前不能入内”。  答案    (1)admitted to/into    (2)to admit having stolen (3)To be admitted    (4)admission    

  6 make sure Good teachers make sure that everyone in the class understands.好老师应确 保班上的每位学生都能理解(所讲的东西)。(教材原句P11)  考点释义   ...many schools have breakfast clubs to make sure that children get a healthy start to the day.(2017福建 阅读理解E) ……很多学校都有早餐俱乐部来确保孩子们每天都有一个健康的开 端。 You can only be sure of what you have at present;you cannot be sure of something you might get in the future. 你只能确保你现在所拥有的东西,对将来你会得到什么东西你是不能把 握的。  活学巧用    完成句子: (1)You’d better call the booking office    if there is a flight

  to Beijing tonight. 你最好给售票处打个电话,确定一下今晚是不是有去北京的航班。 (2)I     this is the room where she left her dictionary. 我不能确定她是不是把词典忘在这个房间了。 (3)Jane had prepared carefully for her English examination so that she could      it on her first attempt. 为了第一次参赛就能通过,Jane为英语考试做了精心的准备。 (4)—Are you going to take part in the speech contest? —     .It’s too good an opportunity to miss. ——你打算参加这次演讲比赛吗?——肯定会的。这个好机会不容错 过。  答案    (1)to make sure    (2)am not sure whether    (3)be sure of passing     (4)That’s for sure 7 a bit I think maybe she goes a bit too slowly for the faster students...我想对于那 些学习较好的学生来说,她的进度也许有些慢……(教材原句P12)  考点释义 a bit=a little稍微;有点儿(在肯定句中修饰形容词或副词) 一点        By reading this passage you are giving over a bit of your time which could be spent doing other activities,such as sleeping and eating.(2017江苏 阅读 理解 B) 通过读这篇文章你就可以利用了本来可以用来做其他活动(例如睡觉和 吃饭)的一点时间。 She is not a bit tired while I am not a little tired. 她一点也不累,而我却很累。  活学巧用    英译汉: (1)There’s been a bit of trouble at the office.                                                                                                                               (2)The boy took a bit of paper and a few bits of wood to make a fire.                                                                                                                                          (3)—Did you regret not going to college?—Not a bit.                                                                                                                                          (4)—Are you content with Ang Lee’s new film Life of Pi? —Not a little.It couldn’t be any better.                                                                                                                                           答案    (1)办公室里出了点麻烦事。 (2)那个男孩儿拿了一点纸和几块小木头去生火。 (3)——你后悔没上大学吗?——一点也不。 (4)——你对李安的新电影《少年派的奇幻漂流》感到满意吗?——非常 满意,这电影再好不过了。 8 as a result During scientific experiments,she explains exactly what is happening and as a result my work is improving.做科学实验时,她准确无误地解释正在发生 的一切,因此,我的学习在进步。(教材原句P12)  考点释义 n. vi.   I learned that shouting and threats of punishment would result in a disaster. (2017湖北 阅读理解 A) 我知道大喊大叫和要惩罚的威胁是会导致一场灾难的。 They helped and learned from each other;as a result,they became good friends. 他们互相帮助、互相学习,结果成了好朋友。

   活学巧用    完成句子: (1)My mother was over the age limit and    (因此),her application for the job was rejected. (2)The Greens’ shop has been broken into three times in the last two years, each     (带来)their great loss. (3)Jenny nearly missed the flight    (因为)doing too much shopping. (4)The terrible traffic accident largely     (由于)the driver’s tiredness.  答案    (1)as a result 句意:我母亲超过了年龄限制,因此她的工作申请 被拒绝了。 (2)resulting in 句意:在过去的两年里格林夫妇的商店被盗过三次,每一 次都给他们带来巨大损失。 (3)as a result of 句意:因为购物太多,珍妮差点误了航班。 (4)resulted from 句意:这次严重交通事故很大程度上是由于司机的疲劳 造成的。 9 would rather I’d rather do translation than revision,Mr Stanton.斯坦顿老师,我宁愿做 翻译也不愿复习。(教材原句P17)  发散思维     Some people prefer to do almost everything over the Internet.(2017安徽 阅 读理解 D) 有些人愿意几乎所有事情都在网上做。 She preferred to keep her troubles to herself rather than allow them to trou- ble others. 她宁愿不让别人知道自己的困难,而不愿麻烦别人。  活学巧用    完成句子: (1)—Do you mind my opening the window? —    .I feel a bit cold. ——我把窗子打开你介意吗? ——我宁愿你不要把它打开,我觉得有点冷。 (2)The streets here are crowded with cars,so I prefer     here rather than    . 这儿的街道挤满了汽车,因此我愿意骑自行车到这里,而不愿意开车。  答案    (1)I would rather you didn’t    (2)to cycle;drive   v.-ing形式作宾语 1.They considered    (buy)a computer,which was considered to be a great help in their work. 2.Can you imagine students    (use)so much water in the bathroom?That is the only way we can imagine to reduce the overuse of water in students’ bathrooms. 3.We will be free tomorrow,so I suggest    (pay)a visit to the history museum.And I suggest that we go there on foot. 4.I don’t mind your delaying    (make)the decision as long as it is not too late. 5.To pass the driving test,Alice had a busy month practicing    (drive) the car. 6.You are not allowed to smoke here,for we don’t allow    (smoke)in the office.

  单元课前检测 语言点用法过关 栏目索引

  单元课前检测 语言点用法过关 栏目索引 课标卷外研版 英语 Module 2 My New Teachers Ⅰ.重点单词 1.     adj.有趣的;可笑的      adj.愉快的;逗乐的 2.     adj.精力充沛的      n.能量;精力 3.     adj.聪明的      n.智力;智慧

  单元课前检测 4.     adj.紧张的;焦虑的 5.     adj.有组织的;有条理的      vt.组织;筹备      n.组织;机构 6.     adj.有耐心的 n.病人      n.耐心 7.     adj.严肃的;严重的 8.     adj.严格的;严厉的 9.     vt.避免;避开 10.     adv.完全地;十分地 11.     adv.立即;马上 12.     vt.感激;欣赏 13.     vt.承认;许可进入 14.     adj.科学的      n.科学;理科      n.科学家 15.    n.文学 16.     n.总结;摘要;概括 17.     vt.& n.尊敬;尊重 18.     n.时期;一段时间 19.     n.复习;修订      vt.复习;修订 20.    n.翻译;译文      vt.翻译 21.     n.时间表 22.     n.话题;题目 23.     n.假期 24.     n.关系;联系 25.     adj.正式的;庄重的      adj.非正式的 26.     adj.轻松的;放松的      vt.使放松;使轻松      n.轻松;放松 27.     adv.同样地;类似地      adj.相似的;同样的      n.相像性;类似性

  Ⅱ.重点短语 1.     确定;确信;查明 2.     结果;因此 3.     事实上 4.     对某人要求严格 5.     对某事要求严格 6.     睡着

  7.     讲笑话;开玩笑 8.     取得进步 9.     快点;得了吧 Ⅲ.重点句型 1.She’s kind and patient,and she explains English grammar    clearly     even I can understand it! 她友善、耐心,而且把英语语法讲解得那么清楚,以至于连我都能明白! 2.Physics will never be my favourite lesson,but I think that I’ll do well in the exam    Mrs Chen     . 物理课永远不会是我最喜欢的课,但是我想有陈老师教我,我在考试中会 取得好成绩的。 3.I’d    do translation than revision. 我宁愿做翻译也不愿复习。 4.    France,Germany,and Spain… 法国、德国和西班牙也是这样……   1.Do you wake up every morning feeling    (energy)and ready to start a new day? 2.We should owe our success to hard work rather than    (intelligent). 3.Our new house was    (complete)in a mess after the party was over. 4.Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise;    (similar),our minds are developed by learning. 5.Once we discover a mistake,we should not ignore it but correct it     (immediate). 6.To be     (admit)to a key university,all the students in Senior 3 are making great efforts to study hard. 7.When I am tired with math exercises,I will go out for a walk to get      (relax). 8.I had thought he would be     (calm)in this speech competition,but he turned out to be calm. 9.Between the two    (period)of classes is a break,when we can have a short rest. 基础知识题组答案 Ⅰ.重点单词 1.amusing;amused 2.energetic;energy 3.intelligent;intelligence 4.nervous 5.organised;organise;organisation 6.patient;patience 7.serious 8.strict 9.avoid 10.completely 11.immediately 12.appreciate 13.admit 14.scientific;science;scientist 15.literature 16. summary 17.respect 18.period 19.revision;revise 20.translation;trans- late 21.timetable 22.topic 23.vacation 24.relationship 25.formal;informal 26.relaxed;relax;relaxation 27.simi- larly;similar;similarity Ⅱ.重点短语 1.make sure 2.as a result 3.in fact/as a matter of fact 4.be strict with sb. 5.be strict in sth. 6.fall asleep 7.tell jokes

  8.make progress 9.come on Ⅲ.重点句型 1.so;that 2.with;teaching me 3.rather 4.This is true of 单句填空题组答案 1.energetic 句意:你是不是每天早上醒来后都觉得精力充沛并做好迎接 新的一天的准备了? 2.intelligence 句意:我们应该把成功归功于我们付出的努力而不是聪 明。 3.completely 句意:聚会结束后我们的新房子完全一团糟。 4.similarly 句意:我们靠锻炼来强身,同样,我们的大脑要靠学习来得到 开发进步。 5.immediately 句意:一旦发现了错误,我们不应该视而不见而是应该立 即改正它。 6.admitted 句意:为了能被一所著名大学录取,所有高三学生正在努力学 习。 7.relaxed 句意:每当我做数学题做累了的时候,我就会出去散散步放松 一下。 8.nervous 句意:我原以为他会在这次演讲比赛中紧张的,但结果他很镇 静。 9.periods 句意:在两节课之间是一段休息的时间,在这段时间里我们可 以短暂休息一下。 语言点用法过关 1 patient My father is lively and energetic,but he is not very patient.我爸爸精力很充 沛,但是他不是很有耐心。(教材原句P11)  考点释义 be patient with对……有耐心 n.  n. 

  Professor Li is our chemistry teacher,who is patient as well as strict with us students. 李教授是我们的化学老师,他对我们学生既耐心又严格。 形 象 记 忆   The patient’s progress was very encouraging as he could nearly get out of bed without help. 这位病人的康复进展很令人鼓舞,他几乎能在没有帮助的情况下下床 了。  活学巧用    完成句子: (1)She delightedly took up the job to    in the hospital. 她愉快地接受了在医院照料病人的工作。 (2)Teachers soon    with Sal’s childish behaviour. 老师们很快对萨尔的幼稚行为失去了耐心。


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