【3年高考2年模拟】2016届高三英语一轮复习课件 Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications-查字典英语网
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【3年高考2年模拟】2016届高三英语一轮复习课件 Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  形象记忆   Her research found that workers with access to nature at the office—even simple views of trees and flowers—felt their jobs were less stressful and more satisfying.(2017 浙江 阅读理解 C) 她的研究发现那些办公室里能接近大自然的工作人员——即使是仅仅 能看到树和花,也会觉得他们的工作压力小了,也更令人满意了。 The system has been designed to give students quick and easy access to the digital resources of the library. 设计这套系统为的是让学生们能快速容易地使用图书馆的数字资源。  活学巧用    完成句子: (1)For all the professional athletes,    the Olympics means that they have a chance to enter the history books. 对所有职业运动员来说,获得参加奥运会的机会就意味着他们有可能被 载入史册。

  (2)Medicine should not be kept where it    children. 药品应该放在孩子们拿不到的地方。 (3)Fortunately,rescuers were able to    the disaster-hit area soon. 幸运的是,营救人员能够很快得以进入灾区。  答案    (1)getting/gaining access to    (2)is accessible to    (3)gain access to 3 permission You need permission from the World Wide Web before you can access in- formation.你需要获得万维网的许可才能获得信息。(教材原句P53)  考点释义 n.  v. 

  形象记忆   Children are not permitted into the cinema without their parents. 没有家长带领,孩子们不准进入电影院。 His health did not permit of staying here. 他的健康状况不允许他留在这里。  活学巧用    完成句子: (1)—Can I smoke here? —No,at no time    in the library. ——我能在这儿吸烟吗?——不行,图书馆里在任何时候都不允许吸烟。 (2)The party will be held in the garden,weather    . 如果天气允许的话,晚会就会在花园里举行。  答案    (1)is smoking permitted    (2)permitting 4 concentrate Concentrate on the good things about the Internet.专注于因特网的好的方 面。(教材原句P54)  考点释义    发散思维 Listening well also requires total concentration upon someone else.(2017江 西 阅读理解C) 很好地倾听也要求把注意力全部集中在别人身上。 Doctors are aiming to concentrate more on prevention than cure. 医生们正努力将注意力更多地放在预防而不是治疗上。  活学巧用    单句填空: (1)The boy was sitting in his chair leisurely,    (absorb)in the magazine he was reading. 完成句子: (2)You should get down to your study from now on.Please      what is of great importance for your future development. 从现在开始你应该开始学习了。请把精力集中在对你未来发展非常重 要的事情上来。  答案    (1)absorbed 句意:这个男孩悠闲地坐在椅子上,全神贯注于他 正在读的那本杂志。根据固定搭配be absorbed in可知答案为absorbed。 (2)concentrate on 5 consist of It consists of millions of pages of data.它包含数以百万计页面的数据。 (教材原句P52)  考点释义   The reading places consist mostly of tables and chairs.(2017天津阅读理解A) (图书馆的)阅读区主要由桌子和椅子组成。 Our class consists of sixty students. =Our class is made up of sixty students. =Sixty students make up our class. 我们班由60名学生组成。  活学巧用    单句填空: (1)To my mind,the secret to happiness    (consist)in your successful work and your contribution towards others’ happiness. (2)A medical team,    of five experienced doctors and ten skilful nurses, was sent to the earthquake-stricken area in Turkey.  答案    (1)consists 句意:在我看来,幸福的秘密在于你工作的成功和你 对别人幸福的贡献。 (2)consisting 句意:一支由五位有经验的医生和十名技术熟练的护士组 成的医疗队被派往了土耳其的地震灾区。 6 as well It then became possible for universities to use the system as well.后来,各大 学使用这个系统也成为可能。(教材原句P52)  考点释义   According to him,the weather in England is very changeable and uncertain and it attracts the English as well as the outsider.(2017重庆 阅读理解E) 据他说,英国的天气既多变又不确定。这种天气吸引了英国人也吸引了 外来者。 We are going to the cinema tonight;why don’t you come along as well? 我们今晚去看电影,你为什么不也一起去? You may just as well tell me the truth. 你告诉我真相也无妨。  活学巧用    完成句子: (1)I don’t think it’s of any use     (和他争吵)him.You          (不妨)leave him alone. (2)It was his courage    (和)his skill that really impressed me. (3)Mr.Smith as well as some boys     (打篮球)basketball on the playground now.  答案    (1)arguing with;might as well 句意:我认为和他争吵没有用。 你最好不要理他。 (2)as well as 句意:他的勇气和技术确实给我留下了深刻的印象。 (3)is playing 句意:史密斯先生和一些男孩子正在操场上打篮球。 7 be known as NSFNET became known as the Inter-Network,or“Internet”.NSFNET作为 因特网络或者“因特网”而闻名。(教材原句P52)  考点释义   Near the end of the nineteenth century,companies that were devoted to the production of ads came to be known as “advertising agencies”. 临近19世纪末,那些致力于广告生产的公司就被人们称为“广告商” 了。  活学巧用    单句填空: (1)    is known to us is that tobacco contains nicotine and other harmful products,so you should give up smoking. (2)    has been known that unlike other waste found in the ocean,the plastic does not break down.  答案    (1)What    句意:我们都知道烟草中含有尼古丁和其他有害物质, 所以你应该戒烟。 (2)It 句意:众所周知,塑料制品和在大海里发现的其他废物不一样,它不 会分解。 8 come up with He came up with the idea of the World Wide Web in 1989 while he was working in Switzerland.1989年,当他在瑞士工作时,他提出了(创建)万维网 的想法。(教材原句P52)  考点释义   The designer says he came up with the idea after watching people get wet on streets in Russia.(2017山东 阅读理解C) 设计者说他是观察到在俄罗斯大街上人们被雨淋湿后才想出了这个主意。 When is her new novel coming out? 她的新小说何时出版?  活学巧用    用适当的介词或副词填空: (1)It’s already 10 o’clock.I wonder how it came    that she was two hours late on such a short trip. (2)One day I came    a newspaper article about the retirement of an English professor at a near college. (3)It is hoped that the question will come    at the meeting. (4)When she came    ,she didn’t know how long she had been lying there.  答案    (1)about 句意:现在都10点了。我想知道,这么短的路程她晚到 了两个小时,是怎么回事? (2)across 句意:一天,我偶然在报纸上看到一篇关于附近一所大学的一 位英语教授退休的文章。 (3)up 句意:大家都希望这个问题在会上会被提出来。 (4)to 句意:当她苏醒过来时,她不知道自己在那儿躺了多久了。 冠词 1.As he reached    front door,Jack saw a strange sight. 2.Experts think that    recently discovered painting may be a Picasso. 3.If we sit near     front of the bus,we’ll have     better view. 4.In most countries,a university degree can give you     flying start in life. 单元语法答案 1.the 句意:杰克到前门时,他看到一个奇怪的景象。此空是特指前门,故 填定冠词。 2.the 句意:专家们认为最近所发现的那幅油画可能是毕加索的画。该空特指“最近所发现的那幅画”,故用定冠词。a Picasso泛指“毕加索 的一幅画”。 3.the;a 句意:如果我们坐在公共汽车的前部,视野就会更好些。the front of 表示某物体内部的前面;比较级前加不定冠词表示“更……”,如: You can live a better life if you choose to go to college. 4.a 句意:在大多数国家,一张大学文凭能够赋予你人生中一个良好的开 端。start在此处是可数名词单数,是泛指,前面需用不定冠词。

  单元课前检测 语言点用法过关 栏目索引

  单元课前检测 语言点用法过关 栏目索引 课标卷外研版 英语 Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications Ⅰ.重点单词 1.     vt.包含;包括      n.容器 2.     n.通路      adj.可进入的;可使用的 3.     v.崩溃;碰撞 4.     n.来源;出处 5.     n.(复)数据;资料

  单元课前检测 6.     n.保护;防卫      vt.保护;防卫 7.     vt.创造;创作      n.创造;作品      adj.创造性的;有创造力的 8.     prep.经过;经由 9.     n.百分数;百分率      n.百分之…… 10.     vt.设计

  11.     n.文件;公文 12.     n.发明      vt.发明;创造      n.发明家 13.    n.允许;许可      vt.许可;准许 14.     adj.军事的;军队的 15.     v.集中(注意力、思想);全神贯注      n.专心;专注 16.     adj.明确的;确定的     adv.明确地;确切地 17.     adj.独立的;自主的      adj.依靠的;依赖的      vi.依靠;依赖;取决于

  18.     n.文章;散文 19.     adv.时常;经常      adj.频繁的;时常发生的 20.     n.劣势;缺点      n.优势;有利条件 21.     adj.平均的;平常的 22.     n.(复)统计数字

  Ⅱ.重点短语 1.     由……组成 2.     一系列 3.     下降 4.     想出;提出 5.     作为……而出名;被称为 6.     也 7.     集中精力;聚精会神 8.     从那时起 9.     与……相比 Ⅲ.重点句型 1.It     millions of pages of data. 它包含数以百万计页面的数据。 2.Berners-Lee     for everyone to use the Internet,not just univer- sities and the army. 贝尔纳斯·李让每个人都能使用因特网成为可能,而不仅限于大学和军队。 3.If you need any help,don’t     call us. 如果你需要帮助,请尽管给我们打电话。

    1.Even though he has graduated from college,he still can’t be financially          (depend)of his parents. 2.In some African countries,girls still have no    (accessible)to educa- tion. 3.The film Harry Potter Ⅳ is intended for children above 12 and adults,for it    (contain)horror and violence. 4.    (concentration)on your study,and you will make greater progress. 5.We have faith that the project,if carried out according to the plan,will         (definite)work out well.

  6.A big company was built in our city in 2017,    (create)a lot of job opportunities for the unemployed. 7.Passengers are    (permit)to carry only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane. 8.All of us thought it no use talking about some unpractical matters     (frequent). 基础知识题组答案 Ⅰ.重点单词 1.contain;container 2.access;accessible 3.crash 4.source 5.data 6.defence;defend 7.create;creation;creative 8.via 9.percentage;percent 10.design 11.document 12.invention;invent;in- ventor 13.permission;permit 14.military 15.concentrate;concentration  16.definite;definitely 17.independent;dependent;depend 18.essay  19.frequently;frequent 20.disadvantage;advantage

  21.average 22.statistics Ⅱ.重点短语 1.consist of/be made up of 2.a series of 3.go down 4.come up with  5.be/become known as 6.as well 7.concentrate on 8.from that moment on 9.compared with Ⅲ.重点句型 1.consists of 2.made it possible 3.hesitate to 单句填空题组答案 1.independent 句意:即使他已经大学毕业了,但还不能够在经济上脱离 他的父母。 2.access 句意:在一些非洲国家,女孩仍然不能接受教育。 3.contains 句意:电影《哈利·波特Ⅳ》是针对12岁以上的孩子和成年人 的,因为里面包含着恐怖和暴力。 4.Concentrate 句意:把你的精力集中到学习上,你就会取得更大的进 步。 5.definitely 句意:我们相信如果该项目按计划执行的话结果一定会很 好。 6.creating 句意:2017年我市建了一个大公司,为那些失业人员创造了大 量的就业机会。 7.permitted 句意:乘客只被准许携带一件手提行李登机。 8.frequently 句意:我们都认为经常谈论一些不切实际的事情没有用。 语言点用法过关 1 contain A CD-ROM is a separate disk that contains lots of information.只读光盘是 一个容纳大量信息的独立的磁盘。(教材原句P51)  发散思维    

  形象记忆   After the meal,she placed a little box containing an old pen in my hand.(201 3湖南 阅读理解 B) 吃完饭后,她把一个盛着一支旧钢笔的小盒子放到了我的手上。 Mary’s proposal that more samples be included in the experiment will be carefully considered. 玛丽建议在实验中用上更多的样本,这个建议应该被认真考虑一下。  活学巧用    用contain,include,hold的适当形式填空: (1)Little Tom felt the bag,curious to know what it    . (2)The band played many songs,some of my favourites    . (3)The dictionary    10,000 words,    many in science. (4)Modern computers can    huge amount of information.  答案    (1)contained 句意:小汤姆摸了摸包,很好奇里面装的是什么。 (2)included 句意:这个乐队演唱了很多首歌曲,其中有我最喜欢的几 首。 (3)contains;including 句意:这本词典里有1万个单词,其中包括很多科学 方面的词汇。 (4)hold 句意:现代化的电脑能容纳大量的信息资料。 2 access The World Wide Web(the web)is a computer network that allows computer users to access information from millions of websites via the Internet.万维 网是一个电脑网络,它能使电脑用户通过因特网从众多的网站获取信 息。(教材原句P52)  考点释义

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