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发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时训练17 Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China


  Ⅰ.根据句意,用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空spread be proud of found condition up to equal with from... to... influence resign stress

  1.From 1830 to the early 20th century, the Industrial Revolution

  through Europe and the US and then to other countries such as Japan.

  答案 spread

  2.The People's Republic of China was

  on October 1, 1949.

  答案 founded

  3.Their daughter whom they

  has just gone abroad.

  答案 are proud of

  4.Under these

  we have to give up the plane.

  答案 conditions

  5.The news that he was accepted by Beijing University spread quickly



  答案 from; to

  6.At that time he was not an

  government official.

  答案 influential

  7.He put forward much

  on the importance of the question at the meeting.

  答案 stress

  8.Last year the president

  because of his illness.

  答案 resigned


  you to decide where we will go to spend the holidays.

  答案 up to

  10.In the eye of the law, everyone is

  each other.

  答案 equal with


  1.我不能胜任这个岗位。(be equal to)

  答案 I'm not equal to the position.

  2.他发现屋子里的东西井然有序。(in order)

  答案 He found everything in the house in good order. 3.中国人民为世界和平做出了巨大贡献。(make a contribution to)

  答案 The Chinese people have made a great contribution to the world peace. 4.尽管她是在城市出生和长大的,但她更喜欢农村的生活。

  Though born and

  in the city, she prefers life in the country.

  答案 brought up


  答案 Liu Xiang is a man whom China can be proud of.


  Every person wants to achieve the goals set at the beginning of a new school year. But how to accomplish a school goal?


  When it comes to choosing your goal, ensure that it states precisely what it is that you want to achieve.

  If your goal seems too big, change it for a simpler, easier­to­achieve objective.

  Write down your goal.


  Writing keeps your memory fresh and helps you clear up the clutter(杂乱) in your brain.

  So try to keep a journal or a diary.


  By chopping your goal up into manageable pieces, it allows you to mentally tick your way through the goal until the end of year.

  This method makes it being easier to handle and therefore you're far less likely to give up or dodge(躲避)

  your goal by taking shortcuts or refusing to do anything.

  Take a break. Turn off ALL distractions like TV, the Internet, your phone and every other gadget you have at home. Keep emails, phone calls, IM, texting, etc. to a minimum.

  Stay positive. Keep saying that you can do it.


  Stay motivated and be confident.

  Reward yourself.


  Every once in a while, if you complete a goal, treat yourself to an extra bar of chocolate or make time to read that book you've been wanting to read since two months ago.

  A. Make it really happen as planned.

  B. Break your goal down.

  C. If someone says you can't,

  don't listen to them.

  D. Don't be too hard on yourself.

  E. Make sure that you make the most of the opportunities you get.

  F. Choose specific,

  realistic goals or even one single but very important goal.

  G. You can write it in a journal or write it on a sticky note.

  答案 1.F 2.G 3.B 4.C 5.D


  Have you heard of a student awarded master's degree? Of course. But the following student is quite different. Because she is


  blind and deaf. She is


  combination of disabilities that is one of the most severe known to mankind.

  Mrs Michelle Smith has


  (enjoy) a special success when she was awarded a master's degree at Teachers' College, New York, in the spring of 2005.

  She did it with a lot of help from a lot of friends and



  Michelle, who received her degree in education of blind and visually impaired(受损的) learners,


  (believe) to be the first to gain a graduate degree from a top, famous university.

  She is an instructor at the Helen Keller National Centre in Sands Point, New York,


  she teaches Braille, vocabulary, sign language and


  communication skills to those who are deafblind like her.

  For five years, she was driven to and from New York City for her classes by Mrs Linda Stillman, who also served


  her interpreter.

  During classes, Mrs Stiliman would sit next to Michelle and hold her hand, using the manual alphabet (also known as finger­spelling) to communicate. Michelle also participated fully in class, going on all field trips and


  (ask) questions in class. Outside class, many of her friends and helpers helped her read text books and write research papers.

  According to one professor at Teachers' College, Michelle was


  only a fine student but also an inspiration to us all.


  本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,讲述了聋盲人Michelle Smithdas通过自己的努力以及朋友、志愿者的帮助取得硕士学位的励志故事。

  1.both 根据“blind and deaf”和“combination of disabilities”可知,本文的主人公Michelle既听不见又看不见。故填both。

  2.a combination在此处是可数名词,第一次出现,故用不定冠词修饰。

  3.enjoyed 根据句中的“was”并结合主从句复合句“时态一致原则”可知,应用一般过去时。

  4.volunteers 根据and前后词性、形式保持一致的原则可知,此处与friends保持一致,故用名词的复数形式。

  5.is believed 此句表示性质,故用一般现在时;believe这一动作与句子主语Michelle构成逻辑上的被动关系,故用一般现在时的被动语态。

  6.where where引导定语从句,在从句中作地点状语,修饰先行词“the Helen Keller National Centre”。

  7.other 句意为:Michelle在那里教像她一样听不见也看不见的孩子们盲文、词汇、手语和其他的沟通技能。由此可知,此处表示“同类中的其他”。故填other。

  8.as 固定搭配serve as意为“作为”,符合语境。故用as。

  9.asking 根据and前后词性、形式保持一致的原则可知,此处与going保持一致,故用现在分词的形式作伴随状语。

  10.not 固定句型not only... but also...意为“不但……而且……”,符合语境。


  There are too many cars in our town now. For a result, there are lots of traffic jams, and the air which we will breathe is terrible. Our town is very old but all the streets are quite narrow, so there is no room for bus lanes, which mean that buses always get stuck in the traffic jams, too. However, lots of accidents with cyclists often happen because of crowded street. But I think there is a simple solution of these problems. The government should close city center to all traffic except buses and bikes, and build very larger car parks outside the town. Car drivers can take a bus into the city center and arrive at work or the shops relaxing and in a good mood.


  There are too many cars in our town now.

  a result, there are lots of traffic jams, and the air which we will breathe is terrible. Our town is very old

  all the streets are quite narrow, so there is no room for bus lanes, which

  that buses always get stuck in the traffic jams, too. , lots of accidents with cyclists often happen because of crowded . But I think there is a simple solution

  these problems. The government should close

  city center to all traffic except buses and bikes, and build very

  car parks outside the town. Car drivers can take a bus into the city center and arrive at work or the shops

  and in a good mood.








  An English evening party will be held on Friday Evening.

  Everybody is expected to attend it on time.

  Class 5, Grade Two

  Student' Union



  An English evening party will be held on Friday Evening. Every one of our class is requested to be in the classroom at 6:30 after supper. The party will begin at 7:00 P.M.. Each of the students should perform during the evening party. You may tell a story, sing a song, make a speech or read a poem and so on. All the teachers and students are welcome to attend our English evening.

  Everybody is expected to attend it on time.

  Class 5, Grade Two

  Student Union


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