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发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时训练46 Module 4 Which English?



  furthermore ancestor debate investigate recognisable matter revolution link complain convinced

  1.The house is too old,

  , it's too far from the sea.

  答案 furthermore

  2.The customers

  that the rice is cold.

  答案 complain

  3.Is there a direct

  between diabetes(糖尿病) and diet?

  答案 link

  4.He has been

  and found blameless.

  答案 investigated

  5.One of his

  was a great writer.

  答案 ancestors

  6.I am

  that sooner or later we will succeed.

  答案 convinced

  7.It doesn't

  whether we go together or separately.

  答案 matter

  8.The old man has an instantly


  答案 recognisable

  9.The officials of the government are

  the education laws.

  答案 debating

  10.The Russian

  occurred on November 7,1917.

  答案 Revolution



  (只要) you keep on trying, you will be able to solve the difficult problem


  答案 As long as; sooner or later


  (据估计) the project will last four years.

  答案 It is estimated that

  3.He managed to work out the problem


  答案 in his own right

  4.His failure in the exam

  (在于) his carelessness.

  答案 lay in


  (出于好奇), he went to see what was happening.

  答案 Out of curiosity


  As long as I can remember, being a teacher has always been a lifelong dream. As I grew up in a family of seven kids in Vietnam, both of my parents


  that schooling was a luxury, especially for a girl. I


  many difficulties during the first few school years and started to recognize the


  of education. During those school years, my teachers taught me to think and dream,


  a better future for me and thinking of how


  could help make the world a better place.

  From then on, I tried to help out my parents more with


  at home so that they would allow me to continue school.


  the years went by,I started to think of becoming a teacher when I grew up. However,


  to this country and learning English for the first time at seventeen limited my career


  . I had to choose a career that allowed me to


  make a living without needing too much English. I used my


  math skills to become a computer engineer. After two


  of working as a computer engineer, I was longing for a


  . With uncertainty of what change I wanted to make,I took time off to


  with my two children. While staying at home,I volunteered in my children's classrooms to


  out. Being in the classroom helped me


  that I really enjoyed working with kids. It also brought back my


  to become a teacher. After being in the United States for more than two decades, my English has improved greatly, so becoming a teacher would be a real


  for me now.



  out in teaching, I became a substitute(代用) teacher, and I was given a chance to teach three days a week


  . After two and a half years of doing substitute teaching, I have become a full­time teacher.

  1.A. suspected B. predicted

  C. believed

  D. supposed

  2.A. overcame B. involved

  C. avoided

  D. created

  3.A. meaning

  B. importance

  C. function D. effect

  4.A. talking about

  B. hoping for

  C. seeking for

  D. dreaming of

  5.A. school

  B. teacher

  C. student

  D. education

  6.A. chores

  B. studies

  C. income

  D. advice

  7.A. Before

  B. As

  C. After

  D. When8.A. turning

  B. relying

  C. immigrating

  D. referring

  9.A. jobs

  B. times

  C. choices

  D. wages

  10.A. occasionally

  B. successfully

  C. suddenly D. clearly

  11.A. poor

  B. special

  C. particular D. excellent

  12.A. days

  B. months

  C. decades D. years

  13.A. raise

  B. change

  C. chance D. future

  14.A. live

  B. spend

  C. work

  D. deal

  15.A. send

  B. put

  C. help

  D. take

  16.A. realize

  B. agree

  C. argue

  D. regret

  17.A. demand

  B. desire

  C. career

  D. duty

  18.A. dream

  B. test

  C. possibility

  D. matter

  19.A. come

  B. point

  C. hand

  D. try

  20.A. at all

  B. on average

  C. in place D. at last



  1.C 根据句中的“luxury”可知,身为越南人的父母从思想上认为女孩不应该接受教育,故选C项。suspect“猜疑”;predict“预测”;believe“相信”;suppose“设想”。

  2.A 因为女孩上学受到歧视,所以作者在上学期间,克服了很多困难。上下文语境暗示女孩能上学已属不易,因此这里指克服重重困难。overcome“克服”;involve“卷入”;avoid“逃避”;create“创造”。

  3.B 作者在下文中论述了上学的重要性,故选B项。meaning“意思”;importance“重要性”;function“功能”;effect“作用”。 4.D 根据主句中老师教她思考和追逐梦想可知,此处作者在解释自己所想和所希望的事情,故选D项。talk about“谈论”;hope for“希望”;seek for“寻找”;dream of“梦想”。

  5.D 在老师的教育下,作者认真思考教育如何使这个世界变得更美好。school“学校”;teacher“老师”;student“学生”;education“教育”。

  6.A 根据该空后的“they would allow me to continue school”可知,作者在家中帮助父母多做家务才得以有机会上学。故选A项。chore“家务”;study“学习”;income“收入”;advice“建议”。

  7.B 随着岁月的逝去,作者开始考虑长大后要成为一名教师。before“在……之前”;as“随着”;after“在……之后”;when“当……时候”。

  8.C 文章开头作者已经说明自己在越南长大,下文则提到她在美国学习、就业,由此可知作者和家人移民到了美国,故选C项。turn“转变”;rely“依靠”;immigrate“移民”;refer“提及”。

  9.C 根据下文的“I had to choose a career....”可知,作者在谈论自己的就业选择。故选C项。

  10.B 因为英语不好,所以作者所选的职业是无需会太多英语便能顺利谋生的工作。occasionally“偶尔”;successfully“成功地”;suddenly“突然地”;clearly“明显地”。

  11.D 作者成了一名计算机工程师,所以她的数学应该学得很好,故选D项。poor“穷的”;special“特殊的”;particular“特别的”;excellent“优秀的”。

  12.C 根据第二段最后一句中的“for more than two decades”可知,作者做了20多年的计算机工程师。

  13.B 根据下文的“with uncertainty of what change I wanted to make....”可知,作者想改变自己的职业,故选B项。

  14.B 不确定自己想做出怎样的改变,作者便休假和孩子们在一起,故选spend。

  15.C 在家休假的时候,作者主动到自己孩子的班级帮忙。help out“帮助,协助”;send out“发出”;put out“熄灭”;take out“拿出”。

  16.A 在班级里,作者意识到自己真的喜欢和孩子们在一起。realize“意识到”;agree“同意”;argue“争论”;regret“遗憾”。

  17.B 作者在小时候就希望自己成为一名教师,因此选desire,意为“愿望,梦想”。

  18.C 作者在美国生活了多年后英语有了很大的提高,这就让她有了成为老师的可能性,故选possibility。

  19.D 成为代课老师,表明作者尝试着教书,故选D项。try out“尝试,试验”;come out“出来”;point out“指出”;hand out“分发”。

  20.B 作者平均一星期上三天课。on average意为“平均”,符合语境。at all“究竟”;in place“在恰当的位置”;at last“最后”。



  Here's a familiar version of the boy­meets­girl situation. A young man has at last plucked up courage to invite a dazzling young lady out to dinner. She has accepted his invitation and he is overjoyed. He is determined to take her to the best restaurant in town, even if it means that he will have to live on memories and hopes during the month to come. When they get to the restaurant, he discovers that this beautiful creature is on a diet. She mustn't eat this and she mustn't drink that. Oh,but of course,she doesn't want to spoil his enjoyment. Let him by all means eat as much fattening food as he wants : it's the surest way to an early grave. They spend a truly memorable evening together and never see each other again.

  What a miserable lot dieters are! You can always recognize them from the sour expression on their faces. They spend most of their time turning their noses up at food. They are forever consulting calorie charts;gazing at themselves in mirrors;and leaping on to weighing­machines in the bathroom. They spend a lifetime fighting a losing battle against spreading hips, bigger tummies(肚子) and double chins. Some declare all­out war on FAT. Mere dieting is not enough. They exhaust themselves doing exercises, sweating in sauna baths, being massaged by weird machines. The really wealthy pay vast sums for “health cures”. For two weeks they can enter a nature clinic and be starved to death for a hundred dollars a week. Don't think it's only the middle­aged who go in for these fashions either. Many of these bright young things you see are living on nothing but air, water and the goodwill of God.

  Dieters undertake to starve themselves of their own free will; so why are they so miserable? Well, for one thing, they're always hungry. You can't be hungry and happy at the same time. All the horrible foods they eat leave them permanently dissatisfied. “Wonderfood is a complete food,” the advertisement says. “Just dissolve (溶解) a teaspoonful in water...” A complete food it may be, but not quite as complete as a juicy steak. And, of course, they're always miserable because they feel so guilty. Hunger just proves too much for them and in the end they may rush to eat five huge cream cakes at a time. And who can blame them? At least three times a day they are exposed to temptation. What torture(折磨)it is always watching others swallowing piles of mouth­watering food while you only have a water biscuit and sip unsweetened lemon juice!

  What's all this torture for? Saintly people keep themselves away from food to achieve a state of grace. Unsaintly people do so to achieve a state of misery. It will be a great day when all the dieters in the world abandon their slimming courses; when they hold out their plates and demand second helpings!


  1.Which of the following would the writer most probably agree with?

  A. New ways of controlling weight are needed.

  B. We should all have second helpings and grow fat.

  C. Many diseases are connected with overweight.

  D. Trying to be slim is not an excuse for suffering.

  答案 D

  解析 推理判断题。作者通过这篇文章表达了对于节食的观点,认为节食者们不应该为了保持苗条的身材而不吃东西。故选D项。

  2.How did the boy and the girl most probably feel after the night?

  A. Excited. B. Awkward.

  C. Nervous. D. Hurt.

  答案 B

  解析 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“They spend a truly memorable evening together and never see each other again.”可知这个男孩和女孩都因为尴尬而互不往来了。B项意为“尴尬的”,为正确答案。

  3.According to the writer,which of the following are all typical dieters?

  ①weighs himself three times a day ②eats five huge cream cakes at a time ③always checks calorie charts ④has expensive yet nutritious meals every week ⑤has big tummies and double chins

  ⑥takes sauna baths





  答案 C

  解析 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“They are forever consulting calorie charts... and leaping on to weighing­machines in the bathroom.... sweating in sauna baths....”可知C项正确。

  4.Why might the boy have to live on memories and hopes during the month to come ( Paragraph 1)?

  A. He knew they would have a wonderful night.

  B. He knew there's no hope of seeing the girl again.

  C. He knew they would meet again and share the good memories.

  D. He knew he would have no living expense for the next month.

  答案 D

  解析 句意理解题。根据划线部分的上文可知,男孩决定带女孩去最好的饭店,这会使得他下个月没有生活费。故选D项。

  5.What is the writer's attitude towards diet?

  A. Supportive.

  B. Critical.

  C. Doubtful.

  D. Uninterested.

  答案 B

  解析 观点态度题。根据文章大意可知,作者对节食持否定、批评的态度,故选B项。


  Here are six questions about your approach to life. Try to answer them as honestly as you can. Are you hard driving and competitive?

  Are you usually pressed for time?

  Do you want to control others?

  Do you have a strong need to do better than others in most things?

  Do you eat too quickly?

  Do you get upset when you have to wait for anything?

  If you have answered “yes” to most of these questions, then I can make a few predictions about you, based on a recent eight­year study of nearly two thousand people who live the way that you do.

  You likely find that life is full of challenges and you often need to keep two or more projects moving at the same time. The chances are that you have been to college, that you have a management job and that you bring work home at night. You think that you put more effort into your job than many of the people you work with, and you certainly take your work more seriously than most of them. You get angry easily, and if someone is being long­winded, you help them get to the point. You also have trouble finding the time to get your hair cut.

  And there's one other thing. You are about twice as likely to have a heart attack as someone who takes a more easygoing approach to life.

  The beginnings of your hard­driving behavior go right back to childhood. In school you got recognition and perhaps prizes for being quick and bright, for being an achiever, for competing with others and for winning. You likely went on from school to get a series of increasingly better jobs against pretty stiff competition. They were jobs where you had to care about the results, where you constantly had to push things forward and get things done. In your present job you also feel some conflict, either with time or with other people. Some of those you work with don't seem able to understand the simplest ideas, and they often put a brake on what you're trying to achieve. The conflict may not take place every day. You pride yourself on being able to keep the lid on. But it's always there, under the surface.


  6.It can be concluded from the last paragraph that this hard­driving character


  A. has been developed since childhood

  B. may be changed by your experiences

  C. will place no influence on your work

  D. will cause you more conflicts

  答案 A

  解析 推理判断题。从最后一段的主题句“The beginnings of your hard­driving behavior go right back to childhood.”可知应选A项。

  7.Which of the following words is NOT proper to describe this type of people?

  A. Competitive.

  B. Nervous.

  C. Easygoing.

  D. Ambitious

  答案 C

  解析 细节理解题。从倒数第二段第二句“You are about twice as likely to have a heart attack as someone who takes a more easygoing approach to life.”可知争强好胜的人得心脏病的几率是生活随意的人的两倍,可见easygoing(随意的)不能用来修饰这类人,而其他三个词都符合这类人的特点。故选C项。

  8.What does the author mean by the last sentence of the passage?

  A. The lid will always remain in place.

  B. The conflict may occur at any moment.

  C. The situation is always under your control.

  D. You are able to solve the problem.

  答案 B

  解析 句意理解题。文章最后两句句意:你为自己能够搞定一切而自豪,但是问题总是存在的,只是潜伏在深处而已。故选B项。

  9.We can infer from the passage that hard­driving character


  A. does harm to your health

  B. helps you fit in with the new situation quickly

  C. gets you more prizes

  D. contributes a lot to your career success

  答案 D

  解析 推理判断题。从最后一段的第二、三句可知,这类人从小就会因思维敏捷、成就显著、赢得竞争等等而获得各种奖项,在进入社会后也会通过激烈的竞争得到越来越好的工作。故选D项。


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