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发布时间:2017-04-20  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  【2017高考复习】阅读理解During the school year many parents take on the role of driver as they drive their children from one lesson to another.Understandably so.Many of us want our children to have a little taste of everything,from organized sports to music,dance and more.But we can overdo it,leaving our children feeling a little burnt out,and according to parent educator Diane Loisie,it’s their school work that suffers the most,“After school,if they’re busy in a number of sporting events,besides,they need to do their homework,then the time they’ll feel sleepy is in the classroom.Your child needs free time.So if you’re filling up that after school time,then it’s during the day they’re going to be taking a break.”

  Professor Claire McDermott agrees that there’s a lot to be gained from sometimes putting those scheduled lessons and activities away.“Relaxing time is important for children.It’s time just to do the things they want to do.Children can go up to their room,or they can play around.It doesn’t look like productive time;parents certainly wouldn’t be saying ‘Wow,are they ever learning things now?’ But this relaxing time gives both the body and the brain just a wonderful chance to relax after a day.It helps a child prepare for sleep,but it also helps to understand the learning that’s gone on that day.”

  It’s hard to prevent signing our kids up for some activities and lessons.After all,many of us want our children to have a head start in life and the chance to join in great activities in the arts or sports is part of that.However,Loisie feels that in the long run most children feel better with just a few key activities because it gives them an opportunity to master them.“When we get our children in too many activities because we want our children to experience everything,then what we’re doing is setting them up not to be good at one thing or gain a skill.” So choose your children’s activities wisely.It may be one of the best things you’ve ever done for your kids and for the family drivers!

  【语篇解读】 为了孩子的成长,父母煞费苦心,可是,这么做对孩子有益吗?艺在精而不在多,明智地为孩子选择适合他们自身的活动才是对他们最好的呵护。

  5.What is the biggest disadvantage for children to attend too many lessons after school?

  A.They can get bored easily about everything.

  B.They might have no time to do the homework.

  C.They might not pay much attention to learning.

  D.They can not easily focus on learning during the day.

  解析 推理判断题。结合第一段后半部分中的“then the time they’ll feel sleepy is in the classroom”以及“then it’s during the day they’re going to be taking a break”可推知,如果孩子们放学后上太多的课,白天他们就不容易集中精力学习。

  答案 D

  6.What does Professor Claire McDermott think of children’s playing around?

  A.It is productive. B.It is a bad habit.

  C.It is helpful. D.It is a waste of time.

  解析 细节理解题。根据第二段最后两句的内容可知Claire McDermott教授认为孩子们玩耍是有益处的。

  答案 C

  7.What is the main idea of this passage?

  A.Don’t be children’s drivers after school.

  B.Let children learn something from various subjects.

  C.Make your children learn as much as possible.

  D.Choose activities for your children wisely.

  解析 主旨大意题。最后一段是对文章主题的归纳,结合本段后半部分的内容,尤其是倒数第二句可知本文意在倡导父母明智地为孩子选择活动。

  答案 D

  These days no car show is complete without an electric car, and the 2011 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, US, which ran from January 10 to 23, was no exception.

  Among the fully electric vehicles on display were the Ford Focus Electric and the Honda Fit EV. BMW and Volvo also had prominent displays at the show, proving that they can produce practical, yet spacious family-oriented electric cars.

  Industry insiders at the show claimed that more efficient batteries, improved performance and greater consumer acceptance could make 2011 the “year of electric car”.

  It’s long been clear that electric cars score heavily for convenience. They are, for instance, much easier to maintain than gasoline-powered cars. When the battery runs out, you simply replace it or recharge it, just like you would for a cell phone or a laptop.

  This is also a much cheaper method than filling your tank with gasoline. Better yet, electric cars don’t emit exhaust fumes. As a result, they don’t produce environmentally damaging greenhouse gases.

  It appears that improved technology is making electric cars and their maintenance much more user-friendly. So, what are the obstacles which are preventing electric cars from becoming popular and fashionable?

  Home charging for electric cars could be extremely convenient for users. However, it is also a potential obstacle. For a start, installing charging stations in owners’ homes will be a challenge, particularly for those who have to park several blocks away from their homes.

  Also, charging the car’s battery still takes quite a long time. It may be some time yet before you can recharge an electric car in the same time as you can refill your gas tank.

  Another problem is that many electric vehicles have limited ranges that may only allow for journeys of 50 miles (80 km) or less between charges. In cases where a driver wishes to charge the car primarily at home (perhaps overnight), this limits their daily driving to the range of their vehicle.

  This may be one reason why hybrid cars are now becoming more popular. A hybrid car has more than one energy source, usually a traditional gasoline fuel tank and an electric battery. It’s like a more practical version of an electric car: It’s greener than a conventional vehicle, with fewer CO2 emissions, yet it also doubles as a conventional vehicle.

  “I would say that hybrid is a transition to fully electronic,” Road and Track magazine editor Richard Horman told Detroit News during the show. “The trend is for lighter, smarter, more economical cars. Of course, electronic vehicles are meant to be that way.”

  This sounds promising, particularly in light of the fact that the show featured more electric cars from big manufacturers than ever before.

  However, it seems that the technology associated with electric cars is not yet able to fully meet people’s expectations. Don’t expect gasoline-powered cars to disappear from roads just yet.

  5. What made electric cars more convenient?

  A. Easier maintenance.

  B. High scores on the show.

  C. Practicality and large space.

  D. Much lower prices.

  6. Which of the following could NOT act as a potential obstacle of electric cars?

  A. It is rough work to install charging stations at home.

  B. It is time-consuming to charge the batteries.

  C. The ranges between charges are limited.

  D. There’s no need to fill the tank with petrol.

  7. In Paragraph 10, the underlined word “hybrid” is probably closest in meaning to ________.

  A. gasoline

  B. electric

  C. combined

  D. separated

  8. The writer’s purpose in writing this passage is to_________.

  A. introduce the 2011 Auto Show in US

  B. get readers informed of electric cars

  C. comment on different types of cars

  D. advertise for electric cars



  One Day Tour: Great Wall & Summer Palace


  You will visit the famous Badaling Great Wall and Summer Palace in one day.

  Tour Description and Itinerary (行程)

  One day Private Tour or Coach Tour: Depart everyday

  Start from 8:30 am to around 6:00 pm, flexible schedule for private tour.


  Pick you up from hotel on departure time, then drive to the famous Badaling Great Wall, which is 60 miles away from downtown about one and a half hour driving. Sightseeing on Great Wall Badaling section for about 3 hours.

  Visit scenic spots: Badaling Geat Wall, Badaling Fortress, Beacon-towers, "Looking-toward-Beijing Stone", etc. (Cable car is available for you to get to the highest point to have a bird view)

  Drive to restaurant for lunch. After lunch, visit the largest and most beautiful Chinese imperial garden- Summer Palace.

  Visit scenic spots: 1. East palace gate, 2. the hall of benevolence and longevity, 3. hall of jade billows, 4. the hall of joyful longevity, 5. the covered walkway, 6. the marble boat, etc.

  Transfer you back to your hotel after the whole day tour.

  For the coach tour (small group in each bus, 6-10 persons per group):

  ★Suitable for economic or single travelers, make friends on the same bus, only English-speaking travelers on our bus.

  ★Travellers will be arranged in a small group, Keep group size less than ten in each air-conditioned bus;

  ★Vehicle mode: Coaster-New air-conditioned tour coach (click for picture)- 26 seats, only 6-10 persons per bus.

  For Private Tour:

  ★Private tour is suitable for those individual or family travelers who is not willing to join the tour group, it may not feel very free when following the group. A designated car and private guide will follow you to go to the place you like, this package cost higher than coach tour.

  ★Vehicle mode: private luxury car or MPV van (click for picture)

  For the private tour, you also need to go to one or two shopping stops every day.

  Tour Price includes:

  1. Pick-up and drop-off from your hotel.

  2. Air-conditioned car, van or minibus for your private group.

  3. Entrance tickets of the sightseeings.

  4. English-speaking tour guide explain the sightseeings along the tour.

  5. Typical Chinese lunch.

  6. Chinese Jade shop visit.

  Tour Package excludes:

  Fee of cable car - cable car to the highest point of Great Wall, 60 RMB ($7.4)

  Note: Children taller than 1.1 meter should be charged as full price, children shorter than 1.1 meter should be charged only half of the price.

  How to Book?

  1. You can book online or by email, tell us which hotel to pick you up, then receive our confirmation email.

  2. When you arrive in Beijing, our tour guide will call you the night before the tour, if you are not in hotel room, we will leave a message in your room, to inform the time to pick you up in the next morning.

  Payment Methods: 1.Cash to tour guide 2.Credit card 3.PayPal 4.Bank remit (wire transfer)

  9. If a group of 26 Americans want to have a one-day tour in Beijing, they can


  A. share the same bus

  B. take 6 coaches at most

  C. take 3 coaches at least

  D. not speak English

  10. For private tour,


  A. travellers can ask the tour guide to change the travel schedule

  B. travellers should pay the same amount of money as the coach tour

  C. travellers must pay additional money for the entrance tickets

  D. travellers needn’t pay additional money for the cable car

  11. This passage is most probably taken from


  A. a travel guide

  B. a newspaper

  C. a magazine

  D. the Internet



  British men are encouraged to cry.

  There are certain things British men like to believe about themselves. The first is that one day they will again win the World Cup. They also believe they do not cry.

  Over the centuries, Britons are believed to have a “stiff upper lip”. But is this true?

  Yes, it is. A recent study arranged by Kleenex on how the British express their emotions reveals that 95 percent of them still contain their emotions.

  Moreover, while 72 percent think this is unhealthy, 19 percent can’t remember the last time they “let it out”. As a result, Kleenex is launching the “Let It Out” campaign that encourages Britons to grab a tissue and have a good cry.

  These days, however, the male Briton’s attitude toward crying is changing. Though the majority still struggles to open up emotionally, a 2004 study by Oxford’s Social Issues Research Center found that 77 percent of British men considered crying in public increasingly acceptable. Half of London males admitted crying in front of their mothers. Scotsmen are the least emotional, although they are the most likely to cry at weddings.

  Peter Marsh, director of the center, said: “Crying can now indicate sensitivity rather than weakness. Like with David Beckham, crying because you’re dropping off your boy at nursery isn’t seen as weak.”

  Winston Churchill was said to be a frequent crier, shedding tears at seeing a survivor in an air raid shelter (防空洞), and when he saw his wife after a long absence.

  Psychologists say that while society has accepted that men can cry, there are limits. Ronald Bracey, a consulting psychologist, said: “If a man began to cry when he was having stitches (缝针)in hospital, he would be considered as a wimp(软弱的人). Men still need to be seen as strong when it comes to physical pain.”

  1. What does the passage mainly deal with?

  A. Impression of British men.

  B. British men’s dream of the World Cup.

  C. Advice on how to control emotions.

  D. Different attitudes British men have towards crying.

  2. Which of the following concerning the British men is NOT true according to the passage?

  A. They are supposed to easily control emotions over the centuries.

  B. They are confident that they will again get successful in the World Cup.

  C. About 50% of British men admitted crying before their mothers.

  D. Nowadays, the male Briton’s attitude toward crying is changing.

  3. The word “contain”in Paragraph 4 means______. 

  A. store B. hold back

  C. include D. stir up

  4. What does the author think of the British men’s crying?

  A. They should cry if hurt.

  B. They should keep firm not to cry to show they are not wimps.

  C. They should be brave in face of physical pain and cry if necessary when facing other problems.

  D. They should “let it out”whatever problems they meet with.



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