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发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时训练15 Module 3 The Violence of Nature


  Ⅰ.根据句意,用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空cause put out strike bury take place terrify end up inwarn damage injure

  1.The boss told the clerk that the trouble

  by his carelessness was very serious.

  答案 caused

  2.Without firemen the villagers around tried many ways

  the fire.

  答案 to put out

  3.When you are caught in a storm, don't stand under a tree, or a lightning may


  答案 strike

  4.The flood did little

  because people had made full preparations.答案 damage

  5.If you don't make efforts, it is quite possible that you will


  答案 end up in


  of the dangerous animal didn't dare to come out at night.

  答案 warned

  7.He met with an accident and there were several

  on his body.

  答案 injuries

  8.Mary was

  at the scene when she saw what had happened.

  答案 terrified

  9.The man living downstairs

  his head under his pillow(枕头) because there were young men singing loudly upstairs.

  答案 buried

  10.Great changes

  in my hometown in the last few years.

  答案 have taken place



  The price of the egg is eight yuan per kg


  答案 on (an/the) average


  The dam


  答案 is 3,830 metres long/ is 3,830 metres in length


  His careless driving

  lose his life.

  答案 caused him to4.总共83万人丧生。

  , 830,000 people lost their lives.

  答案 In all


  Tornadoes can

  cars, trains and even houses.

  答案 pick up


  Walt Disney is credited for creating such wonderful things as Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse. However, he cannot take the credit for creating other well­loved characters, such as Cinderella and Snow White. They are almost automatically associated with Disney because Disney turned old fables (寓言) into cartoon movies.

  The original Cinderella varies very much from the Disney version we know today. It started off with the girl mourning her mother's death and going to her tomb three times a day. In addition, there were only birds that helped Cinderella; there was no such thing as a fairy godmother or helpful mice, nor was there mention of a horse and carriage.

  The stepsisters were cruel: they always threw Cinderella's food into the ashes of the fire, and made her sleep on the ashes on the floor, hence (因此) her name.

  In the original story, the king's ball actually lasted for three days. With the help of the birds, the girl, beautifully dressed, danced with the prince on all three nights and the prince fell in love with her. However, she broke away from him to rush back home each night. On the last night, the prince placed something sticky on the stairs; as Cinderella made her escape, a shoe got stuck on it.

  Here now is where the story becomes unpleasant: when the prince went to the house looking for the girl whose foot fit the shoe, the wicked (邪恶的) stepmother told one of her two daughters to cut off her big toe to fit into the shoe. The daughter did as told. So the prince took her away to be his bride. But, when they passed the tomb of Cinderella's mother, the birds called out to the prince, “Turn and peep, there's blood within the shoe; The shoe is too small, the true bride waits for you.”

  Realizing he had been tricked, the prince returned the daughter to her mother; the other then had to cut off part of her heel in order to fit into the shoe, with the same result. Only Cinderella's foot fit perfectly and so the prince chose to marry her. The story ends with the wedding day: as Cinderella's two stepsisters followed her, pretending to be devoted to her so that they could enjoy the king's riches, two birds flew by and plucked (啄) out their eyes. Because of their wickedness and falsehood, they had to spend the rest of their days blind.

  The original Cinderella is so different from the Disney version. Thank goodness Disney made such changes; it indeed was a wise move.


  1.What does the underlined word “They” in the first paragraph refer to?

  A. Such wonderful things.

  B. Other well­loved characters.

  C. Old fables.

  D. Cartoon movies.

  答案 B

  解析 前一句提到其他一些深受喜爱的角色不能归功于迪斯尼,所以they指其他一些深受喜爱的角色。

  2.How did Cinderella get her name?

  A. The birds came up with it.

  B. It was given by Disney.

  C. It came from the word “ash”.

  D. She got it from her mother.

  答案 C

  解析 根据The stepsisters were cruel: they always threw Cinderella's food into the ashes of the fire, and made her sleep on the ashes on the floor, hence her name.可知选C。

  3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the original story?

  A. Helpful mice got Cinderella a beautiful dress.

  B. The ball was held to celebrate the prince's wedding.

  C. Cinderella left her shoe on the stairs on purpose.

  D. The birds told the prince that he had been cheated.

  答案 D

  解析 根据第五段最后一句话the birds called out to the prince可知,小鸟们告诉王子,他被欺骗了,故选D。

  4.The moral of the original story is that


  A. a wicked person cannot escape punishment

  B. a devoted person certainly deserves respect

  C. a well­behaved child earns a great reward

  D. a dishonest child cannot get mother love

  答案 A

  解析 根据第六段最后一句话可知,最初这个故事的寓意是邪恶的人不能逃脱惩罚,故选A。

  5.What does the author think of the Disney version?

  A. Excellent.

  B. Ordinary.

  C. Dull.

  D. Ridiculous.

  答案 A

  解析 根据最后一段最后一句中的内容可知,作者认为迪斯尼版本的灰姑娘非常好。


  During Hurricane Sandy last year, the garage and basement of Christine O'Donovan's house in New York were flooded, and two cars, years of paperwork, and photos were


  . Still, her husband, five children (ages 2 to 12), and an adopted dog named Buster remained


  . Six months earlier, she'd taken Buster


  after finding the six­month­old puppy(小狗崽) left


  to a telephone pole.

  Just a month later,


  , as construction workers repaired the house, Buster dashed through the open front gate and


  . “I was extremely sad,” O'Donovan says. All the searches for him were


  . Weeks later, O'Donovan got a text from a friend,


  her to look at a Facebook page that lists


  scheduled to be killed at New York City shelters the next day.


  enough, when O'Donovan visited the website, there was a picture of Buster, who was apparently to be put to sleep eight


  later, early the next morning. The shelter was closed for the night and wouldn't


  again to the public until 8 a.m. “I'm thinking, how am I going to get him


  they do this?” says O'Donovan. The next morning, she drove to the


  with all five kids.

  She asked the woman at the front desk if Buster was still there. When the woman replied yes, “it was like a thousand pounds


  my shoulders,” says O'Donovan. To


  her ownership, she told the assistant,



  me to the back where he is, and you will

  see he's my dog. ” When Buster spotted his


  , he went wild, barking, jumping and licking O'Donovan's face. She burst into


  . The shelter worker needed nothing


  and Buster went home.

  1.A. destroyed B. injured

  C. hurt

  D. exposed

  2.A. dead

  B. lucky

  C. safe D. healthy

  3.A. away

  B. home

  C. out

  D. up

  4.A. stuck

  B. fixed

  C. joined

  D. tied

  5.A. however

  B. but

  C. therefore D. nevertheless

  6.A. died down B.

  showed up

  C. ran off

  D. rushed in

  7.A. in place

  B. in vain

  C. by design D. by chance

  8.A. wishing

  B. preventing

  C. stopping D. telling

  9.A. people

  B. children

  C. animals

  D. Buster

  10.A. Strangely

  B. Sadly

  C. Well

  D. Sure

  11.A. days

  B. hours

  C. minutes D. weeks

  12.A. open

  B. close

  C. work D. give

  13.A. after

  B. since

  C. before

  D. when

  14.A. dog

  B. shelter

  C. house D. website

  15.A. lifted off B. put on

  C. went away

  D. came to

  16.A. make

  B. gave

  C. prove

  D. produce

  17.A. Tell

  B. Take

  C. Help

  D. Bring

  18.A. mother

  B. friend

  C. baby

  D. owner

  19.A. laughter

  B. tears

  C. flames

  D. love

  20.A. better

  B. best

  C. most

  D. more



  1.A 根据上文可知,此处表示两辆车,多年的文件和照片都在洪水中受损。故destroy意为“破坏,损坏”符合语境。故A项正确。injure意为“受伤”;hurt意为“伤害”;expose意为“揭露,暴露”,均不符合语境。

  2.C 根据本句句首的副词“Still”“但,不过”可知,上文说到有些东西被毁了,而此处与之相反,家人和狗还安全。故safe正确。

  3.B 根据上文可知,她家的宠物狗是她收养的,所以此处是她将小流浪狗带回家。故take sth. home“将……带回家”正确。take away意为“拿走,带走”;take out意为“取出,拿出”;take up意为“占据,开始从事”,均不符合语境。

  4.D 根据语境可知,此处是指小狗被拴在电话线杆上。故tie“用带(或绳子等)系住”符合语境。此处“left tied to a telephone pole”是过去分词短语作伴随状语,修饰puppy。

  5.A 句意为:然而,一个月后,当建筑工人修房子时,Buster飞快穿过前门,跑了。根据下文可知,此处表示转折,故however“然而”正确。注意B项but后不能用逗号;therefore意为“因此,所以”;nevertheless作“尽管如此,然而”之意时,通常表示即使做出完全的让步,也没有任何影响,或者说也不是决定因素,如:There was no news;nevertheless,she went on hoping.一点消息也没有,但她仍抱着希望。故B、C、D三项均不符合语境。

  6.C 根据上文可知,小狗从开着的前门跑掉了。run off意为“跑掉”,符合语境。故C项正确。die down意为“逐渐消失”;show up意为“出现,露面”; rush in意为“跑进,冲进”。

  7.B 根据上下文可知,所有的寻找都没有任何结果。in vain意为“徒劳地,白费地”,符合语境。in place意为“适当地,在合适的位置”;by design意为“故意地”;by chance意为“偶然,意外地”。

  8.D 句意为:几个星期后,O'Donovan从朋友那儿得到一个信息,告诉她去看看一个Facebook页面……此处用telling...作为后置定语,修饰a text。

  9.C 根据下文可知,网站上登出了一些动物的照片,这些动物第二天要被屠宰了。故animals正确。

  10.D 当她浏览网站时,不出所料,里面有Buster。sure enough意为“果真,果然”,为固定短语,符合语境。故D项正确。

  11.B 由上下文语境可知,预计8个小时后,第二天清晨,小狗就要被屠宰了。故hours符合语境。

  12.A 这个收容所晚上关门,直到第二天早晨八点才会再次开放。与close相呼应,故open正确。

  13.C 此处句意为:在他们做这件事前(屠杀动物前),我怎么能找到他?根据语境可知,此处用before引导时间状语从句,意为“在……之前”。

  14.B 根据上文可知,第二天,她开车带着孩子们去了动物收容所。故B项正确。

  15.A 句意为:“听说Buster还在那里,我如释重负”O'Donovan说。lift...off表示“将……移去,抬起”,符合语境。put on意为“穿上,戴上,上演”;go away意为“走开”;come to意为“想起,共计”。

  16.C 由语境可知,此处指“为了证明我是小狗的主人”。prove意为“证明”,符合语境。

  17.B 句意为:将我带到小狗那里,(然后)你就知道他是我的小狗了。take sb. to表示将说话人带离本地去另外一个地方,符合语境。

  18.D 该句意为:当小狗Buster认出他的主人时,他吠叫着,跳跃着,舔O'Donovan的脸。根据上文的“To

  her ownership”可推知,owner符合语境。故D项正确。

  19.B O'Donovan激动得哭了。burst into tears意为“大哭起来”,符合语境。

  20.D 根据上文可知,看到小狗对主人的行为,工作人员不再需要任何更多的东西去证明O'Donovan是小狗的主人了,因此more符合语境。


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