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发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Barefoot and dirty,the girl just sat and watched the people go by.She never tried to speak.Many people passed,but never did one person stop.

  The next day I decided to go back to the park,curious to see if the little girl would still be there.Right in the very spot as she was yesterday,she sat with the saddest look in her eyes.

  Today I was to make my own move and walk over to the little girl.As we all know,a park full of strange people is not a place for young children to play alone.

  As I began walking towards her,I could see the back of the little girl’s dress indicated a deformity(畸形).I smiled to let her know it was okay,I was there to help,to talk.I sat down beside her and opened with a simple “Hello”.I smiled and she shyly smiled back.We talked until darkness fell and the park was completely empty.I asked the girl why she was so sad.The little girl looked at me and with a sad face said,“Because I’m different.”

  I immediately said “That you are!” and smiled.The little girl acted even sadder.She said,“I know.” She looked at me and smiled.Slowly she stood to her feet,and said,“Really?”

  “Yes,dear,you’re like a little guardian angel sent to watch over all those people walking by.” She nodded her head “yes” and smiled,and with that she spread her wings and said with a twinkle in her eye,“I am.I’m your guardian angel.”

  I was speechless,sure I was seeing things.She said,“For once you thought of someone other than yourself,my job here is done.”

  Immediately I stood to my feet and said,“Wait,so why did no one stop to help an angel!?” She looked at me and smiled,“You’re the only one who could see me,and you believe it in your heart.”…and she was gone.

  And with that my life changed dramatically.So,when you think you’re all you have,remember,your angel is always watching over you.Mine is!1.People just passed by the girl because _______.

  A.they pretended not to see her

  B.she pretended to be poor

  C.they never thought of helping her D.they knew the author would help her

  2.Which word can’t be used to describe the author?A.Considerate.




  3.Why was the author speechless?

  A.He was shocked.

  B.He didn’t manage to help the girl.

  C.He thought he was cheated.D.He was in despair.

  4.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

  A.The author smiled because he saw the girl was shy.B.The author had known that the girl was a real angel.

  C.The author believed that an angel was always watching him.

  D.The author decided to go back to the park because he was sure that the little girl would be there.

  5.What does “You’re all you have” mean?

  A.You are ugly.

  B.You are alone.

  C.You are strong.

  D.You are rich.

  ---5 、CDACB

  阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。


  BEIJING—China's Beijing and Shanghai cities and Guangdong Province on Sunday published plans to gradually allow migrant workers'(外来务工人员) children to enter senior high schools and sit college entrance exams locally.

  They are the latest in a total of 13 provinces and municipalities(市) to formulate plans to ensure that rural children who have followed their parents to cities can enjoy the same rights as their urban peers in education.

  Beijing will allow migrant workers' children to attend local vocational schools in 2017 and allow them to be matriculated by universities after graduating from the vocational programs in 2017, said a statement from the city's commission of education.

  Shanghai took a step further, saying it will allow migrant children in the city to enter local senior high schools, vocational schools and sit college entrance exams (commonly known as gaokao) locally starting in 2017.

  Guangdong has asked its cities to start recruiting(招收)migrant workers' children in local senior high schools in 2017. The province will allow these children to sit gaokao and compete with local residents on an equal feeting in college entrance starting in 2016, Luo said the restrictions would be relaxed gradually and “step by step” as the province must solve the conflict between its gigantic migrant population and a scarcity of education resources.

  Migrant workers, whose children could be benefited by the new plans of the three regions, must have residential permits, stable jobs and incomes, and meet other local requirements, according to the plans.

  China's hukou, or household registration system, used to confine children to attending schools in their home provinces. A 2003 regulation amended this by allowing migrant workers' children to receive the nineyear compulsory education in cities where their parents work.

  Official figures show that China has more than 250 million farmersturnedworkers living in cities. An estimated 20 million children have migrated with their parents to the cities.


  12.What's the best title of this passage?

  A.China's educational reform on the way

  B.Migrants' dreams come true

  C.Reform plans published for migrant children's education

  D.Migrants ask for equal rights in education

  答案:C 主旨大意题。 这是一篇资讯报道,第一段就是资讯的主要内容。C项很好地概括了资讯的主要内容,并符合标题的特点。

  13.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

  A.Beijing,Shanghai and Guangdong took the lead in making plans for migrant children's education.

  B.There are altogether 13 provinces


  municipalities that have made plans for migrant children's education.

  C.Beijing will allow migrant workers' children to enter

  the local school in 2017.

  D.Migrant workers' children began to receive senior high school education in cities where their parents work in 2003.

  答案:B 细节理解题。由第二段的第一句得知B正确、A错误;由第三段得知C错误;由第七段中的A 2003 regulation ...to receive the nineyear compulsory education in cities where their parents work.得知D错误。

  14.Which of the following words can the underlined word“confine” be replaced by?





  答案:A 词义猜测题。根据所在句子的意思:“中国的户口过去_______了孩子们只能在他们家乡省份上学。”,并结合上下文,可知是“限制”,而不是“阻止”、“保护”或是“抵制”。

  15.Which of the following statements can be inferred according to the passage?

  A.Guangdong will allow migrant workers' children to sit gaokao locally in 2016.

  B.China's hukou is now no longer important and should be cancelled.

  C.The Chinese government should continue deepening the educational reform.

  D.It is likely that not all migrant workers' children can enter senior high schools or sit gaokao in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong with the new plans polished.

  答案:D 推理判断题。由第六段得知:在北京、上海和广东,能够就地入学或高考的孩子的父母必须符合几个条件。言外之意:不符合条件的就不能享受这一政策。故D正确;A项为事实,而非推断;B、C文中无依据。

  阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。


  Expensive perfumes (香水) come in tiny bottles, but many hide a whalesized secret.

  To perfect a particular smell, perfumemakers often use an ingredient that comes from

  sperm whales, called ambergris.

  But using ambergris, which helps a perfume last longer, is

  strongly opposed by many people who think it is wrong to kill whales just so we can smell sweet.

  Joerg Bohlmann is neither a perfumer nor a whale expert. He's a plant biologist at the University

  of British Columbia in Canada. But his discovery of a new plant gene (基因) might push whales

  out of the perfume business.

  The gene comes from fir trees, found throughout North America and commonly used as

  Christmas trees.

  The trees produce a chemical that can be used in perfume in place of

  ambergris—but with_a_catch.

  “There's a problem that many people wouldn't consider. In the tree, the chemical is mixed

  with many others. That makes separation a challenge,” Bohlmann says. “It's like trying to isolate

  sugar from a biscuit.”

  This is where science becomes useful. When Bohlmann learned that fir trees produce the

  ambergrislike chemical, he decided to use his gene knowhow to find the instructions for how to

  make the ambergrissubstitute.

  Bohlmann found that gene and took it out of the tree cells. Then he did something that might

  sound strange to someone who doesn't work in genetics: Bohlmann put the gene from the tree

  into yeast (酵母) cells.

  Yeast may sound familiar because it's used to make things like bread, wine and beer.

  Biologists like to work with yeast because it easily adopts new genes and changes its features and

  behaviour. When Bohlmann put the fir tree gene into the yeast, the yeast started making the

  same chemical that had been produced by the tree.

  Perfumers pay big money for ambergris because it is a fixative, which means it holds a smell

  in place on a person's body.

  ?Cheap perfumes smell good in the first hour or so and then everything is gone,” explains

  Bohlmann. “But expensive perfumes are much more stable. Their smell lasts much longer, for

  hours or even a day after you apply them.”

  The new chemical, made from the tree genes, can be used as a fixative, too. And using

  yeast to make it is far cheaper than acquiring ambergris.

  Bohlmann admits he never thought he'd get into the perfume business. But now, he says,

  producers have been calling to find out how to use his technology in new perfumes.


  16.It can be inferred from the passage that if a perfume contains ambergris, ________.

  A.its user probably supports whale hunting

  B.its smell will last for about an hour

  C.there will be a whale symbol on the bottle

  D.it is probably very expensive

  答案:D 推理判断题。根据第二段第二句中“But using ambergris, which helps a perfume last longer...”以及倒数第三段中“But expensive perfumes are much more stable.”可知,含有龙涎香的香水价格昂贵,故D项正确;根据倒数第三段中“Their smell lasts much longer, for hours or even a day after you apply them.”可知,B项错误;根据第二段第二句中“is strongly opposed by many people who think it is wrong to kill whales...”可知,A项错误;C项文中未提及相关信息。

  17.The underlined expression “with a catch” in Paragraph 3 means ________.

  A.being difficult to hold

  B.having a hidden problem

  C.needing further testing

  D.being too similar

  答案:B 词义猜测题。根据第四段中“There's a problem that many people wouldn't consider.”可知,该词组意为“有隐含的问题”,故B项正确。

  18.According to the passage, why are yeast cells often used in genetic research?

  A.They can take on the characteristics of other genes.

  B.They can reproduce much faster than other cells.

  C.They share some of the qualities of plant genes.

  D.They're much cheaper to use than ambergris.

  答案:A 细节理解题。根据第七段第二句中“it easily adopts new genes and changes its features and behaviour.”可知,由于酵母菌容易吸收其他基因,并将目的基因成功表达出来,故常被用于基因工程研究中,故A项正确。

  19.What can we learn about Joerg Bohlmann from the passage?

  A.He is opposed to whale hunting.

  B.He made his discovery during Christmas.

  C.He has worked in the perfume industry for many years.

  D.He has previously done genetic research.

  答案:D 推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句“But his discovery of a new plant gene (基因)... the perfume business.”及第三段表达的语境可知,Joery Bohlmann已经意识到,这些树中某些基因所产生的化学物质可以被用于香水中以代替龙涎香,但是这些化学物质和其他物质混合在一起,难以分离,故可以断定,Joerg Bohlmann曾经做过基因研究,故D项正确。

  20.What is the best title for the passage?

  A.The Christmas tree's secret.

  B.The sweet smell of success.

  C.Whalefree perfume.

  D.Save the whale.

  答案:C 标题概括题。根据文章第一段“Expensive perfumes (香水) come in tiny bottles, but many hide a whalesized secret.”及文章最后一句中“producers have been calling to find out how to use his technology in new perfumes.”可知,本文主要介绍了在香水中使用的龙涎香,这种价格昂贵的物质,最终被树中的某种化学物质成功取代。故C项为最佳标题。



  请你以“Should universities limit the number of visitors?”为话题,写一篇英语短文,陈述你的观点,并给出合理的解释。


  One Possible Version

  Nowadays, it is becoming increasingly popular for tourists to visit famous universities such as Peking

  University and Tsinghua University during the holidays. However,

  some universities decide to limit the number of visitors,which has caused heated argument in China.

  I think the number of tourists should be limited.

  Here are my reasons:

  first of all,there are too many tourists wandering through the school yard, teaching buildings, or even the library,which has a negative effect on the students who are absorbed in learning. Second,with so many tourists coming, it is harder for security guards to keep order. Third,

  universities are designed to provide education rather than tourism service.

  In summary, universities should limit the number of tourists to ensure a good




  随着城市的扩张,人口的增加,垃圾处理问题越来越凸显。假如你是李华,是一名高三学生,请你以“How to Deal with the Garbage”为话题,谈谈你的看法。





  参考词汇:litter乱扔;environmentally friendly环保的;classification分类。

  One possible version:

  How to Deal with the Garbage

  With the improvement of the living standards of the people, more garbage is being produced in our life.

  How to deal with it has become a serious challenge to


  Obviously, people seem to have got accustomed to littering in the streets.

  In my opinion, the reason for the bad habit is that they haven't realized the

  decrease of resources on earth. As a student, we should start from ourselves to

  protect the earth and our limited resources. First, we should sort the garbage according to its nature.

  In this way we can make full use of the renewable waste, thus enhancing the waste recovery rate. Second, it is essential to attach importance to environmental education, so that every child will become environmentally friendly. Finally, to encourage garbage classification, the government should seek better means.

  It is high time that we made a joint effort to well deal with rubbish. Otherwise, we will run into trouble in the near future.




  2.桑拿天Sauna Days;烧烤天Barbeque Days;


  This year,a continuous and deadly

  heat wave was cooking the southern parts of China.________________________________________________________________________




  One possible version:

  This_year,a_continuous_and_deadly__heat_wave_was_cooking_the_southern_parts_of_China.Since early July, about 19 provinces and regions including Anhui Province and Zhejiang Province were experiencing extreme heat,covering almost a third of the country.With temperatures in most areas of the south over 40℃,as many microblog posts and TV reports showed,it had been literally hot enough to fry an egg on the street, which is joked by the netizens as the “Sauna Days” or “Barbeque Days”.

  In such extreme weather,however,it is wise and reasonable for us to stay in especially between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.. But if we have to go out,we are supposed to take some effective measures such as putting on some sunscreen lotion or taking some special medicine to avoid the sunshine and heat. In addition,it is students' safety that also counts.Therefore,I sincerely suggest that students in the cities and in the countryside as well should keep away from the rivers and lakes.


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