2017年高一英语同步 Unit1《Friendship》对点练习 (新人教版必修1)-查字典英语网
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2017年高一英语同步 Unit1《Friendship》对点练习 (新人教版必修1)

发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  【名师伴你行】2017年高一英语 Unit1 Friendship对点练习 新人教版必修1 Ⅰ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1.The big earthquake that happened in Yushu destroyed the town of Yushu________(entire). 2.Our parents are________about our health and future.As far as I'm________(concern),we should talk with them. 3.Never before has our country been so________(power)as it is today. 4.He stood up suddenly,________(upset) a cup of tea. 5.The doctor had given her up but she made an excellent________(recover). 6.Some people say that man is naturally a hunter.I express________(disagree) with this view. 7.This race,which went on for________(exact) four months,was the last of its kind. 8.European________(settle) began in 1840 when the British arrived. 答案:1.entirely 2.concerned;concerned 3.powerful  4.upsetting 5.recovery 6.disagreement 7.exactly  8.settlement Ⅱ.短语填空 go through,face to face,add up,put away,get along with,make an effort,set down,according to,fall in love with,suffer from 1.I've always found him a bit difficult to__________. 2.I ________________ him the first time I saw the young man. 3.He's amazingly cheerful considering all he's had to__________. 4.She had a few thousand dollars ________________ for her retirement. 5.________________ the weather broadcast,there will be a snowstorm this evening. 6.If you want to know the total,you'd better____________the numbers. 7.Why don't you ________________ your ideas on paper? 8.Do you often ________________ headaches in winter? 9.I will ________________ to finish the job ahead of time. 10.I am going to have an interview with your manager.I mean that I'm going to interview him____________. 答案:1.get along with 2.fell in love with 3.go through  4.put away 5.According to 6.add up 7.set down  8.suffer from 9.make an effort 10.face to face Ⅲ.完成句子 1.The father ________________(对……感到担心) the son's bad performance at school. 2.He took a deep breath to ________________(使他自己平静下来). 3.All these gifts must be mailed immediately________________(为了被收到)in time for Christmas. 4.________________(遭受) serious brain damage for many years,Mrs Brown doesn't remember what happened to her. 5.With a local guide ________________(带路),they had no trouble walking out of the forest. 6.________________(多久之后才) the professor makes another visit to China? 7.________________(当被问到) about the secret of this game,he said that he owed much of his success and happiness to his wife and children. 8.I have never heard of the names________________(你添到)the list. 9.Since we all live under one room,we should learn________________________(如何相处好) one another. 10.That was the last time that he________________________________(与父亲面对面地谈话).答案:1.was concerned about 2.calm himself down 3.so as to be received 4.Having suffered 5.leading the way 6.How long will it be before 7.When asked 8.you added to 9.how to get along well with 10.had talked with his father face to face Ⅳ.单元考点作文串记 (一)根据提示翻译句子 1.去年,李华前往(set out)美国读书。 ________________________________________________________________________ 2.那是他第一次(It was the first time that...)离开父母。 ________________________________________________________________________ 3.他饱受(suffer from)孤独(loneliness)之苦。 ________________________________________________________________________ 4.他的父母非常担心(be concerned about)他的生活与安全。 ________________________________________________________________________ 5.值得高兴的是,他渐渐地在美国安顿下来(settle in)。 ________________________________________________________________________ 6.他与同学相处融洽(get along with)。 ________________________________________________________________________ 7.有困难时(When in trouble),他想办法去克服(get over)。 ________________________________________________________________________ 8.正是生活中的这些点点滴滴(little steps)养成了(add up to)他的独立性。 ________________________________________________________________________ 9.他已经不再(no longer)厌烦(be tired of)大学生活。 ________________________________________________________________________ (二)加入适当过渡词,联句成篇 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 答案: (一)1.Last year,Li Hua set out for America to study. 2.It was the first time that he had left his parents. 3.He suffered from loneliness. 4.His parents were very concerned about his life and safety. 5.Happily,he has gradually settled in America. 6.He has been getting along well with his classmates. 7.When in trouble,he tries to find ways to get it over. 8.It is these little steps in his daily life that have added up to his complete independence. 9.He is no longer tired of college life. (二)参考范文: Last year,Li Hua set out for America to study,which was the first time that he had left his parents;as a result,he suffered from loneliness.Meanwhile,his parents were very concerned about his life and safety.Happily,he has gradually settled in America and has been getting along well with his classmates.When in trouble,he tries to find ways to get it over.It is these little steps in his daily life that have added up to his complete independence.Now,he is no longer tired of college life.


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