【3年高考2年模拟】2016届高三英语一轮复习课件 Module 3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communication-查字典英语网
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【3年高考2年模拟】2016届高三英语一轮复习课件 Module 3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communication

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  After the three-year war,the two sides made a deal at last with each other and stopped fighting. 经过三年的战争,双方最终达成了一份协议然后停战了。 In recent years,parents have been attaching a great deal of importance to the education of their children. 近年来,家长们一直非常重视孩子们的教育。  活学巧用 完成句子: (1)As we all know,the old man,though a bit stubborn,is pleasant          (对付). (2)The traditional approach to     (处理)complex problems in our study is to break them down into smaller and more easily managed prob- lems. (3)—Why do you always lie to our mother you love her cooking? —It’s only a white lie,so     (没什么的). (4)—This is my treat and next is yours.How’s that? —OK.    (一言为定).  答案 (1)to deal with 句意:我们都知道,尽管这位老人有些固执,但和他打交道很令人愉快。 (2)dealing with 句意:传统的处理学习上遇到的复杂问题的方法就是把 它们分成小的和容易处理的问题。 (3)it’s no big deal 句意:——你为什么对母亲撒谎说喜欢她做的饭?— —这只是一个善意的谎言,没什么的。 (4)It’s a deal 句意:——这次我请客,下次你请客。好吗?——好的,一 言为定。  高分靓句     例句:这个问题应该由政府而不是普通老百姓来处理。 The problem should be dealt with by the government rather than ordinary

  people. 仿写:我们应该教会学生如何应对危险情况。                                                                                                                                              答案 School children must be taught how to deal with dangerous situa- tions. 3 involve Greetings in Asian countries do not involve touching the other person...亚洲 人打招呼是不接触他人身体的…… (教材原句P22)  考点释义   We believe the time and hard work involved in completing such an impor- tant project are worthwhile. 我们相信在完成这么一项重要工程方面所花 费的时间和艰辛的努力是值得的。 Much of his work involves dealing with drug problems in the schools of his community. 他的许多工作包括处理他的社区学校里的毒品问题。  活学巧用    完成句子: (1)I don’t feel like    their business,so I will not go to the meeting for their discussion. 我不想和他们的事有什么关联,所以我不打算去参加他们的讨论会。 (2)More than one doctor    the rescue that took place af- ter the earthquake.

  许多医生参加了震后的营救工作。 (3)Dr.Josh has started a social organization where young people can          helping the community. 约什大夫创办了一个社会组织,在这里年轻人可以参与到社区服务中 来。  答案    (1)getting involved with    (2)was involved in    (3)get involved in 4 spread

  One person then holds up his hand,palm outwards and five fingers spread.然 后一个人举起手,手掌向外,五指伸开。(教材原句P22)  考点释义      发散思维   In ancient Egypt,shopkeepers might hire such a person to spread the news about their products.(2017 浙江 阅读理解 A) 在古埃及,商店的店主会雇佣这样一个人去传播他们产品的消息。  活学巧用    用spread,expand,extend,stretch的适当形式填空: (1)The population of Africa is    so rapidly as to cause concern of the whole world. (2)I    out a hand and picked up the book. (3)Lighthearted and optimistic,she is the sort of woman to    sunshine to people through her smile. (4)The government has decided to    the ban on the import of beef until June.  答案    (1)expanding 句意:非洲人口膨胀如此迅速,以至于引起了全世 界的关心。 (2)stretched 句意:我伸出一只手捡起了那本书。 (3)spread 句意:她是一个无忧无虑的乐天派,是能够通过自己的微笑把 阳光传给人们的那类人。 (4)extend 句意:政府决定把进口牛肉的禁令延长到六月份。 5 mind Look at your friends and family and see if you are a mind reader!看看你的 朋友和家人,试试能否读懂他们的心思! (教材原句P22)  考点释义     You needn’t discuss the matter with him.He seemed to have made up his mind. 你没必要和他讨论此事了,他好像已经下决心了。 Therefore,we should all bear in mind Kurt Vonnegut’s advice:“We are what we pretend to be,so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.” (2017 重庆 阅读理解 E) 因此,我们要牢记Kurt Vonnegut的建议:“我们是那个假装出来的自己,所以我们要对假装成什么格外小心。”  活学巧用 完成句子: (1)    that if you lose your smart phone,it can be located on a map and remotely disabled.

  记住如果你的智能手机丢失了,可以在地图上确定它的位置并远程让它 失去功能。

  (2)I feel sure that in terms of ability and experience you are suited to the po- sition we    . 我很有把握就能力和经验方面而言你适合我们心里想好的那个职位。

  (3)Would you     us advice on how to improve our learning efficiency?

  你能就如何提高我们的学习效率提点建议吗? (4)—Sorry,I made a mistake again. —     .Practice more and you’ll succeed. ——对不起,我又犯了一个错误。 ——不要紧的,多练习你就会成功的。  答案 (1)Keep in mind (2)have in mind (3)mind giving (4)Never

  mind  高分靓句     例句:你能就如何提高我们的企业管理提点建议吗? Would you mind giving your advice on how to improve our business man- agement? 仿写:你能不采院子里的花吗?它们是让大家来欣赏的。                                                                                                                                                    答案 Would you mind not picking the flowers in the garden? They are

  for everyone’s enjoyment. 6 request Mr and Mrs Harry Blunkett request the pleasure of your company at the wedding of...哈里·布朗奇夫妇恭请您参加……的婚礼。(教材原句P28)  考点释义    

  Mrs.Totten usually walked up and down the rows of desks requesting an- swers from student after student in the order the questions had appeared on our homework sheets.(2017 湖南 阅读理解 B) 形 象 记 忆   Totten老师通常会在一排排的课桌间走来走去,按照出现在我们作业本 上问题的顺序挨个问学生的答案。 We requested that they immediately make an investigation of the matter. 我们请求他们对这件事立即进行调查。  活学巧用    完成句子: (1)We are considering the students’ request that the school canteen     (提供)more kinds of food especially during the weekends. (2)The manager of the hotel requests that their guests         (不播 放,不演奏)loud music after 12:00 p.m. (3)The singer sang one more song    (应要求)of enthusi- astic fans.  答案    (1)(should)provide 句意:我们正在考虑学生们提出的学校餐厅 应该提供更多种类的食品的要求,尤其是在周末时。 (2)(should)not play 句意:宾馆经理要求客人们在晚上12点后不要大声 播放音乐。 (3)at the request 句意:这位歌手应热情的粉丝的请求又唱了一首歌。 7 by accident In Thailand you mustn’t touch someone on the head,even by accident.在泰 国你不能摸别人的头,甚至无意碰到也不行。 (教材原句P25)  考点释义  偶然地;意外地      故意地  发散思维 The police are trying to find out the identity of the woman killed in the traf- fic accident. 警察正在努力查明在这起交通事故中身亡的妇女的身份。 Tom’s cellphone was left in a taxi accidentally,never to be found again.汤 姆的手机意外落在出租车上了,再也没有找到。  活学巧用 完成句子: (1)Two victims of the     (交通事故),who have gone unconscious from their loss of blood,have been sent to hospital. (2)The water felt terribly cold when I    (意外)fell into the river. (3)He is an annoying fellow,for he is always creating difficulties    (故 意)to set back our building programme. (4)Whether     (有意)or chance,he arrived too late to help us.  答案 (1)traffic/car accident 句意:交通事故中两名因失血过多而昏迷 的受害者已经被送到了医院。 (2)accidentally 句意:我意外掉进了河里,觉得水非常凉。 (3)purposely 句意:他是一个非常令人讨厌的家伙,因为他总是故意制造 各种困难来延误我们的建设工程。 (4)by accident 句意:不管是不是故意,他来帮我们来得太晚了。 8 what引导宾语从句 Indeed,body positions are part of what we call “body language”.实际上, 身体姿势是我们所称的“肢体语言”的一部分。(教材原句P22)  考点释义   When questioned,he was too shocked to give an account of what had hap- pened when the attack took place. 在被问起的时候,他受惊吓太大以至于不能够描述袭击发生时究竟发生 了什么。 I don’t care what we have for dinner if I don’t have to cook it. 如果不要我做饭的话,我是不在乎我们吃什么的。  活学巧用    单句填空: I’ve put a cross on the map to show    that famous hotel is.  答案    where 句意:我在地图上画了一个十字来标明那家著名的宾馆 的位置。 条件状语从句和让步状语从句 1.—Our holiday cost a lot of money.

  —Did it? Well,that doesn’t matter    you enjoyed yourself. 2.Jim is determined to get a seat for the concert    it means standing in a queue all night. 3.A British official said that    this impractical policy could be changed, the future for Britain was indeed dark. 4.We’d better stay here a little longer    he turns up unexpectedly. 5.    life in a new country can be difficult,it can broaden a person’s view of the world. 6.I’ll go to the party with you    you don’t wear those strange trousers. 7.    I can’t fully understand what his music conveys,his performance is quite impressive. 8.I have a tight budget for the trip,so I’m not going to fly    the air- lines lower ticket prices. 单元语法答案 1.as long as 句意:——我们的假期花了很多钱呢。——是吗?哦,只要你 玩得高兴,那就没关系的。 2.even if 句意:吉姆决心要买一张音乐会的票,即使这样做意味着整夜 排队等候。 3.unless 句意:一位英国官员说如果这项不切实际的政策不改变的话,英 国的未来就真的黑暗了。 4.in case 句意:以防他出其不意地出现,我们最好在这儿多待会儿。 5.Although/While 句意:虽然到一个新的国家生活可能很困难,但是它能 拓宽一个人的世界观。 6.providing/provided/as long as/if 句意:假若你不穿那条奇形怪状的裤 子的话,我就和你去参加聚会。 7.While/Although 句意:尽管我不能完全明白他的音乐表达的含义,但是 他的表演给人印象非常深刻。 8.unless 句意:这趟旅行我的费用很紧张,因此如果航空公司不降价的话 我就不打算乘飞机了。

  单元课前检测 语言点用法过关 栏目索引

  单元课前检测 语言点用法过关 栏目索引 课标卷外研版 英语 Module 3 Body Language and

  Non-verbal Communication Ⅰ.重点单词 1.     n.交流;通讯      v.交流;沟通 2.     vi.变化;不同 3.     adv.传统地;传统上      adj.传统的;惯例的      n.传统;传统的信仰 4.     n.武器

  单元课前检测 5.     vt.涉及;包含;卷入 6.     adv.轻微地;稍微 7.     v.延伸;传播 8.     adj.清醒的;有意识的      n.清醒;觉察      adj.昏迷的;不省人事的 9.     v.(使)弯曲;弯腰       (过去式/过去分词) 10.     vi.凝视;盯着看

  11.     adj.无礼的,粗鲁的 12.     n.& vt.要求;请求 13.     n.表演;表现      v.表演;执行 14.     n.判断;断定;意见      vt.判断;断定 n.裁判;法官 15.    adj.好斗的;挑衅的;有进取心的      n.侵略;侵犯;攻击性 16.     n.姿势,手势

  17.     n.威胁;恐吓      vt.威胁;恐吓 18.     n.宗教      adj.宗教的 19.    v.鼓掌;喝彩;赞同 20.     n.& v.惊慌;恐慌;惶恐不安 Ⅱ.重点短语 1.     与……交流 2.     保持警惕 3.     达成协议;做成交易 4.     上上下下;来来回回

  5.     偶然地 6.     向某人问好/打招呼 7.     盯着看;凝视 8.     举起;阻止 Ⅲ.重点句型 1.Although these are very important,we communicate with      just spoken and written words.

  尽管这些很重要,但是我们不仅仅通过口头语言和书面语言进行交流。 2.Indeed,body positions are part of    “body lan- guage”. 实际上,身体姿势是我们所称的“肢体语言”的一部分。 3.Body language is fascinating for anyone     . 对于每一个人来说,学习肢体语言是一件美妙的事情。 4.In Russia you should make a toast     you take a sip from your glass.

  在俄罗斯,你每一次从杯子里抿一小口时,都要祝酒干杯。   1.Nearly three months had gone by before the seriously injured girl showed a    (slightly)sign of recovery. 2.With so many people    (communicate)in English,it’s important for us to learn English well. 3.    (judge)from his expression,he has passed the examination. 4.She was fully    (unconscious)all the time and knew what was going on. 5.The basketball coach,as well as his team,was interviewed shortly after the match for their outstanding    (perform). 6.With the rapid growth in population,the city has    (spread)in all direc- tions in the last five years. 7.Despite all the benefits of building the subway in the city center,only a few people argued in     (favorable)of the project. 8.To my deep regret,I cannot accept your     (invite)to your birthday party,for I am busy. 9.A responsible government should provide those poor children with      (equality)opportunities to receive education. 10.Some people tried to stop the fight but I didn’t want to get     (involve). 基础知识题组答案 Ⅰ.重点单词 1.communication;communicate 2.vary 3.traditionally;traditional;tradi- tion 4.weapon 5.involve 6.slightly 7.spread 8.conscious;consciousness;unconscious 9.bend;bent 10.stare 11.rude     12.request 13.performance;perform 14.judgement;judge 15.aggressive; aggression 16.gesture 17.threat;threaten 18.religion;religious 19.ap- plaud 20.panic Ⅱ.重点短语 1.communicate with 2.be on guard 3.make a deal 4.up and down 5. by accident 6.say hello to 7.stare at 8.hold up Ⅲ.重点句型 1.more than 2.what we call 3.to study 4.every time 单句填空题组答案 1.slight 句意:近三个月过去了,那位受伤严重的女孩才有了轻微的恢复 的迹象。 2.communicating 句意:有这么多人在用英语进行交流,对我们来说学好 英语是很重要的。 3.Judging 句意:从他的表情来判断,他通过了考试。 4.conscious 句意:她一直都很清醒,知道正在发生什么事。 5.performance 句意:由于出色的表现,比赛结束后篮球队教练和队员很 快就接受了采访。 6.spread 句意:随着人口的快速增长,在过去的五年中该市向四周扩 展。 7.favor 句意:尽管在市中心修建地铁有很多益处,但是只有很少的人据 理力争支持这个项目。 8.invitation 句意:很遗憾,我不能接受你生日聚会的邀请,因为我很忙。 9.equal 句意:一个负责任的政府应该为那些穷苦的孩子提供平等的受 教育的机会。 10.involved 句意:有人设法阻止打斗,但我不想牵涉进去。 语言点用法过关 1 vary ...,yet there is also“learned”body language,which varies from culture to culture.……,但是也有“学来的”肢体语言,它们在各个文化之间是不同 的。 (教材原句P22)  考点释义   With the EP,the temperature will not vary in any part of the room.(2017 北 京 阅读理解A) 有了EP设备,房间里任何地方的温度都是一样的。 Her feelings varied between joy and fear as she watched him fight. 看着他打拳击的时候,她时而感到喜悦,时而感到担心。  活学巧用 英译汉: (1)Not surprisingly,the process of choosing names varies widely from cul- ture to culture.                                                                                                                                                (2)Rooms vary in size and are equipped with hairdriers,televisions and tele- phones.                                                                                                                        (3)It is essential that your diet should be varied and balanced.                                                                                                                                           答案 (1)选择名字的过程因各国文化的不同而区别很大,这一点也不 令人惊讶。 (2)房间大小不同,均配有吹风机、电视和电话。 (3)你的日常饮食应该是多种多样的和平衡的,这一点很重要。 2 deal We shake hands when we make a deal.当我们达成协议时,我们要握手。


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