Her family wonder whether the donator is a Robin Hood character,taking from banks to give to the needy...(2017 福建 阅读理解 A) 她的家人都纳闷,捐款者是不是一个罗宾汉那样的人物,从银行拿钱给那 些需要的人…… Some may say competition is character building;or it’s taking part,not winning,that’s important...(2017 陕西 阅读理解 D) 有人可能说竞争是锻炼一个人的性格,或者说是参与进来而不是赢得胜 利才是重要的…… 活学巧用 英译汉: (1)The director added a few characters and changed some names in this movie but this is a true story. (2)It is what parents say and do that really matters in children’s character training. (3)I can’t believe she lied to me—it seems so out of character. 答案 (1)导演在电影里增加了几个人物,还改了几个人名,但这是一个 真实的故事。 (2)父母说的和做的在培养孩子的性格方面真的很重要。 (3)我不相信她对我撒谎了,这不符合她的个性。 3 interest Unusually,it is the female characters that interest us most.不同寻常的是,女 主角最令我们感兴趣。 (教材原句P53) 考点释义 We were interested in finding out more,so we went along to meet Sophia and listen to what she had to say.(2017 安徽 阅读理解 C)我们很有兴趣去 发现更多,于是我们去见索菲娅,听听她有什么要说的。 Interest rates have risen by 1%.利率上升了1%。
活学巧用 完成句子: (1)You can buy any book that . =You can buy any book that . 你可以购买你感兴趣的任何书籍。
(2)Jack,together with his sisters, in writing these days. 近来,杰克和他的姐妹们对写作显出了极大的兴趣。 (3)As a student of Senior Three,he has very little free time that he can spend . 作为一名高三学生,他几乎没有多少时间来培养自己的兴趣。 (4)We lost our way in that small village;otherwise we would have visited more yesterday. 我们在那个小村里迷了路,否则的话昨天我们就能参观更多的名胜古迹 了。 答案 (1)you are interested in;interests you (2)is showing great interest (3)developing his own interest (4)places of interest 4 occasionally It has occasionally been done.偶尔做做这种事。 (教材原句P54) 考点释义 Apart from an occasional noise from the elephant’s stomach,the forest was silent.(2017 重庆 阅读理解 D) 除了从大象的肚子里偶尔发出的声响外,森林里鸦雀无声。 We occasionally meet for a drink after work. 我们下班后偶尔相聚小酌。 活学巧用 单句填空: (1)The (occasion)use of popular cyber language can make the teach- ing atmosphere more relaxing and narrow the gap between teachers and stu- dents. (2)In France,a meal is like a ceremony.People enjoy it and make it an important (occasional). 答案 (1)occasional 句意:偶尔使用流行网络语言会使得课堂气氛更 放松,拉近师生之间的距离。 (2)occasion 句意:在法国,吃饭就像是某种仪式。人们尽情享受它,把它 变成了一个重要的时刻。 5 entertaining Do you agree or disagree that advertisements are entertaining?你同意还是 不同意那些广告是有趣的? (教材原句P55) 考点释义 These plays were a popular form of entertainment in the 1920s and 1930s.(2 013山东 阅读理解 B) 这些戏剧是二十世纪二三十年代很受欢迎的娱乐方式。 She entertained the children with songs,stories and dramas. 她给孩子们唱歌、讲故事、唱戏来让他们高兴。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)He us for hours his stories and jokes. 他讲故事、说笑话,让我们高兴了好几个小时。 (2)The host us some fresh fruits. 主人招待我们吃了一些新鲜水果。 (3)The hotel is famous for its . 这家旅馆因它的娱乐活动而出名。 答案 (1)entertained;with (2)entertained;to (3)entertainment 6 argue Do you ever argue with your family about which TV programme to watch? 你曾经和你的家人就看什么电视节目而发生过争论吗? (教材原句P55) 发散思维 (1) (2) We have been arguing over this problem for two hours. 我们为这个问题已经争论两个小时了。 Do you want to argue me into agreeing to your proposal? 你想说服我同意你的建议吗? 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)There is nothing serious;we are just who should have the money. 没什么大事,我们只是在为谁该得这些钱争论。 (2)Father an increase in my pocket money with my mother last night. 昨晚,父亲为反对增加我的零花钱与母亲争论了一番。 (3)They were each other the best place for a holiday. 他们彼此在争论度假的最好地方。 (4)You’d better stop complaining again and again.Otherwise,you’ll Rose again. 你最好不要再三抱怨了,否则的话你又会和罗丝吵起来。 答案 (1)arguing about/over (2)argued against (3)arguing with;about (4)quarrel with 7 to one’s surprise Now,to everyone’s surprise,Ang Lee,director of a number of excellent films,has made a martial arts film called Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon.现 在,令所有人惊奇的是,曾导演过很多精彩电影的导演李安制作了一部名 为《卧虎藏龙》的武侠片。 (教材原句P52) 考点释义 adj. n. Though surprised to see us,the professor gave us a warm welcome. 教授看到我们尽管感到很惊讶,他还是热情欢迎了我们。 It comes as a surprise that the dream of space travel will soon come true. 去太空旅行的梦想很快就会实现了,这是一件令人惊讶的事情。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1) ,when the audience saw this film,they all shouted . 令我们吃惊的是,当观众们看到这部电影时,他们都惊奇地大喊。 (2)His frankness . 他的坦率十分出乎她的意料。 (3)I was how quickly she agreed. 她这么快就同意了,这很让我惊讶。 (4)I that two top students were caught stealing in the supermarket.
在得知两个尖子生被抓住在超市偷东西时我感到很惊讶。 答案 (1)To our surprise;in surprise (2)took her by surprise (3)sur- prised at (4)was surprised to know 高分靓句 例句:令老人高兴的是他能够从政府那里领到困难补助金,这足够支付他 的费用了。 Much to his joy,the old man may be able to get a hardship allowance from the government,which covers his expenses. 仿写:琳达在等她喜欢的歌手,可令她失望的是一个也没有出现。 答案 Linda was expecting her favorite singers,but to her disappointment, none turned up. 副词 1.E-mails,though (occasion)exposed to misleading information,are considered far more convenient than traditional letter. 2.—Mr.Wang was caught in a snowstorm yesterday. —I have known that,and (fortunate)his new car was completely de- stroyed. 3.As the idea of low-carbon life is now (wide)accepted,more and more people travel by public transport. 4.I’m not sure exactly how much money you’ll receive,but it will (rough)cover your major expenses. 5.With the word “PM2.5” (constant)appearing in media reports, people pay greater attention to it and seek the tips of health for smoggy days. 单元语法答案 1.occasionally 句意:虽然有时会受到误读信息的影响,但是电子邮件远 比传统信件方便得多。 2.unfortunately 句意:——昨天王先生遇到了暴风雪。——我知道了,不 幸的是,他的新车彻底报废了。 3.widely 句意:现在随着低碳生活理念被人们广泛地接受,越来越多的 人乘坐公共交通工具旅行了。 4.roughly 句意:我不太确定你能收到多少钱,但是那些钱差不多够你的 主要开支。 5.constantly 句意:随着“PM2.5”这个词经常出现在媒体的报道中,人 们更加注意它了,开始探求在雾霾天气保持健康的建议。
单元课前检测 语言点用法过关 栏目索引
单元课前检测 语言点用法过关 栏目索引 课标卷外研版 英语 Module 6 Films and TV Programmes Ⅰ.重点单词 1. n.海报;招贴画 2. n.喜剧;喜剧片 n.悲剧;悲剧片 3. n.性格;人物;角色 4. adj.勇敢的 n.勇气;勇敢的行为
单元课前检测 5. adv.偶尔;有时 adj.偶尔的 n.时刻 6. vi.争论 n.争论;论据 7. n.频道;渠道;海峡 8. n.情节 9. n.部分;部门;节 10. vi.跳跃
11. adj.优美的;优雅的 12. adj.有趣的;娱乐的 vt.使快乐;给……以娱乐 n.娱乐节目/活动 13. n.戏剧 adj.戏剧的;引人注目的 Ⅱ.重点短语 1. 出版;出来 2. 爱上;喜欢上 3. 扮演角色;起作用 4. 令某人惊讶的是 5. 讲述 6. 关心;在乎 7. 有时;偶尔 8. 每隔两天 9. 一小段时间 Ⅲ.重点句型 1.The action takes place on Peking rooftops,and in places the deserts of western China.打斗发生在北京的屋顶上,也发 生在远到中国西部的沙漠里。 2. , and ,Xiulian is the character we care about most.我 们最关注秀莲这个角色,她勇敢、善良、坚强。 3.But ,that he,more than anyone else in the his- tory of films,understands the meaning of the word “entertainment”. 但是人们普遍认为他比电影史上任何一个人更懂得“娱乐”一词的意 义。 1.I saw many (poster)put up on the walls for the new movie. 2.The newsletter is one of the useful (channel)of communication be- tween teachers and students. 3.I need to (advertisement)for a second-hand mountain bike. 4.But today Austen would certainly have had a very different life,as would her (character). 5.Just as the teacher says,kids (bravery)enough to take their adventure course will certainly learn many useful skills. 6.He works in a remote area and visits his parents only (occasion). 7.We were (argue)about what gift we should send to our teacher when Todd came up with a good idea. 8.Our friends (treat)us to dinner last night. 9.So (interest)in the ancient town did the visitors get that they decided to stay there for another few days. 10.The dancer was tall and he danced (graceful)on the stage. 基础知识题组答案 Ⅰ.重点单词 1.poster 2.comedy;tragedy 3.character 4.brave;bravery 5.occasional- ly;occasional;occasion 6.argue;argument 7.channel 8.plot 9.section 10.leap 11.graceful 12.entertaining;entertain;enter- tainment 13.drama;dramatic Ⅱ.重点短语 1.come out 2.fall in love with 3.play a part/role in 4.to one’s surprise 5.tell of 6.care about 7.every now and then 8.every two days 9.a short period of time
Ⅲ.重点句型 1.as far away as 2.Brave;good;strong 3.it is generally agreed
单句填空题组答案 1.posters 句意:我看到墙上贴了很多宣传这部电影的海报。 2.channels 句意:简讯是师生之间交流的很有用的渠道之一。 3.advertise 句意:我需要登广告买一辆二手山地车。 4.characters 句意:但奥斯汀今天肯定会有一个非常不同的生活,她笔下 的人物也会如此。 5.brave 句意:正如这位老师说的那样,那些足够勇敢去参加这项冒险课 程的孩子们当然会学到很多有用的技巧。 6.occasionally 句意:他在一个偏远地区工作,只能偶尔看望一下父母。 7.arguing 句意:我们正在讨论该给老师送什么礼物,这时托德想出了一 个好主意。 8.treated 句意:昨晚我们的朋友设宴招待了我们。 9.interested 句意:游客们对这座古老的城镇很感兴趣,他们决定在这儿 多待几天。 10.gracefully 句意:那个舞蹈演员个子很高,在舞台上优雅地跳着舞。 语言点用法过关 1 seldom Martial arts films are often enjoyable but they are seldom great art.武术电影 通常很有趣,但它们很少能成为伟大的艺术。 (教材原句P52) 发散思维 (1)seldom,rarely,often三个表示频度的副词,一般位于实义动词前、助动 词或系动词后。 (2)seldom,rarely,never,hardly,little,neither,nor,at no time,by no means,not until,not only等表否定意义的副词、连词或短语放在句首时,后面要用倒 装结构。 Not only are rewarding experiences remembered better,but negative conse- quences are also less easily recalled.(2017 北京 阅读理解 C) 我们不但更好地记住了那些有益的经历,而且也很不容易回想起那些负 面的后果。 Mr.Lee has been busy with his work these days and seldom does he have time to come over to have a chat with me. 这段日子李先生一直忙于自己的工作,他很少有时间过来和我聊天。 活学巧用 完成句子: (1)—Did Brenda witness the accident?
—No.Hardly when it happened. ——Brenda目睹了这次事故吗?——没有。她刚走事故就发生了。 (2)In their driving lesson,they learned a traffic rule that at no time be parked in a manner which will block emergency service. 在驾驶课上,他们学到了一条交通规则,即在任何时候停任何车辆都不能 阻碍紧急服务。 答案 (1)had she gone (2)shall any vehicle 高分靓句 例句:Not only did he win the championship in the race,but he also broke the
world record.
在比赛中他不但获得了冠军,而且还打破了世界纪录。 仿写:我不但不再到处扔垃圾和吐痰,而且我还一有空的时候就会帮助清 扫路边的垃圾。 答案 Not only will I keep from littering and spitting anywhere,but I will
also help clean up the roadside litter whenever possible. 2 character Unusually,it is the female characters that interest us most.不同寻常的是,女 主角最令我们感兴趣。 (教材原句P53) 考点释义
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