【3年高考2年模拟】2016届高三英语一轮复习题组训练 语法专练二 并列句和状语从句(人教版)-查字典英语网
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【3年高考2年模拟】2016届高三英语一轮复习题组训练 语法专练二 并列句和状语从句(人教版)

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  语法专练二 并列句和状语从句


  1.(2017北京,21)Some animals carry seeds from one place to another, plants can spread to new places. 

  2.(2017山东,2)I don’t really like the author, I have to admit his books are very exciting. 

  3.(2017北京,29) the forest park is far away,a lot of tourists visit it every year. 

  4.(2017浙江,15)Cathy had quit her job when her son was born she could stay home and raise her family. 

  5.(2017陕西,17)No had Mo Yan stepped on the stage than the audience broke into thunderous applause. 

  6.(2017安徽,25)The meaning of the word “nice”changed a few times it finally came to include the sense “pleasant”. 

  7.(2017湖南,26)You will never gain success you are fully devoted to your work. 

  8.(2017四川,8)I’ll be out for some time. anything important happens,call me up immediately. 

  9.(2017江西,35)It was the middle of the night my father woke me up and told me to watch the football game. 

  10.(2017天津,4) you start eating in a healthier way,weight control will become much easier. 

  11.(2017课标·全国Ⅱ,3)I was glad to meet Jenny again, I didn’t want to spend all day with her. 

  12.(2017北京,22)Don’t turn off the computer before closing all programs, you could have problems. 

  13.(2017重庆,23)It’s not easy to change habits, with awareness and self-control,it is possible. 

  14.(2017辽宁,24)One can always manage to do more things,in full one’s schedule is in life. 

  15.(2017北京,30)I took my driving license with me on holiday, I wanted to hire a car. 

  16.(2017天津,5) small,the company has about 1,000 buyers in over 30 countries. 

  17.(2017山东,26)Mark needs to learn Chinese  his company is opening a branch in Beijing. 

  18.(2017山东,28) I have to give a speech,I get extremely nervous before I start. 

  19.(2017江苏,28)In the global economy,a new drug for cancer, it is discovered,will create many economic possibilities around the world. 

  20.(2017湖南,23)You must learn to consult your feelings and your reason you reach any decision. 

  21.(2017安徽,23)It’s much easier to make friends you have similar interests. 

  22.(2017四川,7)He is so busy.He cannot afford enough time with his son he wants to. 

  23.(2017江西,28)She says that she’ll have to close the shop business improves. 

  24.(2017陕西,18)I have heard a lot of good things about you I came back from abroad. 

  25.(2017课标·全国Ⅰ,34)You have to move out of the way the truck cannot get past you. 

  26.(2017辽宁,30)Leave your key with your neighbour in  you lock yourself out one day. 

  27.(2017课标·全国Ⅰ,25)I don’t believe we’ve met before, I must say you do look familiar. 

  28.(2017天津,14)Everything was placed exactly he wanted it for the graduation ceremony. 

  29.(2017湖南,28)  I always felt I would pass the exam,I never thought I would get an A. 

  30.(2017湖南,32) hard you try,it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat. 

  31.(2017山东,27)He smiled politely   Mary apologized for her drunken friends. 

  32.(2017山东,32)A number of high buildings have arisen there was nothing a year ago but ruins. 

  33.(2017陕西,18)Hot the night air was,we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey. 

  34.(2017陕西,25)All the photographs in this book, stated otherwise,date from the 1950s. 

  35.(2017江苏,30)One’s life has value   one brings value to the life of others. 

  36.(2017四川,10)If you happen to get lost in the wild,you’d better stay  you are and wait for help. 

  37.(2017江西,31)You can borrow my car   you promise not to drive too fast. 


  1.(2017山东威海一模,12)Thanks for your advice, this is something I have to figure out myself. 

  2.(2017山东威海期中,14)My partner wants to keep the company small I’d like to expand it. 

  3.(2017辽宁锦州期末,30)Any measure of an ad’s performance is entirely pointless   it could be viewed by a person. 

  4.(2017安徽江南十校联考,26)—Darling,hand me the new suit.My coat may be a little casual for the lecture.

  —Why bother? I think you can go   you are. 

  5.(2017重庆六校期末联考,33) advertisements are of great help,I don’t think we should entirely rely on them. 

  6.(2017山东威海一模,1)  it is happiness or sorrow,it will finally become memories of life. 

  7.(2017山东威海一模,2)The greatest glory in life lies not in never falling,but in rising   we fall. 

  8.(2017陕西西安工大附中第五次训练,15)   much advice I gave her,she did what she wanted to do. 

  9.(2017山东淄博一中期中,25)—Do you have time? I’ve got something to tell you.

  —OK, you make your story short. 

  10.(2017山东临沂期中,7) there was no clear evidence,most people thought he was guilty. 

  11.(2017河南中原名校期中,26) hard one may work,one cannot master a foreign language in a year or two. 

  12.(2017辽宁大连双基测试,25)People rarely succeed   they have fun in what they are doing. 

  13.(2017天津第一百中学第一次月考,25)We had hardly arrived at the foot of the Yuntai Mountain it began to rain heavily. 

  14.(2017安徽江淮十校联考,29)The aging process is not entirely determined by heredity, is influenced by different environmental and social circumstances as well. 

  15.(2017四川绵阳一次诊断,5)He is a typical couch potato his wife likes to go outdoors. 


  1.so 句意:一些动物将种子从一个地方带到另外一个地方,因此植物可以传播到新的地方。设空处前后两个分句之间为因果关系,故填并列连词so。

  2.although/though 句意:虽然我不得不承认这位作家的书很令人兴奋,但是我真的不喜欢他。根据句意可知此处表示让步,故填although/though “虽然,尽管”。

  3.Although/Though 句意:虽然森林公园很远,每年还是有很多游客前去游览。根据句意填although/though“尽管,虽然”。

  4. so that/in order that 句意:Cathy在她儿子出生时就已经辞去了工作,以便她能够待在家里照顾家子。根据句意填so that/in order that引导目的状语从句。

  5.sooner 句意:莫言一走上台,观众就爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。分析句子结构(主句的谓语动词用过去完成时且主谓为部分倒装)可知,此处是no sooner...than...(一……就……)的固定句式,故填sooner。

  6.before  句意:“nice”这个单词的含义在它最终包含“令人愉快的”含义之前经过了多次变化。根据句意填before。

  7.unless 句意:除非你全身心地投入到工作中,否则你永远也不会获得成功。根据分析可知设空处引导条件状语从句,又根据句意可知填unless。

  8.In case 句意:我出去一会儿,万一有任何重要事情发生,立即给我打电话。根据句意可知设空处为一种假设的情况,所以填In case“万一”。

  9. when 句意:半夜,我的父亲把我叫醒并告诉我来看足球赛。根据语境可知,设空处引导一个时间状语从句,表示“当……的时候”,故填when。

  10.Once 句意:一旦你开始用更健康的饮食方式,控制体重会变得更容易。

  11.but/yet 句意:很高兴又见到珍妮了,但我不想花一整天的时间和她在一起。根据句意可知前后两个分句之间是转折关系,所以用but或yet。

  12.or 句意:不要在关闭所有程序之前就把电脑关闭,否则你可能会遇到棘手的问题。or 连接两个分句,意思是“否则”。

  13.but/yet 句意:改变习惯不容易,但是如果有改变的意识和自控力还是可能的。题干前后两个分句存在意思上的转折,所以用but或yet。

  14.however/no matter how 句意:一个人总能设法做更多的事情,无论他生活中的时间安排得有多满。however无论多么,引导让步状语从句时相当于no matter how。

  15.case 句意:度假时我随身带着我的驾驶证,以防我要租车。in case以防。

  16.Although/Though 句意:这家公司虽然小,但它在30多个国家有大约1,000个客户。根据句意判断,前后是转折关系,故填Although或Though。

  17.since/as/because 句意:马克需要学习汉语,因为他的公司正准备在北京开一家分公司。考查原因状语从句,所以填since/as/because。

  18.Whenever 句意:无论何时我不得不进行一个演讲,在开始前我都会感到特别紧张。whenever无论何时,引导让步状语从句时相当于no matter when。

  19.wherever 句意:在全球化的经济中,治疗癌症的新药无论在哪里被发现,都将在全世界范围内创造出很多赚钱的机会。空格处引导让步状语从句,表示“无论在哪儿”,故填wherever。

  20.before 句意:在做任何决定之前,你必须学会兼顾自己的情感和理智。before在……之前。

  21.when 句意:当你们有相似兴趣的时候,交朋友就容易多了。when表示当某种条件出现时会产生某种状况。

  22.though 句意:他非常忙,抽不出足够的时间来陪他的儿子,尽管他想去陪他。though尽管。

  23.unless 句意:她说如果生意还没有起色的话,就不得不把店关掉。根据语境可知,此处应该是表达商店关门的条件,即if business doesn’t improve,故用unless(=if...not)。

  24.since 句意:自我从国外回来以来,已听到不少关于你的好事情。空格前的句子使用了现在完成时,空格后是过去时,符合since“自从……以来”的用法。

  25.or 句意:你必须让开路,否则卡车无法通过。or否则。

  26.case 句意:把钥匙留给邻居以防有一天你把自己锁在外面。in case“以防”,故填case。

  27.although/though 句意:尽管我不得不说你看起来确实面熟,但是我认为我们之前没有见过面。although/though虽然,尽管,引导让步状语从句,符合上下文的逻辑关系。

  28.where 句意:为了毕业典礼,他把一切都放在了他想放的地方。根据was placed(被放在)可知其后为地点状语。

  29.While/Though/Although 句意:虽然我总是感觉我会通过考试,但我根本没想到我会得A。考查让步状语从句,所以填While/Though/Although。

  30.However 句意:不管你多么努力,如果不减少食量,想要减肥会很难。设空处引导让步状语从句,根据空后的副词hard可知空格处应填However。

  31.as/when 句意:当Mary替她醉酒的朋友们道歉时,他礼貌地笑了。考查时间状语从句,根据句意可知填as/when。

  32.where 句意:许多高楼大厦在一年前曾经是废墟的地方拔地而起。arise是不及物动词,设空处引导地点状语从句,故填where。

  33.as/though 句意:尽管晚上很热,但由于长途旅行的劳累,我们还是睡得很熟。本题考查让步状语从句。as,though引导让步状语从句时,句子常用形式倒装。

  34.unless 句意:书中所有的照片都可追溯到20世纪50年代,除非另有说明。将从句部分展开为:unless the photographs are stated otherwise。

  35.if 句意:如果一个人给其他人的生活带来价值,他的生命就有价值。考查条件状语从句,根据句意可知填if。

  36.where 句意:如果你碰巧在荒野迷路了,你最好待在原地等待救援。考查地点状语从句,故填where。

  37.if 句意:如果你答应不开快车,你可以借用我的车。考查条件状语从句,根据句意可知填if。


  1.but/yet 句意:谢谢您的建议,但这是只有我自己才能解决的事情。根据句意,此处表示转折,所以填but/yet。

  2.while 句意:我的合伙人想把公司保持在一个小的规模而我却想扩大它的规模。空格前后两个分句之间是对比关系,应该用while连接,意为:而,然而。

  3.unless 句意:如果没人看,广告的任何表现形式都是完全没有意义的。考查条件状语从句。根据句意填unless。

  4.as 句意:——亲爱的,把那套新西服递给我,我的外套对于上课来说也许有点随意。——别麻烦了,我认为你可以就这样去。考查方式状语从句。as you are以你现在的样子。

  5.While/Although/Though 句意:虽然广告很有帮助,但是我认为我们不应该完全依赖它们。考查让步状语从句,根据句意可知设空处应填While/Although/Though。

  6.Whether 句意:无论快乐与悲伤,终将成为人生的回忆。whether...or...无论……还是……。

  7.whenever 句意:人生的辉煌不在于从不跌倒,而在于无论何时跌倒后的爬起。考查时间状语从句。根据句意填whenever“无论何时”。

  8.However 句意:无论我给她提多少建议,她还是一意孤行。当名词被many/much修饰时,前面需用however(=no matter how)构成让步状语从句。

  9.if 句意:——你有时间吗?我有事要告诉你。——好吧,如果你长话短说。根据对话的语境可知此处表达做某事的条件,所以填if。

  10.While/Although/Though 句意:尽管没有明确的证据,但大多数人认为他是有罪的。此处从属连词引导让步状语从句,所以填While/Although/Though。

  11.However 句意:不管一个人有多努力,他也不可能在一两年内掌握一门外语。根据语境和空后的副词hard可知空格处所要表达的意思是“无论/不管多么……”,故填However。

  12.unless 句意:除非乐业,否则人们很难成功。考查状语从句。rarely表示否定,所以填unless。

  13.when 句意:我们刚到云台山脚下,天就开始下起了大雨。此处考查固定句型:hardly...when...意为“一……就……”。

  14.but 句意:衰老过程并不完全取决于遗传,它还受不同的自然环境和社会环境的影响。题干中的not entirely相当于not only;but...as well相当于but also。

  15.while 句意:他是一个典型的电视迷,而他的妻子却喜欢户外运动。while置于两个分句中间,表示对比。


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