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发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时训练30 Module 6 Animals in Danger



  at a time take an active part in keep an eye on set up as a result introduce include be concerned about sth. in danger be home to

  1.All flights have had to be cancelled

  of the pilots' strike.

  答案 as a result

  2.Mary offered to

  the baby while I went out.

  答案 keep an eye on

  3.The army has

  road blocks round the city.

  答案 set up

  4.Our tour party

  several retired couples.

  答案 included

  5.How can you expect me not to

  my own son?

  答案 be concerned about

  6.We had to see the nurse one

  .答案 at a time

  7.A large sum of fund has been

  the company.

  答案 introduced into

  8.At college I

  student politics.

  答案 take an active part in

  9.Joseph is doing what he can to save animals


  答案 in danger


  the Chinese Academy of science and more than ten famous universities, including Peking University and Tsinghua University.

  答案 is home to


  Each of these stamps

  30 cents.

  答案 is worth



  English and computer.

  答案 major in


  The government decided to

  people who avoided paying taxes.

  答案 get tough with


  The method

  saving a lot of fuel.

  答案 has the advantage of


  This kind of plants can grow well even


  答案 in ill condition


  Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium (水族馆)

  The all­new Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium, situated in the heart of Melbourne's CBD, is one of Victoria's leading visitor attractions and an unforgettable outing for the whole family. Having 12 amazing zones of discovery, Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium is the very place that you cannot miss when you visit the city.

  ◆ Opening Times

  Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium is open from 9:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. every day of the year, including public holidays. Last admission is at 5:00 p.m., one hour before closing.

  ◆ Location (位置) Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium is located on the corner of Flinders Street and King Street, Melbourne. It is situated on the Yarra River, opposite Crown Entertainment Complex.

  ◆ Getting to Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium


  Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium is a short walk from either Flinders or Southern Cross train stations.

  Tram (有轨电车)

  The Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium tram stop is located on the free City Circle Tram route (公交线路) and also routes 70 and 75. City Circle trams run every 10 minutes in both directions.

  Shuttle Bus

  The Melbourne City Tourist Shuttle is a free bus service, stopping at key tourist attractions in and around the City. Running daily, every 15 minutes from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m..

  ◆ Car Parking

  While there is no public car parking at Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium, there are several public car parking lots available only a short walk away.

  ◆ Wheelchair Access

  Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium provides people in wheelchairs with full access to all 12 zones. Each floor also has wheelchair accessible toilets.

  ◆ Terms

  Tickets will be emailed to you immediately after purchase or you can download and print your ticket once payment has been accepted. Please print out all tickets purchased and present at the front entrance of Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium. No ticket, no entry!

  本文属于广告布告类短文,介绍了墨尔本CBD中心的Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium的具体信息,如地理位置,开放时间,交通路线等。

  1.Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium


  A. is located at the center of the CBD in the city

  B. has 12 most attractive places in Melbourne

  C. admits visitors from 9:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m..

  D. is beside Crown Entertainment Complex

  答案 A

  解析 根据文章第一句The all­new Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium, situated in the heart of Melbourne's CBD, is one of Victoria's leading visitor attractions可知,这个水族馆位于CBD的中心地带。故A正确。

  2.Getting to Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium, visitors can take


  A. trains from Southern Cross train station

  B. shuttle buses around the train station

  C. boats across the Yarra River

  D. either tram route 70 or 75

  答案 D

  解析 根据Tram部分The Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium tram stop is located on the free City Circle Tram route (公交线路) and also routes 70 and 75.可知,这个水族馆位于70和75路的线路上,也就是说乘坐这两路车可到这里。故D正确。

  3.Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium offers visitors


  A. free car parking

  B. wheelchair access

  C. Internet connection

  D. transportation service

  答案 B

  解析 根据Wheelchair Access部分Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium provides people in wheelchairs with full access to all 12 zones. Each floor also has wheelchair accessible toilets.可知,这个水族馆有残疾人轮椅进入的通道。故B正确。

  4.Tickets to Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium


  A. are free to all visitors

  B. can be purchased by email

  C. are checked at the entrance

  D. can be printed at the ticket office

  答案 C

  解析 根据文章最后两句Please print out all tickets purchased and present at the front entrance of Sea Life Melbourne Aquarium. No ticket, no entry!可知,在入口处是要检票的,没有票是不允许进入的。故C正确。


  It was Easter 1990, and my family was on a once­in­a­lifetime trip to the Solomon Islands for my sister's wedding.

  I was traveling with my husband, my four­year­old son and my daughter, who was nearly two. We'd been


  it was very hot in the Solomons, so we'd


  lots of light cotton clothes and were wearing the same as it was summer.

  The only problem was that we had to catch an overnight bus that


  at midnight for the airport so we could make our early morning


  to Honiara. It was cold on the bus! My husband and I were snuggling(依偎)our children as best we could, trying to keep them


  . The bus stopped many times as passengers got on and off, and we didn't take much


  . The little ones were


  , unable to sleep for the biting cold.

  Then at one stop, an older lady came forward from the back of the bus and paused by our seat.

  I sat forward to see what she wanted and she


  out a small knee rug(毛毯).

  My little girl reached


  for it and pulled it tight


  her. The lady said she'd made the rug herself and, seeing that we were cold, she wanted us to use it. After she went back to her seat, our now­warm children


  off, and they slept snugly all the way to the airport. Just a stop or two


  we arrived, the rug lady made her way to the door to get off. I tried to


  the children to return her blanket, but she protested

  “No,” she said,



  . it

  I can always make another one !”

  Over the years, that little blanket became a


  to me and to my children of the kindness of strangers. I told the story to the children over and over and hung the rug on the end of my daughter's bed so we would see it often.

  That rug was handmade with the colours carefully chosen. Yet its maker


  with it to keep my family warm for a night.

  If ever people were bad or


  , it served as a


  that there is goodness in the world.

  I am forever


  , not just for the warmth that night, but for the lifelong reminder of the


  of people.

  That blanket has warmed my life.

  1.A. confirmed

  B. told

  C. advised

  D. persuaded

  2.A. offered

  B. piled

  C. packed

  D. discovered

  3.A. left

  B. went

  C. pulled D. drove

  4.A. train

  B. trip

  C. ride D. flight

  5.A. comfortable

  B. warm

  C. calm

  D. quiet

  6.A. care

  B. notice

  C. action

  D. attention7.A. naughty

  B. noisy

  C. restless

  D. energetic

  8.A. showed

  B. made

  C. put

  D. held

  9.A. silently

  B. eagerly

  C. patiently

  D. bravely

  10.A. around

  B. on

  C. over

  D. towards

  11.A. slept

  B. went

  C. nodded D. shook

  12.A. after

  B. until

  C. as

  D. before

  13.A. unload

  B. unwrap

  C. unfold D. unpack

  14.A. keep

  B. possess

  C. return D. bring

  15.A. sign

  B. mark

  C. symbol D. decoration

  16.A. remainB. parted

  C. deserted

  D. handed

  17.A. cruel

  B. sensitive

  C. cautious

  D. ugly

  18.A. story

  B. gift

  C. reminder

  D. reward

  19.A. delightedB. pitiful

  C. excited

  D. grateful

  20.A. goodness

  B. warmth

  C. welcome

  D. help



  1.B 由语境可知,此处应是作者一家“被告知”所罗门群岛上很热。A项意为“确认,确定”;B项意为“告诉”;C项意为“建议”;D项意为“说服”。四个选项中只有told符合语境。故选B。

  2.C 句意为:我们被告知所罗门群岛上很热,所以我们打包了一些薄衣服,而且都穿着夏装。A项意为“提供”;B项意为“堆”;C项意为“打包,包装”;D项意为“发现”。四个选项中只有pack符合语境。故选C。

  3.A 此处考查leave for的用法,意为“离开……去……”。句意为:我们乘夜班汽车离开去机场……故选A。

  4.D 根据上文可知,作者一家是去机场,所以应该是坐飞机。flight意为“飞行,班机”,符合语境。故选D。

  5.B 由上文中的“It was cold on the bus!”可知,此处指作者和丈夫尽可能地和孩子依偎在一起让孩子感到温暖。故选B。

  6.B 由上文中的“The bus stopped many times as passengers got on and off”可知,因为不断地有乘客上下车,所以车停了好多次,因此我们对此并没在意。take notice意为“注意”,符合语境。故选B。

  7.C 句意为:小孩子在寒冷的午夜难以入睡,焦躁不安。A项意为“淘气的”;B项意为“嘈杂的,喧闹的”;C项意为“焦躁不安的”;D项意为“精力充沛的”。由下文中“biting cold”可知,午夜十分寒冷,孩子不能入睡,因此感到焦躁不安。故选C。

  8.D 句意为:……她拿出了一块毛毯。由下文中的“My little girl reached

  for it and pulled it tight

  her.”可知,这位女士应该是拿出了她的毛毯。hold out意为“拿出,伸出,提供”,符合语境。故选D。

  9.B 根据上文可知,午夜的车上很冷,孩子们无法入睡,所以当这位女士给她们提供毛毯时,女儿很急切地接了过去。A项意为“沉默地”;B项意为“急切地,渴望地”;C项意为“耐心地”;D项意为“勇敢地”。四个选项中只有eagerly符合语境。故选B。

  10.A 根据语境可知,此处指女儿接过毛毯把它紧紧地裹在了身上。around意为“在……周围”,符合语境。故选A。

  11.C 句意为:当那位女士离开后,我们的孩子感到暖和了,开始打盹,在去机场的途中一直依偎在毛毯里睡着。nod off意为“打盹”。由“...and they slept snugly all the way to the airport.”可知,此处应用nod off。

  12.D 句意为:在我们下车前一两站那位女士就下车了。由下文可知,作者想还给她毛毯,所以那位女士应该在作者之前下车。before意为“在……之前”,符合语境。故选D。

  13.B 根据上文可知,作者的女儿把毯子裹在了自己的身上,所以此处应是作者想要打开毯子。A项意为“摆脱……的负担”;B项意为“打开(包裹)”,C项意为“展开”;D项意为“卸下……解除……的负担”。故选B。

  14.A 由下文中的“I can always make another one!”可知,那位女士应该是让作者留下这条毛毯。keep意为“保存,留下”,符合语境。故选A。

  15.C 句意为:多年来,这条小毛毯对我和孩子们来说已经成为了陌生人给予仁慈的一个象征。A项意为“信号”;B项意为“标志,符号”;C项意为“象征”,D项意为“装饰”。四个选项中只有symbol符合语境。故选C。

  16.B 根据语境可知,这条毛毯是手工做的,而且是精心挑选的颜色,但是它的主人为了让作者的家人能够在寒冷的夜里取暖而(忍痛)舍弃了它。part with意为“与……分开,割舍”,符合语境。故选B。

  17.A 由“bad”可知,此处要选一个和它意思相近的贬义词,且与下文的“goodness”意思相反。A项意为“残忍的”;B项意为“敏感的”;C项意为“谨慎的”;D项意为“丑陋的”。故选A。

  18.C 根据语境可知,这是一个“提醒”,让作者一家知道世界上存在着善良,与下文中的“the lifelong reminder”相呼应。A项意为“故事”;B项意为“礼物”;C项意为“提醒,暗示”;D项意为“奖品”。故选C。

  19.D 句意为:我将永远感激,不只是为了那个温暖的晚上……A项意为“高兴的,欣喜的”;B项意为“可怜的,令人同情的”;C项意为“感到兴奋的”;D项意为“感激的”。接受了好心人的帮助,一家人应该是永远“心存感激的”。故选D。

  20.A 由倒数第二段最后一句“... that there is goodness in the world.”可知,此处与上文相呼应。故选A。


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