活学巧用 用eager,anxious,expect的适当形式填空: (1)She is to go to college,but about not passing the entrance examination. 她非常渴望上大学,但是担心不能通过入学考试。 (2)We are for the new president to make us a speech in public. 我们渴望新上任的总统能公开给我们做一次演讲。 (3)We are Lily because she’s our regular visitor who comes here for holiday every summer. 我们都在盼着莉莉来,因为她是我们的常客,每年夏天都来这儿。 答案 (1)eager;anxious (2)eager (3)expecting 3 desperate Oliver,who was desperate with hunger and misery,rose from the table and walked towards the master with his bowl and spoon in his hand.被饥饿和悲 惨折磨的绝望的奥利弗从桌子旁站起来,拿着碗和勺子朝管理员走去。 (教材原句P30) 考点释义 It was just enough for her to have the operation she so desperately needed.(2 014 陕西 阅读理解 B) 这些钱正好够她去做自己非常需要做的手术。 The city is suffering a desperate shortage of water. 这个城市正严重缺水。 活学巧用 英译汉: (1)They made a desperate attempt to save the company.
(2)He is desperate to get a job to provide for a large family. (3)The man in the river desperately tried to reach the side. 答案 (1)他们为挽救公司做出孤注一掷的努力。 (2)他非常想得到一份工作来养活一大家子人。 (3)那个落水的人拼命想游到河岸边。 4 seize Then he seized Oliver’s arms and held him,while he shouted for Mr Bum- ble.然后他抓住奥利弗的胳膊,同时大声呼叫Bumble先生。 (教材原句P31) 考点释义 The policeman seized a pickpocket on the crowded coach. 警察在拥挤的长途汽车上抓住了一个扒手。 John seized upon that excuse to get out of choir practice. 约翰利用那个借口来逃避合唱队的练习。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)Maggie the letter her hand and began to read. Maggie从她手上把信抢过去,开始读了起来。 (2)The policeman the thief the collar. 警察抓住了那个小偷的衣领。 (3)You should to practice your English. 你应该抓住一切机会来练习你的英语。 答案 (1)seized;from (2)seized;by (3)seize every chance/opportunity 5 hang “They’ll hang that boy,” said a gentleman in a white jacket.一个穿着白 色上衣的先生说道:“他们会绞死那个孩子的。” (教材原句P31) 考点释义 发散思维 When she hung up,she quickly crawled(爬)under her covers,sobbing.(2017 重庆 阅读理解 A) 挂断电话后,她很快就爬进被窝里,抽泣起来。 We must hang together,or our plan will fail. 我们必须团结一致,否则我们的计划就会失败。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)After I I realized I forgot to ask his telephone number. 挂断了电话后我才意识到我忘记问他的电话号码了。 (2)Knowing he had done something wrong,the little boy . 知道做错了事,这个小男孩低下了头。 (3)It’s hard work,but if you ,you are sure to succeed in the
end. 工作是很艰苦的,但只要坚持下去最后你就会取得成功。 答案 (1)hung up (2)hung his head (3)hang on The next morning a notice was put up on the door of the workhouse,offering a reward to anybody who would employ Oliver Twist.第二天早上在车间 的门上贴出了一张通知给任何一个雇佣奥利弗·特威斯特的人提供一份 奖赏。 (教材原句P31) 考点释义 6 reward 发散思维 It is obvious that people hold different opinions about whether voluntary services should be financially rewarded. 很明显,人们对志愿者服务是否该得到经济奖赏方面持有不同的观点。 They’re offering a reward for information on the killer. 他们出钱悬赏征寻杀手的线索。 活学巧用 用reward,award的适当形式填空: (1)The young engineer was a gold cup because of his creative achievements for the development of the company. (2)If you can help do some housework the whole vacation,you shall have one MP5 player as a(n) . (3)It is widely accepted that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to . 答案 (1)awarded 句意:因为对公司发展做出的具有创造性的贡献,这 位年轻工程师被授予一个金杯。 (2)reward 句意:如果你整个假期帮忙做家务的话,就会得到一个MP5作为奖励。 (3)rewards 句意:人们普遍认为小孩子学习做事情是因为某些行为会给 自己带来奖赏。 7 distribute But its wealth was distributed unfairly among the population.但是它的财富 在人们中被不公平地分配了。 (教材原句P39) 考点释义 The postal department distributes the mail by district. 邮政部门按地区分发邮件。 These books are distributed free of charge.这些书免费发放。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)Please the examination papers all the students. 请把试卷分发给所有的学生。 (2)He his possessions his three sons. 他把自己的财产分给了他的三个儿子。 (3)The conference discussed the fair income and wealth. 这次会议讨论了公平分配收入和财富的问题。 答案 (1)distribute;to (2)distributed;among (3)distribution of 8 accomplish ...,he thought he would accomplish more with his drama than with his nov- els.……,他认为他在戏剧方面获得的要比在小说方面获得的更多。 (教 材原句P39) 考点释义 发散思维 At this rate we’ll accomplish only half of the distance. 照这样的速度,我们只能走完一半的路程。 The task must be accomplished within three days and it permits of no delay. 这项任务必须在3天内完成,不得拖延。 活学巧用 英译汉: (1)Amy’s very proud of what she’s accomplished. (2)The task will not be accomplished in one generation. (3)Our 15% increase in sales last year was a major accomplishment. 答案 (1)埃米对自己取得的成绩感到非常自豪。 (2)这项任务不是一代人所能完成的。 (3)去年我们的销售量增加了15%,这是一个非凡的成绩。 倒装和强调 1.For a moment nothing happened.Then voice come all shouting to- gether. 2.Never before I seen such a wonderful park,where I’d like to pay a visit again. 3.—How did you manage to succeed? —It is only after we’ve lost everything we’re free to do anything we want. 4.—Was it because of his laziness he didn’t do the experiment suc- cessfully? —No,it was because of his carelessness. 5.So small the windows that they admit little light into the room. 6.Could it be in the restaurant where you had dinner with me yesterday you lost your handbag? 7.The question that puzzled them is now it is they can get rid of the air pollution in the area. 8.My teacher always reminds me that under no circumstances aban- don my learning goals once I set them. 单元语法答案 1.did 句意:一时间(会场)鸦雀无声。接下来传来了激动的观众们的欢 呼声。 2.have 句意:我以前从未见过这么美的公园,我愿意再参观一次。 3.that 句意:——你们是怎么设法成功的?——只有在我们失去一切之 后我们才会不受约束地做我们想做的任何事情。 4.that 句意:——他这次实验失败的原因是由于他懒惰吗?——不是,是 因为他的粗心。 5.are 句意:这些窗户如此之小以至于只有少量光线可以照进房间。
6.that 句意:有没有可能你在我们昨天一起吃饭的那家饭店把手提包给 弄丢了? 7.that 句意:让他们困惑的问题是他们怎样才能消除这个地区的空气污 染。 8.should 句意:我的老师总是提醒我:一旦确立了学习目标,在任何情况 下我都不应该放弃。
单元课前检测 语言点用法过关 栏目索引
单元课前检测 语言点用法过关 栏目索引 课标卷外研版 英语 Module 3 Literature Ⅰ.重点单词 1. adj.残忍的;残酷的;无情的 n.残酷;残忍 2. n.胃口;食欲;嗜好 3. v.& n.低语;私下说 4. adj.(因绝望而)不惜冒险的;不顾一切的;拼命的 adv.拼命地;绝望地;极度地 单元课前检测 5. vt.抓住(时机等);占领;夺取 6. n.奖赏;酬谢;悬赏金 7. n.& vi.尖叫 8. n.孤儿 9. vt.想要;打算 n.打算;计划;意指 10. v.完成 n.成就;完成 11. n.章;节 12. vt.吞下;咽下 13. n.幸福;福利 14. n.海军 15. vt.用泵抽水;n.泵 16. vt.哀痛;哀悼 Ⅱ.重点短语 1. 惊讶地;吃惊地 2. 大量的 3. 在某人30出头时 4. 对……冷酷的 5. 挑出;捡出 6. 张贴;举起;投宿 7. 凝视;盯着看 8. 遭受;患……病 Ⅲ.重点句型 1.There was one boy who was tall ,and was not hungry all the time... 有个男孩子,个子比同龄人高,而且不习惯总是这么挨饿…… 2. the boy spoken these words the warden hit him on the head with the soup spoon. 这一男孩子的话刚一说出口,管理员就操起汤勺敲他的脑袋。 3.However,it brought child poverty of the public,and alone it is a very important novel. 然而,这部小说使儿童贫困问题得到了公众的关注,就这一点而言它是很 重要的一部小说。 1.His increasing financial difficulties forced him to take (desperately) measures. 2.Suddenly,Tom stood up and, (seize)his schoolbag,rushed out of the classroom. 3.A war is so (cruelty)that it always causes great losses,as has hap- pened in Iraq and other countries. 4.The project to be (accomplish)by the end of 2017 will expand the city’s telephone network greatly. 5.They (reward)him for saving the child. 6.Due to the unreasonable individual income (distribute),the gap be- tween the rich and the poor has become an outstanding issue. 7.“It’s a secret...” he lowered his voice and (whisper)so that no one could overhear it. 8.Not all of them were successful in (escape)from prisons. 9.The man ought to be thrown into (prisoner);he is a danger to soci- ety. 10.Four waiters (service)lunch to us at that time. 基础知识题组答案 Ⅰ.重点单词 1.cruel;cruelty 2.appetite 3.whisper 4.desperate;desperately 5.seize 6.reward 7.scream 8.orphan 9.intend;intention 10.accomplish;accomplishment 11.chapter 12.swallow 13.welfare 14.navy 15.pump 16.mourn Ⅱ.重点短语 1.in astonishment/surprise 2.a large/huge amount of 3.in one’s early thirties 4.be cruel to 5.pick out 6.put up 7.stare at 8.suffer from Ⅲ.重点句型 1.for his age;used to being 2.No sooner had;than 3.to the attention;for this reason 单句填空题组答案 1.desperate 句意:不断增加的经济困难迫使他采取了铤而走险的办法。 2.seizing 句意:汤姆突然站起来拿起书包冲出了教室。 3.cruel 句意:战争是残酷的,它经常会造成巨大损失,就像发生在伊拉克 和其他国家的那样。 4.accomplished 句意:到2017年年底完工的这项工程将会极大扩展该市 的电话网络。 5.rewarded 句意:他们因他救了那个小孩而奖赏他。 6.distribution 句意:由于不合理的个人收入分配,贫富之间的差距成了 一个突出的问题。 7.whispered 句意:“这是秘密……”他压低声音悄悄地说,以便不会被 人无意中听到。 8.escaping 句意:他们不是人人都成功越狱了。 9.prison 句意:这个人应该被关进监狱;对社会来说他是个危险分子。 10.served 句意:那时有四个服务员招待我们吃午饭。 语言点用法过关 1 serve The warden,helped by two women,served the soup from this pot at meal times.吃饭时管理员在两名妇女的帮助下给孩子们分汤。 (教材原句P3 0) 考点释义 发散思维 Managers wrote workbooks that serve as guides to how to make willpower a habit in workers’ lives.(2017 辽宁 阅读理解 D) 经理们写出工作手册,这些手册能指导让毅力成为工人生活中的一个习 惯。 Were the tourists satisfied with the service at your hotel? 游客对你们旅馆的服务感到满意吗? 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)Miss Li a secretary for five years in the company,and now she is general manager of it. 李小姐在该公司做了五年秘书,现在她是这儿的总经理了。 (2)If you need anything,I am . 您要是需要什么,请尽管吩咐。 (3)A single pipeline all the houses water. 一根管道为所有的房子供水。 答案 (1)served as (2)at your service (3)serves;with 2 eager When they had cleaned their bowls in this way,they would sit staring at the pot with eager eyes,as if they wanted to eat it.他们这样把碗刮干净后,就坐 在那儿,用渴望的眼神盯着那口锅,好像要把它吃掉。 (教材原句P30) 考点释义
发散思维 Only by doing things that your soul is eager to do can you make life some- thing full of beautiful memories.只有做你的心灵深处渴望去做的事,才能 让你的生活中充满美妙的回忆。 She is eager for her progress.她渴望取得进步。