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发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时训练21 Module 3 Body Language and Non­verbal Communication



  conscious vary aggressive appreciate communicate traditional relaxation slightly fascinate appropriate

  1.He is sitting in a chair,

  a cup of tea.

  答案 appreciating

  2.The sick man is

  better today because of the new medicine.

  答案 slightly

  3.They raise a lot of dogs which are trained to be


  答案 aggressive

  4.I didn't come to attend his party for


  答案 various

  5.Sometimes he found it difficult to make

  with his boss.

  答案 communication

  6.In many Asian countries, it is

  for men and women to touch in public.

  答案 inappropriate

  7.Suddenly a heavy blow made him lose


  答案 consciousness

  8.It is

  in England to eat turkey on Christmas Day.

  答案 traditional

  9.These children were

  by the colorful toys in the shop window.

  答案 fascinated

  10.I'll only

  when I know you are safe.

  答案 relax



  The teacher

  his pupils.

  答案 deals fairly with


  Hibernation is

  a common sleep.

  答案 more than



  with great care for the meeting.

  答案 is busy preparing


  The police found the lost child


  答案 by accident


  Can you

  the stone for several minutes?

  答案 hold up


  Personal Robot

  Make your parents and teachers happy!

  Are you having problems finishing your homework on time? Do you avoid tidying your room until your mom shouts at you? You don't need to worry if you buy a Mr. Helping Hand personal robot. Mr. H can be programmed to organize your homework. Your own personal robot will follow you around, putting away books and objects that you have left on the floor or bed.

  Mr. H also has these features (特点):

  ● weighs only 500 grams

  ● includes long­lasting batteries

  ● comes with a 5­year guarantee

  ● remembers simple instructions

  Originally (最初) sold for $499

  NOW ONLY $299


  This is a watch that James Bond would be proud to wear!

  This is NOT a watch for ordinary people!

  Your electronic PENGO WATCH CONTROL

  ►acts as a remote control for TVs and videos.

  ►gives you a daily weather forecast.

  ►reminds you when to hand in your homework.

  ►sets off a silent warning alarm when parents or teachers are near.

  Besides, your PENGO WATCH CONTROL will always tell you the time accurately!

  Originally sold for $199

  NOW ONLY $99

  For further information, click here .


  1.With help from a Mr. H, you can


  A. stop using batteries

  B. finish your homework on time

  C. remember your teachers' instructions

  D. get your room tidied on your way home

  答案 B

  解析 根据第一则广告中的“Are you having problems finishing your homework on time”以及“You don't need to worry if you buy a Mr. Helping Hand personal robot”可知选B。

  2.A PENGO WATCH CONTROL can help you to


  A. repair your TV

  B. organize your homework

  C. be a James Bond

  D. know what the weather is like

  答案 D

  解析 根据第二则广告中所列的该手表控制器功能的第二条“gives you a daily weather forecast”可知选D。

  3.You can get your Mr. H for


  A. $499

  B. $299

  C. $199

  D. $99

  答案 B

  解析 根据第一则广告中的“Originally (最初) sold for $499”和“NOW ONLY $299”可知,Mr. H现在售价仅为$299。故选B。

  4.Where would you be most likely to find the two texts?

  A. On a notice board.

  B. In a company brochure.

  C. On a teenage website.

  D. In a college newspaper.

  答案 C

  解析 根据第二则广告中的最后一句“For further information, click here”可知,此则广告是刊登在网站上的。故选C。


  My father and I disagreed about curfew(晚间在家的时间). He'd say I was to be in by 9:30 on weekdays, and 11:00 on weekends, no exceptions without my first asking. I told him it made me


  like a junior­high kid.

  He explained that while a curfew


  sound like a restriction, it's really about people looking out for one another.

  The very next Friday after that pretty heated


  , my dad and I had tickets to see our town's professional football game. On that day he was


  to a nearby city to meet with some major clients and


  me that his getting home and our leaving for the game would be tight.

  To make sure we could


  off the moment he walked in, I got everything prepared.

  When a half hour had passed from the time he said he'd be home, I understood that he was a little



  But then, nearly a whole hour passed.

  I was getting


  . We were going to miss the kick­off! And why hadn't he


  me and let me know he was going to be really late? As I anxiously


  the floor, another half hour passed. That's when I got really angry. How inconsiderate of my father! Now we were going to


  the whole game! When yet another half hour passed, my anger turned to


  . What if something terrible had happened to my dad, like he had a heart attack or had been in an accident, or something? I began to really



  I'd already called his cellphone about ten times, but no



  I was beside myself, assuming the worst had happened.

  Finally, the phone rang, and my dad said


  , “Son, I'm so sorry about the game, but ... there was a terrible accident... on the freeway coming home, and I


  to help... and ended up going to the hospital.



  my cellphone in the car, so I couldn't call until now. ”

  I was so relieved to hear from my father and to


  that he was safe that I actually cried. That was


  I “got” the importance of a curfew: Checking in! It's about knowing that someone you love is



  It was one more proof of my father's loving me as much as he does.

  1.A. feel B. turn

  C. go

  D. grow

  2.A. must B. should

  C. needed

  D. might

  3.A. description B. match

  C. exchange D. speech

  4.A. driving

  B. flying

  C. cycling

  D. walking

  5.A. allowed B. advised

  C. informed D. ordered

  6.A. move

  B. hold

  C. pay

  D. cut

  7.A. lazy B.


  C. forgetful

  D. late

  8.A. puzzled

  B. upset

  C. rude D. sorry

  9.A. warned

  B. phoned

  C. signaled

  D. showed10.A. paced

  B. cleared

  C. hit

  D. measured

  11.A. play B. watch

  C. miss D. start

  12.A. sadness

  B. fear

  C. doubt

  D. surprise

  13.A. regret

  B. envy

  C. worry

  D. cry

  14.A. excuse

  B. answer

  C. time

  D. way

  15.A. strangely B. angrily

  C. casually

  D. breathlessly

  16.A. stopped

  B. forgot

  C. failed D. refused

  17.A. lost B.


  C. saw

  D. left

  18.A. expect

  B. guess

  C. learn D. wonder

  19.A. what B. when

  C. whether

  D. why

  20.A. confident B. honest

  C. great D. safe



  1.A 句意为:我告诉他这样使我感觉自己像一个初中的小孩。feel like意为“感觉像”,符合语境。故选A。

  2.D 句意为:他解释说,尽管“晚间在家的时间”可能听起来像是一个限制,但它实际上是人们彼此关心留意对方。might意为“可能”,符合语意。故选D。

  3.C 从第一段可以看出,父子两人就“晚间在家时间”交换了意见,进行了争论。A项意为“描述”;B项意为“匹配”;C项意为“交换,争论”;D项意为“演讲”。a heated exchange=a very angry conversation,符合语境。故选C。

  4.A 根据倒数第二段中的“I

  my cellphone in the car”可知,父亲是开车去的。故选A。

  5.C 句意为:……父亲告诉我他回来,然后我们去看比赛,时间会比较紧。A项意为“允许”;B项意为“建议”;C项意为“通知,告诉”;D项意为“命令”。C项符合语意,故选C。

  6.A 句意为:为了确保他一进来我们就出发,我把一切都准备就绪了。move off意为“离开,出发”,符合语意。故选A。

  7.D 根据第二段中的“...would be tight.”和第三段中的“...he was going to be really late?”可知,应选D项。

  8.B 根据第三段中的“We were going to miss the kick­off!”可以推出,由于要错过看开球了,所以作者感到烦躁不安。故选B。

  9.B 根据下文中的“...let me know he was going to be really late?”和倒数第二段中的“I

  my cell phone in the car, so I couldn't call until now.”可知,此处应该是给“我”打电话。故选B。

  10.A 句意为:当我焦急地踱来踱去时,半个小时又过去了。根据当时的情景可知,由于焦急地等着父亲回来,“我”应该是在屋子里踱来踱去。故选A。

  11.C 句意为:现在我们将要错过整场比赛。根据语境可知,应选C项。

  12.B 根据下文中的“What if something terrible had happened to my dad, like he had a heart attack or had been in an accident, or something?”可知,“我”不知父亲是否发生了意外,此处是指由“生气”转为“害怕”。故选B。

  13.C 根据上文“What if something terrible had happened to my dad, like he had a heart attack or had been in an accident, or something?”可知,由于害怕父亲可能会出事故,作者当时的心情应该是很担心。故选C。

  14.B 根据语境可知,此处是指“我”给父亲打了大约十个电话,都没人接听。A项意为“借口”;B项意为“应答”;C项意为“时间”;D项意为“方法,路”。故选B。

  15.D 根据下文中的“Son, I'm so sorry about the game, but...there was a terrible accident... on the freeway coming home, and I

  to help...and...”可知,父亲说话时上气不接下气。故选D。

  16.A 根据空格所在句子“there was a terrible accident... on the freeway coming home, and I

  to help... and ended up going to the hospital.”可知,父亲在路上遇到了一场车祸,停下来去帮忙。故选A。

  17.D 根据下文中的“my cellphone in the car, so I couldn't call until now.”可推知,父亲把手机落在了车里,因此,电话一直无人接听,到现在父亲才有时间回电话。故选D。

  18.C 接到父亲的电话后,应该是了解到父亲是安全的。learn意为“得知,了解到”,符合语境。故选C。

  19.B when在此引导表语从句,并且在从句中作时间状语。故选B。

  20.D 根据最后一段第一句“I was so relieved to hear from my father and to

  that he was safe...”可知,此处是指知道你爱的人是安全的。故选D。


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